Cannot edit HAML files in carlhuda - janus VIM distro - vim

I switched from my own VIM setup to janus recently. I really like the organization.
When I tried to edit and save HAML files, I got following error.
Error detected while processing function <SNR>44_UpdateErrors..<SNR>44_RefreshSigns..<SNR>44_SignErrors:
line 12:
E474: Invalid argument
How can I fix this issue?

probably, it will fix with fixing following line in your vimrc.
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=0

It was an error with syntastic plugin. I created an issue at GitHub.
scrooloose has fixed this issue.
You can find the patch here
Simply run
inside your ~/.vim directory. It'll update the syntastic plugin.


Unknown function: htmlcomplete#DetectOmniFlavor

When I use vim to open one markdown file. i meet the following issue.
My Vim version is 7.4 and i use it on MacBook Pro with OS X Yosemite.
The following are the vim plugins i installed:
Anybody can help on this? many thanks:-)
Adding runtimepath
I got this error after I installed the Vim plugin YouCompleteMe. After I updated my html5.vim Vim plugin the issue disappeared for me.
You're missing the $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim script; in your case, it should be at /usr/local/Cellar/vim/7.4.488/share/vim/vim74/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim. If it really isn't there, try reinstalling Vim. Else, it might be a problem with your 'runtimepath'.
Edit: It is the latter; your 'runtimepath' has ~/.vim twice, at the beginning and end, no after directories, and not the .../share/vim/vim74 global one. Find our what messed up your 'runtimepath'.

Cannot install the easytags vim plugin

I would really like to use easytags, but after following Odding's installation instructions, that is first installing misc and then installing easytags, at startup vim is throwing the "misc is not installed,easytags is broken" error. I am just unzipping them into my vim directory as I have always done with other plugins.. Any suggestions? thanks!
Installation is indeed a simple unzipping of both and into the same ~/.vim/ directory.
Check out the :scriptnames command from Vim to see whether all files got successfully sourced. After a manual :runtime autoload/xolox/misc.vim, it should contain entries like:
205: ~/.vim/autoload/xolox/misc.vim
278: ~/.vim/plugin/easytags.vim
If you're still facing problems, please open an issue on the plugin's issue tracker.

How to set up syntastic for vim?

So I git cloned the repository to ~/.vim/bundle and had pathogen installed. I can be sure pathogen works fine since my other plugins in bundle are all working fine. After googling for a while, it seems that syntastic should work out of box for c code. I also checked that I have all the executables specified in syntastic/syntax_checkers/c/.
Here is a part of my .vimrc file:
" syntastic
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1
let g:syntastic_disabled_filetypes=['html']
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
When I open a *.c file and do :SyntasticCheck, nothing happens. There is no errors complaining command not found, so syntastic is loaded. However, even if the *.c file that's currently opened contains errors syntax error, syntastic is not showing anything.
It is the first time I use syntastic so I don't really know the correct way to invoke it.
I also tried :SyntasticCheck [c] and I get the following error message:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>_22_UpdateErrors..<SNR>22_CacheErrors:
line 16:
E121: Undefined variable: checkers
E15: Invalid expression: checkers
Can someone tell me what I did wrong and how to invoke syntastic?
Try adding this to your vimrc:
let g:syntastic_check_on_open=1
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
(This is lifted straight from my vimrc, which has some other Syntastic settings if you'd like.)
I don't really understand the reason, but when I re-installed the YouCompleteMe plugin for vim with ./ --clang-completer. Syntastic works like charm.
Installing clang and/or ctags packages fixed this for me
I did two things and then Syntastic started to behave as expected with JS files and ESlint. Can't tell which one did the trick:
1- In the project's directory ran eslint --init.
2- Started vim opening the file without the -S flag.
Before it failed silently, no errors and no diagnostics. This is how ESlint behaves when there is no configuration file.

fuzzyfinder: Error detected while processing function <SNR>19_onCommandPre

When typing an command, I get an error like this:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>19_onCommandPre..fuf#mrucmd#onCommandPre..<SNR>25_updateInfo..fuf#updateMruList:
line 2:
E121: Undefined variable: word
line 5:
E121: Undefined variable: word
Is it a bug or just cause by my incorrect configuration?
I set let g:fuf_modesDisable=[] in my .vimrc.
And the vim version I use if vim 7.3, the fuzzyfinder version is fuzzyfinder 4.2.2
I had the same (or very similar) problem. I've filed issues against FuzzyFinder.
If you follow the link you will find the details of my investigation together with solution.
If nothing else work I believe that wiping out ~/.vim-fuf-data directory will do. But better to try what is described in the issue first (~/.vim-fuf-data/mrufile/items).
I encountered the same error. Deleting the FuzzyFinder data file fixed the issue for me. Of course I am starting from scratch now, but it works!
Delete the following:
Just doing a plugin install seemed to fix the issue for me

Getting E488 errors using Pathogen with Vim

I'm trying to use Pathogen to manage my vim add-ons under Ubuntu so I can do some rails development but following all the examples leads to a ton of E488 Trailing characters: errors when I run vim.
Here is my .vimrc not that it's much to look at...
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
Has anyone experienced this and if so how did you fix it?
It might be that your file is in the wrong format (dos instead of unix).
Try the following:
$ dos2unix .vimrc
I turned up my scroll buffer so I could see the original error and it ended up being gist.vim which is for some reason an html file.. removing this plugin fixed everything.
