Dlopen Error in Linux while using GLES 2 PowerVR libs? - linux

I was using powervr sdk gles 2 libs in linux in gamekit/ogre for building an application. I get the error
"dlopen tries:libGL.so" after which application crashes.
I tried debugging using DDD etc but couldnt isolate much.
How do I fix this in linux(Ubuntu 10.10)?
Does linux refer to some default in built libs while running dlopen?

A library name like libGL.so is only used for linking at compile time. When run-time linking, you should be using the SONAME; something like libGL.so.1. If that library has any dependencies, they must also be available. Try running 'ldd /path/to/libGL.so.1' and see if there are any missing libraries. Also, make sure that you're pointing to the correct libGL; there could be a few versions on your system, each optimized for different graphics cards.


How to link against system libraries and not Matlab's provided libraries

We have Matlab R2017a installed on a RHEL 7.3 machine and I can provide verbose installation instructions if necessary. We have the Matlab library paths saved in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/matlab.conf and have run ldconfig to make sure the paths get picked up. Matlab works and everything is functional. However, Matlab seems to come bundled with it's own versions of libraries such as libstdc++, libicui18n, and others.
I'm trying to build and link a non-Matlab executable with the two libraries mentioned above and it's linking against Matlab's and not the system. How can I tell the linker to use the system provided libraries? I'm pretty sure this isn't a Matlab-specific problem, but that happens to be the environment I'm working in. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what our /etc/ld.so.conf.d/matlab.conf file looks like. Based on some testing, it does look like all three of these are necessary.
There are libraries installed in the runtime that depend on libraries installed in sys/os. The libraries in sys/os are the ones conflicting with the RHEL system libraries (such as libstdc++).

How to cross compile node modules from Windows to Linux?

Here's the situation :
I have written a small node application on Windows. This application requires a few non-core node modules such as 'ffi' and 'express'. I have installed those with npm and everything works fine.
Now I want to port this application on an embedded build root linux distribution, which has no compiler nor internet access.
At first, as js is interpreted, I thought just copying the modules would do but I got 'invalid ELF header' errors so it seems those modules require compilation and are thus OS dependent.
Issue :
So I would like to generate those modules for this embedded linux distribution from my Windows machine.
I allready have the cross-compiler, as I use it for my main application on this embedded linux (via cmake and eclipse).
--> How can I generate those modules ?
Do I need is to generate a makefile which targets the right OS ? If so, how ?
Or do I need to use gyp ? If so, how ?
Is there another way ?
(If absolutely necessary, I could use a linux in a virtual machine but this would make it much heavier and I'd still need cross compilation so this is the last resort).
I am a C/C++ Windows developper. I have little to no experience with Node, js and linux so please be explicit in your answers.
Thank you very much.
For information, it appears it's not possible, we've had to abandon this method and do something else.

Program package to work with all the Linux distribution

I'm currently working on a Linux project. This project needs to run under every Linux distribution (without installing any package/libraries/others for the clients) and it's a bit hard to do it well.
I already tried to do it myself, see this, i have also tried to use CDE but it didn't work well since i got an error with some distribution. For example:
Ubuntu 8.04: Impossible to read the header ELF
Debian 7.8: version of GLIBC_2.14 not found
So, i would like to know if there is a way to get a package of my program who can run under every Linux distribution.
Edit: I would like to avoid the static compilation, since my program is pretty big.
There are big differences between linux distributions, especially version of libraries and package management system.
The only way how to do it is to build/compile your project against all libraries you need to use statically, and distribute them with your project.
For example skype and ejabberd do it this way.

Portable Linux Compiled Executable with OpenGL / Mesa3D

I have been reading up on cross platform development with OpenGL for games. We are looking at developing a game which will be available to Linux users too. I have however come across something I am not quite getting my head around.
How to create a portable linux executable? Specifically how to get the various different versions of OpenGL / Mesa3D to work in one (or more) executable file/s (we do not want to distribute the source).
Over on Linux Questions http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/hardware-acceleration-using-opengl-and-x11-876634/ someone goes in to detail on how Mesa3D / OpenGL work but what I am struggling to see is how I would go about using each distro's version of Mesa3D within my compiled executable (not even sure if it is possible).
From what I can tell I am required to dynamically link parts of the application together on each users machine, possibly through the use of an installer? If this is the case can we part compile the program and link at runtime for Mesa3D / OpenGL much like OpenGL's dll's can do on Windows?
Just link your executable dynamically against libGL.so and be done with it. The binary interface of that is common among all implementations of OpenGL.
From what I can tell I am required to dynamically link parts of the application together on each users machine, possibly through the use of an installer?
Not you do the linking and neither does a installer. The dynamic linking happens automatically when the executable is loaded. Dynamic linking is how DLLs get loaded in Windows and the *nix counterpart Shared Objects (.so) on *nix.
When building your program, you add the option -lGL to the linker command line and it will add a dynamic linkage entry to libGL.so to the exeutable. That you can then redistribute. When the program gets started on the target system, the dynamic linker will locate the libGL.so and load it.

anyway to write dlls in linux?

Is there anyway to write dlls in linux?
Do I have to install windows to write dlls in linux? Right now one of my courses requires me to write a dll for this.
You should take a look into 'shared libraries'
Lots of folks are getting near the right answer but not providing it: gcc can generate win32 PE/COFF files without problem, and of course can always build as a cross compiler on any platform it can target. The binutils port targets windows .exe and .dll files natively, and there's a "dlltool" utility for handling the edge cases where Unix and Windows linkage metaphors are different.
Additionally, the "mingw32" project provides a set of link libraries and header files for building C applications against the win32 API. These likewise install just fine on any Unix.
Here's a site I turned up after a quick google with instructions for building the toolchain.
Not really. Building any kind of executable intended for OS "A" while using OS "B" is a process commonly known as cross-compilation. In this partciluar case, you would need a cross-compiler running on Linux, but targetting Windows. I don't know any vendor selling such a product.
