What is wrong with the following haskell typeclass instance? - haskell

data II = I Int Int deriving (Show)
instance II Show where
show I a b = show (a+b)
showt.hs:3:2: show' is not a (visible) method of classII'

The class name should come before the type in the instance declaration. You also need to remove the deriving clause, since you're providing your own instance instead of using one that's automatically derived. You also need to add parenthesis around the single argument to show, otherwise it looks like 3 arguments to the parser.
data II = I Int Int
instance Show II where
show (I a b) = show (a+b)


Overlapping instance for Show

Suppose we have the following:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Sample where
newtype A a =
A a
deriving (Show)
newtype L a =
L [a]
class ListContainer l where
getList :: l a -> [a]
instance ListContainer L where
getList (L l) = l
instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a) where
show = const "example"
With this code, ghc complains:
warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
• Overlapping instances for Show (A a)
    arising from a use of ‘GHC.Show.$dmshowList’
  Matching instances:
    instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:18:10
    instance Show a => Show (A a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:7:13
• In the expression: GHC.Show.$dmshowList #(A a)
  In an equation for ‘showList’:
      showList = GHC.Show.$dmshowList #(A a)
  When typechecking the code for ‘showList’
    in a derived instance for ‘Show (A a)’:
    To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
  In the instance declaration for ‘Show (A a)’
warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
• Overlapping instances for Show (A a)
    arising from a use of ‘GHC.Show.$dmshow’
  Matching instances:
    instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:18:10
    instance Show a => Show (A a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:7:13
• In the expression: GHC.Show.$dmshow #(A a)
  In an equation for ‘show’: show = GHC.Show.$dmshow #(A a)
  When typechecking the code for ‘show’
    in a derived instance for ‘Show (A a)’:
    To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
  In the instance declaration for ‘Show (A a)’
I can understand that it thinks type a can either derive Show, or derive ListContainer, which may result in Show.
How do we avoid that?
I understand that there exists a function showList, but its signature is a bit foreign. I do already have a function that I intend to use to display certain lists, which returns String directly.
I can understand that it thinks type a can either derive Show, or derive ListContainer, which may result in Show.
That is not what it thinks.
When Haskell chooses class instance, it doesn't look at instance constraints at all. All it considers when choosing an instance is the instance head (the thing that comes right after class name).
In your Show instance, the instance head is l a. This instance head matches A a (by assuming l = A). It also matches a lot of other things by the way - for example, it matches Maybe a (where l = Maybe), and Either b a (with l = Either b), and Identity a, and IO a - pretty much every type with a type parameter, come to think of it. It doesn't matter that neither A nor Maybe nor IO have an instance of ListContainer, because like I said above, Haskell doesn't look at constraints when choosing instances, only at instance heads.
It is only after finding a matching instance (by matching on its head) that Haskell will check if that instance's constraints are in fact satisfied. And will complain if they aren't. But it will never go back and try to pick another instance instead.
So coming back to your example: since A now has two matching Show instances - its own derived one and the Show (l a) one that you wrote, - the compiler complains that they are overlapping.
In your example you can just remove instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a) and add deriving (Show) to L definition.
Alternatively you can remove deriving (Show) from A definition.
If you want you code behave as it is now remove deriving (Show) and implement it explicitly
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show a => Show (A a)
show (A a) = "A " ++ show a

I get an error when i try deriving eq. How can i fix this?

I am getting this error:
No instance for (Eq T1)
arising from the first field of TT' (typeMatrix T1')
Possible fix:
use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
so you can specify the instance context yourself
When deriving the instance for (Eq TT)
20 | } deriving (Eq, Ord)
and I don't know why and how I can fix this ( error is the same for Ord)
Here's my code:
import Data.Matrix
data T1 = T1 { x :: Char
, y :: Int
, z :: Int
instance Show T1 where
show t1 = [(x t1)]
data TT = TT { myMap :: Matrix T1
, flag :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
Any idea?
In your example, a value of type TT contains a value of type T1; thus, to equate two values of type TT, you also need to know how to equate two values of type T1. But you haven't defined an Eq instance for T1! Add a deriving (Eq) clause to T1 and the error will go away. The same applies to Ord.
In general, if you have a type A, which contains a value of type B, in order to derive a typeclass on A, you need to derive that same typeclass on B. As described above, this occurs because in order to implement the methods of that typeclass on A, you need to already know how that typeclass behaves on B e.g. you can't equate A values unless you know how B values are equal (which is your example above). Another example: if you want to show values of type A as a String, you need to be able to convert B to a string.

New type declaring functions?

I'm familiar with the newtype declaration:
newtype MyAge = Age {age :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
In this instance Age is an Int, however I've come across the code below and I can't understand it:
newtype Ages a = Ages {age :: String -> [(a,String)]}
This appears to be a function declaration? (takes string, returns list of tuples containing 'a' and string) - is this correct?
N.B I've just realized this is just basic record syntax to declare a function.
Additionally, I've tried to implement this type, but I must be doing something wrong:
newtype Example a = Example {ex :: Int -> Int}
myexample = Example {ex = (\x -> x + 1)}
This compiles, however I don't understand why as I haven't passed the 'a' parameter?
This appears to be a function declaration?
Yes. Specifically, String -> [(a,String)] is a function type. A newtype declaration is analogous to a simple wrapper around any given type. There's no restriction that says you can't make it based on a function type, and it works in exactly the same way.
Also remember that you can always replace newtype with data; in this case, thinking about the resulting type as a record type that has a field that is a function might be helpful; newtype is just a special, optimized case.
One other thing to mention is that your two lines also differ in that the second one is parametrized over a. This can of course be used with regular types:
newtype MyWrapper a = MyWrapper a
or a function type can be newtype-d without parametrisation
newtype MyFunction = MyFunction (Float -> Float)
You can also write the above using the record syntax that gives you the "getter" function as well.

Retrieve hidden type of a phantom type

I declared a a phantom type like this with Haskell.
newtype Length (a::UnitLength) b = Length b deriving (Eq,Show)
data UnitLength = Meter
| KiloMeter
| Miles
deriving (Eq,Show)
Now, I would like to write some functions to use this type. But I didn't happened to see and use the hidden type.
Is it possible to retrieve the hidden type a of the phantom type Length to perform test, pattern matching, .... ?
If you want a runtime representation of the phantom type you have used, you have to use what we call a singleton. It has precisely one constructor for each ones of the constructors in UnitLength and their types say precisely which constructor we are considering:
data SUnitLength (a :: UnitLength) where
SMeter :: SUnitLength Meter
SKiloMeter :: SUnitLength KiloMeter
SMiles :: SUnitLength Miles
Now that you have this you can for instance write a display function picking the right unit abbreviation depending on the phantom parameter:
display :: Show b => SUnitLength a -> Length a b -> String
display sa l = show (payload l) ++
case sa of
SKiloMeter -> "km"
_ -> "m"
Now, that does not really match your demand: the parameter a is available in the type Length a b but we somehow still have to manufacture the witness by hand. That's annoying. One way to avoid this issue is to define a type class doing that work for us. CUnitLength a tells us that provided a value of type Length a b, we can get a witness SUnitLength a of the shape a has.
class CUnitLength (a :: UnitLength) where
getUnit :: Length a b -> SUnitLength a
It is easy for us to write instances of CUnitLength for the various UnitLength constructors: getUnit can even ignore its argument!
instance CUnitLength Meter where
getUnit _ = SMeter
instance CUnitLength KiloMeter where
getUnit _ = SKiloMeter
instance CUnitLength Miles where
getUnit _ = SMiles
So why bother with getUnit's argument? Well if we remove it, getUnit needs to somehow magically guess which a it is suppose to describe. Sometimes it's possible to infer that ̀a based on the expected type at the call site but sometimes it's not. Having the Length a b argument guarantees that all calls will be unambiguous. We can always recover a simpler getUnit' anyway:
getUnit' :: CUnitLength a => SUnitLength a
getUnit' = getUnit (undefined :: Length a ())
Which leads us to the last definition display' which has the same role as display but does not require the extra argument:
display' :: (CUnitLength a, Show b) => Length a b -> String
display' = display getUnit'
I have put everything (including the LANGUAGE extensions, and the definition of payload to extract a b from Length a b) in a self-contained gist in case you want to play with the code.

Showing the type A -> A

data A = Num Int
| Fun (A -> A) String deriving Show
instance Show (Fun (A -> A) String) where
show (Fun f s) = s
I would like to have an attribute for a function A -> A to print it, therefore there is a String type parameter to Fun. When I load this into ghci, I get
Not in scope: type constructor or class `Fun'
I guess this could be achieved by adding a new data type
data FunWithAttribute = FA (A -> A) String
adding data A = Num Int | Fun FunWithAttribute and writing an instance Show FunWithAttribute. Is the additional data type avoidable?
Instances are defined for types as a whole, not individual constructors, which is why it complains about Fun not being a type.
I assume your overall goal is to have a Show instance for A, which can't be derived because functions can't (in general) have a Show instance. You have a couple options here:
Write your own Show instance outright:
That is, something like:
instance Show A where
show (Num n) = "Num " ++ show n
show (Fun _ s) = s
In many cases, this makes the most sense. But sometimes it's nicer to derive Show, especially on complex recursive types where only one case of many is not automatically Show-able.
Make A derivable:
You can only derive Show for types that contain types that themselves have Show instances. There's no instance for A -> A, so deriving doesn't work. But you can write one that uses a placeholder of some sort:
instance Show (A -> A) where
show _ = "(A -> A)"
Or even just an empty string, if you prefer.
Note that this requires the FlexibleInstances language extension; it's one of the most harmless and commonly used extensions, is supported by multiple Haskell implementations, and the restrictions it relaxes are (in my opinion) a bit silly to begin with, so there's little reason to avoid it.
An alternate approach would be to have a wrapper type, as you mention in the question. You could even make this more generic:
data ShowAs a = ShowAs a String
instance Show (ShowAs a) where
show (ShowAs _ s) = s
...and then use (ShowAs (A -> A)) in the Fun constructor. This makes it a bit awkward by forcing you to do extra pattern matching any time you want to use the wrapped type, but it gives you lots of flexibility to "tag" stuff with how it should be displayed, e.g. showId = id `ShowAs` "id" or suchlike.
Perhaps I'm not following what you are asking for. But the above code could be written like this in order to compile:
data A = Num Int
| Fun (A -> A) String
instance Show A where
show (Fun f s) = s
show (Num i) = show i
Some explanation
It looked like you were trying to write a show instance for a constructor (Fun). Class instances are written for the entire data type (there might be exceptions, dunno). So you need to write one show matching on each constructor as part of the instance. Num and Fun are each constructors of the data type A.
Also, deriving can't be used unless each parameter of each constructor is, in turn, member of, in this case, Show. Now, your example is a bit special since it wants to Show (A -> A). How to show a function is somewhat explained in the other responses, although I don't think there is an exhaustive way. The other examples really just "show" the type or some place holder.
A Show instance (or any class instance) needs to be defined for a data type, not for a type constructor. That is, you need simply
instance Show A where
Apparently, you're trying to get this instance with the deriving, but that doesn't work because Haskell doesn't know how to show A->A. Now it seems you don't even want to show that function, but deriving Show instances always show all available information, so you can't use that.
The obvious, and best, solution to your problem is worldsayshi's: don't use deriving at all, but define a proper instance yourself. Alternatively, you can define a pseudo-instance for A->A and then use deriving:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
data A = Num Int | Fun (A->A) String deriving(Show)
instance Show (A->A) where show _ = ""
This works like
Prelude> Fun (const $ Num 3) "bla"
Fun "bla"
