Implement multilingual structure in CodeIgniter - .htaccess

I am working on a social networking site and we are using CodeIgniter for it, can someone please guide me how I can actually implement the Facebook like multilingual sub-domain structure, that what will be the best approach to implement it, like how the .htaccess should be managed and how the code should be managed, if any of you have suggestions please share with me.

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How to add a blog section to a website without using wordpress? Is there a way to integrate Headless CMS?

I'm trying to figure out how to add a blog section to my brother's website and I don't want to write everything from scratch. He suggested to use Headless CMS like Strapi, but I can't find anywhere how to incorporate it on the website. Will very much appreciate some feedback from you! Thanks.

Node and WordPress routing and setup

Here's what I'm wanting to do:
I want to run my front-end website with Node, but I want to use WordPress as my blog (self-hosted). Therefore have use my wordpress posts and such and actually handle the blogging aspect and Node.js handle the rest of the website.
I'm not a WordPress fanboy, but it does blogging pretty well, makes it simple and I would like to be able to have a content creator use it for uploading my posts.
I'm trying to think through alternatives that are not painful, but would really like opinions on this. I'd rather not use a sub-domain for this.
If this seems like a reasonable option, what would the best way to accomplish this.
The easiest way (assuming that you will have PHP running on the server) would be to:
Upload wordpress to
During the setup, be sure to select that wordpress will reside at
After you do that, everything at or below /blog/ will be handled by Wordpress, and the rest of your website will be pure Node. - to -

I am just wondering how can I do this with my domain.
I have a support page on my website and access it like:
but I want to do it like
It might be a simple question with a very simple answer but I am having trouble and confusion regarding this.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are a myriad of ways to do this, the simplest being a simple 302 redirect on the page. Depending on your web server setup, you could also setup a .htaccess file to implement the redirect.

Basic redirecting to a modern server, while keeping the domain name

Apologies if this has been beaten to death, but all I've been able to find are overly technical articles.
My question is simple:
A friend at the university wants to start a website. He wants to use a university domain name ( The problem is that I want to build it with WordPress, but the university is still using PHP4, so WP isn't possible!!
Can I setup a .htaccess file or similar so that when someone goes to, the urls look right, but the pages are actually coming from WordPress on a different server?
Is this what they call 'domain masking' or is it a '301' redirect?
Help appreciated!
You could use an IFrame to load the wordpress site in and make it look like it's being served up on the same site.

Can you configure a Wordpress-based site for private use only?

If I build a site using Wordpress, is there a straightforward way to restrict access to the whole site to only those who I specify?
I've looked a few plugins that attempt to redirect unregistered users to the login page, but most seem old, fragile, or generally just hacks.
I want to know if a standard Wordpress installation lets you do this, or otherwise if there's a decent and secure plugin to do it. I need a solution that doesn't involve changing the default wordpress PHP scripts as I don't have direct access to the server. It's quite important that the solution is secure.
Any help or past experience would be appreciated.
EDIT: Apologies if this is better suited to, wasn't aware this existed. Please move if necessary :-)
The new version of WP, I believe v 3.1.2, has this option for pages and posts under the quick edit.
You can set a password per post / page or mark them as private.
