p4 remove old copies of submitted files - perforce

How do I remove old copies of edited/submitted p4 files: edited_this_already.ext~?
I can remove them via Unix command, but can p4 do this?

If it's not in the depot under source control then Perforce doesn't know anything about the file so it can't delete it.
You're safe to use the OS commands to delete the files.

Depending on which editor you use, you can probably configure the editor so that it does not make these backup files. For example, with 'vim', use ':set nobackup' in your startup script (or, if you want Vim to make the backup files, but put them somewhere else, try ':set backupdir').


How to detect if folder is under Perforce/ source control

I need to find out if file/folder is under specific source control.
The easiest way of doing this is to find some hidden folders. (this does not guaranty that partifical file is under source control, but with some probality says that this source control was used )
It's quite straightforward with SVN, GIT, as they have hidden folders.
But I can not find the same things for Perforce and ClearCase. Are there any universal way to understand what VSC is used in those paricular cases?
Perforce does not litter the drive, but keeps the info on the server. Also, files can be mapped in different structures, and mixed with non-controlled files, so it's not something you can determine by looking at the file itself.
However you can simply ask Perforce. For example, at the CLI:
Will give you info about a file if it is under source control.
If you need to script it for Perforce, there is an option (-s) that makes things easier (since the exit code of p4 doesn't indicate success or failure of the Perforce command). So, for bourne-like shells something like this should work:
if p4 -s fstat FILENAME | grep 'exit: 0' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "Perforce knows this file"
echo "Perforce don't care"
For ClearCase, you will find a hidden file named view.dat at the root directory of a (snapshot) view .
If the file is under M:\ (Windows) or /view/vobs (Unix), no need to look for an hidden file or directory: you know it is a dynamic view.
Another way is to execute, in the parent directory of a file:
cleartool lsview -cview.
If that directory is in a view, that command will return its name.
Similarly, i you can run a command like p4 reconcile or p4 status, and it doesn't return an error, chances are you are in a Perforce workspace.

Get vim to modify the file instead of moving the new version on it?

I want my app to update automatically when I save my files. So I use inotify (ubuntu) to create watchers that detect the events.
The issue is vim overwrites the file instead of updating it. So my watcher is lost after the first update.
I wonder, is there a way to setup vim so it doesn't use swap files and updates directly the file ?
(I tried :set noswapfile and the -n option, that removes the swap file without changing the behaviour)
You can do this:
:set backupcopy=yes
With Vim, you can control this via the 'backupcopy' setting; however, I once took an alternative route and monitored the directories, not the files themselves:
inotifywait --quiet --monitor --event modify --format '%w%f' "$dir"
This required some more processing in my script (checking whether the modified file matches my list), but also enabled me to capture newly created files, too.

Perforce changing the default editor

I use perforce for my revision control, when I hit 'p4 change' it always opens up the list on emacs, and we all know the pain of deleting text in it. How do i change it to gedit or vim or anything else? My default text editor is gedit.
On the command line, set P4EDITOR either as an environment variable or in the P4CONFIG file.
From the command line,
p4 set P4EDITOR="C:\File Editor\editor.exe"
You can test that this was successfull by running the following command after, which should launch your desired editor.
p4 workspace
I had similar problem on my Windows system.
It always used to open clumsy notepad.
I am more comfortable with TextPad, so to change default perforce editor, I made following changes:
I opened System Properties and added new environment variable as following:
Name: `P4EDITOR`
Value: `C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe`
After that open a new CMD and there you go !!!
For Notepad++ I needed to use this command -multiInst to trigger edits.
p4 set P4EDITOR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe -multiInst"
Try setting the EDITOR environment variable. Also, the command line p4 should have an option to specify an editor. Also, the .p4config file might have something as well.
Also need to check if EDITOR/P4EDITOR path is correct. If path is wrong, perforce will choose previously working editor.
In the case of WSL, likely your p4 binary is provided for Windows platform as the path and operations are most compatible there, so it's p4.exe most likely. Then simple wawy of setting editor in P4EDITOR is not just enough, we have to convert input argument of filepath which is provided in Windows-based into Linux path.
This solution dated back 19 years ago still works
The concept is to
Create a bash/shell script that accept the argument.
Then in the script we can use wslpath $1 to convert Windows path into Linux path.
The script can be just
vim `wslpath $1`
I thought I might not be able to use Vim to edit change, or client spec of perforce and have to end up using whatever provided like Notepad (not against it, but I just want to use Vim). This solution works for me.

How can I open for edit 10k perforce files using list of files as parameter?

I have 10k perforce files mentioned in my file.txt.
I need to open them using p4 edit command.
I expect some command like "p4 edit ?????file.txt". Can you help me to check these files out?
You can use the -x flag on p4. This is assuming a UNIX shell.
cat file.txt | p4 -x - edit
I assume you have some copy of directories structure where you have changes, and now you need to add those files to a change list. Which is impossible to do without checking them out. Am I right?
If I needed to change that much amount of files, I would do like this:
Copy all files I wanted to check in replacing read-only files (Wondows Explorer can do that)
In P4V go to a directory you need to check out files in, and then call "Reconcile offline work".
In appeared dialog choose all files.
Get new changelist with changed files being checked out.
I used this solution a couple of times - it works for added, changed and deleted files.
Just use below command to edit all files present in file.txt
p4 -x file.txt edit

How to get Mercurial to ignore Vim's .swp file?

I tried to pull some changes while I had some files opened in vim, and while committing and merging and the sort, ended up coming up with:
alex#adebian:~/cs4290/p3$ hg status
R test
! project3_framework/protocols/.MI_protocol.cpp.swp
! project3_framework/protocols/.MSI_protocol.cpp.swp
I added a .hgignore file in my project with the following:
syntax: glob
I've since closed my vim session (removing the files) yet the files keep showing up. How do I get mercurail to ignore the .swp files?
! sign means that mercurial cannot find the file that has been already added to the repository. So you need to forget or remove those files at first. After that - they will not appear anymore in the status since you have ignored them.
I agree with zerkms... forget or remove those files to get rid of the !. Also, as you've probably noticed, simply creating a .hgignore file with some content does not go through the repository and remove matching files. If you've added foo.c to your project and then you create the following .hgignore:
syntax: glob
foo.c will still be a part of the project - you would need to remove it explicitly.
You can use
set directory=c:\\workfiles\\
in your .vimrc to write swap files in a "special" folder
