Help in QT programming with QThread class, how to use it - multithreading

So I realize my explanantion wasn't too clear last time so I will try again.
I have a program that has a sensor class that gets values from the Lego NXT sensor every 40 miliseconds or so. I also have another draw class (i believe running in the same thread) that draws and moves cars every 1 milisecond using opengl in a virtual world. Now the problem is whenever my sensors are getting information the cars are very laggy and move slowly, but when the sensors are off and not getting and input data the cars run smoothly. How do I fix this problem, I believe i need to create another thread but im not sure how to do that?
note: The sensors have nothing to do with the cars.

It's not so easy to give a generic answer to threading. Qt gives you various classes to implement threading so it's good to take a look at examples. In general you do not need threading with Qt except if you have a blocking api which I guess your sensor module/class is.
Here is a nice video showing live how to create an object that runs on another thread. You can try to implement the LenghtyOperation in the demo as your class that reads data from your sensors and then emit signals to update your GUI thread.
Here is another link: Threading without the headache


I want to use pyQt5 to design an interactive GUI

Discretion: I would like a general guidance for an approach to a project I am working on, so the question is very broad.
I am currently trying to build a GUI to make serial communication with an arduino, a usb camera (the camera has its own python library for controls), and handle real-time data in .dat format that gets updated as this GUI is running.
Right now, I am using threading on python in order to do all of these simultaneously, and I only interact with the script by using input function on python. Once threads start running, I cannot really interact with this script.
I have 3 separate threads running: 1. thread that saves images from the camera 2. thread that sends signals to arduino in every given random timing. 3. thread that waits for an input to terminate the main thread.
Everything works as I desire, but I wish to add GUI to make things more straight forward for others to use the program.
I realized that Qt actually offers all the capabilities that I wish to implement as a part of this program. Yet, I cannot fully understand the scope of Qt library functions I will need to implement everything.
My understanding is that I could use a combination of QWidgets, QTimer and QThreads to try something, but I would like to have some guidance on a more conventional approach to designing such GUI interface to do multitasking. I would like to also display real-time data on graphs including images from the camera and recording voltage data from the data files that gets updated through another program (data gets written to another folder). The program requires tracking of time from finish to end, and I know that threading can be very confusing when it comes to tracking these times. Any reference will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you all.

Is this a decent structure for a multithreaded videocoacher program?

Hi I’m currently working on a project for a videocoacher program for recording and replaying video, as well as showing delayed real-time video, and tracking placement via color.
The software is running on linux , on a 4 core odroid, and initially I started to make it multi threaded with threads implemented as a part of each new class. Each of these threads taking care of their own gui elements.
I’ve later found out that I need to show all gui elements/video in the main/gui thread. Earlier I’ve used opencv and boost. But it seems like using the Qt might be a better idea since some of the code already depends on the QT library. I am currently a novice at programming, and not very familiar with either opencv, qt, or threading.
My question is:
Is this relatively sound as a structure for the program, or is there something inherently wrong with how I am planning to do it now?
Main/GUI Thread
will show all visual & video content
will start a thread for ButtonControl object
will handle all button input, controlling what happens in the program
depending on what buttons are pressed will start and end threads
StoreToFile object ( starts storing video to a file, while sending a
video stream to GUI thread to show what it is storing in real-time)
ReadFromFile object ( reads the file currently stored and sends data
to display it in GUI thread
DelayedVideoStream object (stores video to buffer, and shows a
continuous delayed view of what happened 5seconds in the past)
ColorTracking object (tracks where a color placement is in the image
Kind regards, and thank you for taking the time to look at my question.
TLDR - is a structure where threads are implemented as classes and the image data is sent back to the gui/main thread a decent way to do a multithreaded program ?
Performance-wise, the best approach is not to deal with threads directly at all, but use QtConcurrent::run. It is safe to paint QImages that are simply passed via signals to a GUI object to display. I wrote a complete example demonstrating that approach. It leads to some very concise and easy-to-understand code thanks to related code being adjacent.
If you do want to use explicit threads, it will be much easier not to derive from QThread, but to simply move various worker objects into their threads, and have them communicate via signals and slots. I have a complete example for that approach as well.

J2ME Manager.CreatePlayer() freeze application for a split second when using the first time

When I call for the first time to Manager.CreatePlayer() its freezes my application for a split second and it's a problem for me because I'm writing a game and it's noticeable, what can I do to fix it ?
As far as I know, the common logics for game are :
Display loading screen
Here's all heavy operations are prepared/preloaded and cached, so the game can run smoothly later.
Methods that usually called here are Manager.createPlayer and Player.prefetch().
All the image & sound is prepared first, and can be used quickly when game started.
Start the game (loop)
As the resource have been prepared/preloaded, now you can use (draw/play) them here.
Use the Player instances that has been created & prefetched (from loading screen).
You can call Player.start() method here to play the sound.
You can read about the Player state (especially about prefetch) HERE.
Notice that you can reuse the Player instance and call start() method multiple times for playing the same sound. No need to call createPlayer again.

Observer pattern in wxPython

I am trying to implement the Observer design pattern with wxPython.
I have a modelling application that computes vast amount of data in the background. Sometimes I would like to display the output of the model in the GUI---which is just a grid of squares of different colours. Other times I need to do the computation without displaying the GUI.
The advantage of the observer pattern is that you can plug in or not a GUI just by adding or removing one line of code, something like
or similar.
Now, to do that I need my computation to run on one thread, and the wx GUI to run in a different one.
I tried doing this with wxPython but I always get a Fatal I/O error:
python: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.
I read tutorials on multithreading in wxPython, such as, but they all have the Mainloop() running in the main thread and than the long running task in a secondary thread, while I need it to be the other way round. This is because if I have the Mainloop() in the main thread, the program hangs waiting for some event from the GUI, instead of proceeding with the computation.
I also saw that I cannot manipulate Device contexts (DCs) such as ClientDC or PaintDC in a sub-thread, but I'm running the entire wx code inside the same thread.
Can the Mainloop() and all the wx GUI be run in its own thread that is not the main application's one?
Running wxPython on Ubuntu 10.10 maverick.
If you read that wiki page, then you should know that you can communicate back to the wx thread using wx.CallAfter, wxCallLater or wx.PostEvent in a thread-safe manner. I have a simple tutorial here:
Personally, I would use something like Pubsub + one of the threadsafe methods mentioned above to communicate with the wx MainLoop. The nice thing about Pubsub is that it can listen for messages and react to them appropriately. The example above actually shows one way to do just that. Hopefully that will help you. Otherwise, I highly recommend joining the wxPython mailing list and asking there:

Multithreading or green threading in actionscript?

I was wondering if there are any code or class libraries out there on how to implement multithreading or "green threading" in ActionScript.
As you've might seen, Scott Peterson is developing some kind of toolset, but I haven't found any more info on this other than his performance on the Adobe MAX Chicago event.
Regards Niclas
Here's a Green Threading lib from Drew Cummins:
There's no built-in way to do green threading in ActionScript. You have to write code to handle it.
Make a function that performs one iteration of whatever operation you want to do. It should return true or false depending on if its job is done or not. Now, you have to compute the time interval left to the next screen update on the ENTER_FRAME event. This can be done using flash.utils.getTimer.
start = getTimer();
//thread is a ui component added to system manager that is redrawn each frame
var fr:Number = Math.floor(1000 / thread.systemManager.stage.frameRate);
due = start + fr;
Keep on executing your function while checking the function's return value each time and checking if due time has been crossed by comparing getTimer() with due.
This has been implemented into a usable class by Alex Harui in the blog entry - Threads in ActionScript
It's an old article, but quasimondo's method of launching multiple swfs and then sharing the data over a LocalConnection may also be of interest. They were saying that the back and forth of using the LocalConnection may eat up a few cycles, but if the iterations being processed are complex enough it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I'm a graphics guy, not a programmer, so I'm not sure this will help you. BUT!
I make all my GUIs multi-frame "movies" and write each gui thread on a different frame. Make sure that you only have 1-3 threads, and set your FPS to 30 or 60.
This is useful for little projects because its bug-resistant and implementation is done for you.
