Multithreading or green threading in actionscript? - multithreading

I was wondering if there are any code or class libraries out there on how to implement multithreading or "green threading" in ActionScript.
As you've might seen, Scott Peterson is developing some kind of toolset, but I haven't found any more info on this other than his performance on the Adobe MAX Chicago event.
Regards Niclas

Here's a Green Threading lib from Drew Cummins:

There's no built-in way to do green threading in ActionScript. You have to write code to handle it.
Make a function that performs one iteration of whatever operation you want to do. It should return true or false depending on if its job is done or not. Now, you have to compute the time interval left to the next screen update on the ENTER_FRAME event. This can be done using flash.utils.getTimer.
start = getTimer();
//thread is a ui component added to system manager that is redrawn each frame
var fr:Number = Math.floor(1000 / thread.systemManager.stage.frameRate);
due = start + fr;
Keep on executing your function while checking the function's return value each time and checking if due time has been crossed by comparing getTimer() with due.
This has been implemented into a usable class by Alex Harui in the blog entry - Threads in ActionScript

It's an old article, but quasimondo's method of launching multiple swfs and then sharing the data over a LocalConnection may also be of interest. They were saying that the back and forth of using the LocalConnection may eat up a few cycles, but if the iterations being processed are complex enough it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I'm a graphics guy, not a programmer, so I'm not sure this will help you. BUT!
I make all my GUIs multi-frame "movies" and write each gui thread on a different frame. Make sure that you only have 1-3 threads, and set your FPS to 30 or 60.
This is useful for little projects because its bug-resistant and implementation is done for you.


Is this a decent structure for a multithreaded videocoacher program?

Hi I’m currently working on a project for a videocoacher program for recording and replaying video, as well as showing delayed real-time video, and tracking placement via color.
The software is running on linux , on a 4 core odroid, and initially I started to make it multi threaded with threads implemented as a part of each new class. Each of these threads taking care of their own gui elements.
I’ve later found out that I need to show all gui elements/video in the main/gui thread. Earlier I’ve used opencv and boost. But it seems like using the Qt might be a better idea since some of the code already depends on the QT library. I am currently a novice at programming, and not very familiar with either opencv, qt, or threading.
My question is:
Is this relatively sound as a structure for the program, or is there something inherently wrong with how I am planning to do it now?
Main/GUI Thread
will show all visual & video content
will start a thread for ButtonControl object
will handle all button input, controlling what happens in the program
depending on what buttons are pressed will start and end threads
StoreToFile object ( starts storing video to a file, while sending a
video stream to GUI thread to show what it is storing in real-time)
ReadFromFile object ( reads the file currently stored and sends data
to display it in GUI thread
DelayedVideoStream object (stores video to buffer, and shows a
continuous delayed view of what happened 5seconds in the past)
ColorTracking object (tracks where a color placement is in the image
Kind regards, and thank you for taking the time to look at my question.
TLDR - is a structure where threads are implemented as classes and the image data is sent back to the gui/main thread a decent way to do a multithreaded program ?
Performance-wise, the best approach is not to deal with threads directly at all, but use QtConcurrent::run. It is safe to paint QImages that are simply passed via signals to a GUI object to display. I wrote a complete example demonstrating that approach. It leads to some very concise and easy-to-understand code thanks to related code being adjacent.
If you do want to use explicit threads, it will be much easier not to derive from QThread, but to simply move various worker objects into their threads, and have them communicate via signals and slots. I have a complete example for that approach as well.

Displaying progress bar for long running process in Actionscript/Flash Builder without mixing logic

I'm working on an application that processes (possibly large reaching one or two million lines) text (in tab separated form) files containing detail of items and since the processing time can be long I want to update a progress bar so the user knows that the application didn't just hang, or better, to provide an idea of the remaining time.
I've already researched and I know how to update a simple progress bar but the examples tend to be simplistic as to call something like progressBar.setProgress(counter++, 100) using Timer, there are other examples where the logic is simple and written in the same class. I'm also new to the language having done mostly Java and some JavaScript in the past, among others.
I wrote the logic for processing the file (validation of input and creation of output files). But then, if I call the processing logic in the main class the update will be done at the end of processing (flying by so fast from 0 to 100) no matter if I update variables and try to dispatch events or things like that; the bar won't reflect the processing progress.
Would processing the input by chunks be a valid approach? And then, I'm not sure if the processing delay of one data chunk won't affect the processing of the next chunk and so on, because the timer tick is set to be 1 millisecond and the chunk processing time would be longer than that. Also, if the order of the input won't be affected or the result will get corrupted in some way. I've read multithreading is not supported in the language, so should that be a concern?
I already coded the logic described before and it seems to work:
// called by mouse click event
function processInput():void {
timer = new Timer(1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, processChunk);
function processChunk(event:TimerEvent):void {
// code to calculate start and end index for the data chunk,
// everytime processChunk is executed these indexes are updated
var dataChunk:Array = wholeInputArray.splice(index0, index1);
progressBar.setProgress(index0, wholeInputArray.length);
progressBar.label = index0 + " processed items";
if(no more data to process) { // if wholeInputArray.length == index1
progressBar.setProgress(wholeInputArray.length, wholeInputArray.length);
progressBar.label = "Processing done";
// do post processing here: show results, etc.
The declaration for the progress bar is as follows:
<mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar" x="23" y="357" width="411" direction="right"
labelPlacement="center" mode="manual" indeterminate="false" />
I tested it with an input of 50000 lines and it seems to work generating the same result as the other approach that processes the input at once. But, would that be a valid approach or is there a better approach?
Thanks in advance.
your solution is good, i use it most of time.
But multithreading is now supported on AS3 (for desktop and web only for the moment).
Have a look at: Worker documentation and Worker exemple.
Hope that helps :)
may I ask if this Timer AS IS is the working Timer ??? because IF YES then you are in for a lot of trouble with your Application in the long run! - re loading & getting the Timer to stop, close etc. The EventListener would be incomplete and would give problems for sure!
I would like to recommend to get this right first before going further as I know from experience as in some of my own AIR Applications I need to have several hundred of them running one after another in modules as well as in some of my web Apps. not quiet so intense yet a few!
I'm sure a more smother execution will be the reward! regards aktell
Use Workers. Because splitting data into chunks and then processing it is a valid but quite cumbersome approach and with workers you can simply spawn a background worker, do all the parsing there and return a result, all without blocking GUI. Worker approach should require less time to do parsing, because there is no need to stop parser and wait for the next frame.
Workers would be an ideal solution, but quite complicated to set up. If you're not up to it right now, here's a PseudoThread solution I use in similar situations which you can probably get up and running in 5 minutes:
Pseudo Threads
It uses EnterFrame events for balancing between work and letting the UI does its thing and you can manually update the progress bar within your 'thread' code. I think it would be easily adapted for your needs since your data is easily sliced.
Without using Workers (which it seems you are not yet familiar with) AS3 will behave single threaded. Your timers will not overlap. If one of your chunks takes more than 1s to complete the next timer event will be processed when it can. It will not queue up further events if it takes more than your time period ( assuming your processing code is blocking).
The previous answers show the "correct" solution to this, but this might get you where you need to be faster.

What are the benefits of coroutines?

I've been learning some lua for game development. I heard about coroutines in other languages but really came up on them in lua. I just don't really understand how useful they are, I heard a lot of talk how it can be a way to do multi-threaded things but aren't they run in order? So what benefit would there be from normal functions that also run in order? I'm just not getting how different they are from functions except that they can pause and let another run for a second. Seems like the use case scenarios wouldn't be that huge to me.
Anyone care to shed some light as to why someone would benefit from them?
Especially insight from a game programming perspective would be nice^^
OK, think in terms of game development.
Let's say you're doing a cutscene or perhaps a tutorial. Either way, what you have are an ordered sequence of commands sent to some number of entities. An entity moves to a location, talks to a guy, then walks elsewhere. And so forth. Some commands cannot start until others have finished.
Now look back at how your game works. Every frame, it must process AI, collision tests, animation, rendering, and sound, among possibly other things. You can only think every frame. So how do you put this kind of code in, where you have to wait for some action to complete before doing the next one?
If you built a system in C++, what you would have is something that ran before the AI. It would have a sequence of commands to process. Some of those commands would be instantaneous, like "tell entity X to go here" or "spawn entity Y here." Others would have to wait, such as "tell entity Z to go here and don't process anymore commands until it has gone here." The command processor would have to be called every frame, and it would have to understand complex conditions like "entity is at location" and so forth.
In Lua, it would look like this:
local entityX = game:GetEntity("entityX");
local entityY = game:SpawnEntity("entityY", locY);
local entityZ = game:GetEntity("entityZ");
until (entityZ:isAtLocation(locZ));
On the C++ size, you would resume this script once per frame until it is done. Once it returns, you know that the cutscene is over, so you can return control to the user.
Look at how simple that Lua logic is. It does exactly what it says it does. It's clear, obvious, and therefore very difficult to get wrong.
The power of coroutines is in being able to partially accomplish some task, wait for a condition to become true, then move on to the next task.
Coroutines in a game:
Easy to use, Easy to screw up when used in many places.
Just be careful and not use it in many places.
Don't make your Entire AI code dependent on Coroutines.
Coroutines are good for making a quick fix when a state is introduced which did not exist before.
This is exactly what java does. Sleep() and Wait()
Both functions are the best ways to make it impossible to debug your game.
If I were you I would completely avoid any code which has to use a Wait() function like a Coroutine does.
OpenGL API is something you should take note of. It never uses a wait() function but instead uses a clean state machine which knows exactly what state what object is at.
If you use coroutines you end with up so many stateless pieces of code that it most surely will be overwhelming to debug.
Coroutines are good when you are making an application like Text Editor application .. server ..database etc (not a game).
Bad when you are making a game where anything can happen at any point of time, you need to have states.
So, in my view coroutines are a bad way of programming and a excuse to write small stateless code.
But that's just me.
It's more like a religion. Some people believe in coroutines, some don't. The usecase, the implementation and the environment all together will result into a benefit or not.
Don't trust benchmarks which try to proof that coroutines on a multicore cpu are faster than a loop in a single thread: it would be a shame if it were slower!
If this runs later on some hardware where all cores are always under load, it will turn out to be slower - ups...
So there is no benefit per se.
Sometimes it's convenient to use. But if you end up with tons of coroutines yielding and states that went out of scope you'll curse coroutines. But at least it isn't the coroutines framework, it's still you.
We use them on a project I am working on. The main benefit for us is that sometimes with asynchronous code, there are points where it is important that certain parts are run in order because of some dependencies. If you use coroutines, you can force one process to wait for another process to complete. They aren't the only way to do this, but they can be a lot simpler than some other methods.
I'm just not getting how different they are from functions except that
they can pause and let another run for a second.
That's a pretty important property. I worked on a game engine which used them for timing. For example, we had an engine that ran at 10 ticks a second, and you could WaitTicks(x) to wait x number of ticks, and in the user layer, you could run WaitFrames(x) to wait x frames.
Even professional native concurrency libraries use the same kind of yielding behaviour.
Lots of good examples for game developers. I'll give another in the application extension space. Consider the scenario where the application has an engine that can run a users routines in Lua while doing the core functionality in C. If the user needs to wait for the engine to get to a specific state (e.g. waiting for data to be received), you either have to:
multi-thread the C program to run Lua in a separate thread and add in locking and synchronization methods,
abend the Lua routine and retry from the beginning with a state passed to the function to skip anything, least you rerun some code that should only be run once, or
yield the Lua routine and resume it once the state has been reached in C
The third option is the easiest for me to implement, avoiding the need to handle multi-threading on multiple platforms. It also allows the user's code to run unmodified, appearing as if the function they called took a long time.

Help in QT programming with QThread class, how to use it

So I realize my explanantion wasn't too clear last time so I will try again.
I have a program that has a sensor class that gets values from the Lego NXT sensor every 40 miliseconds or so. I also have another draw class (i believe running in the same thread) that draws and moves cars every 1 milisecond using opengl in a virtual world. Now the problem is whenever my sensors are getting information the cars are very laggy and move slowly, but when the sensors are off and not getting and input data the cars run smoothly. How do I fix this problem, I believe i need to create another thread but im not sure how to do that?
note: The sensors have nothing to do with the cars.
It's not so easy to give a generic answer to threading. Qt gives you various classes to implement threading so it's good to take a look at examples. In general you do not need threading with Qt except if you have a blocking api which I guess your sensor module/class is.
Here is a nice video showing live how to create an object that runs on another thread. You can try to implement the LenghtyOperation in the demo as your class that reads data from your sensors and then emit signals to update your GUI thread.
Here is another link: Threading without the headache

Progress bar and multiple threads, decoupling GUI and logic - which design pattern would be the best?

I'm looking for a design pattern that would fit my application design.
My application processes large amounts of data and produces some graphs.
Data processing (fetching from files, CPU intensive calculations) and graph operations (drawing, updating) are done in seperate threads.
Graph can be scrolled - in this case new data portions need to be processed.
Because there can be several series on a graph, multiple threads can be spawned (two threads per serie, one for dataset update and one for graph update).
I don't want to create multiple progress bars. Instead, I'd like to have single progress bar that inform about global progress. At the moment I can think of MVC and Observer/Observable, but it's a little bit blurry :) Maybe somebody could point me in a right direction, thanks.
I once spent the best part of a week trying to make a smooth, non-hiccupy progress bar over a very complex algorithm.
The algorithm had 6 different steps. Each step had timing characteristics that were seriously dependent on A) the underlying data being processed, not just the "amount" of data but also the "type" of data and B) 2 of the steps scaled extremely well with increasing number of cpus, 2 steps ran in 2 threads and 2 steps were effectively single-threaded.
The mix of data effectively had a much larger impact on execution time of each step than number of cores.
The solution that finally cracked it was really quite simple. I made 6 functions that analyzed the data set and tried to predict the actual run-time of each analysis step. The heuristic in each function analyzed both the data sets under analysis and the number of cpus. Based on run-time data from my own 4 core machine, each function basically returned the number of milliseconds it was expected to take, on my machine.
f1(..) + f2(..) + f3(..) + f4(..) + f5(..) + f6(..) = total runtime in milliseconds
Now given this information, you can effectively know what percentage of the total execution time each step is supposed to take. Now if you say step1 is supposed to take 40% of the execution time, you basically need to find out how to emit 40 1% events from that algorithm. Say the for-loop is processing 100,000 items, you could probably do:
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++){
if (i % (numItems / percentageOfTotalForThisStep) == 0) emitProgressEvent();
.. do the actual processing ..
This algorithm gave us a silky smooth progress bar that performed flawlessly. Your implementation technology can have different forms of scaling and features available in the progress bar, but the basic way of thinking about the problem is the same.
And yes, it did not really matter that the heuristic reference numbers were worked out on my machine - the only real problem is if you want to change the numbers when running on a different machine. But you still know the ratio (which is the only really important thing here), so you can see how your local hardware runs differently from the one I had.
Now the average SO reader may wonder why on earth someone would spend a week making a smooth progress bar. The feature was requested by the head salesman, and I believe he used it in sales meetings to get contracts. Money talks ;)
In situations with threads or asynchronous processes/tasks like this, I find it helpful to have an abstract type or object in the main thread that represents (and ideally encapsulates) each process. So, for each worker thread, there will presumably be an object (let's call it Operation) in the main thread to manage that worker, and obviously there will be some kind of list-like data structure to hold these Operations.
Where applicable, each Operation provides the start/stop methods for its worker, and in some cases - such as yours - numeric properties representing the progress and expected total time or work of that particular Operation's task. The units don't necessarily need to be time-based, if you know you'll be performing 6,230 calculations, you can just think of these properties as calculation counts. Furthermore, each task will need to have some way of updating its owning Operation of its current progress in whatever mechanism is appropriate (callbacks, closures, event dispatching, or whatever mechanism your programming language/threading framework provides).
So while your actual work is being performed off in separate threads, a corresponding Operation object in the "main" thread is continually being updated/notified of its worker's progress. The progress bar can update itself accordingly, mapping the total of the Operations' "expected" times to its total, and the total of the Operations' "progress" times to its current progress, in whatever way makes sense for your progress bar framework.
Obviously there's a ton of other considerations/work that needs be done in actually implementing this, but I hope this gives you the gist of it.
Multiple progress bars aren't such a bad idea, mind you. Or maybe a complex progress bar that shows several threads running (like download manager programs sometimes have). As long as the UI is intuitive, your users will appreciate the extra data.
When I try to answer such design questions I first try to look at similar or analogous problems in other application, and how they're solved. So I would suggest you do some research by considering other applications that display complex progress (like the download manager example) and try to adapt an existing solution to your application.
Sorry I can't offer more specific design, this is just general advice. :)
Stick with Observer/Observable for this kind of thing. Some object observes the various series processing threads and reports status by updating the summary bar.
