in Applescript, can you add an item to the left menu bar if you’re creating an app? - menu

Hello I’m Tate and I have a Question.In applescript, can you create an item for the left menu (application menu) on mac that is not already there by default? if you know the answer, please tell me.

I don't know of a way to add menu items to the application menu bar, but you might check into FastScripts, which offers the ability to customize a script menu with whatever order of scripts you like and with keyboard shortcuts. It's free for any number of scripts and up to 10 keyboard shortcuts.
Also, although I've never used it, ThisService apparently allows you to use AppleScript to add items to the Services menu in the application menu. You might check it out also.

Automator can save Applescripts so that they show up in the Services menu in each Application menu. Just run Automator, create and Applescript workflow and save it as a service. You can assign a command key to it as well.


How to add a command to context menus in Visual Studio 2019

I'm trying to add a command to the Document Tab context menu in Visual Studio 2019 so I can go directly to the open file in the Solution Explorer. I'm aware of File Tracking. I don't want to open the folder for every file tab I click on. I'm also aware of this extension but it seems like I have to click it two, sometimes three times before it will go to the file.
I found the relevant context menu under Customize -> Commands. It's "Other Context Menus | Easy MDI Document Window". The problem is that under "Add Command" you can only add from preselected lists of commands, and they don't make things easy to find.
I can see the command I want to add under Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. It's SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument. But I don't see any way to use it in the Customize window, or if it's there I can't find it.
You can directly add commands to a menu only from the existing VS menus.
For additional commands, you can create an intermediate command with my Visual Commander extension DTE.ExecuteCommand("SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocumen") and then add this VCmd.Command01 command to the menu.

How to Use gvNIX Menu Addon

I have an application where a lot of the Menu items rendered are for administrative functions, so rather than having many links in my menu as it is now, I would like to move them into one Menu Item titled (Administration). I think that gvNIX menu add on may help me achieve this, but I have no idea what the steps and syntax would be to do this, and I cannot find documentation on this.
Any help appreciated
gvNIX/Roo console provides help for every command. You can view all commands typing help in the console. Moreover, if you type help + command, console shows info about that command like allowed parameters and short descriptions. In addition, pressing tab you can see suggestions for completing a Roo/gvNIX command.
That said, for achieve what you want you could use:
menu tree for seeing the actual menu structure, with menu items id's.
menu entry add ... for adding administration category in menu.
menu entry move ... for moving desired menu entries to new category.
Hope that helps.

Linux - Any way to configure or create a script/program to make right click not select menu item?

The default behavior for right-clicking on most recent Linux distros is to select a menu item in a right-click menu upon releasing the right mouse button. While this saves some mouse presses, it is driving some of my Windows-trained (and rather vocal) coworkers completely bonkers, and a lot of searching has told me that there is no option to change this behavior in the distros they are using (mostly RHEL 6).
To make my work environment a little less volatile I would like to try to program a fix or patch for their systems to make right clicking work like they are used to (the menu does not even appear until the right mouse button is released), but I don't know what kinds of tutorials I should be looking for (shell scripts? C? etc.) in order to do this.
If I could be pointed in the right direction that would be lovely! (or if someone by chance already knows of a fix, that would work too, though a lot of Googling has told me that there does not appear to be one currently)
Follow the directions here:
But instead of disabling the forward and back buttons, disable the right click mouse button. You can easily dump the resulting command into a shell script which calls xmodmap. Then you can make icons that disable and enable the right mouse button, for the times where they will need it.

AppleScript: adding a menu into Address Book

I wrote an Apple Script which allows easy adding a iCal's todo, associated to a contact from Address Book. The script is working as expected when I'm launching it from the AppleScript Editor.
In order this script becomes useful for me, I need to be able to launch it from Address Book directly. Do you know how can I do that ?
Idealy, I would like to add a menu entry into the contextual menu displayed clicking with the right button into the contacts list.
Thank you very much for your help
I would use something like FastScripts or the built in Scripts menu (Applescript Editor -> Prefs -> Show Scripts in Menu Bar).

Installshield, getting the "CustomSetup" Dialog to not display icons from features

I have a "CustomSetup" screen, which is pretty generic with my installation.
When popping in the CD, after a few dialog boxes, I get to the CustomSetup screen, which gives me the ability to install or not install features of my program. This is great, however, I really only need to be able to have two choices which already exist. I don't need the others, and would not like to be able to see them or be able to select them.
I googled my little heart out to no prevail.
Anyone have experience in disabling these options?
If you're using InstallShield, you can go to the Features view, and on the feature you want to hide, locate the General | Display option, and select "Not Visible". Next, locate General | Required, and change it to "Yes".
If you want to prevent the Custom Setup screen from showing up at all, the easiest way to do this is to click on the "Project Assistant" tab of your InstallShield IDE, and then click on "Installation Interview", and select "No" next to "Do you want users to be able to selectively install only certain parts of your application?"
Hope this helps,
