How to compile unsafe code in MonoDevelop 2.4 - c#-4.0

I am trying to compile unsafe code blocs in MonoDevelop 2.4. Apparently (Google search result) there is supposed to be a a tickbox under Options->Build->General that allows the compiler to handle unsafe blocks but it is not there in 2.4. Does anybody know how to set MonoDevelop to compile unsafe code?

For version 2.4.2, select the project you want to turn on unsafe, note, this is important. You have to select one project, not the whole solution.
Right click on that project and then choose Option, under the Build -> general, under Language Options, check the "Allow 'unsafe' code".
Thank you for the guy above me to give me that hint.

In Solution view, on the left by default, click on your project's name. Then, in the menu bar, click on project, then click on '"thenameofyourproject" options'
Then under Compilation or Build (I have a french version) you have a line named build I guess. Then you will see on the right written "complmentary options" or something like that.
Type in /unsafe and there you go

for Mono 5.9.6 it's slightly different:
in the solution pane, select your project and open the options
under "build", select "General"
then in the "Language Options" category, check "Allow 'unsafe' code".

Right Click your project's name > Options > Build > Language Options & Check
"Allow 'unsafe' code"


How to translate using translations editor in Android Studio?

In my project, I have lots of string resources. Now that I am planning for release of my first ever app, I wanted to translate those to some widely used languages. However, I was unable to find the translate button there. This may seem dumb, but I am searching for it from an hour or so. I even have latest version of android studio installed. I gone through this docs and it was no help. Can someone please tell me how to translate strings using translations editor?
Well, in my case it does show a notification when I open strings.xml (res -> values -> strings.xml) saying: "Edit translations for all locales in the translations editor" and then, in the right, it has two options: "Open editor" which opens the translation editor in a new tab and "Hide notification" which hides that notification.
Now, I think if you can't see that you might have accidentally hidden that notification. If so, you can also open the translation editor by opening Project tab (left), then find your strings.xml file (res -> values -> strings.xml) and right-click on it. In my version (Chipmunk | 2021.2.1) the bottom option says Open Translations Editor. Click it and you're right in the translations editor! As for the question, it does seem a little dumb, but I understand you're a beginner (and I was one too some time ago), so there's no problem!
Hope it helps and your app succeeds!
Good luck! :)
The notification about the translation editor:

How to exclude some directories from "Analyze -> Inspect Code" in Android Studio?

One code directory is from a long working library, but the code inspector complains about many issues in it. How do I exclude it from analysis?
I've tried looking at the settings, and also tried right clicking on various things through the analysis.
I'd like the code inspection to work for most of my project, but not from parts of it that work and analysis is unneeded. In this case, it is a complex open source C language library where I do not want to touch the code.
Okay - I feel a bit dumb, but so others don't have to go through this, here are details. Also, it is very easy to screw this up - the Android Studio GUI will let you do stuff that looks good in the dialog, but doesn't work. It took me several tries to find the magic that works.
Here is the procedure:
From the main menu, select "Analyze" then "Inspect Code"
Click the button next to "Custom Scope"
Click the three dots button - to the right on the same line. A new dialog will pop up.
Click the plus ( + ) - upper left, to start a new Custom scope
Give it a name
Select "Local" or "Remote"
In the drop-down of the new dialog, select Project view
Of the four icons, click them until only the one for file display is emphasized
Find the top directory of what you want to analyze, and click "Include"
Find each directory you want to exclude, and click "Exclude" for each
Click OK - the custom scope dialog will close
Click OK - the analysis will run
In the future, that scope is available by name, but remember that it does not honor the implied scope if you right-click a directory in the hierarchy.

How to disable automatic check out from Visual Studio 2012?

Whenever I open any solution in VS2012 from local path (which is mapped in TFS), the files are automatically checking out. I want to disable this feature.
I tried to disconnect from TFS and to work on it, But it is closing the solution. Plesase help me out in achieving this. I didn't get this problem before when I was using VS2010
You need to unbind your project(s) from TFS source control.
Select the project or solution from the Solution Explorer
From the main menu select File->Source Control->Advanced->Change Source Control...
Select one or all projects and press the "Unbind" button on the top of the dialog
select ok to the warning popup
You can later bind the projects again, personally I don't do this so I can't say how well it works. I found some more info here
Here are the visual steps:
This brings up the dialog to select projects to bind/unbind.
I had to select one at a time.
Select "Unbind" for each project
Here's what it should look like when unbound.
You can later come back and bind the projects again and TFS will try and reconcile your changes.
Try rather change Checked-in items (Saving, Editing) to 'Prompt for check out'
Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Enviroment -> Checked-in items
Disable the following option. It should solve your problem.
Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Enviroment -> Get everything when a solution or project is opened

resharper disable for c# .cs files

is it possible to only enable resharper for javascript and css files? I don't want it inspecting my c# files as it's driving me nuts with it's styling and and at times somewhat controversial recommendations. I haven't got time to set each individual setting, I'm just looking for a "don't inspect c# files" check box, if there isn't one I think my resharper trial will be officially over.
If you really want to disable ReSharper for C#, try going to ReSharper | Options -> Code Inspection | Settings -> Edit Items to Skip and add a file mask to skip *.cs.
But better way would be to disable those ReSharper warnings that you don't like. To do this, click Alt-Enter on the suggestion that you don't like, go to Options submenu, select Configure inspection severity and then Do not show. This is for ReSharper 8.0, in 7.1 it should be pretty similar.

Installshield, getting the "CustomSetup" Dialog to not display icons from features

I have a "CustomSetup" screen, which is pretty generic with my installation.
When popping in the CD, after a few dialog boxes, I get to the CustomSetup screen, which gives me the ability to install or not install features of my program. This is great, however, I really only need to be able to have two choices which already exist. I don't need the others, and would not like to be able to see them or be able to select them.
I googled my little heart out to no prevail.
Anyone have experience in disabling these options?
If you're using InstallShield, you can go to the Features view, and on the feature you want to hide, locate the General | Display option, and select "Not Visible". Next, locate General | Required, and change it to "Yes".
If you want to prevent the Custom Setup screen from showing up at all, the easiest way to do this is to click on the "Project Assistant" tab of your InstallShield IDE, and then click on "Installation Interview", and select "No" next to "Do you want users to be able to selectively install only certain parts of your application?"
Hope this helps,
