Change your "From Email" in Gmail [closed] - gmail

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I receive forwarded emails from an email like to my Gmail account; when I respond to these emails, I want they look as if they came from instead of my Gmail account.
Is this possible?

Yes, this is entirely possible.
Here's a link to google's knowledgebase describing exactly what to do:

Not really a question for Stack Overflow, but have a look here:
It's a post on the official GMAIL blog outlining how to send via an external SMTP host.


Google Sites: Clicking link mailto: does not open gmail anymore [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Clicking link mailto: on my Google Site does not open gmail anymore. Has something changed? Thanks for information!
I don't know that which browser you are using. May be it's a browser specific problem.
Check with different browsers to see if it's same for all.
Also, try this link. It may help you -

Save all personal email address of my chat user [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am using gmail. I want save all my chat user personal email address in gmail contact.
I think you cant save personal email address because gamil creating new id

Lot of spams on drupal 6 site with reCaptcha module [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Anybody know how spammer register the users on drupal 6 site? I used on registration page the reCaptcha module, but spammers register users. In logs I have this message "blocked by CAPTCHA module: challenge "reCAPTCHA" (by module "recaptcha"), user answered "reCAPTCHA", but the solution was "1".", from user/register page, spammer use the brutforce or is bug in reCaptcha module.
I have found that spammers manually register. An unfortunate fact of life that has been discussed here before. The best solution that I have found was to compliment reCaptcha with Mollem. The results have been much better.

set sender address in postfix smtp relay [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have setup postfix locally on my Linux box, it relays to my gmail account. This works nicely thanks to
However I would like to be able to specify the sender address (From:), I could not figure out what I needed to do. Does anyone knows how I can specify any of my (pre)configured valid gmail address ? All I could find is this:
I did post this question to the debian-users group and got the following answer:
You can specify any headers with -a, e.g.
$ mail -a 'From: "My Name" ' da
Which works beautifully

SharePoint 2010 - multiple URLs? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Currently sharepoint responds to I want it to respond to also. This is an intranet site.
Is a DNS alias and alternate access mapping all I need to do? If not what are the necessary steps to accomplish this?
It seems so. Take a look at this: and this: According to the second link you may want to set Zone setting to Extranet.
