Lot of spams on drupal 6 site with reCaptcha module [closed] - drupal-6

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Anybody know how spammer register the users on drupal 6 site? I used on registration page the reCaptcha module, but spammers register users. In logs I have this message "blocked by CAPTCHA module: challenge "reCAPTCHA" (by module "recaptcha"), user answered "reCAPTCHA", but the solution was "1".", from user/register page, spammer use the brutforce or is bug in reCaptcha module.

I have found that spammers manually register. An unfortunate fact of life that has been discussed here before. The best solution that I have found was to compliment reCaptcha with Mollem. The results have been much better.


What is the Best Practice for dropping the support of old browsers? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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If you are making a Website which will not support IE8 and all browsers older then that. Whats the best practice for that? Should there just be an alert and the Site should show anyways (and look bad) or should the site completly be replaced by a warning?
Personally the approach I would take is similar to that of viewing a website on a mobile device, sometimes you will get a warning saying the website is not compatible. I.E like you said replace the website with a warning, possibly suggesting that the user updates their browser. Hope this helps!

.ogg-files are not working on my website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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". ogg" files will not play on my website. The browser displays a 404.3-error. It has probably something to do with the configuration of the server. When I asked the server administrator, he referred to http://blogs.iis.net/bills/archive/2008/03/25/how-to-add-mime-types-with-iis7-web-config.aspx. But thats a guide that is intended for. NET users - and my website are made in classic ASP. How is the solution implemented in classic ASP - is it possible?
See also: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Configuring_servers_for_Ogg_media
You need to use IIS manager, which means you either need a remote desktop connection to your server or you need to get your server admin to do it for you.
Either way, instructions on how to add a mime type are here

Contribute a Module in joomla [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have finished a module in joomla name mod_widget now i want to deploy on joomla website to another users.
User download and use it.How can i upload this Please someone help me
Thanks in advance
First you need a JED account. Register for that here. Then browse until you reach your perfect category to which you need to upload. After reaching you will find a button to submit your own extension. read more about it here under Submitting an extension.

Google Sites: Clicking link mailto: my.name#domain.com does not open gmail anymore [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Clicking link mailto: my.name#domain.com on my Google Site does not open gmail anymore. Has something changed? Thanks for information!
I don't know that which browser you are using. May be it's a browser specific problem.
Check with different browsers to see if it's same for all.
Also, try this link. It may help you -

Change your "From Email" in Gmail [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I receive forwarded emails from an email like info#companyname.com to my Gmail account; when I respond to these emails, I want they look as if they came from info#companyname.com instead of my Gmail account.
Is this possible?
Yes, this is entirely possible.
Here's a link to google's knowledgebase describing exactly what to do: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=22370
Not really a question for Stack Overflow, but have a look here:
It's a post on the official GMAIL blog outlining how to send via an external SMTP host.
