MooTools, MooDialog and confirmLinkClick - dialog

I'm having some problems using MooDialog using its confirmLinkClick option.
In the html section I have:
<a title="Delete Link" id="confirmLinkClick"
href="admin_delete_link.php?links_id=<?php echo $row_view_links['links_id'];?>">
<img src="../images/link_delete.png" alt="Delete Link" />
In my script section I have:
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
'Are you sure you wish to delete this link?');
Up top I have the CSS link to the MooDialog.css, links to mootools.js (latest), Overlay.js, Moodialog.js, and moodialog.confirm.js
I have basically copied the way the sample file that came with MooDialog shows how to call the confirm dialog (, but I do not get anything coming up at all.
Testing the sample file, I get the confirm pop up. Using the above code (which is even using the same sample id setting), nothing, it completely ignores the javascript.
I've googled and stackoverflowed but can't seem to find any hints, and yes I'm new to this as well.
I'm sure it's probably something very simple that I'm overlooking, but I just can't seem to get it.


Instagram embed box not loading embed code... anyone know a workaround?

I am trying to copy the embed code from a single Instagram reel by clicking the ... menu and clicking Embed. However, the code never loads and I get this screen. Anyone know a workaround to embed an Instagram reel on a website? The specific reel is:
See screenshot for what loads when I try to use to embed function on instagram. I have tried on multiple browsers.
The integration code is made up of two elements. A long <blockquote> followed by a short <script>.
The <script> element should look something like this:
<script async src="//"></script>
Just add https: to the value of the src attribute, thus:
<script async src=""></script>
And everything should be working fine.

How to find the origin of some invasive html?

I've been working on the site and just noticed that if you go to the main page, and open the Chrome console to view the source, there's an element that I certainly didn't put there:
<div class="pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd
text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links" style="position: absolute;">.</div>
It also doesn't show up when I run the site's code in localhost, or when I load the page source separately using Chrome's 'View Source' option.
I Googled the div's class list, and the top few hits were from anti-ad blocker software (eg, which doesn't seem malign, but doesn't explain why it would be on this site.
1) How can I get rid of this element?
2) How might it have got there?
3) Does it imply there's a hole in the site's security?
UPDATE: Facebook have acknowledged this as a bug:
I'm so glad to find this issue - have been tearing my hair out to work out the same exact thing! I found it's coming from fbevents.js ( version 2.8.7 - you can clearly see the code that adds the div in. It seems like this is something that has happened very recently? But likewise, I couldn't find anything other than references to anti adblocking scripts which had me concerned!

xpages tag cloud: links are missing

I'm tryng to use the tag cloud control from Ext.Library 9.0.1 (20160428). The cloud is generated with the correct values form the category view but all the links are missing.
I suspect I'm missing something stupid and my question will look a little bit silly but... I've already lost some hours on this without getting any result.
This is the code for the tagcloud:
<xe:tagCloud id="tagCloud1" sliderVisible="true">
<xe:dominoViewCloudData categoryColumn="0" viewName="indice"LinkTargetPage="/risultati.xsp" linkRequestParam="nometag">
This is what I get in a browser (just an example, all the lines look similar):
<li style="display:inline">
<a role="link" title="11 Entries" class="tagCloudSize9">Miscellaneous</a>
As you can see there is no link to anything, so the user can't click the cloud label.
Any advice will be appreciated
Thanks in advance
It seems it was only a cache-related trouble. I've restarted my server and it started to work as expected.
Just wondering why and how to avoid in the future...

CMS made simple, Ctlmodulemaker how to get the url of an image

hi I've made a simple module with CTLModuleMaker in CMS made simple, in the template I call the necessary items like this:
{assign var="item" value=$itemlist[0]}
{$item->name->Label()}: {$item->name}<br/>
{$item->image->Label()}: {$item->image}<br/>
{$item->image_text->Label()}: {$item->image_text}<br/>
{$item->image_desc->Label()}: {$item->image_desc}<br/>
{$item->img_thumb->Label()}: {$item->img_thumb}<br/>
{$item->catagory->Label()}: {$item->catagory}<br/>
as you can see i call an image with {$item->image} but when i try to do something like this {$item->url} it returns the url of the whole page I'm trying to get the url of the image not the whole page.
any suggestions what i can do??
In a news template, it calls
<img src="{$item->file_location}/{$item->image->value}" />
You can also use {debug} to see all the variables being passed to the template in a separate popup window. This is my get out of jail free card when I can't find a field name.

Problem using sendmail activity in workflow sharepoint

I have a breakline problem using sendmail activity in a Sharepoint VS workflow.
I use < br/ > for the breakline, everything is ok in live mail&outlook but when i try it in lotus note all my text is inline.
How can i fix this problem ?
Hate to say it, but you probably can't 'fix' the problem. It sounds like just an HTML rendering bug in Lotus Notes. It doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong in your HTML if it renders OK in other clients.
You might try changing your HTML code to find something that looks satisfactory in all clients, though. Perhaps add a second <BR /> or use a <P> instead?
