Sharepoint FBA Registeration - sharepoint

in SharePoint 2010 server environment and a site collection that use FBA Authentication , how do i allow anonymous users to register ?
any help on that ? any tutorial ? i have searched for awhile and cant find something useful.

Sharepoint does not come with any kind of registration pages. You have to build them yourself or use a third party tool.
The Sharepoint 2010 FBA Pack has registration pages you can use. Check it out:


Is there a way to provide an external link to an enterprise sharepoint from an external site?

I have an outward facing website(non SharePoint), that I would like to include a link in to an enterprise SharePoint. Does SharePoint allow validated users to enter from an external website and if so does SharePoint have a way to generate that link?
Thanks in advance.
SharePoint supports windows authentication so both sites using windows authentication will allow validated users to enter from an external website.

Is Form Based Authentication possible in trial version of SharePoint online

I think, Microsoft uses claim based authentication for trial version of SharePoint online by default but it might be possible to use Form Based Authentication in Dedicated O365.
I need to test or write application to authenticate users for SharePoint online which may have claim based or form based authentication.
so Is there any way to create SharePoint online site that uses form based authentication? Or Is there any SharePoint online test site for this?
I have one more question:
In SharePoint online, I have invited one external(hotmail) user.
I wanted to know details steps on how the external user is authenticated?

No access with SP Designer after change to FBA

two days ago I changed the authentication of my site from "Windows" into "Forms". So far so good, users are now in a SQL Express 2005 and it works fine.
The problem is now, I have have no access to the Site with my SP Deigner 2007. Does he only support Windows-Authentication? Visual Studio ist the same, I get error message to enable Windows Authentication on IIS, but I canĀ“t because "Forms" is enabled.
Does anyone had the same problem? What can I do?
Thanx a lot, fiuman007
You need to Install the MOSS SP2 & SharePoint Designer SP2 to get the FBA working with the SharePoint designer. Refer this post , same fix applies for the SPD as well.
Yes SharePoint designer doesn't work with Forms Authentication. What I normally do is extend the site on a second web app and enable that with Windows Auth. Any SPD work is then done through this alternate url/port.
ok, I found the way how to use SP Designer w/o authentication. If I go to IE, login as admin, click on "login automatically", the I can go to File and open it with Share Point Designer!
You also must put the site in secure sites in IE.

MOSS web service to find out if a user has access to a document library

Is there any MOSS out of the box web service which allows us to check if a user has access to a document library if I know the URL for the document library. I have the URL for the SharePoint document library, user name and password.
Yes, please if a user has "Read" permission on document library. If there is no out of the box web service, and we develop our own web service, does this need to be deployed on a server where MOSS is insalled?
Nothing OOB with MOSS 2007/ WSS 3.0
Check out SharePoint Sushi
for a useful library that may help you either as a starting point or as a component in your final solution.

Access sharepoint list from windows application

Can anyone tell me if I have some ways to access to sharepoint list from windows app?
I've tryed following way (i'm under user that is sharepoint member):
SPUserToken token = new SPUserToken(
SPSite site = new SPSite(siteName, token);
but no luck...
Your best bet is to use a web reference to query the SharePoint WebService's GetListItems web method:
Like Jason said, to be able to use the SharePoint Object model (i.e. the sharepoint dll's) the app needs to be running on the same machine as SharePoint. If it is anywhere else you can only use the Web Services provided by SharePoint (or create your own and deploy that to your sharepoint server).
P.S. In SharePoint 2010 you have the client object model at your disposal, basically a subset of the full sharepoint object model (Kinda like Silverlight). Of course sp2010 is still in beta....
This article provides an excellent and detailed step by step tutorial on how to do this using Linq and Web services. It does create a console application instead of a Windows application but it is very easy to translate this into a Windows Form app if needed. I found this article very useful when I started working on programatically communicating with SharePoint lists because it clearly demonstrates how easy it is to work with the web service response from SharePoint using LINQ.
Is siteName on the same computer that you are running the windows application from? If not, then you won't be able to access that site if you're using SharePoint 2007.
If the above isn't the problem, then check that the user account WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() is at least a site owner on siteName.
