Detecting Vibration on a Table with the iPhone - ios4

is it possible to detect vibration on the iPhone? I'm trying to figure out how to detect when the user smacks a desk or table when the phone is sitting on it. I remember reading somewhere you could detect a smack on a wooden table using the mic and AVFoundation. Any ideas?

if you go down the microphone route, something like this might do the trick:
//somewhere during setup call this line
[anAVAudioRecorder setMeteringEnabled:YES];
//then in a method used to poll the audioMeter
[anAVAudioRecorder updateMeters];
averagePower = [anAVAudioRecorder averagePowerForChannel:0];
if (averagePower > threshold ) {
[musicPlayerClass play];


Scanner (Ivanti) VELOCITY ver. 2.1.8, adding an error beep while scan an object, which is not counted in store/warehouse

I use ZEBRA MC3300/android 8.1
I would really appreciate if you'll help me with one question.
The main reason I want to do it is to reduce amount of human error possibly can happen.
When VELOCITY app is on and a worker scans a barcode, there is usually plays a beep sound.
But the problem is that if a worker scans wrong barcode or an object, that is not counted in store, usually the same sound plays.
So I tried to edit this via console.
so, basically, the sound I've added works fine, but an error beep isn't playing when I try to scan any random(not our) object's barcode.
Is there a solution for my problem?
Sorry if my code looks too silly, I'm just trying to improve my workspace :(
Thanks in advance!
function replaceBeep(beepType,soundFile) {
function onBeep(event) {
if(event.type == beepType)
event.eventHandled = true;
WLEvent.on("Beep", onBeep);
Device.errorBeep(1000, 300, 50, 0.5);
expecting to play separate beep sounds for wrong and right scan.

STM32 SPDIFRX Peripheral problem (interupts not firing)

I am trying to make myself Digital audio to Analog audio converter
I have STM32F769i Discovery0:
Which has SPDIFRX and SPDIFTX ports
I found a fearly good starting point here:
Also the guy posted here:
But the guy used STM32746G Discovery:
So I went and tried to just get his SPDIF audio portion working on my board
My Project can be found here (I hope it compiles, with CubeIDE you never know what will happen :)):
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but for some reason SPDIF_RX_IRQHandler (in stm32f7xx_it.c) is never called (LED never turns green, yea my debugging tehniques are primitive, but will explain why later)
So because of that HAL_SPDIFRX_ReceiveDataFlow_IT (in spdifrx.c) always returns HAL_TIMEOUNT, and of course no audio is ever played on the speakers
I am not sure what I am doing wrong
When I start MCU I call BSP_SPDIF_Init() (defined in spdifrx.c) in main.c right after I take care of the clock
if (BSP_SPDIFRX_Init() != HAL_OK)
And it appears it initializes all right, because I get HAL_OK back
Maybe I am not inializing GPIO properly from HAL_MspInit in stm32f7xx_hal_msp.c inproperly
I am realy out of ideas, what I am doing wrong, because the analog side of the audio does init, I can hear that as pop pop from the speakers when I power up my MCU, its just that SPDIF side has problems
I am is my setup crocked?
I am using this component radio as my SPDIF transmitter (Hama DIT2000M):
It says it has SPDIF Audio out (it says its digital over coaxial)
I know its optical side is working fine because on my component receiver it plays just fine (it reports as 48khz Stereo)
Is my cable to long? I am using this cable:
(not sure who made it)
Now why do I debug with blinking leds, because where my test subject is (my Hama receiver), there is no computer so…. Blinking leds it is, I would like to avoid aditional libraries and have a minimum working example, because you never know what problems they could bring so that's why LCD is not used right now
I hope someone has any advice, eather how to get any data in to SPDIF port (because right now for some reason, I don't get anything) or what I am doing wrong for my audio not to play, the usage of STM32F769i Discovery0 instead of STM32746G Discovery is probably not responsible 
I hope that this is a proper place for this king of questions, because I did ask a question regarding SPDIF on the STM forum:
But didn't get any usefull advice there
Now SPDIF realy does not have much examples, there is only a polling example which does work (with the same cable), there is no interupt example, my interupt example (you can read the post on the STM forum post I linked) is not working as well (interupts are probably not broken right?)
So yea, I am lost a bit not sure what to do, and who to ask, so I tried here
PS: I know stackvoverflow does not like links to code, but I believe something is wrong with my project (interupts don't fire for some reason), and its realy hard to put this all into the question
Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards
I managed to solve this, I guess I did not initialize SPDIF GPIO properly
after setting this
GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_7;
GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = DISCOVERY_SPDIFRX_AF;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);
to this
GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_12;
GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = GPIO_AF7_SPDIFRX;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStructure);
interupts started to fire

Custom Joystick Behavior Linux - Adding Mod Keys

I don't have much experience with this type of stuff so I wanted to get some feedback on what I should be looking into.
Here is the situation: I have a joystick (Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X) that has about 12 buttons. What I would like to do is be able to hold 1 of the buttons and use it as a mod key so that I could double the number of buttons I have (I would effectively have 22 buttons).
Now what is the best way to go about this? I am currently running Ubuntu 13.10. I believe the device is picked up by the usbhid driver. Now should I be trying to write a custom driver that would yield this behavior or is there a better/less complicated way of going about this - i.e. intercepting the events and modifying them on the fly - or something else I don't even know is possible.
Anyways hope I was clear. Just trying to figure out the best course of action here.
Thanks in advance.
I would just try to use the existing Linux joystick API
then is user space you can get all the joystick events, and process them as you see fit. Specifically you can get button press events and use logic as follows:
void handle_button_y_press()
if (button_X_pressed)

AudioQueueStart fail -12985

I made a streaming music player and it works fine in the foreground.
But in the background iOS4, it doesn't play the next song automatically. ( remote control works )
The reason is AudioQueueStart return -12985.
I already check the audio session. it just fine. I use AudioQueueStart when it start to play the music.
How can you remove AudioQueueStart?
- (void)play
[self setupAudioQueueBuffers]; // calcluate the size to use for each audio queue buffer, and calculate the // number of packets to read into each buffer
OSStatus status = AudioQueueStart(self.queueObject, NULL);
I read the answer in the web about the AudioQueueStart fail subject.
One thing to check is that the AudioSession is active first.
In my case, I had previously set the session to inactive between song changes before starting a new song:AudioSessionSetActive(false);
Once I removed this AudioQueueStart works just fine from the background.
In my experience, the -12985 message occurs because another app already has an audio session active when you try to start playback in your app. Options are to 1) instruct the user to close the other app, or 2) set mix mode (see kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers).
The disadvantage of mix mode is if you depend on lock screen art or remote controls, they won't work with mix mode set.
I also faced with such problem week ago. I've spent two days to find solution and I found it. May be this link will help (it is official answer):
Make sure that you activate session from applicationDidEnterBackground task handler. Now my application can play sound in background.
See this.
You probably need to include the following:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
Towards the bottom there is a reiteration of the how important that line is. As it is not mentioned in any of the three main audio audio guides (AVFoundation, AudioSession, or AudioQueue) it can easily be missed.
I have the same problem.
I registry the AudioSessionInterruptionListener, pause the audio when phone call, resume it after the call end. but get -12985 error code when call AudioQueueStart to resume.
My solution is that I try to call AudioQueueStart after 0.02s.
I don't know the reason.
On iOS7, AudioQueueStart was returning '!int' ('tni!'), though i'm sure no one would be surprised to find that it's not documented in the docs or headers. It was the same issue, though, and the same fix (setting the audio session to active in the background task handler) worked for me.

Video/audio streaming does not stop even if UIWebView is closed - iPad

I see this issue only on the iPad. The same things works as expected on the iPhone.
I am opening the URL from my application in a UIWebView. If the URL is a normal web page, it works fine as expected. But if the URL is that of a remote video/audio file, the UIWebView opens the default player which is again good.
Now when I dismiss the UIWebView (by clicking on the Done button on the player), the streaming doesn't stop and the audio/video keeps playing in the background (I cannot see it but it does keep playing in the background, can hear it). The UIViewController in which the webview was created is also dealloced (I put in a log statement in the dealloc method) but the streaming doesn't stop.
Can someone please help me out on why this could be happening? And how can I stop the audio/video streaming when the UIWebView is closed?
I have the same issue as stated but in this case the video that won't stop playing is a Youtube video embeded using the object/embed method.
I spent a long time trying to figure out how to get the video to stop playing and the only solution I found was to tell the UIWebView to load a blank page before dismissing the view:
[self.webContent loadRequest:NSURLRequestFromString(#"about:blank")];
Edit(2015-05-12): As mentioned by #chibimai below, this answer by alloc_iNit works along the same lines but since my answer is from 5 years ago -- and his only 4 -- the linked answer may be more applicable. I no longer do iPhone dev work so I cannot determine which is better either way.
I also found this behaviour simply because the web view hadn't been released.
I know this is pretty old thread, but for the sake of new developers like me.
My scenario was: I was using split controller, with media list on master and player in the detail controller section
I faced the same issue and tried all sorts of workaround.
I finally figured it out that the problem was simple, I was holding the reference of the detail controller in my master, and was not releasing the earlier detail controller. A simple release in the master at the right place solved the issue.
I'm working on the same problem. I've found that if you define something like this in your script tag:
function stopVideo(){ video.pause(); }
window.onunload = stopVideo;
Then in your UIViewController, add in:
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"window.onunload();"];
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
It seems to try to pause/stop the video for several seconds, but then you hear the audio continue to play!
This is a general bug with the media player. You have to set the playback time to -1 in order to make it really stop.
I've just had an issues with an mp4 file opening automatically in media player from a web-page without possibility to close it - "Done" button was only seen in video fullscreen mode and just closed fullscreen, so I had no way to return to the webpage without adding a "Back" button to the navigation bar. (on iPhone the video was opening in a separate view with "Done" button taking back to the WebView with the source page)
The workaround that helped me is to open the video file in a separate media player.
catch opening an MP4 file
- (BOOL) webView: (UIWebView *) webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest: (NSURLRequest *) request navigationType: (UIWebViewNavigationType) navigationType
NSRange range = [request.URL.absoluteString rangeOfString: #".mp4" options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if ( range.location != NSNotFound ) //opening MP4 video file
[self showFullscreenMediaWithURL: request.URL];
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) showFullscreenMediaWithURL: (NSURL *) mediaURL
MPMoviePlayerViewController *ctrl = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL: mediaURL];
ctrl.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;
[self presentModalViewController: ctrl animated: YES];
[ctrl release];
opens video with URL in a media player in a model view
don't forget to add MediaPlayer.framework to the project and import
#import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h>
for the project to be built
PS. many thanks to Viktor Gubrienko for the solution
In fact, I prefer to use the null link to solve the problem.
like this:
[self.webView loadRequest:NSURLRequestFromString(#"about:blank")];
thanks to your thread on this issue I was able to figure out a solution that resolves the issue completely, and I tested it on my IPad, not just the simulator. This also resolves the issue with the audio playing. This is not the permanent resolution but an effective work around.
Overview of the approach:
Basically all that is needed is to send a short audio file to the webView. I made a copy of the IMac submarine.m4v file, I called ping.m4v and added it to my xcode project in the resource folder.
Then at the point when I want the video / audio to stop I do the following steps:
webView.hidden = TRUE;
NSString *mimeType = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"video/x-m4v"];
NSData *PingData = [NSData alloc];
PingData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:PingFilePath];
[webView loadData:PingData MIMEType:mimeType textEncodingName:nil baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:PingFilePath]];
Now you also have to handle error "204". Error 204 seems to be just a warning saying that webView is going to handle this audio file. To handle the error I added this single line (see >>>) to didFailLoadWithError
(void)webView:(UIWebView *)BHwebView didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"Error %i", error.code);
if (error.code == NSURLErrorCancelled) return; // this is Error -999
if (error.code == 204) return; // this is Error 204 - for audio player in webview.
Finally I turn webView.hidden = FALSE right before I display my next Audio/Video. This way the little play bar for the sound file does not show on the display. There is just a soft ping sound... any audio file will do...
I hope this helps...
This is what I use. It does log this error "Deactivating an audio session that has running I/O. All I/O should be stopped or paused prior to deactivating the audio session." but does stop the audio file from playing (fading out) and remembers the play position.
AVAudioSession *s = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
if (s != nil)
[s setActive:NO error:nil];
As web view hadn't been released, the video keeps playing on the web view in background.
So you need to release the web view simply by using below code which works fine for me.
- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated];
[self.wvwebview removeFromSuperview];
I hope this helps...
in my case using loadHTMLString and not loadRequest with #"about:blank", fix the problem on macOS
[self.wkWebView loadHTMLString:#"about:blank" baseURL:nil];
I had the same issue in Table view where the table view cell has a webview which loads an audio file . Once you play and go back to another screen the audio still plays .
Solution : reload the table view in viewWillDisappear(_:) of the table view controller and the audio will stop playing once you navigate to another screen .
