Trouble adding users to SharePoint - sharepoint

i have a new sharepoint instance in standalone mode. yesterday i was able view newly added users (added in user & groups of computer management) to sharepoint. the search feature in sharepoint brings up the users while adding them to sharepoint.
but today, strangely, new users added to windows are not showing up in the sharepoint user search. hence i am not able to add any new user to my moss instance? I compare the previous users and newly users properties and found nothing different!?
any clue why this is happening?and how to fix this?
thanks in advance

Has the user profile service stopped working? Check the Shared Service Provider.


Create aspnetdb roles & assign them to users in sharepoint 2010

I have created FBA application with following method
I also have created create user page in visual studio. It is working fine. I am also able to login with created users.
But all my created users getting rights of contribute.
I have created roles using Donal's method, but i am not using them.
So can anyone tell me how can i create new roles & assign them to created users.
I found this FBA User Management Tool for SharePoint 2010 on codeplex earlier in the week. I have not had a chance to play with it, maybe it will help you out.

Incorrect email and username in Sharepoint

here's my issue:
We have a brand new Sharepoint Server that we built out and started adding users by creating a group for them on the server and creating local usernames (so no domain involved) and then adding them to Sharepoint. I added a name wrong. I added server1\bob.shoo when I should have put in server1\bob.shoe.
I tried to delete the local username and build it back brand new, but for some reason when I try to add it back to Sharepoint it still remembers his name and email address as server1\bob.shoo with
How can I get Sharepoint to forget all that information? I'm kind of stumped, considering the Sharepoint account was deleted, the incorrect local account was deleted, and this should be brand new. Yet it still sees it as bob.shoo. Is there some way to access the Sharepoint Database to see exactly what's being saved in there and change it? If I could just change it manually I'd be fine with that, but right now it remembers everything incorrectly.
As always, thanks in advance.
I'm not sure by what you mean by "SharePoint Account".
Try deleting the User Profile from under Central Administration > Shared Services Administration > User Profiles and Properties > View User Profiles

User Profile Sync Issues in Office SharePoint Server 2007?

I was following . When I checked my portal sites. [tp_IsActive] all users has "1", But Mysites profiles database all users [tp_IsActive] is '0'.
Then why portal site collection are not updating where user status is active? Is profile sync will depends on Mysite profiles database "Active" and "InActive" to update portal site.?
After How many days user status will go to InActive?
In MOSS 2007 it can be rectified by executing stsadm command follow the blog links below to correct it
For SharePoint 2010 people are facing the problem the stsadm command is not working for them.
Since it looks like from your tags you are using MOSS, your problem can be addressed by following above blogs.

Sharepoint Site Administration

I've got a SharePoint website running on my machine (which it shows me inside the Application Pool in the Inet Manager).
Now this website has a different user credentials specified under the Identity section (properties). Also when I view the w3wp.exe in the task manager it shows that the site is running as a different user.
The problem is that if I change the username and password of the existing user with mine, the site stops working.
How do I run it under my account credentials.
Please help. Thanks
If you want to change the account that runs the SharePoint application pool, you must make sure that the new account has the same permissions as the current one. That includes the correct database permissions. Otherwise the SharePoint Web Application stops working.
The behavior you are describing is normal. Whatever account you use to login to your SharePoint site, the application pool will still be using the account assigned to it.

ADAM Administration from SharePoint

We're in the process of building a MOSS site and one of the 3rd party tools we're using has a requirement of AD/ADAM as the authentication provider. We would like the user's to manage their own accounts (e.g. resetting passwords, registering new users, etc) so we're going to need WebParts for administering users in an AD/ADAM/LDAP DB.
Are there any SharePoint WebParts out there already to do this?
I came across one today called AD User Editor. It states you can edit nearly any Active Directory property, and it works in multi-domain environments.
From the UI screenshot it appears to use a web part and take on the SharePoint look and feel.
Even better it's on CodePlex so any problems you can fix yourself!
