Search Flickr Api by Camera Model - flickr

Anyone knows if it is possible to use the flickr api to search by a specific camera model?
The camera model is stored in the exif data, but I cpuld find a way to search after exif data.

Flickr attaches Tags based on EXIF info in images. One of such tags can help you search based on camera.
Flickr's serach service ( has an option of search by tags.
This is an example of such searches:


Working with Brands in Kentico E-Commerce

I want to be able to list all the brands in the eCommerce area of our kentico website and display the logo for the brand. I cant see any documented way to get this. I can get BrandInfo which has a Thumbnail GUID but this seems useless when used with the MediaFileRepository.
This thumbnail GUID is not from Media File class, but from another class - Meta File. You can find it via MetaFileInfoProvider by MetaFileGUID. The table in the database is CMS_MetaFile.

Google Photo API - search library

The media:search endpoint is okay, but I really need a keyword search. Just like the actual website has. i.e. football
I've tried using the Google Custom Search API and pointing it to, but that is unable to get past the login screen even though I'm authenticated.
Anyone else have any workarounds for a keyword search?
Keyword search is currently not supported in the Google Photos Library API.
There's a feature request on the issue tracker that you can star to draw attention to it and be notified of updates:
At the moment you can search the library by what's in the photo ("content categories"), dates, media types and archived state. More information about what's currently supported is in the developer documentation:

Google Vision API for reading labels off of an image doesn't give results as accurate as Google Image Search

I'm looking to create an app that uses an image uploaded by a user and looks for same/similar images on the web. Google images is the best example of that so I tried using the Vision API to first read the image labels and query them using Google Custom Search API.
The issue is, the label reading API doesn't give specific labels. For example, If I upload a starbucks logo on google images, I would get labels "starbucks" and "logo". Using the same image to get labels from the API gives me all other irrelevant labels such as "font", "circle", "art" etc.
My question is, how come an API by the same company that uses a functionality on their website is giving me different results when I use it?

Instagram search by area

I'm starting with Instagram API and I notice that there is no way to search media for a certain area. API only lets me to search through lat/long. Is there anyway to get media from an area? For example Flickr's API lets to ask for regions/counties...
In other case, any idea to do this in a simple way?
Thanks in advance,
You have two ways of doing this with the Instagram api:
Use the get media/search endpoint to find media for an area defined by lat/lng and a radius. You can specify a radius up to 5000 meters to capture media for a large area.
Use the /locations/location-id/media/recent endpoint to find media assigned to locations. Some cities, towns, regions, etc are set up as locations. These aren't very reliable and there are often duplicates. You would need to use the /locations/search endpoint to find the location id's first.

How to find out on flickr the farm-id and other info of a photo

Im trying to display in my website photos froma photoset I have in Flickr. In the documentation says:
You can construct the source URL to a photo once you know its ID, server ID, farm ID and secret, as returned by many API methods.
But I only know how to get the Photo ID. How can I get the rest of the information?
The simplest API is, and you can find the documents from
And an example output could be found there.
when you get the ouput, a photo could be accessed by
