Are there any alternatives to khtml2png ie. command line tools to create png screenshots of webpages?
I would like to run it on a server to grab snapshots of certain sites.
Linux only please. webkit2png is pretty awesome on osx...
see this
with python
python /path/to/webkit2png
also you can do it with firefox !?
firefox -savepng
You just need curl
I know I'm a bit late but maybe it will help someone :)
There's a nice command line tool called gnome-web-photo. Usage is simple as this:
gnome-web-photo myscreenshot.png
I'm trying to extract one field from Firefox to my local Ubuntu 12.04 PC and Mac OS 19.7.4 from an online form
I can manually save the page locally as a text document and then search for the text using Unix script but this seems rather cumbersome & I require it to be automated. Is there another more efficient method?
My background is on Macs but the company is trialling Linux PC's, so please be tolerant of my relevant Ubuntu ignorance.
If you mean to program something try
WWW:Mechanize library, it have python and perl bindings,
several mousescripting engines in lunux, (actionaz)
test automation tool which works with firefox (Selenium)
You can do it by simple BASH script.
Take a look at some useful stuff like:
and then nothing will by cumbersome and everything can go automatic.
If you want to go with the method that you mentioned, you can use curl to automate the saving of the form. Your BASH script would then look something like this:
curl -o tempfile
valueOfField=$(grep patternToFindField tempfile)
// Do stuff
echo $valueOfField
If you want to get rid of the temporary file, you can directly feed the result of curl into the grep command.
Is there an easy way to convert HTML(with CSS styles and embedded images) to ODT, DOCX, DOC from the command line on linux server. I searched a lot but have not found a good option.
There was a problem the same way to convert to PDF, decided by wkhtmltopdf. Perhaps there are ways to convert the resulting PDF documents to other formats?
To convert to odt it's pretty easy after installing pandoc.
After the relatively hard part: from odt (or even html) you can script (Open|Libre)Office via e.g. unoconv
Or you can like:
abiword --to=doc filename.odt
Also see this thread, and this blog post.
If you want to convert HTML into docx you may use a solution like PHPDocX. You need to get the PRO version though because the free one does not include the conversion functionality.
If you're on ruby there is a gem based on libreoffice headless (with pyod/jod converter) and pdf tools.
Post with your issues to the pandoc GoogleGroup, John is very responsive in every way.
You may even find the latest release v1.9 may fix your problem, or maybe you just need to get to know the toolset in more detail.
I found soultion - is abiword in console variant.
Is that zsh?
Could somebody share the PS1 code to everyone :P?
Thank you.
Use __git_ps1:
PS1='\u#\h:\w$(__git_ps1)\$ '
it's probably a theme from oh-my-zsh, git support is part of a lot of them. see their theme gallery for lots of examples…
Does anyone know if there is a reader (text-to-speech) tool for cygwin or linux? I know of Microsoft's narrator, which partially works by sounding out what I type in the cygwin window (bash command line) but it doesn't report anything written to stdout.
Is there a native Cygwin tool anyone knows of?
BRLTTY, which is available through Cygwin's setup.exe, apparently does have some speech support in addition to being able to drive Braille displays. I've got no experience with it though.
BRLTTY seems to be just an interface for Braile displays - I couldn't make it "talk".
Instead get festival binary from bottom of here, put it in C:/festival, and in cygwin
echo "hello world" | /cygdrive/c/festival/bin/festival.exe --tts
should say hello world. Then I put it into a script and calling
~/ hi
actually does what you'd expect :)
Anyone know of a free xls to text converter that can be run from the unix command line?
There is also the package catdoc (Ubuntu link) that includes a xls2csv utility.
A quick search of apt-cache turned up the Ubuntu package python-excelerator for excelerator, which includes py_xls2html, py_xls2csv and py_xls2txt utlities. Will this work for you?
Your question reminded me of anti-word. I looked up and found anti-excel. I have never used it, so I can't vouch for how well it work or whether it makes achievable the task you have at hand. Also, I remember using a utility called 'sc' on linux to created spreadsheets on the console---though, I do not know whether it is capable of interpreting XLS files.
I think gnumeric is better to convert document to csv