show administration theme when editing page in drupal - drupal-6

I am using a custom theme for the front end of my drupal website.I created it by modifying garland theme.And I am using garland as the admin theme.
When I try to edit a page from admin it shows the edit page with my custom theme ( And It breaks up the layout.
I want to show the admin theme for all the admin tasks. This problem also occurs on the blocks page (
Is there any custom module or core hack to show admin theme when editing pages.

If you want to use admin theme by non-admin users you must give permissions to that user: Permitions->System->View the administration theme

Be sure that you check the option in the page

To get the admin theme showing for non-admin users, I went to admin/people/permissions/list and checked the "View the administration theme" box for all roles.
Sounds simple except that the Filter list wasn't showing that entry when I typed theme, so it took me awhile to find it. Finally I used the browser find to find all instances of the word "theme".
Or, you could type "System" in the Filter list to show only a few options in the relevant category.

You can use admin theme module, download and install it , the go to permission in dmin/people/permissions then in Administration theme set permission to waht user you want by checking Access administration theme.
Then goto in bottom of the page in custom page add
and finally clear the cache

You have to check the checkbox under:


Sharepoint user permission

I have a SharePoint site where I am the admin and I have full control permission. One of the users created a link on the navigation menu, but I cannot edit it or delete it. The user is no longer on the site. I checked the permission again, and it shows I have full control.
How do I modify or delete the link and its page?
I tried giving myself more permission, but that did not help. I thought full control covers everything.
On the edit mode, some links are editable, but the one I need to remove doesn't give me that option.
If it is a link to a list/library, it might not be permissions related. Check the List/Library Settings, "Name, Description and Navigation" option:

How can you disable blog comments in Orchard CMS?

How can you disable blog comments in Orchard CMS? I can't see how to do this. There's nothing about disabling comments in settings.
You can add control functionality on your site by enabling and disabling features exposed by the modules that are installed to Orchard. To view the available features, click Features under the Modules heading in the Orchard admin panel.
I think you will have one called Orchard.Comments
To disable the feature, simply click Disable for that feature.
Also, you can modify the page content type in Orchard to not allow comments.
Log in as an administrator and then head over to the Admin Dashboard. On the left hand navigation, select the Content item.
Then click on the Content Types tab at the top.
Find the Page Content Type and click the edit link.
Click the Add Parts button.
And then uncheck the Comments part check box.
Click Save on this page and then Save again on the Page content type.
Also, when you create a new Page in your Orchard site you will see the Allow new comments check box so that your users can leave comments on the page/article that you create.

How to remove My Pages and My Submissions from Liferay Control panel

I'm currently working on a Liferay project and want to get rid of the My Pages and My Submissions menu items on the right side so that users of my site do not bother with them. Tried looking for the jsp that renders the left side menu, but could manage to remove the item from there. Any ideas how to proceed? Thanks!!!
You could add the following lines to your (usually found in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes under tomcat):
#deactivate Personal Community with *private* pages
#deactivate Personal Community with *public* pages
#hide Personal Community from my places
and restart the server.
Recently I had the same task assigned. Fortunately removing this items from the menu is quite straightforward since the control panel is nothing more than a special layout for displaying portlets that are deployed in the portal server. You can read my blog post here to check the simple steps on how to customize the Control Panel and My Account portlet.
You probably rather want to limit the permissions to people. Don't give out global administration roles, but create your own roles, "Define Permissions" for them as you need them and leave out the permissions that you don't want to provide to your users - e.g. "access in control panel" or the general permission to add a page.
Otherwise you'll miss other ways to use the interface and still allow them to add pages through other means (e.g. "Manage/Page").
Edit: The easiest way to get rid of "My Submissions" is to undeploy the workflow plugin (kaleo-web) - of course you can only do this if you don't need workflow.

Drupal, where I can find info about current active theme?

Please advice: where drupal stores info about current active themes? Which table?
I upgraded Drupal, and when I enter admin area I have white screen of death. IMHO custom theme is causing that issue, could somebody help me?
The current theme globally set a Drupal site is saved in the variable theme_default. If users are then allowed to change theme, the theme they chose is saved in the users table; in that case, if you have selected a theme that is different from the default one for your account, you need to change the user data for your account directly in the database.
Looking at the reply you have given in the other answers, I wonder if the problem is really the theme. To be sure it is the theme, you should try setting another theme.
If you set a admin theme that is not the default theme used for the site, and the problem is the admin theme, you can disable it in the database; in that way, that theme is not anymore used as admin theme, and the default theme will be instead used. The database table containing the theme enabled for the site is system.
If you think the problem is being caused by a custom theme, you can just move it out from the themes or sites/all/themes directory.

Changing text color in Drupal Views admin pages

Hope this is the right place to ask this question. I am new to the forum (and to Drupal!).
I am developing a site using Drupal. Am using Zenophile Midnight and have created a Zen sub Theme. This has three columns, each with a black background.
I am trying to edit a View but when I open the views/edit node I find when I try to create a Filter the text does not show (presumably because it is black). How can I change this just for these pages and not for the whole site? I know the text is there as I can mark it by dragging over it.
Would be grateful for your help.
If you log in as the administrator of the site and select Administer > Site Configuration > Administration Theme there you can change the theme that is used for site administration. This does not affect the theme used by the site for the public view of the site.
You can select the default Garland theme for administration and your custom theme can be applied to the rest of the site.
