boost::posix_time fails in release build - boost-date-time

I want to open a new log file each a program runs, so I create a filename with the current time.
FILE * fplog;
void OpenLog()
boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
char buf[256];
fplog = fopen(buf,"w");
This works perfectly in a debug build, producing files with names such as
However the same code fails strangely in a release build
BTW, this also fails in the same way:
boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
char buf[256];
boost::gregorian::date day (boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day());
fplog = fopen(buf,"w");
This works:
boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
char buf[256];
to_iso_string( boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day() ).c_str(),
fplog = fopen(buf,"w");
I'd still be curious why the previous two version fail in release build, but work in debug.

Okay I'm a bit late but as I stumbled on to your question when looking for the answer myself ( day_clock::local_day() gives weird results when compiled as Release, here on Win XP + Boost 1.46 ) ,
I thought I should come back with what worked for me.
The data seems to be stocked (I just use year, month and day) in a 16 bit manner but when you read them you get a 32 bit integer and whatever bug there is, it writes garbage into the top bits or it doesn't clean 'em out before writing to the lower bytes.
So my workaround is just to zero out the topmost 16 bits:
date todaysdate(day_clock::local_day());
int year = todaysdate.year() & 0xFFFF;
instead of say:
date todaysdate(day_clock::local_day());
int year = todaysdate.year();
and it works well for me anyway.


how to handle read access violation?

sorry for avoiding you guys
i have a problem with reverse function in circular linked list.
void reverse() {
int num = many;
node* current = head;
node* previous = 0;
while (num != 0) {
cout << "1" << '\t';
node* r = previous;
previous = current;
current = current->next;
previous->next = r;
head = previous;
in this func after 2 while sentence
problem comes up in line that current = current->next;
(exception throw : read access violation,
current was 0xDDDDDDDD)
how to handle it??
This is from Visual Studio trying to help you (and succeeding, IMO).
As Mark Ingraham pointed out in another answer a long time ago, Visual Studio's runtime library will fill a block of data with 0xDDDDDDDD when you release a block of heap memory.
So, although you haven't shown any code that's deleting from your list, if there is such code, that's probably the first place to look--at least at first glance, it looks like there's a fair chance that when you try erase a node from the list, you're deleting the memory the node lives in, but still leaving a pointer to that deleted memory.
It's also possible (but less likely, IMO) that you're just using memory without initializing it--and you happen to be hitting a block of memory that was previously allocated and then released back to the heap manager.
The bottom line, however, is that you don't "handle" the access violation. Instead, you need to find the bug in your code that's leading to the access violation happening, and fix it so that doesn't happen any more.

Debugging in threading building Blocks

I would like to program in threading building blocks with tasks. But how does one do the debugging in practice?
In general the print method is a solid technique for debugging programs.
In my experience with MPI parallelization, the right way to do logging is that each thread print its debugging information in its own file (say "debug_irank" with irank the rank in the MPI_COMM_WORLD) so that the logical errors can be found.
How can something similar be achieved with TBB? It is not clear how to access the thread number in the thread pool as this is obviously something internal to tbb.
Alternatively, one could add an additional index specifying the rank when a task is generated but this makes the code rather complicated since the whole program has to take care of that.
First, get the program working with 1 thread. To do this, construct a task_scheduler_init as the first thing in main, like this:
#include "tbb/tbb.h"
int main() {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(1);
Be sure to compile with the macro TBB_USE_DEBUG set to 1 so that TBB's checking will be enabled.
If the single-threaded version works, but the multi-threaded version does not, consider using Intel Inspector to spot race conditions. Be sure to compile with TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS so that Inspector gets enough information.
Otherwise, I usually first start by adding assertions, because the machine can check assertions much faster than I can read log messages. If I am really puzzled about why an assertion is failing, I use printfs and task ids (not thread ids). Easiest way to create a task id is to allocate one by post-incrementing a tbb::atomic<size_t> and storing the result in the task.
If I'm having a really bad day and the printfs are changing program behavior so that the error does not show up, I use "delayed printfs". Stuff the printf arguments in a circular buffer, and run printf on the records later after the failure is detected. Typically for the buffer, I use an array of structs containing the format string and a few word-size values, and make the array size a power of two. Then an atomic increment and mask suffices to allocate slots. E.g., something like this:
const size_t bufSize = 1024;
struct record {
const char* format;
void *arg0, *arg1;
tbb::atomic<size_t> head;
record buf[bufSize];
void recf(const char* fmt, void* a, void* b) {
record* r = &buf[head++ & bufSize-1];
r->format = fmt;
r->arg0 = a;
r->arg1 = b;
void recf(const char* fmt, int a, int b) {
record* r = &buf[head++ & bufSize-1];
r->format = fmt;
r->arg0 = (void*)a;
r->arg1 = (void*)b;
The two recf routines record the format and the values. The casting is somewhat abusive, but on most architectures you can print the record correctly in practice with printf(r->format, r->arg0, r->arg1) even if the the 2nd overload of recf created the record.

Controlling TI OMAP l138 frequency leads to "Division by zero in kernel"

My team is trying to control the frequency of an Texas Instruments OMAP l138. The default frequency is 300 MHz and we want to put it to 372 MHz in a "complete" form: we would like not only to change the default value to the desired one (or at least configure it at startup), but also be capable of changing the value at run time.
Searching on the web about how to do this, we found an article which tells that one of the ways to do this is by an "echo" command:
echo 372000 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
We did some tests with this command and it runs fine with one problem: sometimes the first call to this echo command leads to a error message of "Division by zero in kernel":
In my personal tests, this error appeared always in the first call to the echo command. All the later calls worked without error. If, then, I reset my processor and calls the command again, the same problem occurs: the first call leads to this error and later calls work without problem.
So my questions are: what is causing this problem? And how could I solve it? (Obviously the answer "always type it twice" doesn't count!)
(Feel free to mention other ways of controlling the OMAP l138's frequency at real time as well!)
Looks to me like you have division by zero in davinci_spi_cpufreq_transition() function. Somewhere in this function (or in some function that's being called in davinci_spi_cpufreq_transition) there is a buggy division operation which tries to divide by some variable which is (in your case) has value of 0. And this is obviously error case which should be handled properly in code, but in fact it isn't.
It's hard to tell which code exactly leads to this, because I don't know which kernel you are using. It would be much more easier if you can provide link to your kernel repository. Although I couldn't find davinci_spi_cpufreq_transition in upstream kernel, I found it here.
davinci_spi_cpufreq_transition() function appears to be in drivers/spi/davinci_spi.c. It calls davinci_spi_calc_clk_div() function. There are 2 division operations there. First is:
prescale = ((clk_rate / hz) - 1);
And second is:
if (hz < (clk_rate / (prescale + 1)))
One of them is probably causing "division by zero" error. I propose you to trace which one is that by modifying davinci_spi_calc_clk_div() function in next way (just add lines marked as "+"):
static void davinci_spi_calc_clk_div(struct davinci_spi *davinci_spi)
struct davinci_spi_platform_data *pdata;
unsigned long clk_rate;
u32 hz, cs_num, prescale;
pdata = davinci_spi->pdata;
cs_num = davinci_spi->cs_num;
hz = davinci_spi->speed;
clk_rate = clk_get_rate(davinci_spi->clk);
+ printk(KERN_ERR "### hz = %u\n", hz);
prescale = ((clk_rate / hz) - 1);
if (prescale > 0xff)
prescale = 0xff;
+ printk("### prescale + 1 = %u\n", prescale + 1UL);
if (hz < (clk_rate / (prescale + 1)))
if (prescale < 2) {
pr_info("davinci SPI controller min. prescale value is 2\n");
prescale = 2;
clear_fmt_bits(davinci_spi->base, 0x0000ff00, cs_num);
set_fmt_bits(davinci_spi->base, prescale << 8, cs_num);
My guess -- it's "hz" variable which is 0 in your case. If it's so, you also may want to add next debug line to davinci_spi_setup_transfer() function:
if (!hz)
hz = spi->max_speed_hz;
+ printk(KERN_ERR "### setup_transfer: setting speed to %u\n", hz);
davinci_spi->speed = hz;
davinci_spi->cs_num = spi->chip_select;
With all those modifications made, rebuild your kernel and you will probably get the clue why you have that "div by zero" error. Just look for lines started with "###" in your kernel boot log. In case you don't know what to do next -- attach those debug lines and I will try to help you.

What is openCL equivalent for this cuda "cudaMallocPitch "code.?

My PC has an AMD processor with an ATI 3200 GPU which doesn't support OpenCL. The rest of the codes all running by "Falling back to CPU itself".
I am converting one of the code from CUDA to OpenCL but stuck in some particular part for which there is no exact conversion code in OpenCL. since i have less experience in OpenCL I can't make out this, please suggest me some solution if any of you think will work,
The CUDA code is,
size_t pitch = 0;
cudaError error = cudaMallocPitch((void**)&gpu_data, (size_t*)&pitch,
instances->cols * sizeof(float), instances->rows);
for( int i = 0; i < instances->rows; i++ ){
error = cudaMemcpy((void*)(gpu_data + (pitch/sizeof(float))*i),
(void*)(instances->data + (instances->cols*i)),
instances->cols * sizeof(float) ,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
If I remove the pitch value from the above I end up with an problem which doesn't write to the device memory "gpu_data".
Somebody please convert this code to OpenCL and reply. I have converted it to OpenCL, but its not working and the data is not written to "gpu_data". My converted OpenCL code is
gpu_data = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ((instances->cols)*(instances->rows))*sizeof(float), NULL, &ret);
for( int i = 0; i < instances->rows; i++ ){
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, gpu_data, CL_TRUE, 0, ((instances->cols)*(instances->rows))*sizeof(float),(void*)(instances->data + (instances->cols*i)) , 0, NULL, NULL);
Sometimes it runs well for this code and gets stuck in the reading part i.e.
ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, gpu_data, CL_TRUE, 0,sizeof( float ) * instances->cols* 1 , instances->data, 0, NULL, NULL);
overhere. And it gives error like
Unhandled exception at 0x10001098 in CL_kmeans.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction.
when break is pressed , it gives:
No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed.
while debugging. In the call stack it is displaying:
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for OCL8CA9.tmp.dll]
I really dont know what it means. someone please help me to rid of this problem.
First of all, in the CUDA code you're doing a horribly inefficient thing to copy the data. The CUDA runtime has the function cudaMemcpy2D that does exactly what you are trying to do by looping over different rows.
What cudaMallocPitch does is to compute an optimal pitch (= distance in byte between rows in a 2D array) such that each new row begins at an address that is optimal for coalescing, and then allocates a memory area as large as pitch times the number of rows you specify. You can emulate the same thing in OpenCL by first computing the optimal pitch and then doing the allocation of the correct size.
The optimal pitch is computed by (1) getting the base address alignment preference for your card (CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN property with clGetDeviceInfo: note that the returned value is in bits, so you have to divide by 8 to get it in bytes); let's call this base (2) find the largest multiple of base that is no less than your natural data pitch (sizeof(type) times number of columns); this will be your pitch.
You then allocate pitch times number of rows bytes, and pass the pitch information to kernels.
Also, when copying data from the host to the device and converesely, you want to use clEnqueue{Read,Write}BufferRect, that are specifically designed to copy 2D data (they are the counterparts to cudaMemcpy2D).

Why FFTW on Windows is faster than on Linux?

I wrote two identical programs in Linux and Windows using the fftw libraries (fftw3.a, fftw3.lib), and compute the duration of the fftwf_execute(m_wfpFFTplan) statement (16-fft).
For 10000 runs:
On Linux: average time is 0.9
On Windows: average time is 0.12
I am confused as to why this is nine times faster on Windows than on Linux.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 # 2.93GHz
Each OS (Windows XP 32 bit and Linux OpenSUSE 11.4 32 bit) are installed on same machines.
I downloaded the fftw.lib (for Windows) from internet and don't know that configurations. Once I build FFTW with this config:
/configure --enable-float --enable-threads --with-combined-threads --disable-fortran --with-slow-timer --enable-sse --enable-sse2 --enable-avx
in Linux and it results in a lib that is four times faster than the default configs (0.4 ms).
16 FFT is very small. What you will find is FFTs smaller than say 64 will be hard coded assembler with no loops to get the highest possible performance. This means they can be highly susceptible to variations in instruction sets, compiler optimisations, even 64 or 32bit words.
What happens when you run a test of FFT sizes from 16 -> 1048576 in powers of 2? I say this as a particular hard-coded asm routine on Linux might not be the best optimized for your machine, whereas you might have been lucky on the Windows implementation for that particular size. A comparison of all sizes in this range will give you a better indication of the Linux vs. Windows performance.
Have you calibrated FFTW? When first run FFTW guesses the fastest implementation per machine, however if you have special instruction sets, or a particular sized cache or other processor features then these can have a dramatic effect on execution speed. As a result performing a calibration will test the speed of various FFT routines and choose the fastest per size for your specific hardware. Calibration involves repeatedly computing the plans and saving the FFTW "Wisdom" file generated. The saved calibration data (this is a lengthy process) can then be re-used. I suggest doing it once when your software starts up and re-using the file each time. I have noticed 4-10x performance improvements for certain sizes after calibrating!
Below is a snippet of code I have used to calibrate FFTW for certain sizes. Please note this code is pasted verbatim from a DSP library I worked on so some function calls are specific to my library. I hope the FFTW specific calls are helpful.
// Calibration FFTW
void DSP::forceCalibration(void)
// Try to import FFTw Wisdom for fast plan creation
FILE *fftw_wisdom = fopen("DSPDLL.ftw", "r");
// If wisdom does not exist, ask user to calibrate
if (fftw_wisdom == 0)
int iStatus2 = AfxMessageBox("FFTw not calibrated on this machine."\
"Would you like to perform a one-time calibration?\n\n"\
"Note:\tMay take 40 minutes (on P4 3GHz), but speeds all subsequent FFT-based filtering & convolution by up to 100%.\n"\
"\tResults are saved to disk (DSPDLL.ftw) and need only be performed once per machine.\n\n"\
if (iStatus2 == IDYES)
// Perform calibration for all powers of 2 from 8 to 4194304
// (most heavily used FFTs - for signal processing)
AfxMessageBox("About to perform calibration.\n"\
"Close all programs, turn off your screensaver and do not move the mouse in this time!\n"\
"Note:\tThis program will appear to be unresponsive until the calibration ends.\n\n"
// Create a whole load of FFTw Plans (wisdom accumulates automatically)
for (int i = 8; i <= 4194304; i *= 2)
// Create new buffers and fill
DSP::cFFTin = new fftw_complex[i];
DSP::cFFTout = new fftw_complex[i];
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat = new double[i];
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat = new fftw_complex[(i/2)+1];
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat[j] = j;
DSP::cFFTin[j][0] = j;
DSP::cFFTin[j][1] = j;
DSP::cFFTout[j][0] = 0.0;
DSP::cFFTout[j][1] = 0.0;
// Create a plan for complex FFT.
// Use the measure flag to get the best possible FFT for this size
// FFTw "remembers" which FFTs were the fastest during this test.
// at the end of the test, the results are saved to disk and re-used
// upon every initialisation of the DSP Library
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_1d
// Destroy the plan
// Create a plan for real forward FFT
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d
(i, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat, FFTW_MEASURE);
// Destroy the plan
// Create a plan for real inverse FFT
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d
(i, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat, FFTW_MEASURE);
// Destroy the plan
// Destroy the buffers. Repeat for each size
delete [] DSP::cFFTin;
delete [] DSP::cFFTout;
delete [] DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat;
delete [] DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat;
double time = stopTimer();
char * strOutput;
strOutput = (char*) malloc (100);
sprintf(strOutput, "DSP.DLL Calibration complete in %d minutes, %d seconds\n"\
"Please keep a copy of the DSPDLL.ftw file in the root directory of your application\n"\
"to avoid re-calibration in the future\n", (int)time/(int)60, (int)time%(int)60);
isCalibrated = 1;
// Save accumulated wisdom
char * strWisdom = fftw_export_wisdom_to_string();
FILE *fftw_wisdomsave = fopen("DSPDLL.ftw", "w");
fprintf(fftw_wisdomsave, "%s", strWisdom);
DSP::cFFTout = NULL;
fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat = NULL;
fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat = NULL;
// obtain file size.
fseek (fftw_wisdom , 0 , SEEK_END);
long lSize = ftell (fftw_wisdom);
rewind (fftw_wisdom);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file.
char * strWisdom = (char*) malloc (lSize);
// copy the file into the buffer.
fread (strWisdom,1,lSize,fftw_wisdom);
// import the buffer to fftw wisdom
isCalibrated = 1;
The secret sauce is to create the plan using the FFTW_MEASURE flag, which specifically measures hundreds of routines to find the fastest for your particular type of FFT (real, complex, 1D, 2D) and size:
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_1d (i, DSP::cFFTin, DSP::cFFTout,
Finally, all benchmark tests should also be performed with a single FFT Plan stage outside of execute, called from code that is compiled in release mode with optimizations on and detached from the debugger. Benchmarks should be performed in a loop with many thousands (or even millions) of iterations and then take the average run time to compute the result. As you probably know the planning stage takes a significant amount of time and the execute is designed to be performed multiple times with a single plan.
