Proving some monad laws on an error monad I wrote - haskell

So I whipped up a custom error monad and I was wondering how I would go about proving a few monad laws for it. If anyone is willing to take the time to help me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
And here's my code:
data Error a = Ok a | Error String
instance Monad Error where
return = Ok
(>>=) = bindError
instance Show a => Show (Error a) where
show = showError
showError :: Show a => Error a -> String
showError x =
case x of
(Ok v) -> show v
(Error msg) -> show msg
bindError :: Error a -> (a -> Error b) -> Error b
bindError x f = case x of
(Ok v) -> f v
(Error msg) -> (Error msg)

Start by stating one side of the equation, and try to get to the other side. I usually start from the "more complicated" side and work toward the simpler one. For the third law this doesn't work (both sides are just as complex), so I usually go from both sides and simplify them as much as possible, until I get to the same place. Then I can just reverse the steps I took from one of the sides to get a proof.
So for example:
return x >>= g
Then expand:
= Ok x >>= g
= bindError (Ok x) g
= case Ok x of { Ok v -> g v ; ... }
= g x
And thus we have proved
return x >>= g = g x
The process for the other two laws is approximately the same.

Your monad is isomorphic to Either String a (Right = Ok, Left = Error), and I believe you have implemented it correctly. As for proving the laws are satisfied, I recommend considering what happens when g results in an error, and when h results in an error.


Combining results from two Either Monads

How do you handle this situation (pseudocode provided below) in Haskell?
x = somethingThatReturnsMaybe(s1)
y = somethingThatReturnsMaybe(s2)
if(x == Nothing) return Left "invalid x"
if(y == Nothing) return Left "invalid y"
callFn(fromJust(x), fromJust(y));
I can think of two ways:-
Pass Maybes from calling place, so that the above code can be wrapped in a function, and I can use pattern matching in the function binding/definition.
I have written this code to combine these values using Either
mapToRight (\(x, y) -> callFn x y) combined_values
where { combined_values = (maybeToRight "Invalid x!" x >>= combiner) <*>
maybeToRight "Invalid target position" y;
mapToRight = second; x = somethingThatReturnsMaybe s1; y = somethingThatReturnsMaybe s2
For the second option I have following combinators
combiner :: b -> Either a (b0 -> (b, b0));
combiner x = Right (x,)
maybeToRight :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
maybeToRight a Nothing = Left a
maybeToRight a (Just x) = Right x
Is there any preference among these two (although the first one is less preferable to me because it might involve more changes), or is there any better option?
I would import Control.Error, then write this:
x <- note "invalid x" (somethingThatReturnsMaybe s1)
y <- note "invalid y" (somethingThatReturnsMaybe s2)
callFn x y
The note here is your maybeToRight. The Either's implementation of (>>=) is handling the unwrapping/combining.

How does Haskell function `tell` work

I'm learning do expression and Monad using LEARN YOU A HASKELL FOR GREAT GOOD. There's a gcd implementation using tell function makes me confused.
gcd :: Int -> Int -> Writer [String] Int
gcd a b
| b == 0 = tell ["Finished with " ++ show a ] >>= (\_ -> return a)
| otherwise = tell [show a ++ " mod " ++ show b ++ " = " ++ show (a `mod` b)] >>= (\_ -> gcd b (a `mod` b))
gcdResult = gcd 8 3
-- result: WriterT (Identity (1,["8 mod 3 = 2","3 mod 2 = 1","2 mod 1 = 0","Finished with 1"]))
But I am confused by the tell function. When using >>= (\_ -> ...) or >>, the result before will be ignored, so why does the result of tell can be passed to the final result? As my thought, the tell result may be ignored, and the final result will be WriterT (Identity (1,[])).
You're confusing the result with the context. You are correct that, when applying >> or >>= \_ ->, the result of the left-hand-side is ignored. However, if the entire value was ignored, it would be completely pointless; the monadic context can be passed forward.
a >> b
This means "take the context from a and combine it with the context of b, keeping the result value of b". In the case of Writer, the monadic context is that there is some write-only data being passed about.
tell :: Monoid w => w -> Writer w ()
This is the (somewhat simplified) type of tell. It takes a value to write and returns a Writer instance whose result value is insignificant (()) but whose context is that there is a write-only value containing the w argument. When you apply >>, the result value is ignored (which is irrelevant because tell returns nothing of value through its result) but the context is kept.

Is this syntax as expressive as the do-notation?

The do notation allows us to express monadic code without overwhelming nestings, so that
main = getLine >>= \ a ->
getLine >>= \ b ->
putStrLn (a ++ b)
can be expressed as
main = do
a <- getLine
b <- getLine
putStrLn (a ++ b)
Suppose, though, the syntax allows ... #expression ... to stand for do { x <- expression; return (... x ...) }. For example, foo = f a #(b 1) c would be desugared as: foo = do { x <- b 1; return (f a x c) }. The code above could, then, be expressed as:
main = let a = #getLine in
let b = #getLine in
putStrLn (a ++ b)
Which would be desugared as:
main = do
x <- getLine
let a = x in
return (do
x' <- getLine
let b = x' in
return (putStrLn (a ++ b)))
That is equivalent. This syntax is appealing to me because it seems to offer the same functionality as the do-notation, while also allowing some shorter expressions such as:
main = putStrLn (#(getLine) ++ #(getLine))
So, I wonder if there is anything defective with this proposed syntax, or if it is indeed complete and equivalent to the do-notation.
putStrLn is already String -> IO (), so your desugaring ... return (... return (putStrLn (a ++ b))) ends up having type IO (IO (IO ())), which is likely not what you wanted: running this program won't print anything!
Speaking more generally, your notation can't express any do-block which doesn't end in return. [See Derek Elkins' comment.]
I don't believe your notation can express join, which can be expressed with do without any additional functions:
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join mx = do { x <- mx; x }
However, you can express fmap constrained to Monad:
fmap' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
fmap' f mx = f #mx
and >>= (and thus everything else) can be expressed using fmap' and join. So adding join would make your notation complete, but still not convenient in many cases, because you end up needing a lot of joins.
However, if you drop return from the translation, you get something quite similar to Idris' bang notation:
In many cases, using do-notation can make programs unnecessarily verbose, particularly in cases such as m_add above where the value bound is used once, immediately. In these cases, we can use a shorthand version, as follows:
m_add : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add x y = pure (!x + !y)
The notation !expr means that the expression expr should be evaluated and then implicitly bound. Conceptually, we can think of ! as being a prefix function with the following type:
(!) : m a -> a
Note, however, that it is not really a function, merely syntax! In practice, a subexpression !expr will lift expr as high as possible within its current scope, bind it to a fresh name x, and replace !expr with x. Expressions are lifted depth first, left to right. In practice, !-notation allows us to program in a more direct style, while still giving a notational clue as to which expressions are monadic.
For example, the expression:
let y = 42 in f !(g !(print y) !x)
is lifted to:
let y = 42 in do y' <- print y
x' <- x
g' <- g y' x'
f g'
Adding it to GHC was discussed, but rejected (so far). Unfortunately, I can't find the threads discussing it.
How about this:
do a <- something
b <- somethingElse a
somethingFinal a b

Haskell memory usage and IO

I had just written a piece of Haskell code where in order to debug my code I put in a bunch of print statements in my code (so, my most important function returned IO t, when it just needed to return t) and I saw that this function, on a successful run, would take up a lot of memory (roughly 1.2GB). Once I saw that the program was working fine, I removed all the print statements from the function and ran it, only to realize that it was giving me this error:
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it.
Even though it was the same exact piece of code, for some reason the print statements made it ignore stack space overflow. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this happens?
I know I haven't provided my code which might make it harder to answer this question, but I've hacked a bunch of things together and it doesn't look very pretty so I doubt it would be useful and I am fairly certain that the only difference is the print statements.
Since people really wanted to see the code here is the relevant part:
linkCallers :: ([Int], Int, Int, I.IntDisjointSet, IntMap Int) -> ([Int], Int, Int, I.IntDisjointSet, IntMap Int)
linkCallers ([], x, y, us, im) = ([], x, y, us, im)
linkCallers ((a:b:r), x, y, us, im) = if a == b
then (r, x, y+1, us, im)
else if sameRep
then (r, x+1, y+1, us, im)
else (r, x+1, y+1, us', im')
ar = fst $ I.lookup a us
br = fst $ I.lookup b us
sameRep = case ar of
Nothing -> False
_ -> ar == br
as' = ar >>= flip lookup im
bs' = br >>= flip lookup im
totalSize = do
asize <- as'
bsize <- bs'
return $ asize + bsize
maxSize = (convertMaybe as') + (convertMaybe bs')
us' = I.union a b $ I.insert a $ I.insert b $ us
newRep = fromJust $ fst $ I.lookup a us'
newRep' = fromJust $ fst $ I.lookup b us'
im'' = case ar of
Nothing -> case br of
Nothing -> im
Just bk -> delete bk im
Just ak -> delete ak $ case br of
Nothing -> im
Just bk -> delete bk im
im' = case totalSize of
Nothing -> insert newRep maxSize im''
Just t -> insert newRep t im''
startLinkingAux' (c,x,y,us,im) = let t#(_,x',_,us',im') = linkCallers (c,x,y,us,im) in
case (fst $ I.lookup primeMinister us') >>= flip lookup im' >>= return . (>=990000) of
Just True -> x'
_ -> startLinkingAux' t
startLinkingAux' used to look something like this:
startLinkingAux' (c,x,y,us,im) = do
print (c,x,y,us,im)
let t#(_,x',_,us',im') = linkCallers (c,x,y,us,im) in
case (fst $ I.lookup primeMinister us') >>= flip lookup im' >>= return . (>=990000) of
Just True -> return x'
_ -> startLinkingAux' t
There could be a memory leak in one of the arguments. Probably the first thing I'd try would be to ask the author of disjoint-set to add a RFData instance for IntDisjointSet (or do it yourself, looking at the source code, it'd fairly easy). Then try calling force on all values returned by linkCallers to see if it helps.
Second, you're not using disjoint-set right. The main idea of the algorithm is that lookups compress paths in the set. This is what gives it it's great performance! So every time you make a lookup, you should replace your old set with a new one. But this makes using a disjoint set quite clumsy in a functional language. It'd suggest to use the State monad for this and use it internally in linkCallers, as one big do block instead of where, just passing the starting set and extracting the final one. And define functions like
insertS :: (MonadState IntDisjointSet m) => Int -> m ()
insertS x = modify (insert x)
lookupS :: (MonadState IntDisjointSet m) => Int -> m (Maybe Int)
lookupS x = state (lookup x)
-- etc
to use inside State. (Perhaps they'd be a good contribution to the library as well as this will be probably a common problem.)
Finally, there are lot of small improvements that can make the code more readable:
Many times you're applying a single function to two values. I'd suggest to define something like
onPair :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
onPair f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
-- and use it like:
(ar, br) = onPair (fst . flip I.lookup us) (a, b)
Also using Applicative functions can make things shorter:
sameRep = fromMaybe False $ (==) <$> ar <*> br
totalSize = (+) <$> as' <*> bs'
then also
im'' = maybe id delete ar . maybe id delete br $ im
im' = insert newRep (fromJust maxSize totalSize) im''
Hope it helps.

improvement to my code for Haskell monads

I am working with Haskell and maybe monads but I am a little bit confused with them
here is my code but I am getting error and I do not know how to improve my code.
doAdd :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
doAdd x y = do
result <- x + y
return result
Let's look critically at the type of the function that you're writing:
doAdd :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
The point of the Maybe monad is to work with types that are wrapped with a Maybe type constructor. In your case, the two Int arguments are just plain Ints, and the + function always produces an Int so there is no need for the monad.
If instead, your function took Maybe Int as its arguments, then you could use do notation to handle the Nothing case behind the scenes:
doAdd :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
doAdd mx my = do x <- mx
y <- my
return (x + y)
example1 = doAdd (Just 1) (Just 3) -- => Just 4
example2 = doAdd (Just 1) Nothing -- => Nothing
example3 = doAdd Nothing (Just 3) -- => Nothing
example4 = doAdd Nothing Nothing -- => Nothing
But we can extract a pattern from this: what you are doing, more generically, is taking a function ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) and adapting it to work in the case where the arguments it wants are "inside" a monad. We can abstract away from the specific function (+) and the specific monad (Maybe) and get this generic function:
liftM2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
liftM2 f ma mb = do a <- ma
b <- mb
return (f a b)
Now with liftM2 you can write:
doAdd :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
doAdd = liftM2 (+)
The reason why I chose the name liftM2 is because this is actually a library function—you don't need to write it, you can import the Control.Monad module and you'll get it for free.
What would be a better example of using the Maybe monad? When you have an operation that, unlike +, can intrinsically can produce a Maybe result. One idea would be if you wanted to catch division by 0 mistakes. You could write a "safe" version of the div function:
-- | Returns `Nothing` if second argument is zero.
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv _ 0 = Nothing
safeDiv x y = Just (x `div` y)
Now in this case the monad does become more useful:
-- | This function tests whether `x` is divisible by `y`. Returns `Nothing` if
-- division by zero.
divisibleBy :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Bool
divisibleBy x y = do z <- safeDiv x y
let x' = z * y
return (x == x')
Another more interesting monad example is if you have operations that return more than one value—for example, positive and negative square roots:
-- Compute both square roots of x.
allSqrt x = [sqrt x, -(sqrt x)]
-- Example: add the square roots of 5 to those of 7.
example = do x <- allSqrt 5
y <- allSqrt 7
return (x + y)
Or using liftM2 from above:
example = liftM2 (+) (allSqrt 5) (allSqrt 7)
So anyway, a good rule of thumb is this: never "pollute" a function with a monad type if it doesn't really need it. Your original doAdd—and even my rewritten version—are a violation of this rule of thumb, because what the function does is adding, but adding has nothing to do with Maybe—the Nothing handling is just a behavior that we add on top of the core function (+). The reason for this rule of thumb is that any function that does not use monads can be generically adapted to add the behavior of any monad you want, using utility functions like liftM2 (and many other similar utility functions).
On the other hand, safeDiv and allSqrt are examples where you can't really write the function you want without using Maybe or []; if you are dealing with a function like that, then monads are often a convenient abstraction for eliminating boilerplate code.
A better example might be
justPositive :: Num a => a -> Maybe a
justPositive x
| x <= 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just x
addPositives x y = do
x' <- justPositive x
y' <- justPositive y
return $ x' + y'
This will filter out any non-positive values passed into the function using do notation
That isn't how you'd write that code. The <- operator is for getting a value out of a monad. The result of x + y is just a number, not a monad wrapping a number.
Do notation is actually completely wasteful here. If you were bound and determined to write it that way, it would have to look like this:
doAdd x y = do
let result = x + y
return result
But that's just a longwinded version of this:
doAdd x y = return $ x + y
Which is in turn equivalent to
doAdd x y = Just $ x + y
Which is how you'd actually write something like this.
The use case you give doesn't justify do notation, but this is a more common use case- You can chain functions of this type together.
func::Int->Int->Maybe Int -- func would be a function like divide, which is undefined for division by zero
main = do
result1 <- func 1 2
result2 <- func 3 4
result3 <- func result1 result2
return result3
This is the whole point of monads anyway, chaining together functions of type a->m a.
When used this way, the Maybe monad acts much like exceptions in Java (you can use Either if you want to propagate a message up).
