Are there any programming languages where continuations restore the heap in addition to the stack? - programming-languages

Languages that I am familiar with with support for continuations (Scheme and Ruby) restore the stack state and instruction pointer from when the continuation was created. I am wondering if there are any programming languages where invoking the continuation restores the heap as well?
[EDIT:] In addition to Marcelo's answer that I accepted I also found an extension to ML that supported the concept of "stores" which are effectively what I describe. See the paper Refining First Class Stores by Greg Morrisett.

Since all objects are immutable in Haskell, I think it's safe to say that a continuation would restore the entire state of the process, including the heap.
It would be interesting to figure out how that affects I/O and other monadic behaviours. I'll hazard a wild guess that the type system won't allow a return back to the state before an I/O event occurred. (A continuation is itself a monad, so you probably can't interleaved it with I/O.)
Caveat: I barely know Haskell, so the above comments could be a laughable pile of nonsense.


What counts as a side-effect? Why isn't memory allocation a side-effect?

I understand the appeal of pure functional languages like Haskell where you can keep track of side effects like disk I/O using monads.
Why aren't all system calls considered side effects? For example, heap memory allocation (which is automatic) in Haskell isn't tracked. And stack allocation could be a side effect, although I'm not sure it would be useful. Both of these change the overall state of the system.
So where is the line drawn for what is a side effect and what isn't? Is it simply at what's the most "useful"? Or is there a more theoretical foundation?
When reasoning about these things it has to be on a theoretic level and on language specification level and never on how it's actually done on hardware.
A programming language isn't really an actual implementation so unless you think about C og C++ that has memory allocation and syscall as a part of the language, the higher level languages where this is handled by the systems primitives it's not part of the language. If it isn't part of the language it cannot be a side effect.
Now an actual implementations machine code would never be pure since the way to pass arguments and to receive return values are to store in either registers or stack, both by mutation. Most of the concepts we use in all modern programming is translated down to arithmetic, flags, jumps, and memory access. Every CPU instruction except NOP mutates the machine. A program consisting of only NOP is not very useful.
Neither stack allocation nor heap allocation is something you can "do" or observe in Haskell. Therefore, it can't be counted as side effect. In a sense, the same goes for heating up the CPU, which is without doubt a recognizable physical effect of running pure Haskel code.
It so happens that certain implementations of Haskell on contemporary hardware and OS will allocate stack / heap in the course of running your code, but it is not observable from your code.

"Wait-free" data in Haskell

I've been led to believe that the GHC implementation of TVars is lock-free, but not wait-free. Are there any implementations that are wait-free (e.g. a package on Hackage)?
Wait-freedom is a term from distributed computing. An algorithm is wait-free if a thread (or distributed node) is able to terminate correctly even if all input from other threads is delayed/lost at any time.
If you care about consistency, then you cannot guarantee wait-freedom (assuming that you always want to terminate correctly, i.e. guarantee availability). This follows from the CAP theorem [1], since wait-freedom essentially implies partition-tolerance.
Your question "Are there any implementations that are wait-free?" is a bit incomplete. STM (and thus TVar) is rather complex and has support built into the compiler - you can't build it properly with Haskell primitives.
If you're looking for any data container that allows mutation and can be non-blocking then you want IORefs or MVars (but those can block if no value is available).

Haskell, algorithms and school

I am starting to doubt if my plan of getting into Haskell and functional programming by using Haskell for my next course on algorithms is a good one.
To get some Haskell lines under my belt I started trying to implement some simple algos. First: Gale-Shapley for the Stable Marriage Problem. Having not yet gotten into monads, all that mutable state looks daunting, so instead I used the characterization of stable matchings as fixed-points of a mapping on the lattice of semi-matchings. It was fun, but its no longer Gale-Shapley and the complexity isn't nice (those chains in the lattice can get pretty long apparently :)
Next up I have the algorithm for Closest Pair of points in the plane, but am stuck on getting the usual O(n*log n) complexity because I can't work out how to get a set-like data structure with O(1) checking for membership.
So my question is: Can one in general implement most algorithms eg. Dijkstra, Ford-Fulkerson (Gale-Shapley !?) getting the complexities from procedural implementations if one gets a better command of Haskell and functional programming in general ?
This probably can't be answered in general. A lot of standard algorithms are designed around mutability, and translations exist in some cases, not in others. Sometimes alternate algorithms exist that give equivalent performance characteristics, sometimes you really do need mutability.
A good place to start, if you want understanding of how to approach algorithms in this setting, is Chris Okasaki's book Purely Functional Data Structures. The book is an expanded version of his thesis, which is available online in PDF format.
If you want help with specific algorithms, such as the O(1) membership checking (which is actually misleading--there's no such thing, such data structures usually have something like O(k) where k is the size of elements being stored) you'd be better off asking that as a specific, single question instead of a very general question like this.
Since you have the ST monad in Haskell you can do anything with mutable state at the same speed of an imperative language. To the outside it can have a non-monadic interface.
See for instance Launchbury and Peyton-Jones: "Lazy functional state threads"
Existence proof for implementing algorithms with mutable data structures. Just recurse over an IO record. In this case, a Game record that holds the relevant variables.

Keeping State in a Purely Functional Language

I am trying to figure out how to do the following, assume that your are working on a controller for a DC motor you want to keep it spinning at a certain speed set by the user,
(def set-point (ref {:sp 90}))
(while true
(let [curr (read-speed)]
(controller #set-point curr)))
Now that set-point can change any time via a web a application, I can't think of a way to do this without using ref, so my question is how functional languages deal with this sort of thing? (even though the example is in clojure I am interested in the general idea.)
This will not answer your question but I want to show how these things are done in Clojure. It might help someone reading this later so they don't think they have to read up on monads, reactive programming or other "complicated" subjects to use Clojure.
Clojure is not a purely functional language and in this case it might be a good idea to leave the pure functions aside for a moment and model the inherent state of the system with identities.
In Clojure, you would probably use one of the reference types. There are several to choose from and knowing which one to use might be difficult. The good news is they all support the unified update model so changing the reference type later should be pretty straight forward.
I've chosen an atom but depending on your requirements it might be more appropriate to use a ref or an agent.
The motor is an identity in your program. It is a "label" for some thing that has different values at different times and these values are related to each other (i.e., the speed of the motor). I have put a :validator on the atom to ensure that the speed never drops below zero.
(def motor (atom {:speed 0} :validator (comp not neg? :speed)))
(defn add-speed [n]
(swap! motor update-in [:speed] + n))
(defn set-speed [n]
(swap! motor update-in [:speed] (constantly n)))
> (add-speed 10)
> (add-speed -8)
> (add-speed -4) ;; This will not change the state of motor
;; since the speed would drop below zero and
;; the validator does not allow that!
> (:speed #motor)
> (set-speed 12)
> (:speed #motor)
If you want to change the semantics of the motor identity you have at least two other reference types to choose from.
If you want to change the speed of the motor asynchronously you would use an agent. Then you need to change swap! with send. This would be useful if, for example, the clients adjusting the motor speed are different from the clients using the motor speed, so that it's fine for the speed to be changed "eventually".
Another option is to use a ref which would be appropriate if the motor need to coordinate with other identities in your system. If you choose this reference type you change swap! with alter. In addition, all state changes are run in a transaction with dosync to ensure that all identities in the transaction are updated atomically.
Monads are not needed to model identities and state in Clojure!
For this answer, I'm going to interpret "a purely functional language" as meaning "an ML-style language that excludes side effects" which I will interpret in turn as meaning "Haskell" which I'll interpret as meaning "GHC". None of these are strictly true, but given that you're contrasting this with a Lisp derivative and that GHC is rather prominent, I'm guessing this will still get at the heart of your question.
As always, the answer in Haskell is a bit of sleight-of-hand where access to mutable data (or anything with side effects) is structured in such a way that the type system guarantees that it will "look" pure from the inside, while producing a final program that has side effects where expected. The usual business with monads is a large part of this, but the details don't really matter and mostly distract from the issue. In practice, it just means you have to be explicit about where side effects can occur and in what order, and you're not allowed to "cheat".
Mutability primitives are generally provided by the language runtime, and accessed through functions that produce values in some monad also provided by the runtime (often IO, sometimes more specialized ones). First, let's take a look at the Clojure example you provided: it uses ref, which is described in the documentation here:
While Vars ensure safe use of mutable storage locations via thread isolation, transactional references (Refs) ensure safe shared use of mutable storage locations via a software transactional memory (STM) system. Refs are bound to a single storage location for their lifetime, and only allow mutation of that location to occur within a transaction.
Amusingly, that whole paragraph translates pretty directly to GHC Haskell. I'm guessing that "Vars" are equivalent to Haskell's MVar, while "Refs" are almost certainly equivalent to TVar as found in the stm package.
So to translate the example to Haskell, we'll need a function that creates the TVar:
setPoint :: STM (TVar Int)
setPoint = newTVar 90
...and we can use it in code like this:
updateLoop :: IO ()
updateLoop = do tvSetPoint <- atomically setPoint
sequence_ . repeat $ update tvSetPoint
where update tv = do curSpeed <- readSpeed
curSet <- atomically $ readTVar tv
controller curSet curSpeed
In actual use my code would be far more terse than that, but I've left things more verbose here in hopes of being less cryptic.
I suppose one could object that this code isn't pure and is using mutable state, but... so what? At some point a program is going to run and we'd like it to do input and output. The important thing is that we retain all the benefits of code being pure, even when using it to write code with mutable state. For instance, I've implemented an infinite loop of side effects using the repeat function; but repeat is still pure and behaves reliably and nothing I can do with it will change that.
A technique to tackle problems that apparently scream for mutability (like GUI or web applications) in a functional way is Functional Reactive Programming.
The pattern you need for this is called Monads. If you really want to get into functional programming you should try to understand what monads are used for and what they can do. As a starting point I would suggest this link.
As a short informal explanation for monads:
Monads can be seen as data + context that is passed around in your program. This is the "space suit" often used in explanations. You pass data and context around together and insert any operation into this Monad. There is usually no way to get the data back once it is inserted into the context, you just can go the other way round inserting operations, so that they handle data combined with context. This way it almost seems as if you get the data out, but if you look closely you never do.
Depending on your application the context can be almost anything. A datastructure that combines multiple entities, exceptions, optionals, or the real world (i/o-monads). In the paper linked above the context will be execution states of an algorithm, so this is quite similar to the things you have in mind.
In Erlang you could use a process to hold the value. Something like this:
holdVar(SomeVar) ->
receive %% wait for message
{From, get} -> %% if you receive a get
From ! {value, SomeVar}, %% respond with SomeVar
holdVar(SomeVar); %% recursively call holdVar
%% to start listening again
{From, {set, SomeNewVar}} -> %% if you receive a set
From ! {ok}, %% respond with ok
holdVar(SomeNewVar); %% recursively call holdVar with
%% the SomeNewVar that you received
%% in the message

What is declarative programming? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 7 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I keep hearing this term tossed around in several different contexts. What is it?
Declarative programming is when you write your code in such a way that it describes what you want to do, and not how you want to do it. It is left up to the compiler to figure out the how.
Examples of declarative programming languages are SQL and Prolog.
The other answers already do a fantastic job explaining what declarative programming is, so I'm just going to provide some examples of why that might be useful.
Context Independence
Declarative Programs are context-independent. Because they only declare what the ultimate goal is, but not the intermediary steps to reach that goal, the same program can be used in different contexts. This is hard to do with imperative programs, because they often depend on the context (e.g. hidden state).
Take yacc as an example. It's a parser generator aka. compiler compiler, an external declarative DSL for describing the grammar of a language, so that a parser for that language can automatically be generated from the description. Because of its context independence, you can do many different things with such a grammar:
Generate a C parser for that grammar (the original use case for yacc)
Generate a C++ parser for that grammar
Generate a Java parser for that grammar (using Jay)
Generate a C# parser for that grammar (using GPPG)
Generate a Ruby parser for that grammar (using Racc)
Generate a tree visualization for that grammar (using GraphViz)
simply do some pretty-printing, fancy-formatting and syntax highlighting of the yacc source file itself and include it in your Reference Manual as a syntactic specification of your language
And many more …
Because you don't prescribe the computer which steps to take and in what order, it can rearrange your program much more freely, maybe even execute some tasks in parallel. A good example is a query planner and query optimizer for a SQL database. Most SQL databases allow you to display the query that they are actually executing vs. the query that you asked them to execute. Often, those queries look nothing like each other. The query planner takes things into account that you wouldn't even have dreamed of: rotational latency of the disk platter, for example or the fact that some completely different application for a completely different user just executed a similar query and the table that you are joining with and that you worked so hard to avoid loading is already in memory anyway.
There is an interesting trade-off here: the machine has to work harder to figure out how to do something than it would in an imperative language, but when it does figure it out, it has much more freedom and much more information for the optimization stage.
Declarative programming tends towards:-
Sets of declarations, or declarative statements, each of which has meaning (often in the problem domain) and may be understood independently and in isolation.
Imperative programming tends towards:-
Sequences of commands, each of which perform some action; but which may or may not have meaning in the problem domain.
As a result, an imperative style helps the reader to understand the mechanics of what the system is actually doing, but may give little insight into the problem that it is intended to solve. On the other hand, a declarative style helps the reader to understand the problem domain and the approach that the system takes towards the solution of the problem, but is less informative on the matter of mechanics.
Real programs (even ones written in languages that favor the ends of the spectrum, such as ProLog or C) tend to have both styles present to various degrees at various points, to satisfy the varying complexities and communication needs of the piece. One style is not superior to the other; they just serve different purposes, and, as with many things in life, moderation is key.
Here's an example.
In CSS (used to style HTML pages), if you want an image element to be 100 pixels high and 100 pixels wide, you simply "declare" that that's what you want as follows:
#myImageId {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
You can consider CSS a declarative "style sheet" language.
The browser engine that reads and interprets this CSS is free to make the image appear this tall and this wide however it wants. Different browser engines (e.g., the engine for IE, the engine for Chrome) will implement this task differently.
Their unique implementations are, of course, NOT written in a declarative language but in a procedural one like Assembly, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, or Python. That code is a bunch of steps to be carried out step by step (and might include function calls). It might do things like interpolate pixel values, and render on the screen.
I am sorry, but I must disagree with many of the other answers. I would like to stop this muddled misunderstanding of the definition of declarative programming.
Referential transparency (RT) of the sub-expressions is the only required attribute of a declarative programming expression, because it is the only attribute which is not shared with imperative programming.
Other cited attributes of declarative programming, derive from this RT. Please click the hyperlink above for the detailed explanation.
Spreadsheet example
Two answers mentioned spreadsheet programming. In the cases where the spreadsheet programming (a.k.a. formulas) does not access mutable global state, then it is declarative programming. This is because the mutable cell values are the monolithic input and output of the main() (the entire program). The new values are not written to the cells after each formula is executed, thus they are not mutable for the life of the declarative program (execution of all the formulas in the spreadsheet). Thus relative to each other, the formulas view these mutable cells as immutable. An RT function is allowed to access immutable global state (and also mutable local state).
Thus the ability to mutate the values in the cells when the program terminates (as an output from main()), does not make them mutable stored values in the context of the rules. The key distinction is the cell values are not updated after each spreadsheet formula is performed, thus the order of performing the formulas does not matter. The cell values are updated after all the declarative formulas have been performed.
Declarative programming is the picture, where imperative programming is instructions for painting that picture.
You're writing in a declarative style if you're "Telling it what it is", rather than describing the steps the computer should take to get to where you want it.
When you use XML to mark-up data, you're using declarative programming because you're saying "This is a person, that is a birthday, and over there is a street address".
Some examples of where declarative and imperative programming get combined for greater effect:
Windows Presentation Foundation uses declarative XML syntax to describe what a user interface looks like, and what the relationships (bindings) are between controls and underlying data structures.
Structured configuration files use declarative syntax (as simple as "key=value" pairs) to identify what a string or value of data means.
HTML marks up text with tags that describe what role each piece of text has in relation to the whole document.
Declarative Programming is programming with declarations, i.e. declarative sentences. Declarative sentences have a number of properties that distinguish them from imperative sentences. In particular, declarations are:
commutative (can be reordered)
associative (can be regrouped)
idempotent (can repeat without change in meaning)
monotonic (declarations don't subtract information)
A relevant point is that these are all structural properties and are orthogonal to subject matter. Declarative is not about "What vs. How". We can declare (represent and constrain) a "how" just as easily as we declare a "what". Declarative is about structure, not content. Declarative programming has a significant impact on how we abstract and refactor our code, and how we modularize it into subprograms, but not so much on the domain model.
Often, we can convert from imperative to declarative by adding context. E.g. from "Turn left. (... wait for it ...) Turn Right." to "Bob will turn left at intersection of Foo and Bar at 11:01. Bob will turn right at the intersection of Bar and Baz at 11:06." Note that in the latter case the sentences are idempotent and commutative, whereas in the former case rearranging or repeating the sentences would severely change the meaning of the program.
Regarding monotonic, declarations can add constraints which subtract possibilities. But constraints still add information (more precisely, constraints are information). If we need time-varying declarations, it is typical to model this with explicit temporal semantics - e.g. from "the ball is flat" to "the ball is flat at time T". If we have two contradictory declarations, we have an inconsistent declarative system, though this might be resolved by introducing soft constraints (priorities, probabilities, etc.) or leveraging a paraconsistent logic.
Describing to a computer what you want, not how to do something.
imagine an excel page. With columns populated with formulas to calculate you tax return.
All the logic is done declared in the cells, the order of the calculation is by determine by formula itself rather than procedurally.
That is sort of what declarative programming is all about. You declare the problem space and the solution rather than the flow of the program.
Prolog is the only declarative language I've use. It requires a different kind of thinking but it's good to learn if just to expose you to something other than the typical procedural programming language.
I have refined my understanding of declarative programming, since Dec 2011 when I provided an answer to this question. Here follows my current understanding.
The long version of my understanding (research) is detailed at this link, which you should read to gain a deep understanding of the summary I will provide below.
Imperative programming is where mutable state is stored and read, thus the ordering and/or duplication of program instructions can alter the behavior (semantics) of the program (and even cause a bug, i.e. unintended behavior).
In the most naive and extreme sense (which I asserted in my prior answer), declarative programming (DP) is avoiding all stored mutable state, thus the ordering and/or duplication of program instructions can NOT alter the behavior (semantics) of the program.
However, such an extreme definition would not be very useful in the real world, since nearly every program involves stored mutable state. The spreadsheet example conforms to this extreme definition of DP, because the entire program code is run to completion with one static copy of the input state, before the new states are stored. Then if any state is changed, this is repeated. But most real world programs can't be limited to such a monolithic model of state changes.
A more useful definition of DP is that the ordering and/or duplication of programming instructions do not alter any opaque semantics. In other words, there are not hidden random changes in semantics occurring-- any changes in program instruction order and/or duplication cause only intended and transparent changes to the program's behavior.
The next step would be to talk about which programming models or paradigms aid in DP, but that is not the question here.
It's a method of programming based around describing what something should do or be instead of describing how it should work.
In other words, you don't write algorithms made of expressions, you just layout how you want things to be. Two good examples are HTML and WPF.
This Wikipedia article is a good overview:
Since I wrote my prior answer, I have formulated a new definition of the declarative property which is quoted below. I have also defined imperative programming as the dual property.
This definition is superior to the one I provided in my prior answer, because it is succinct and it is more general. But it may be more difficult to grok, because the implication of the incompleteness theorems applicable to programming and life in general are difficult for humans to wrap their mind around.
The quoted explanation of the definition discusses the role pure functional programming plays in declarative programming.
Declarative vs. Imperative
The declarative property is weird, obtuse, and difficult to capture in a technically precise definition that remains general and not ambiguous, because it is a naive notion that we can declare the meaning (a.k.a semantics) of the program without incurring unintended side effects. There is an inherent tension between expression of meaning and avoidance of unintended effects, and this tension actually derives from the incompleteness theorems of programming and our universe.
It is oversimplification, technically imprecise, and often ambiguous to define declarative as “what to do” and imperative as “how to do”. An ambiguous case is the “what” is the “how” in a program that outputs a program— a compiler.
Evidently the unbounded recursion that makes a language Turing complete, is also analogously in the semantics— not only in the syntactical structure of evaluation (a.k.a. operational semantics). This is logically an example analogous to Gödel's theorem— “any complete system of axioms is also inconsistent”. Ponder the contradictory weirdness of that quote! It is also an example that demonstrates how the expression of semantics does not have a provable bound, thus we can't prove2 that a program (and analogously its semantics) halt a.k.a. the Halting theorem.
The incompleteness theorems derive from the fundamental nature of our universe, which as stated in the Second Law of Thermodynamics is “the entropy (a.k.a. the # of independent possibilities) is trending to maximum forever”. The coding and design of a program is never finished— it's alive!— because it attempts to address a real world need, and the semantics of the real world are always changing and trending to more possibilities. Humans never stop discovering new things (including errors in programs ;-).
To precisely and technically capture this aforementioned desired notion within this weird universe that has no edge (ponder that! there is no “outside” of our universe), requires a terse but deceptively-not-simple definition which will sound incorrect until it is explained deeply.
The declarative property is where there can exist only one possible set of statements that can express each specific modular semantic.
The imperative property3 is the dual, where semantics are inconsistent under composition and/or can be expressed with variations of sets of statements.
This definition of declarative is distinctively local in semantic scope, meaning that it requires that a modular semantic maintain its consistent meaning regardless where and how it's instantiated and employed in global scope. Thus each declarative modular semantic should be intrinsically orthogonal to all possible others— and not an impossible (due to incompleteness theorems) global algorithm or model for witnessing consistency, which is also the point of “More Is Not Always Better” by Robert Harper, Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, one of the designers of Standard ML.
Examples of these modular declarative semantics include category theory functors e.g. the Applicative, nominal typing, namespaces, named fields, and w.r.t. to operational level of semantics then pure functional programming.
Thus well designed declarative languages can more clearly express meaning, albeit with some loss of generality in what can be expressed, yet a gain in what can be expressed with intrinsic consistency.
An example of the aforementioned definition is the set of formulas in the cells of a spreadsheet program— which are not expected to give the same meaning when moved to different column and row cells, i.e. cell identifiers changed. The cell identifiers are part of and not superfluous to the intended meaning. So each spreadsheet result is unique w.r.t. to the cell identifiers in a set of formulas. The consistent modular semantic in this case is use of cell identifiers as the input and output of pure functions for cells formulas (see below).
Hyper Text Markup Language a.k.a. HTML— the language for static web pages— is an example of a highly (but not perfectly3) declarative language that (at least before HTML 5) had no capability to express dynamic behavior. HTML is perhaps the easiest language to learn. For dynamic behavior, an imperative scripting language such as JavaScript was usually combined with HTML. HTML without JavaScript fits the declarative definition because each nominal type (i.e. the tags) maintains its consistent meaning under composition within the rules of the syntax.
A competing definition for declarative is the commutative and idempotent properties of the semantic statements, i.e. that statements can be reordered and duplicated without changing the meaning. For example, statements assigning values to named fields can be reordered and duplicated without changed the meaning of the program, if those names are modular w.r.t. to any implied order. Names sometimes imply an order, e.g. cell identifiers include their column and row position— moving a total on spreadsheet changes its meaning. Otherwise, these properties implicitly require global consistency of semantics. It is generally impossible to design the semantics of statements so they remain consistent if randomly ordered or duplicated, because order and duplication are intrinsic to semantics. For example, the statements “Foo exists” (or construction) and “Foo does not exist” (and destruction). If one considers random inconsistency endemical of the intended semantics, then one accepts this definition as general enough for the declarative property. In essence this definition is vacuous as a generalized definition because it attempts to make consistency orthogonal to semantics, i.e. to defy the fact that the universe of semantics is dynamically unbounded and can't be captured in a global coherence paradigm.
Requiring the commutative and idempotent properties for the (structural evaluation order of the) lower-level operational semantics converts operational semantics to a declarative localized modular semantic, e.g. pure functional programming (including recursion instead of imperative loops). Then the operational order of the implementation details do not impact (i.e. spread globally into) the consistency of the higher-level semantics. For example, the order of evaluation of (and theoretically also the duplication of) the spreadsheet formulas doesn't matter because the outputs are not copied to the inputs until after all outputs have been computed, i.e. analogous to pure functions.
C, Java, C++, C#, PHP, and JavaScript aren't particularly declarative.
Copute's syntax and Python's syntax are more declaratively coupled to
intended results, i.e. consistent syntactical semantics that eliminate the extraneous so one can readily
comprehend code after they've forgotten it. Copute and Haskell enforce
determinism of the operational semantics and encourage “don't repeat
yourself” (DRY), because they only allow the pure functional paradigm.
2 Even where we can prove the semantics of a program, e.g. with the language Coq, this is limited to the semantics that are expressed in the typing, and typing can never capture all of the semantics of a program— not even for languages that are not Turing complete, e.g. with HTML+CSS it is possible to express inconsistent combinations which thus have undefined semantics.
3 Many explanations incorrectly claim that only imperative programming has syntactically ordered statements. I clarified this confusion between imperative and functional programming. For example, the order of HTML statements does not reduce the consistency of their meaning.
Edit: I posted the following comment to Robert Harper's blog:
in functional programming ... the range of variation of a variable is a type
Depending on how one distinguishes functional from imperative
programming, your ‘assignable’ in an imperative program also may have
a type placing a bound on its variability.
The only non-muddled definition I currently appreciate for functional
programming is a) functions as first-class objects and types, b)
preference for recursion over loops, and/or c) pure functions— i.e.
those functions which do not impact the desired semantics of the
program when memoized (thus perfectly pure functional
programming doesn't exist in a general purpose denotational semantics
due to impacts of operational semantics, e.g. memory
The idempotent property of a pure function means the function call on
its variables can be substituted by its value, which is not generally
the case for the arguments of an imperative procedure. Pure functions
seem to be declarative w.r.t. to the uncomposed state transitions
between the input and result types.
But the composition of pure functions does not maintain any such
consistency, because it is possible to model a side-effect (global
state) imperative process in a pure functional programming language,
e.g. Haskell's IOMonad and moreover it is entirely impossible to
prevent doing such in any Turing complete pure functional programming
As I wrote in 2012 which seems to the similar consensus of
comments in your recent blog, that declarative programming is an
attempt to capture the notion that the intended semantics are never
opaque. Examples of opaque semantics are dependence on order,
dependence on erasure of higher-level semantics at the operational
semantics layer (e.g. casts are not conversions and reified generics
limit higher-level semantics), and dependence on variable values
which can not be checked (proved correct) by the programming language.
Thus I have concluded that only non-Turing complete languages can be
Thus one unambiguous and distinct attribute of a declarative language
could be that its output can be proven to obey some enumerable set of
generative rules. For example, for any specific HTML program (ignoring
differences in the ways interpreters diverge) that is not scripted
(i.e. is not Turing complete) then its output variability can be
enumerable. Or more succinctly an HTML program is a pure function of
its variability. Ditto a spreadsheet program is a pure function of its
input variables.
So it seems to me that declarative languages are the antithesis of
unbounded recursion, i.e. per Gödel's second incompleteness
theorem self-referential theorems can't be proven.
Lesie Lamport wrote a fairytale about how Euclid might have
worked around Gödel's incompleteness theorems applied to math proofs
in the programming language context by to congruence between types and
logic (Curry-Howard correspondence, etc).
Declarative programming is "the act of programming in languages that conform to the mental model of the developer rather than the operational model of the machine".
The difference between declarative and imperative programming is well
illustrated by the problem of parsing structured data.
An imperative program would use mutually recursive functions to consume input
and generate data. A declarative program would express a grammar that defines
the structure of the data so that it can then be parsed.
The difference between these two approaches is that the declarative program
creates a new language that is more closely mapped to the mental model of the
problem than is its host language.
It may sound odd, but I'd add Excel (or any spreadsheet really) to the list of declarative systems. A good example of this is given here.
I'd explain it as DP is a way to express
A goal expression, the conditions for - what we are searching for. Is there one, maybe or many?
Some known facts
Rules that extend the know facts
...and where there is a deduct engine usually working with a unification algorithm to find the goals.
As far as I can tell, it started being used to describe programming systems like Prolog, because prolog is (supposedly) about declaring things in an abstract way.
It increasingly means very little, as it has the definition given by the users above. It should be clear that there is a gulf between the declarative programming of Haskell, as against the declarative programming of HTML.
A couple other examples of declarative programming:
ASP.Net markup for databinding. It just says "fill this grid with this source", for example, and leaves it to the system for how that happens.
Linq expressions
Declarative programming is nice because it can help simplify your mental model* of code, and because it might eventually be more scalable.
For example, let's say you have a function that does something to each element in an array or list. Traditional code would look like this:
foreach (object item in MyList)
No big deal there. But what if you use the more-declarative syntax and instead define DoSomething() as an Action? Then you can say it this way:
This is, of course, more concise. But I'm sure you have more concerns than just saving two lines of code here and there. Performance, for example. The old way, processing had to be done in sequence. What if the .ForEach() method had a way for you to signal that it could handle the processing in parallel, automatically? Now all of a sudden you've made your code multi-threaded in a very safe way and only changed one line of code. And, in fact, there's a an extension for .Net that lets you do just that.
If you follow that link, it takes you to a blog post by a friend of mine. The whole post is a little long, but you can scroll down to the heading titled "The Problem" _and pick it up there no problem.*
It depends on how you submit the answer to the text. Overall you can look at the programme at a certain view but it depends what angle you look at the problem. I will get you started with the programme:
Dim Bus, Car, Time, Height As Integr
Again it depends on what the problem is an overall. You might have to shorten it due to the programme. Hope this helps and need the feedback if it does not.
Thank You.
