SharePoint How To Get a ViewName - sharepoint

I need to get data from SharePoint by using web service. I did it, but i don't know how to get data from View.
XmlNode itemNode = spList.GetListItems(url[1],
Second parameter must be ViewName.
I have found System.Xml.XmlNode ndListView = spList.GetListAndView(url[1], ""); but it return default ViewName ("AllItems") guid. There's more than two views.
Is any idea?

i have solved the problem. I have used List web service but there's another View. So I looked it and found the method i need GetViewCollection, as i remember.
That's all!

You can use GetList method, which returns a Caml List Schema and from which you can extract a description of all view.
GetList method


How to get only share point list columns that are displayed in the list properties?

I'm using Sharepoint 2010's web services interface to try to get the columns for a given list. I've got not problem with getting all of the columns using a GetList() call, but the issue is that I need to only get the columns that the user can see in the List Settings view of the Sharepoint UI.
The code that I'm currently using is as follows:
rootNode = serviceReference.GetList(List_id.ToString());
Element element = XElement.Parse(rootNode.OuterXml);
var fields = from e in element.Descendants()
where e.Name.LocalName == "Field" && e.Attribute("ID") != null &&
!(e.Attribute("Name").Value.StartsWith("_") && e.Attribute("SourceID").Value == "")
select e;
Where serviceReference is an instance of the Sharepoint Lists Service and List_id is the GUID representing the list internally to Sharepoint.
This does filter out some of the columns that I don't want, but it doesn't get rid of everything.
Does anybody know what attributes I'm looking for to narrow it down just to the ones that the user can select to be added to a view? Or am I going about this entirely the wrong way?
Many thanks for any help.
The answer to this was that I was indeed looking in the wrong place for the information I needed. As user823959 pointed out, I needed to get the content type definition and use the fields in there rather than the list itself.
To do this was a two stage process, firstly we need to get the list of content types using the Lists.GetListContentTypes method (although this takes a content type id parameter, it doesn't actually seem to matter what we put here)
XmlNode rootNode = serviceReference.GetListContentTypes(List_id.ToString(), "0×01");
The CAML returned contains the definitions for each of the content types that are available in the list - with the first content type returned being the default one (in my case, the one I was after)
String contentType = rootNode.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["ID"].Value;
Once we've got the content type that we're after we can make a call to GetListContentType with the appropriate list content type id to get the full definition of the content type:
XmlNode contentTypeNode = serviceReference.GetListContentType(List_id.ToString(), contentType);
The CAML returned from this call will contain a list of field elements that correctly show the fields that are available in the SharePoint UI's view configuration. They can be selected in a LINQ query like this:
XElement contentTypesElement = XElement.Parse(contentTypeNode.OuterXml);
var fields = from e in contentTypesElement.Descendants()
where e.Name.LocalName == "Field"
select e;
At this point, we've got a list of Field XML elements that contain information about display names, static names, content types and a whole lot more. See Microsoft's documentation on the Lists.GetListContentType page for more information on the range of information returned about each field.
Many Thanks to user823959 for pointing me in the right direction.

Get List Item by Guid without List in SharePoint

Could anybody help me to get List Item by unique Id in SharePoint without using List? I know the List Item unique Id, but I haven't information about List. Using Client Object Model I can do the following:
using (SP.ClientContext clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(...))
**SP.List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(listId);**
SP.ListItem listItem = list.GetItemById(listItemId);
Unfortunately, in this code I use listId, but the problem is that in my task I don't know listId, I have only ListItem Guid. Since I have unique Id, I believe that there must be a way to get this Item without using any additional information.
You've posted a snippet with a Client Object Model, so I suppose it's a preffered object model for the solution. However, if it's acceptable for You, I've found some information on how to achieve this using server side object model, which You may find helpful.
It seems that this can be done using SPWeb.GetFile(Guid itemGuid) if the item exist in the root site.
If you want it to work also for subsites, you can use SPWeb.GetSiteData method to invoke caml retrieving an item as explained in this article:
You can also take a look at this thread on SO for some additional information:
SharePoint: Get SPListItem by Unique ID.
If you have any issues using those methods, let me know. I'll also look for alternatives for this to run with Client Object Model and I'll post them if I find some, however, it seems to be more difficult to achieve.

SharePoint returns extra system columns

I do query to SherePoint. I have created query, viewquery and query options.
Web services returns me great results, but it include some other system columns such as:
ows_Modified , ows_DocIcon, ows_Editor. I don't want them. How do I return only those which is in ViewQuery string?
My queryoptions is:
<IncludeMandatoryColumns>False</IncludeMandatoryColumns><ViewAttributes Scope='Recursive' />
In order to return only selected columns (and not all of them) use ViewFields property of SPQuery object. You can find some more information about it and a sample code here:
In order to do it from javascript, you can try code as written here (that post is on another topic, but it still shows how to specify fields to select):

Programmatically adding columns to Sharepoint List Views

For a project I am working on, I am trying to do the following thing.
There's a Sharepoint 2010 environment, with a few Custom Lists created in Visual Studio. I am adding some fields to them using background code in the FeatureActivated function in the EventReceiver.
What I am doing there is adding a lookup field to the Sharepoint List, and setting the properties to allow it to lookup values from the other list I am adding to the Sharepoint Site.
However, I can't find a function to add it to one of the views. I've tried modifying the Schema Xml, but I can't seem to find a function to reinsert it to the List, and when using the Xml file from the View, I can't seem to make it work.
Is there an easy way to programatically add a field to a view? This would help me out, since there seems to be no way to do this correctly.
This can also be solved if one could explain my other question I have.
I would like to know how one could make Lookup fields in the Schema XML file. I have a Custom Content Type, and Custom Fields, and I am currently trying to look up the Naam field in the Intermediairs List. (This one is also created when deploying this solution). When searching Google, it seems I have to use either a name / the GUID of a List Instance here, but I don't know the GUID of the List Instance beforehand.
<Field ID="{7CC49D9D-F6F5-4A4A-851F-3152AAAAB158}" Type="Lookup"
List="Intermediairs" Name="IntermediairLookup" DisplayName="Intermediair"
StaticName="IntermediairLookup" Group="Onboarding" ShowField="Naam" />
You should know that this code seems to work:
SPWeb web = null;
SPSite site = null;
if (properties.Feature.Parent is SPWeb)
web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;
site = web.Site;
if (properties.Feature.Parent is SPSite)
site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
web = site.RootWeb;
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList changeList = web.Lists.TryGetList("Onboarding");
SPList sourceList = web.Lists.TryGetList("Intermediairs");
if (changeList != null && sourceList != null)
var PrimaryColumnStr = changeList.Fields.AddLookup("Intermediair", sourceList.ID, true);
var PrimaryColumn = changeList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(PrimaryColumnStr) as SPFieldLookup;
PrimaryColumn.LookupField = sourceList.Fields["Naam"].InternalName;
But yeah. I can't figure out how to do it in XML form. Anyone has any ideas? A solution to either of the questions would solve my core issue.
EDIT: Well, the question has now been answered, thanks again!
One thing though. I would really like to know at some point how to do something like this in XML / CAML. Does anyone know how to do that? Anyone who's still reading this thread?
Take a look at SPView.ViewFields

Sharepoint - trying to get value of a task field into a workflow

I am making a sharepoint state machine workflow. The first state has a "create task with content type" as the task. The content type has a field called "isApproved". I am not using any infopath forms. I am trying to get the value o fthat field to evaluate if the document is approved or not. No matter what I do I am getting "object not set to an instance of an object".
I have tried all of the following:
What am I doing wrong???
I had similar problems once, and I had to get the field ID to access the field. This is how I did it:
Guid isApprovedFieldId = worflowProperties.TaskList.Fields["isApproved"].Id;
string approvalStatus = (string)(onTaskChanged1_AfterProperties1.ExtendedProperties[isApprovedFieldId]);
I know this answer comes too late but I figured lots of people acome accross this posting...
The field "isApproved" is a function of the infopath task form usually used by msft in example workflows. This field is certainly not available in basic content type tasks which are really just simple SharePoint task forms completely unrelated to InfoPath and the "isApproved" field. What you will need to do is grab the afterprops of the task, query the "status" field and determine if the user completed the task. If you added another column to the task called "Approved" then query that field using the taskItem["fieldName"] method and not [Extended Properties].
Hope this helps somebody!
In addition to what Abs said. I would also recommend that you check the that the field actually exists before getting its id. Like so...
if (worflowProperties.TaskList.Fields["isApproved"] != null)
Guid isApprovedFieldId = worflowProperties.TaskList.Fields["isApproved"].Id;
string approvalStatus = (string)(onTaskChanged1_AfterProperties1.ExtendedProperties[isApprovedFieldId]);
