Is Flash Cross Domain useless? - security

I'm trying to play an FLV file located on a remote server ('crossdomain.xml' does not exists in the process) in 3 ways:
From a browser using an SWF player located on some server
From VLC, pointing to the remote file.
Downloading the remote file and swf player - playing it locally
Guess what?
Didn't play the flv
Played like a charm
Played like a charm
Conclusion: Flash's Cross Domain security is useless.
Please tell me where I'm wrong or perhaps I'm just helping someone understand that this security is useless.

I wasn't going to write my own answer, because I felt like #jpea had already written the most important things. But it seems like the idea and use of the crossdomain.xml files is still unclear. So here it is:
Cross-site scripting does not refer to accessing media content from other servers, but to an attack method used for roughly 80% of all internet security violations. It can happen in many different ways, but always involves injecting foreign code into a web page (or plug-in content) to make the client behave in a way that was not intended. It might result in an attack on the server later, but the initial problem is always related to vulnerabilities on the client side.
Crossdomain-policy files are the Flash implementation of the so-called "same-origin-policy", an important part in preventing cross-site scripting. Essentially, it is meant to ensure that any content loaded by an SWF must be within the same domain (as opposed to "on the same server") as the original content.
What does this mean, in practice? It means, for example, that an attacker is not allowed to load your original SWF into an (invisible) enclosing SWF hosted on a different server, and monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic, or capture keyboard events, to steal passwords and such: Violating the crossdomain-policy will cause a security error that stops execution of all ActionScript.
It does not, however prevent FLV files from being played in some other way - and that is absolutely not what it is intended to do.
Admittedly, there are (more or less easy) ways to get around crossdomain-policy files, for example by using a proxy to channel the SWFs URL requests, so using them will not result in "real" security. But as part of a multi-level security strategy, they do help to raise the bar for attackers.

crossdomain.xml is meant as a security measure for the Flash player plugin. An FLV alone isn't the security risk, the player is. In instance #2, you didn't use the Flash player. Instance #3, it's uses the same security that Flash uses in it's IDE (to allow debugging). Instance #1 worked exactly as intended.
crossdomain.xml isn't meant as a DRM sort of security, or to not allow downloading of files. It's meant to disallow unintended domains from using your FLV/F4V from another server (better known as cross site scripting).


Transfer protocol for sending user uploaded files to a remote server?

I'm used to working with user-uploaded files to the same server, and transferring my own files to a remote server. But not transferring user-uploaded files to a remote server.
I'm looking for the best (industry) practice for selecting a transfer protocol in this regard.
My application is running Django on a Linux Server and the files live on a Windows Server.
Does it not matter which protocol I choose as long as it's secure (FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS)? Or is one better than the other in terms of performance/security specifically in regards to user-uploaded files?
Please do not link to questions that explain the differences of protocols, I am asking specifically in the context of user-uploaded files.
As long as you choose a standard protocol that provides (mutual) authentication, encryption and message authentication, there is not much difference security-wise. If all of this is provided by a layer of TLS in your chosen protocol (like in all of your examples), you can't make a big mistake on a design level (but implementation is key, many security bugs are bugs of implementation, and not design flaws). Such protocols might differ in the supported list of algorithms for different purposes though.
Performance-wise there can be quite significant differences, it depends on what you want to optimize for. If you choose HTTPS, you won't be able to keep a connection open for a long time, and would most probably have to bear the overhead of the whole connection setup with authentication and everything, for every transmitted file. (Well, you can actually keep a https connection open, but that would be quite a custom implementation for such file uploads.) Choosing FTPS/SFTP you will be able to keep a connection open and transmit as many files as you want, but would probably have to have more complex error handling logic (sometimes connections terminate without the underlying sockets knowing about it for a while and so on). So in short I think HTTPS would be more resilient, but secure FTP would be more performant for many small files.
It's also an architecture question, by using HTTPS, you would be able to implement all of this in your application code, while something like FTP would mean dependence on external components, which might be important from an operational point of view (think about how this will actually be deployed and whether there is already a devops function to manage proper operations).
Ultimately it's just a design decision you have to make, the above is just a few things that came to mind without knowing all the circumstances, and not at all a comprehensive list of things to consider.

Streaming Audio with Java

I am building an application which collects speech via microphone as wav files. These recordings need to be streamed to a server and saved (as wav files, I know they are big but they have to be wav). I also need to stream audio (these can be mp3) from the server to the web application to be played for the user. I have no idea how to implement this, but I would like to use a Java EE application because I am familiar with Java and it's easier to maintain than Flex (we are having trouble with old Flex code at work). My concerns are:
How do I buffer the transmission so that users hear the whole file without breaks? Transferring the whole file and then playing it is fine, too, but knowing how to do this would be nice.
How do I verify transmissions to the server? Can I send in packets and verify/resend per packet?
Are there existing APIs for this (please!) or do I have to write this all by hand?
As I commented on your question, it is unclear whether you have already decided upon which components exist in the topology. In particular, it is unclear whether you already have a server process in charge of storing those audio files. Therefore, I will have to make a few assumptions in my answer. Feel free to comment, and I'll try my best to adjust.
The only way to ensure that an audio file is played (by the end user) without network-induced breaks is to have the end-user (or an application running at the end-user's side, such as some JavaScript code) play the audio stream after it was downloaded in its entirety. Unless you do that, you can only reduce the risk of breaks; you cannot eliminate it. Even the most sophisticated buffering algorithm cannot cope with a network outage 99.99% into buffering the entire stream. As I am not sure whether you have a client-side application involved in this, I can't advise how to force the client-side to download the entire file rather than playing it "as it comes"; in the simplest case, you might be able to suffice with using the Content-Disposition header:
The answer to this question, again, depends on how you architect the solution. In general, though, as long as you use standard stream API's (such as Java IO), I wouldn't worry too much about verifying the content for errors. Error-correction is already provided lower in the networking stack (for example, your operating system's networking driver).
Apache Commons' File-Upload might be useful - again, depending on your architecture:

Offline view of dynamic content?

I want to view dynamic contents (flash games, online transaction...etc) offline.
For example, I finish level 1 of this cool flash RPG game.
I go offline and play the level again.
Or, I make a purchase.
And make the purchase again offline.
Of course this won't do anything. It will be strictly for demonstration purpose.
Or, I watch a video online. Go offline and watch it again.
Is this feasible? Whatever I do through browser, it has to download things.
When it downloads, it stores on disk. Then, when it is in offline mode, it routes all traffic out to local disk.
Sounds simple, but is this really possible?
Or am I missing something?
Let's say someone patched a browser to make offline mode much more powerful.
As a web developer, how can I secure my application from this
patched browser?
Let's say I charging my contents (video, game...etc)
per view/use. With this patched browser, people can pay once
and view/use it over and over again.
They might even make a tarball out of their browser cache
and share with other people online.
So, my questions are:
is this patched browser possible?
if it is possible, how can I defend my content against it?
I'm trying to find the original author of the quote: "Trying to make digital content not copyable is like trying to make water not wet."
In your question you describe several different scenarios as if they were similar. They are not. If you have a specific question, then please ask it so that people can focus on addressing the specific case that concerns you.
Let's talk about video (and audio). Essentially, without controlling the client, you can NOT stop the downloaded video from being cached and re-watched. "Patched" browsers exist. In fact, they're not patched. They don't even need to be. FireFox has any number of plug-ins such as "DownloadHelper" which make all of this possible. YouTube goes to some effort to change their system regularly to break DownloadHelper. But they know they can only slow things down.
The only way to control a video download being re-watched is insist on the user using your completely custom plugin or application. The problem is that (a) that costs you much more money, (b) it's more painful for the user.
The other cases you mention - RPG and online transaction... these are different. Often with an RPG or other game, the client portion includes only a part of the code. Some of the code resides on your server. Without a connection to the server, the game cannot be played. You don't have to write it that way, you could make it 100% client... in which case (e.g. for Flash) the SWF file can be downloaded and played again and again, without your control.
But usually those online flash games are part-server in order to do what you say, and make them playable only online and only via the game-writers site.
An online transaction ALWAYS involves a server component, usually encrypted and non-repeatable. They can be secured.

What security issues appear when users can upload their own files?

I was wondering what security issues appear when the end user of a website can upload files to the server.
For instance if my website allows the users to upload a profile picture, and one user uploads something harmful instead, what could happen? What kind of security should I set up to prevent attacks like this? I'm talking here about images, but what about the case where a user can upload anything into a file-vault kind of application?
It's more a general question than a question about a specific situation, so what are the best practices in that situation? What do you usually do?
I suppose: type validation on upload, different permissions for uploaded files... what else?
EDIT: To clear up the context, I am thinking about a web application where a user can upload any kind of file and then display it in the browser. The file would be stored on the server. The users are whoever uses the website, so there is no trust involved.
I am looking for general answers that could apply for different languages/framework and production environments.
Your first line of defense will be to limit the size of uploaded files, and kill any transfer that is larger than that amount.
File extension validation is probably a good second line of defense. Type validation can be done later... as long as you aren't relying on the (user-supplied) mime-type for said validation.
Why file extension validation? Because that's what most web servers use to identify which files are executable. If your executables aren't locked down to a specific directory (and most likely, they aren't), files with certain extensions will execute anywhere under the site's document root.
File extension checking is best done with a whitelist of the file types you want to accept.
Once you validate the file extension, you can then check to verify that said file is the type its extension claims, either by checking for magic bytes or using the unix file command.
I'm sure there are other concerns that I missed, but hopefully this helps.
Assuming you're dealing with only images, one thing you can do is use an image library to generate thumbnails/consistent image sizes, and throw the original away when you're done. Then you effectively have a single point of vulnerability: your image library. Assuming you keep it up-to-date, you should be fine.
Users won't be able to upload zip files or really any non-image file, because the image library will barf if it tries to resize non-image data, and you can just catch the exception. You'll probably want to do a preliminary check on the filename extension though. No point sending a file through the image library if the filename is "".
As for permissions, well... don't set the execute bit. But realistically, permissions won't help protect you much against malicious user input.
If your programming environment allows it, you're going to want to run some of these checks while the upload is in progress. A malicious HTTP client can potentially send a file with an infinite size. IE, it just never stops transmitting random bytes, resulting in a denial of service attack. Or maybe they just upload a gig of video as their profile picture. Most image file formats have a header at the beginning as well. If a client begins to send a file that doesn't match any known image header, you can abort the transfer. But that's starting to move into the realm of overkill. Unless you're Facebook, that kind of thing is probably unnecessary.
If you allow users to upload scripts and executables, you should make sure that anything uploaded via that form is never served back as anything other than application/octet-stream. Don't try to mix the Content-Type when you're dealing with potentially dangerous uploads. If you're going to tell users they have to worry about their own security (that's effectively what you do when you accept scripts or executables), then everything should be served as application/octet-stream so that the browser doesn't attempt to render it. You should also probably set the Content-Disposition header. It's probably also wise to involve a virus scanner in the pipeline if you want to deal with executables. ClamAV is scriptable and open source, for example.
size validation would be useful too, wouldn't want someone to intentionally upload a 100gb fake image just out of spite now would you :)
Also, you may want to consider something to prevent people from using your bandwidth just for a easy way to host images (I would mostly be concerned with hosting of illegal stuff). Most people would use imageshack for temp image hosting anyway.
For further reading, there's a great article by Acunetix on Why File Upload Forms are a Major Security Threat
With more context, it would be easier to know where the vulberabilities may lie.
If the data could be stored in a database (sounds like it won't be), then you should guard against SQL Injection attacks.
If the data could be displayed in a browser (sounds like it would be), then you may need to guard against HTML/CSS Injection attacks.
If you're using scripting languages (e.g., PHP) on the server, then you may need to guard against injection attacks against those specific languages. With compiled server code (or a poor scripting implementation), there's the chance of buffer overrun attacks.
Don't overlook user data security, too: Can your users trust you to prevent their data from being compromised?
EDIT: If you really want to cover all bases, consider the risks of JPEG and WMF security holes. These could be exploited if a malicious user can upload the files from one system, and then views the files -- or persuades another user to view the files -- from another system.
Size of the content
Restricting certain file types (.jpeg, .png etc., white-listed file types should only be allowed)
file tampering (for ex: a site supporting foreign languages, certain encoding is allowed. the hacker may take advantage of this and adds any script/malicious code encoded and appends to the original file and tries to upload)

How would you display Video on the web?

Sorry if the question is confused, as I'm confused myself. I'm working around these requirements:
I'm building a public website where I need to display video.
I need to control what the player looks like
I'm the sole publisher of the video, meaning it can't be on YouTube for example
I need as much protection as possible in terms of protecting the content from being downloaded
So, I've read around StackOverflow and the web, and found lots of suggestions, like numerous flash players, Streaming servers, DRM protocols, services like Panda etc etc.
The problem is I don't understand how everything fits together.
For example, what makes my video content secure?
Is it the player on the client? is it the server that hosts the content? is it the streaming process? who hosts the streaming servers and what difference does this make?
Bearing in mind this is otherwise a very simple site, and is not a business venture.
if you were working around my requirements, what would you do? Could you explain step by step at a high level?
Just based on a couple of answers, I'm not saying no one can ever download my content. And I realize this kind of thing is expensive.
I'm just asking, if you had my requirements, what would you do? And could you explain it to me so i understand?
thanks again
Thanks again for all the feedback, I can't vote anyone up as I'm a new user, but your answers have been very helpful.
The one thing I will say, is that my only request was to attempt security, that is 'make it difficult' for most users...that is common in software security.
Some of the suggestions have been just to not even try.
My question was really based around the fact that I know nothing about video deployment on the web, apart form the basic embedded swf flv combo.
Anyway, your info has been very useful though. I'll try a simple "real" streaming service (as opposed to HTTP streaming).
Any other recommendations would be awesome
"For example, what makes my video content secure? " Nothing.
"Is it the player on the client?" Neither. Anyone can write a client and retain the video content. Remember this. Anyone can write a client. This client can absorb and save your video. Nothing can stop this. Nothing.
"is it the server that hosts the content?" No. Server is only one piece of security. You have to secure the protocol. And the client. And anyone can write a client and retain the video content.
"is it the streaming process?" No. Protocol is only one piece of security. You have to secure the server, the protocol and the client. And anyone can write a client and retain the video content.
"who hosts the streaming servers and what difference does this make?" You host the streaming video servers. Otherwise, you might as well use YouTube.
"The problem is I don't understand how everything fits together."
"For example, what makes my video content secure?"
These are unrelated. You keep mentioning security, AND not knowing how "everything" fits together.
Here's a suggestion: stop mentioning security -- edit your question to eliminate all references to security and see if you get more useful answers.
Many companies sell streaming media servers. You put HTML in your page that references the streaming media site.
Example. Apple sells Quicktime media server. Read for lots of information on how to present video from quicktime.
Before you go too far worrying about setting up these secure streaming protocol client server whatevers, make sure you weigh up the cost of your time getting this going, versus the cost of someone downloading your video.
Just to be clear: if your server is sending to a client, then they can copy (download) it. There's no way around it.
Response to your comment:
What I'd probably try doing if you wanted to try to avoid users downloading the files is this (I'll assume you're using FLV files, since they're the de facto standard on the web these days):
Put the FLV files in a non web-accessible directory.
Have a player.swf file request the file via a script on your site, eg: video.php?file=myVideo.flv
The video.php can then perform whatever security checks you'd like: for example, require logins, check the referrer, etc.
If the security checks are ok, then pass through the appropriate video file. If not, then perhaps have a short back-up video which is an ad for your site or something, saying "to watch this video, please come to!"
Mostly video streaming sites like Hulu achieve a kind of poor-man's security by using RTMP to transfer the video data. You would need special server software to serve video via RTMP, for example Adobe Flash Media Server or WebORB.
RTMP is a proprietary protocol, so this is a case of security through obscurity; it's non-trivial to download a copy of the video (you can't just grab the file from a URL), but there are programs out there that are capable intercepting the stream and keeping a copy.
2.I need to control what the player looks like
Download and customise a free player like OSFLV.
4.I need as much protection as possible in terms of protecting the content from being downloaded
Forget it.
DRM for FLV exists, but you'll have to pay Adobe a load of money for Flash Media Server and Flash Media Rights Management Server, you'll lose client compatibility and ease of deployment, and in the end it's still breakable. Big old waste of time.
Accept that some people will download your videos, and put a big watermark on them so at least when they do you're getting free advertising.
