Internet SSL Usage Statistics [closed] - statistics

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Has anyone seen published statistics on SSL/TLS usage across the internet (i.e. servers using SSL vs. non-ssl enabled servers)?

These two talks from Blackhat 2010 (pdf) and Defcon 18 (pdf) are probably the best data you're going to get.

ssllabs has lots of good stuff.


linux load balance for multi core [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to know the load balancing policy Linux uses to balance load/core in multi core architecture, I did a lot of search on google, stackoverflow but not able to get useful material. I need this information for my project, if possible please try to help me.
This might help. linux-load-balancing-implementation

Network/url logging Linux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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After some research on the internet I couldnt find an appropriate tool for my task. I am looking for a linux based networking tool like iptraf but with the ability to see which url was exactly requested (in and out).
Thank you in advance!
On linux you can use the tcpdump command to capture traffic, including all the data, to a file.

Why is ping to Google servers and Google DNS so low? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I noticed that ping to Google DNS and to from Serbia is about 15ms, but google servers are located in California!
My dedicated server is located in Germany and our countries are close, but ping is 43ms.
What is the secret?
Can I reduce ping to my server somehow?
Google has an estimated 900,000+ servers all around the world. Not just in California.
This question is better left to I believe.
You can see a full list of sites through stackexchange here:

how to use SNMP on Linksys PAP2T? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've posted it to serverfault earlier, but had no response... Help me, please!
I have to monitor a network. In this network there are several voip devices, some of them are Linksys PAP2T. I'd like to get the name of this device over the network. For all other SNMP works fine, but how can I use SNMP on PAP2T or is there any replace?
According to the product data sheet, as far as I understand 'Linksys PAP2T' does not support SNMP at all.

Is there PAAS hosting platforms for event driven applications? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am looknig for a PAAS hosting service to deploy my small event-driven and websocket server applications (NodeJS, Python Twisted, etc...)
They're pretty much all in beta and I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting about a couple of them, but here's a list.
