Download an undefined number of files with HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse - multithreading

I have to write a small app which downloads a few thousand files. Some of these files contain reference to other files that must be downloaded as part of the same process. The following code downloads the initial list of files, but I would like to download the others files as part of the same loop. What is happening here is that the loop completes before the first request come back. Any idea how to achieve this?
var countdownLatch = new CountdownEvent(Urls.Count);
string url;
while (Urls.TryDequeue(out url))
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
new AsyncCallback(ar =>
using (HttpWebResponse response = (ar.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest).EndGetResponse(ar) as HttpWebResponse)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
string myFile = sr.ReadToEnd();
// TODO: Look for a reference to another file. If found, queue a new Url.
}), webRequest);

One solution which comes to mind is to keep track of the number of pending requests and only finish the loop once no requests are pending and the Url queue is empty:
string url;
int requestCounter = 0;
int temp;
AutoResetEvent requestFinished = new AutoResetEvent(false);
while (Interlocked.Exchange(requestCounter, temp) > 0 || Urls.TryDequeue(out url))
if (url != null)
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
new AsyncCallback(ar =>
try {
using (HttpWebResponse response = (ar.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest).EndGetResponse(ar) as HttpWebResponse)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
string myFile = sr.ReadToEnd();
// TODO: Look for a reference to another file. If found, queue a new Url.
finally {
}), webRequest);
// no url but requests are still pending

You are tryihg to write a webcrawler. In order to write a good webcrawler, you first need to define some parameters...
1) How many request do you want to download simultaneously? In other words, how much throughput do you want? This will determine things like how many requests you want outstanding, what the threadpool size should be etc.
2) You will have to have a queue of URLs. This queue is populated by each request that completes. You now need to decide what the growth strategy of the queue is. For eg, you cannot have an unbounded queue, as you can pump workitems into the queue faster than you can download from the network.
Given this, you can design a system as follows:
Have max N worker threads that actually download from the web. They take one time from the queue, and download the data. They parse the data and populate your URL queue.
If there are more than 'M' URLs in the queue, then the queue blocks and does not allow anymore URLs to be queued. Now, here you can do one of two things. You can either cause the thread that is enqueuing to block, or you can just discard the workitem being enqueued. Once another workitem completes on another thread, and a URL is dequeued, the blocked thread will now be able to enqueue succesfully.
With a system like this, you can ensure that you will not run out of system resources while downloading the data.
Note that if you are using async, then you are using an extra I/O thread to do the download. THis is fine, as long as you are mindful of this fact. You can do a pure async implementation, where you can have 'N' BeginGetResponse() outstanding, and for each one that completes, you start another one. THis way you will always have 'N' requests outstanding.


Batch up requests in Groovy?

I'm new to Groovy and am a bit lost on how to batch up requests so they can be submitted to a server as a batch, instead of individually, as I currently have:
class Handler {
private String jobId
// [...]
void submit() {
// [...]
// client is a single instance of Client used by all Handlers
jobId = client.add(args)
class Client {
String add(String args) {
response = postJson(args)
return parseIdFromJson(response)
As it is now, something calls Client.add(), which POSTs to a REST API and returns a parsed result.
The issue I have is that the add() method is called maybe thousands of times in quick succession, and it would be much more efficient to collect all the args passed in to add(), wait until there's a moment when the add() calls stop coming in, and then POST to the REST API a single time for that batch, sending all the args in one go.
Is this possible? Potentially, add() can return a fake id immediately, as long as the batching occurs, the submit happens, and Client can later know the lookup between fake id and the ID coming from the REST API (which will return IDs in the order corresponding to the args sent to it).
As mentioned in the comments, this might be a good case for gpars which is excellent at these kinds of scenarios.
This really is less about groovy and more about asynchronous programming in java and on the jvm in general.
If you want to stick with the java concurrent idioms I threw together a code snippet you could use as a potential starting point. This has not been tested and edge cases have not been considered. I wrote this up for fun and since this is asynchronous programming and I haven't spent the appropriate time thinking about it, I suspect there are holes in there big enough to drive a tank through.
That being said, here is some code which makes an attempt at batching up the requests:
import java.util.concurrent.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*
// test code
def client = new Client()
def futureResponses = []
1000.times {
futureResponses << client.add(it as String)
futureResponses.each { futureResponse ->
// resolve future...will wait if the batch has not completed yet
def response = futureResponse.get()
println "received response with index ${response.responseIndex}"
// end of test code
class FutureResponse extends CompletableFuture<String> {
String args
class Client {
int minMillisLullToSubmitBatch = 100
int maxBatchSizeBeforeSubmit = 100
int millisBetweenChecks = 10
long lastAddTime = Long.MAX_VALUE
def batch = []
def lock = new ReentrantLock()
boolean running = true
def start() {
running = true
Thread.start {
while (running) {
sleep millisBetweenChecks
def stop() {
running = false
def withLock(Closure c) {
try {
} finally {
FutureResponse add(String args) {
def future = new FutureResponse(args: args)
withLock {
batch << future
lastAddTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
def checkForSubmission() {
withLock {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastAddTime > minMillisLullToSubmitBatch ||
batch.size() > maxBatchSizeBeforeSubmit) {
def submitBatch() {
// here you would need to put the combined args on a format
// suitable for the endpoint you are calling. In this
// example we are just creating a list containing the args
def combinedArgs = batch.collect { it.args }
// further there needs to be a way to map one specific set of
// args in the combined args to a specific response. If the
// endpoint responds with the same order as the args we submitted
// were in, then that can be used otherwise something else like
// an id in the response etc would need to be figured out. Here
// we just assume responses are returned in the order args were submitted
List<String> combinedResponses = postJson(combinedArgs)
combinedResponses.indexed().each { index, response ->
// here the FutureResponse gets a value, can be retrieved with
// futureResponse.get()
// clear the batch
batch = []
// bogus method to fake post
def postJson(combinedArgs) {
println "posting json with batch size: ${combinedArgs.size()}"
combinedArgs.collect { [responseIndex: it] }
A few notes:
something needs to be able to react to the fact that there were no calls to add for a while. This implies a separate monitoring thread and is what the start and stop methods manage.
if we have an infinite sequence of adds without pauses, you might run out of resources. Therefore the code has a max batch size where it will submit the batch even if there is no lull in the calls to add.
the code uses a lock to make sure (or try to, as mentioned above, I have not considered all potential issues here) we stay thread safe during batch submissions etc
assuming the general idea here is sound, you are left with implementing the logic in submitBatch where the main problem is dealing with mapping specific args to specific responses
CompletableFuture is a java 8 class. This can be solved using other constructs in earlier releases, but I happened to be on java 8.
I more or less wrote this without executing or testing, I'm sure there are some mistakes in there.
as can be seen in the printout below, the "maxBatchSizeBeforeSubmit" setting is more a recommendation that an actual max. Since the monitoring thread sleeps for some time and then wakes up to check how we are doing, the threads calling the add method might have accumulated any number of requests in the batch. All we are guaranteed is that every millisBetweenChecks we will wake up and check how we are doing and if the criteria for submitting a batch has been reached, then the batch will be submitted.
If you are unfamiliar with java Futures and locks, I would recommend you read up on them.
If you save the above code in a groovy script code.groovy and run it:
~> groovy code.groovy
posting json with batch size: 153
posting json with batch size: 234
posting json with batch size: 243
posting json with batch size: 370
received response with index 0
received response with index 1
received response with index 2
received response with index 998
received response with index 999
it should work and print out the "responses" received from our fake json submissions.

How to do Async in Azure WebJob function

I have an async method that gets api data from a server. When I run this code on my local machine, in a console app, it performs at high speed, pushing through a few hundred http calls in the async function per minute. When I put the same code to be triggered from an Azure WebJob queue message however, it seems to operate synchronously and my numbers crawl - I'm sure I am missing something simple in my approach - any assistance appreciated.
(1) .. WebJob function that listens for a message on queue and kicks off the api get process on message received:
public class Functions
// This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written
// on an Azure Queue called queue.
public static async Task ProcessQueueMessage ([QueueTrigger("myqueue")] string message, TextWriter log)
var getAPIData = new GetData();
log.WriteLine("*** done: " + message);
(2) the class that outside azure works in async mode at speed...
class GetData
// wrapper that is called by the message function trigger
public async Task DoIt(string MessageFile)
await CallAPI(MessageFile);
public async Task<string> CallAPI(string MessageFile)
/// create a list of sample APIs to call...
var apiCallList = new List<string>();
// setup httpclient
HttpClient client =
new HttpClient() { MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 10000000 };
var timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0); // 5 min timeout
client.Timeout = timeout;
// create a list of http api get Task...
IEnumerable<Task<string>> allResults = apiCallList.Select(str => ProcessURLPageAsync(str, client));
// wait for them all to complete, then move on...
await Task.WhenAll(allResults);
return allResults.ToString();
async Task<string> ProcessURLPageAsync(string APIAddressString, HttpClient client)
string page = "";
HttpResponseMessage resX;
// set the address to call
Uri URL = new Uri(APIAddressString);
// execute the call
resX = await client.GetAsync(URL);
page = await resX.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
string rslt = page;
// do something with the api response data
catch (Exception ex)
// log error
return page;
First because your triggered function is async, you should use await rather than .Wait(). Wait will block the current thread.
public static async Task ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("myqueue")] string message, TextWriter log)
var getAPIData = new GetData();
await getAPIData.DoIt(message);
log.WriteLine("*** done: " + message);
Anyway you'll be able to find usefull information from the documentation
Parallel execution
If you have multiple functions listening on different queues, the SDK will call them in parallel when messages are received simultaneously.
The same is true when multiple messages are received for a single queue. By default, the SDK gets a batch of 16 queue messages at a time and executes the function that processes them in parallel. The batch size is configurable. When the number being processed gets down to half of the batch size, the SDK gets another batch and starts processing those messages. Therefore the maximum number of concurrent messages being processed per function is one and a half times the batch size. This limit applies separately to each function that has a QueueTrigger attribute.
Here is a sample code to configure the batch size:
var config = new JobHostConfiguration();
config.Queues.BatchSize = 50;
var host = new JobHost(config);
However, it is not always a good option to have too many threads running at the same time and could lead to bad performance.
Another option is to scale out your webjob:
Multiple instances
if your web app runs on multiple instances, a continuous WebJob runs on each machine, and each machine will wait for triggers and attempt to run functions. The WebJobs SDK queue trigger automatically prevents a function from processing a queue message multiple times; functions do not have to be written to be idempotent. However, if you want to ensure that only one instance of a function runs even when there are multiple instances of the host web app, you can use the Singleton attribute.
Have a read of this Webjobs SDK documentation - the behaviour you should expect is that your process will run and process one message at a time, but will scale up if more instances are created (of your app service). If you had multiple queues, they will trigger in parallel.
In order to improve the performance, see the configurations settings section in the link I sent you, which refers to the number of messages that can be triggered in a batch.
If you want to process multiple messages in parallel though, and don't want to rely on instance scaling, then you need to use threading instead (async isn't about multi-threaded parallelism, but making more efficient use of the thread you're using). So your queue trigger function should read the message from the queue, the create a thread and "fire and forget" that thread, and then return from the trigger function. This will mark the message as processed, and allow the next message on the queue to be processed, even though in theory you're still processing the earlier one. Note you will need to include your own logic for error handling and ensuring that the data wont get lost if your thread throws an exception or can't process the message (eg. put it on a poison queue).
The other option is to not use the [queuetrigger] attribute, and use the Azure storage queues sdk API functions directly to connect and process the messages per your requirements.

Return from asynchronous request in for loop

I’m trying to get data from my RestAPI, specifically i’m getting an array of integers (which are id’s from other users), i want to loop through this array and download the data from all the other customers. A simplified version of the code is show below.
func asyncFunc(completion: (something:[Int])->Void){
//Get a json Array asynchonous from my RestAPI
let jsonArray = [1,2,3,4,5]
var resultingArray:[Int] = []
for myThing in jsonArray{
anotherAsyncFunc(myThing, completion: { (somethingElse) -> Void in
func anotherAsyncFunc(data:Int, completion: (somethingElse:Int)->Void){
//Get some more jsonData from RestApi/data
let myLoadedData:Int = data*13356
completion(somethingElse: myLoadedData)
How would I make my asyncFunc return an array with all the items it has gotten from the second (inner) async request.
I have tried getting the count of the array which is first requested from the Rest Api and just “blocking” the UI thread by using a while loop too see if the “new” array has collected all the data (the count is equal to the count of the first requested array). This has 2 major disadvantages, mainly it blocks the UI thread and further more, it will fail and crash the app if the data connection gets broken while i’m getting the data from the other users (the inner async request), cause the while loop will never complete.
My question is how would I use a completion handler to return all the data that it should return without blocking the main thread and/or having to worry about badly timed data connection losses.
You can use a dispatch group notification. So create a dispatch group, enter the group for each item in the array, exit in the completion handler of the anotherAsyncFunc asynchronous process, and then create a notification that will trigger the final completion closure when all of the dispatch_group_enter calls have been offset by a corresponding dispatch_group_leave call:
func asyncFunc(completion: (something:[Int])->Void){
//Get a json Array asynchonous from my RestAPI
let jsonArray = [1,2,3,4,5]
var resultingArray:[Int] = []
let group = dispatch_group_create()
for myThing in jsonArray {
anotherAsyncFunc(myThing) { somethingElse in
dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
completion(something: resultingArray)
Note, you will want to make sure you synchronize the updates to resultingArray that the anotherAsyncFunc are performing. The easiest way is to make sure that it dispatches its updates back to the main queue (if your REST API doesn't do that already).
func anotherAsyncFunc(data:Int, completion: (somethingElse:Int)->Void){
//Get some more jsonData from RestApi/data asynchronously
let myLoadedData:Int = data*13356
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
completion(somethingElse: myLoadedData)
This is just an example. You can use whatever synchronization mechanism you want, but make sure you synchronize updates on resultingArray accordingly.

Consumer/Producer with order and constraint on consumed items

I have the following scenario
I am writing a server that process files (jobs)
a file has a "prefix" and a time
the files should be processed according to time (older file first) but also take into account the prefix (files with same prefix can't be processed concurrently)
I have a thread (Task with Timer) that watches over a directory and adds files to a "queue" (producer)
I have several consumers that take the file from "queue" (consumer) - they should conform to the above rules.
the job of each task is kept in some list (this indicates the constraints)
There are several consumers, the number of consumers is determined at startup.
One of the requirement is to be able to gracefully stop the consumers (either immediately or let ongoing processes to finish).
I did something along this line:
while (processing)
//limits number of concurrent tasks
//Take next job when available or wait for cancel signal
currentwork = workQueue.Take(taskCancellationToken);
//check that it can actually process this work
if (CanProcess(currnetWork)
var task = CreateTask(currentwork)
task.ContinueWith((t) => { //release processing slot });
//release slot, return job? something else?
The cancellation tokens sources are in the caller code and can be cancelled. There are two in order to be able to stop queuing while not cancelling running tasks.
I tired to implement the "queue" as BlockingCollection wrapping a "safe" SortedSet. The general idea work (ordering by time) except the case in which I need to find a new job that matches the constraint. If I return the job to the queue and try to take again I will get the same one.
It is possible to take jobs from the queue until I find a proper one and then returning the "illegal" jobs back but this may cause issues with other consumers processing out of order jobs
Another alternative is to pass a simple collection and a way to lock it and just lock and do a simple search according to current constraints. Again, this means writing code that will possibly not be thread-safe.
Any other suggestion / pointers / data structures that can help?
I think Hans is right: if you already have a thread-safe SortedSet (that implements IProducerConsumerCollection, so it can be used in BlockingCollection), then all you need is to put only files that can be processed right now into the collection. If you finish a file which makes another file available for processing, add the other file to the collection at this point, not earlier.
I would have implemented your requirement(s) with TPL Dataflow. Look at the way you could implement the Producer-Consumer pattern with it. I believe this will meet all the requirements you have (including cancellation on the consumers).
EDIT (for those that do not like to read documentation, but who does...)
Here is an example of how you could implement the requirements with TPL Dataflow. The beauty of this implementation is that consumers are not bound to a single thread and only uses a pool thread when it needs to process data.
static void Main(string[] args)
BufferBlock<string> source = new BufferBlock<string>();
var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();
LinkConsumer(source, "A", cancellation.Token);
LinkConsumer(source, "B", cancellation.Token);
LinkConsumer(source, "C", cancellation.Token);
// Link an action that will process source values that are not processed by other
source.LinkTo(new ActionBlock<string>((s) => Console.WriteLine("Default action")));
while (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested == false)
ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;
switch (key)
case ConsoleKey.Escape:
Console.WriteLine("Posted value {0} on thread {1}.", key, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
private static void LinkConsumer(ISourceBlock<string> source, string prefix, CancellationToken token)
// Link a consumer that will buffer and process all input of the specified prefix
var consumer = new ActionBlock<string>(new Action<string>(Process), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1, SingleProducerConstrained = true, CancellationToken = token, TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.Default });
var linkDisposable = source.LinkTo(consumer, (p) => p == prefix);
// Dispose the link (remove the link) when cancellation is requested.
private static void Process(string arg)
Console.WriteLine("Processed value {0} in thread {1}", arg, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
// Simulate work

Caching requests to reduce processing (TPL?)

I'm currently trying to reduce the number of similar requests being processed in a business layer by:
Caching the requests a method receives
Performing the slow processing task (once for all similar requests)
Return the result to each requesting method calls
Things to note, are that:
The original method calls are not currently in a async BeginMethod() / EndMethod(IAsyncResult)
The requests arrive faster than the time it takes to generate the output
I'm trying to use TPL where possible, as I am currently trying to learn more about this library
eg. Improving the following
byte[] RequestSlowOperation(string operationParameter)
Perform slow task here...
Any thoughts?
Follow up:
class SomeClass
private int _threadCount;
public SomeClass(int threadCount)
_threadCount = threadCount;
int parameter = 0;
var taskFactory = Task<int>.Factory;
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
int i1 = i;
.StartNew(() => RequestSlowOperation(parameter))
.ContinueWith(result => Console.WriteLine("Result {0} : {1}", result.Result, i1));
private int RequestSlowOperation(int parameter)
Lazy<int> result2;
var result = _cacheMap.GetOrAdd(parameter, new Lazy<int>(() => RequestSlowOperation2(parameter))).Value;
//_cacheMap.TryRemove(parameter, out result2); <<<<< Thought I could remove immediately, but this causes blobby behaviour
return result;
static ConcurrentDictionary<int, Lazy<int>> _cacheMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Lazy<int>>();
private int RequestSlowOperation2(int parameter)
return parameter;
Here is a fast, safe and maintainable way to do this:
static var cacheMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Lazy<byte[]>>();
byte[] RequestSlowOperation(string operationParameter)
return cacheMap.GetOrAdd(operationParameter, () => new Lazy<byte[]>(() => RequestSlowOperation2(operationParameter))).Value;
byte[] RequestSlowOperation2(string operationParameter)
Perform slow task here...
This will execute RequestSlowOperation2 at most once per key. Please be aware that the memory held by the dictionary will never be released.
The user delegate passed to the ConcurrentDictionary is not executed under lock, meaning that it could execute multiple times! My solution allows multiple lazies to be created but only one of them will ever be published and materialized.
Regarding locking: this solution will take locks, but it does not matter because the work items are far more expensive than the (few) lock operations.
Honestly, the use of TPL as a technology here is not really important, this is just a straight up concurrency problem. You're trying to protect access to a shared resource (the cached data) and, to do that, the only approach is to lock. Either that or, if the cache entry does not already exist, you could allow all incoming threads to generate it and then subsequent requesters benefit from the cached value once it's stored, but there's little value in that if the resource is slow/expensive to generate and cache.
Perhaps some more details will make it clear on exactly why you're trying to accomplish this without a lock. I'll happily to revise my answer if more detail makes it clearer what you're trying to do.
