DBPedia Query problem - dbpedia

I am really getting crazy with DBPedia... I thought you did not need to be an engineer to run a query against it, but did not suceed after X tries and hours of reading...
Can anyone be so kind and help me with the following:
I would like to run a query, that gets me the state/region/province of a town.
E.g. for "Miami", that would be Florida. Or for "Bonn" "Northrhine-Westphalia", etc. pp.
Is there any easy to use interface for DBPedia that spits out the queries? Its a pitty such a great resource is so hard to use...

I know its late, but I saw your question in the "Similar Questions" section
I stumbled upon this: http://querybuilder.dbpedia.org/
and this: http://dbpedia.org/sparql
and you'll find some links to tutorials and examples on this blog post as well:


How can I make text appear on scrolling like the following website

Can someone help me with the following problem. I want to make text appear and flow to the right at the same time like this website: https://www.wokine.com/en/ . How should my code look like?
There are a series of solutions to that and writing about them all in detail would take forever, I'm just going to share a few of my favourite libraries and a few resources on them.
AOS is in my opinion the nicest library doing what you want to do. It's on Github.
WOW.js is another library that does what you are looking for, but it has some strange licensing.
With a queck search I could also find ScrollMagic, I have no experience with that one.
Hope it helps get you started!

Learning Viewflow and Documentation

Viewflow sounds like a really useful library, but I've spent two days reading everything I can about it and still don't have a good idea of how to use it.
The current documentation seems to cover
The problems that viewflow is intended to solve
Some very basic examples
In-depth details of its various components.
What seems to be missing is the area between two and three. So I'm looking for something that gives a certain amount of detail and explains viewflow's overall structure while also explaining how things are being done and how one might do something differently if one wanted to.
Does anyone know of any tutorials or documentation that could help to fill this gap? Viewflow certainly sounds great but at the moment, I'm a long way from finding it usable.

Semantics based code search

We have a large number of repositories. We want to implement a semantics(functionality) based code search on those repositories. Right now, we already have implemented keyword based code search in which we crawled through all the repository files and indexed them using elasticsearch. But that doesn't solve our problem as some of the repositories are poorly commented and documented, thus searching for specific codes/libraries become difficult.
So my question is: Is there any opensource libraries or any previous work done in this field which could help us index the semantics of the repository files, so that searching the code becomes easy and this would also help us in re-usability of the codes. I have found some research papers like Semantic code browsing, Semantics-based code search etc. but were of no use as there was no actual implementation given. So can you please suggest some good libraries or projects which could help me in achieving the same.
P.S:-Moreover, companies like Koders, Google, cocycles.com etc. started their code search based on functionality. But most of them have shut down their operations without giving any proper feedback, can anyone please tell me what kind of difficulties they are facing.
not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I wrote https://github.com/google/zoekt , which uses ctags-based understanding of code to improve ranking.
Take a look at insight.io
It provides semantic search and browsing

readymade miniforum for my website?

hey guys,
i'm looking for a finished product that i can use on my website. just a really simpel forum, where people can register and then post questions or discuss something. i wouldn't even need topics or subforums. just one category would be enough.
i know there is stuff out there like phpbb forums, however most of that is too advanced for my needs.
regards and thank you for your help.
You can try http://www.ninjapost.com since it meets your needs of (1) simplicity and (2) ready made.
While phpbb is complex, it can be used for your purposes.
Wikipedia has a great list of forum software. Let me know if none of these work, and I will dig up my research on various forum systems.

Any experiences with Web2Cal?

I need a calendar-widget for my website. This calendar needs to be very flexible. An option is to write it from scratch, but I think, if kept at a reasonable price, it would be a better option to buy the code.
So far I've come up with Web2Cal which looks great. I downloaded the free-version, to see how it would be to work with, but I feel like I'm running short on documentation. Does anyone have any experiences with this 'widget'? Is it worth spending some dollars on it?
Double bonus question:
Do you know of any better place to find documentation on Web2Cal than their primary website?
Do you know of similar tools, which you liked (commercial or free-to-use)?
Thanks in advance :)
[EDIT] If it makes any difference, the server code is being done i ASP.NET.
Did you try daypilot.org? that has a component for .NET
Web2Cal is certainly nice, I noticed that their support system is nice. They respond to all questions. Web2Cal is more flexible.
If you feel daypilot satisfies your needs go for it.
For some reason, I feel web2cal is more easy to customize and versatile than daypilot. To make up for the documentation, their support is pretty good. I guess that is true for all new softwares. So take advantage of that feature, post like 300 questions to them to get your work done.. ! saves you a whole lot of headache.
