Locking on an object? - node.js

I'm very new to Node.js and I'm sure there's an easy answer to this, I just can't find it :(
I'm using the filesystem to hold 'packages' (folders with a status extensions 'mypackage.idle') Users can perform actions on these which would cause the status to go to something like 'qa', or 'deploying' etc... If the server is accepting lots of requests and multiple requests come in for the same package how would I check the status and then perform an action, which would change the status, guaranteeing that another request didn't alter it before/during the action took place?
so in c# something like this
lock (someLock) { checkStatus(); performAction(); }
Thanks :)

If checkStatus() and performAction() are synchronous functions called one after another, then as others mentioned earlier: their exectution will run uninterupted till completion.
However, I suspect that in reality both of these functions are asynchoronous, and the realistic case of composing them is something like:
function checkStatus(callback){
callback(something == ok);
if(status == true){
The above code is subject to race conditions, as when doSomeIOStuff is being perfomed instead of waiting for it new request can be served.
You may want to check https://www.npmjs.com/package/rwlock library.

This is a bit misleading. There are many script languages that are suppose to be single threaded, but when sharing data from the same source this creates a problem. NodeJs might be single threaded when you are running a single request, but when you have multiple requests trying to access the same data, it just behaves as it creates kind of the same problem as if you were running a multithreaded language.
There is already an answer about this here : Locking on an object?
WATCH sentinel_key
GET value_of_interest
if (value_of_interest = FULL)
SET sentinel_key = foo
if (EXEC returned 1, i.e. succeeded)

One thing you can do is lock on an external object, for instance, a sequence in a database such as Oracle or Redis.
For example, I am using cluster with node.js (I have 4 cores) and I have a node.js function and each time I run through it, I increment a variable. I basically need to lock on that variable so no two threads use the same value of that variable.
check this out How to create a distributed lock with Redis?
and this https://engineering.gosquared.com/distributed-locks-using-redis
I think you can run with this idea if you know what you are doing.

If you are making asynchronous calls with callbacks, this means multiple clients could potentially make the same, or related requests, and receive responses in different orders. This is definitely a case where locking is useful. You won't be 'locking a thread' in the traditional sense, but merely ensuring asynchronous calls, and their callbacks are made in a predictable order. The async-lock package looks like it handles this scenario.

warning, node.js change semantic if you add a log entry beucause logging is IO bound.
if you change from
qa_action_performed = false
function handle_request() {
if (check_status() == STATUS_QA && !qa_action_performed) {
qa_action_performed = true
qa_action_performed = false
function handle_request() {
if (check_status() == STATUS_QA && !qa_action_performed) {
console.log("my log stuff");
qa_action_performed = true
more than one thread can execute perform_action().

You don't have to worry about synchronization with Node.js since it's single threaded with an event loop. This is one of the advantage of the architecture that Node.js use.
Nothing will be executed between checkStatus() and performAction().

There are no locks in node.js -- because you shouldn't need them. There's only one thread (the event loop) and your code is never interrupted unless you perform an asynchronous action like I/O. Hence your code should never block. You can't do any parallel code execution.
That said, your code could look something like this:
qa_action_performed = false
function handle_request() {
if (check_status() == STATUS_QA && !qa_action_performed) {
qa_action_performed = true
Between check_status() and perform_action() no other thread can interrupt because there is no I/O. As soon as you enter the if clause and set qa_action_performed = true, no other code will enter the if block and hence perform_action() is never executed twice, even if perform_action() takes time performing I/O.


NodeJS: Reading and writing to a shared object from multiple promises

I'm trying to find out if there could be an issue when accessing an object from multiple promises, eg:
let obj = {test: 0}
let promisesArr = []
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
// Then the promise would be something like this
function promiseFunc(obj) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// read from the shared object
let read = obj.test
// write/modify the shared object
// Do some async op with the read data
await asyncFunc(read)
// resolves and gets called again later
From what I can see/tested there would not be an issue, it would seem like even though processing is asynchronous, there is no race condition. But maybe I could be missing something.
The only issue that I can see is writing to the object and then doing some I/O op and then read expecting what was written before to still be there
I'm not modifying the object after other async operations only at the start, but there are several promises doing the same. Once they resolve they get called again and the cycle starts over.
Race conditions in Javascript with multiple asynchronous operations depend entirely upon the application logic of what exactly your doing.
Since you don't show any real code in that regard, we can't really say whether you have a race condition liability here or not.
There is no generic answer to your question.
Yes, there can be race conditions among multiple asynchronous operations accessing the same data.
The code can be written appropriately such that no race condition occurs.
It all depends upon the exact and real code and what it is doing. There is no generic answer. I can show you code with two promise-based asynchronous operations that absolutely causes a race condition and I can show you code with two promise-based asynchronous operations that does not cause a race condition. So, susceptibility to race conditions depends on the precise code and what it is doing and precisely how it is written.
Pure and simple access to a value in a shared object does not by itself cause a race condition because the main thread in Javascript is single threaded and non-interruptible so any single synchronous Javascript statement is thread-safe by itself. What matters is what you do with that data and how that code is written.
Here's an example of something that is susceptible to race conditions if there are other operations that can also change shareObj.someProperty:
let localValue = shareObj.someProperty;
let data = await doSomeAsyncOperation();
shareObj.someProperty = localValue + data.someProperty;
Whereas, this not cause a race condition:
let data = await doSomeAsyncOperation();
shareObj.someProperty = shareObj.someProperty += data.someProperty;
The second is not causing its own race condition because it is atomically updating the shared data. Whereas the first was getting it, storing it locally, then waiting for an asynchronous operation to complete which is an opportunity for other code to modify the shared variable without this local function knowing about it.
FYI, this is very similar to classic database issues. If you get a value from a database (which is always an asynchronous operation in nodejs), then increment it, then write the value back, that's subject to race conditions because others can be trying to read/modify the value at the same time and you can stomp on each other's changes. So, instead, you have to use an atomic operation built into the database to update the variable in one atomic operation.
For your own variables in Javascript, the problem is a little bit simpler than the generic database issue because reading and writing to a Javascript variable is atomic. You just make to make sure you don't hold onto a value that you will later modify and write back across an asynchronous operation.

Spawning a new thread for each object load

I have a system which runs multiple service (long lived) and worker (short lived) threads. They all share a state which contains objects. Any thread can request an object an any time, through a singleton-of-sorts class called ObjectManager. If the object is not available it needs to be loaded.
Here's some pseudo-code of how object loading looks now:
class ObjectManager {
getLoadinData(path) {
if (hasLoadingDataFor(path))
return whatWeHave()
else {
loadingData = createNewLoadingData();
loadingData.path = path;
return loadingData;
// loads object and blocks until it's loaded
loadObjectSync(path) {
loadingData = getLoadinData(path);
return loadingData.loadedObject;
// initiates a load and calls a callback when done
loadObjectAsync(path, callback) {
loadingData = getLoadinData(path);
// dedicated loading thread
loadingThread() {
while (running) {
loadingData = waitForLoadingData();
object = readObjectFromDisk(loadingData.path);
object.onLoaded(); // !!!!
loadingData.object = object;
// unblock cv waiters
// call callbacks
The problem is the line object.onLoaded. I have no control over this function. Some objects might decide that they need other objects to be valid. So in their onLoaded method they might call loadObjectSync. Uh-oh! This (naturally) dead locks. It blocks the loading loop until the loading loop makes more iterations.
What I could do to solve this is leave the onLoaded call to the initiating threads. This will change loadObjectSync to something like:
loadObjectSync(path) {
loadingData = getLoadinData(path);
if (loadingData.wasCreatedInThisThread()) {
else {
// wait more
return loadingData.loadedObject;
... but then the problem is that if I have no calls for loadSync and only for loadAsync or simply the loadAsync call was the first to create the loading data, there will be no one to finalize the object. So to make this work, I have to introduce another thread finalizes objects whose loadingData was created by loadObjectAsync.
It seems that it would work. But I have a simpler idea! What if I change getLoadingData instead. What if it does this:
getLoadinData(path) {
if (hasLoadingDataFor(path))
return whatWeHave()
else {
loadingData = createNewLoadingData();
loadingData.path = path;
thread = spawnLoadingThread(loadingData);
return loadingData;
Spawn a new thread for every object load. Thus there is no dead lock. Every loading thread can safely block until it's done. The rest of the code remains exactly as it is.
This means potentially tens (or why not thousands in certain edge cases) active threads, waiting on condition variables. I know that spawning threads has its overhead but I think it would be negligible compared to the cost of I/O from readObjectFromDisk
So my question is: Is this terrible? Can this somehow backfire?
The target platform is conventional desktop machines. But this software is supposed to run for a long time without stopping: weeks, maybe months.
Alternatively... even though I have an idea how to solve this if the thread-per-load turns out to be terrible, can this be solved in another way?
Very interesting! This is a problem I have bumped into a couple of times, trying to add a synchronous interface to a fundamentally asynchronous operation (i.e. file load, or in my case, network write) that is performed by a service thread.
My own preference would be to not provide the synchronous interface. Why? Because it keeps the code simpler in design & implementation and easier to reason about -- always important for multi-threading.
Benefits of sticking to single thread & async only is that you only have 1 service thread, so resource growth is not a concern, plus the user callbacks are always invoked on this same thread, which simplifies thread-safety concerns for users of ObjectManager (if you have multiple callback threads, every user callback must be thread safe, so it's an important choice to make). However sticking to only an async interface does mean the user of ObjectManager has more work to do.
But if you do want to keep the synchronous interface, then another approach that I have taken could work for you. You stick to a single service thread but inside the implementation of loadObjectSync you check the thread-ID to determine if the invoker is the service thread or any-other thread. If it is any-other thread you queue the request and safely block. But if it is the service thread, you can immediately load the object, say by calling a new function loadObjectImpl. You will need to grab the thread-ID of the service thread during initialization and store it within the ObjectManager instance, and use that for thread identification. And you will need a new function which is basically just the internal scope of the loadingThread function -- i.e. a new function called something like loadObjectImpl.

in nodejs, how to limit the number of simultaneous access to part of the code?

One part of my code, I want it run once simultaneous, no parallel running.
I found semaphore:
var sem = require('semaphore')(1);
If I do this, it seems the code between sem.take and sem.leave will be only executed once simultaneously. But is there other way to do this? Cause as a node user, I am not very happy to touch this sort of "multithread" thing.
My problem is the following code, I want them to be run only once simultaneously. But this function can take up to 10 seconds cause I am waiting for the response of run_cmd (basically a wrapped child.exec).
But if I refreshed the page. Two processes will run silmutaneously. And the stdout from the previous process can affect the coming process.
How to solve this?
async function(){
let res = await run_cmd('xxxx')
res = parse_first_res(res)
res = await run_cmd('zzz' + res)
res = parse_second_res('xxyy' + res)
NodeJS is essentially single threaded. So as long as the code is synchronous no parallel processing can happen so you are safe.
However if the code is not synchronous (e.g. you do some database calls) then you need some sort of locking/semaphore. There's no escape.
Also note that locks/semaphores do not guarantee that a function will be called only once. It only guarantees that no parallel processing will happen. To ensure that the function is called only once you need some additional flag and if statement.
Cause as a node user, I am not very happy to touch this sort of "multithread" thing.
This is not about multi or single threading. It is about parallel processing. It doesn't matter whether you are node user or not. You will have to deal with race conditions at some point.

Concurrency between Meteor.setTimeout and Meteor.methods

In my Meteor application to implement a turnbased multiplayer game server, the clients receive the game state via publish/subscribe, and can call a Meteor method sendTurn to send turn data to the server (they cannot update the game state collection directly).
var endRound = function(gameRound) {
// check if gameRound has already ended /
// if round results have already been determined
// --> yes:
do nothing
// --> no:
// determine round results
// update collection
// create next gameRound
sendTurn: function(turnParams) {
// find gameRound data
// validate turnParams against gameRound
// store turn (update "gameRound" collection object)
// have all clients sent in turns for this round?
// yes --> call "endRound"
// no --> wait for other clients to send turns
To implement a time limit, I want to wait for a certain time period (to give clients time to call sendTurn), and then determine the round result - but only if the round result has not already been determined in sendTurn.
How should I implement this time limit on the server?
My naive approach to implement this would be to call Meteor.setTimeout(endRound, <roundTimeLimit>).
What about concurrency? I assume I should update collections synchronously (without callbacks) in sendTurn and endRound (?), but would this be enough to eliminate race conditions? (Reading the 4th comment on the accepted answer to this SO question about synchronous database operations also yielding, I doubt that)
In that regard, what does "per request" mean in the Meteor docs in my context (the function endRound called by a client method call and/or in server setTimeout)?
In Meteor, your server code runs in a single thread per request, not in the asynchronous callback style typical of Node.
In a multi-server / clustered environment, (how) would this work?
Great question, and it's trickier than it looks. First off I'd like to point out that I've implemented a solution to this exact problem in the following repos:
To summarize, the problem basically has the following properties:
Each client sends in some action on each round (you call this sendTurn)
When all clients have sent in their actions, run endRound
Each round has a timer that, if it expires, automatically runs endRound anyway
endRound must execute exactly once per round regardless of what clients do
Now, consider the properties of Meteor that we have to deal with:
Each client can have exactly one outstanding method to the server at a time (unless this.unblock() is called inside a method). Following methods wait for the first.
All timeout and database operations on the server can yield to other fibers
This means that whenever a method call goes through a yielding operation, values in Node or the database can change. This can lead to the following potential race conditions (these are just the ones I've fixed, but there may be others):
In a 2-player game, for example, two clients call sendTurn at exactly same time. Both call a yielding operation to store the turn data. Both methods then check whether 2 players have sent in their turns, finding the affirmative, and then endRound gets run twice.
A player calls sendTurn right as the round times out. In that case, endRound is called by both the timeout and the player's method, resulting running twice again.
Incorrect fixes to the above problems can result in starvation where endRound never gets called.
You can approach this problem in several ways, either synchronizing in Node or in the database.
Since only one Fiber can actually change values in Node at a time, if you don't call a yielding operation you are guaranteed to avoid possible race conditions. So you can cache things like the turn states in memory instead of in the database. However, this requires that the caching is done correctly and doesn't carry over to clustered environments.
Move the endRound code outside of the method call itself, using something else to trigger it. This is the approach I've taken which ensures that only the timer or the final player triggers the end of the round, not both (see here for an implementation using observeChanges).
In a clustered environment you will have to synchronize using only the database, probably with conditional update operations and atomic operators. Something like the following:
var currentVal;
while(true) {
currentVal = Foo.findOne(id).val; // yields
if( Foo.update({_id: id, val: currentVal}, {$inc: {val: 1}}) > 0 ) {
// Operation went as expected
// (your code here, e.g. endRound)
else {
// Race condition detected, try again
The above approach is primitive and probably results in bad database performance under high loads; it also doesn't handle timers, but I'm sure with some thinking you can figure out how to extend it to work better.
You may also want to see this timers code for some other ideas. I'm going to extend it to the full setting that you described once I have some time.

How can I handle a callback synchrnously in Node.js?

I'm using Redis to generate IDs for my in memory stored models. The Redis client requires a callback to the INCR command, which means the code looks like
client.incr('foo', function(err, id) {
... continue on here
The problem is, that I already have written the other part of the app, that expects the incr call to be synchronous and just return the ID, so that I can use it like
var id = client.incr('foo');
The reason why I got to this problem is that up until now, I was generating the IDs just in memory with a simple closure counter function, like
var counter = (function() {
var count = 0;
return function() {
return ++count;
to simplify the testing and just general setup.
Does this mean that my app is flawed by design and I need to rewrite it to expect callback on generating IDs? Or is there any simple way to just synchronize the call?
Node.js in its essence is an async I/O library (with plugins). So, by definition, there's no synchronous I/O there and you should rewrite your app.
It is a bit of a pain, but what you have to do is wrap the logic that you had after the counter was generated into a function, and call that from the Redis callback. If you had something like this:
var id = get_synchronous_id();
you'll need to do something like this.
var runIdLogic = function(id){
client.incr('foo', function(err, id) {
You'll need the appropriate error checking, but something like that should work for you.
There are a couple of sequential programming layers for Node (such as TameJS) that might help with what you want, but those generally do recompilation or things like that: you'll have to decide how comfortable you are with that if you want to use them.
#Sergio said this briefly in his answer, but I wanted to write a little more of an expanded answer. node.js is an asynchronous design. It runs in a single thread, which means that in order to remain fast and handle many concurrent operations, all blocking calls must have a callback for their return value to run them asynchronously.
That does not mean that synchronous calls are not possible. They are, and its a concern for how you trust 3rd party plugins. If someone decides to write a call in their plugin that does block, you are at the mercy of that call, where it might even be something that is internal and not exposed in their API. Thus, it can block your entire app. Consider what might happen if Redis took a significant amount of time to return, and then multiple that by the amount of clients that could potentially be accessing that same routine. The entire logic has been serialized and they all wait.
In answer to your last question, you should not work towards accommodating a blocking approach. It may seems like a simple solution now, but its counter-intuitive to the benefits of node.js in the first place. If you are only more comfortable in a synchronous design workflow, you may want to consider another framework that is designed that way (with threads). If you want to stick with node.js, rewrite your existing logic to conform to a callback style. From the code examples I have seen, it tends to look like a nested set of functions, as callback uses callback, etc, until it can return from that recursive stack.
The application state in node.js is normally passed around as an object. What I would do is closer to:
var state = {}
client.incr('foo', function(err, id) {
state.id = id;
function doSomethingWithId(id) {
// reuse state if necessary
It's just a different way of doing things.
