convert ByteArray to NSData - ios4

I want convert ByteArray into NSData
How can i do?
please Help me

I assume what you're calling a ByteArray is actually a "char *", or more generally a pointer to some data.
Then you'll want to do [NSData dataWithBytes:pointer]. Read


Image Encryption

i am doing image steganography and if i type message greater than 3 chars to encrypt there is an exception that Quantization table 0x01 is not defined and is message is less than 3 char i got an encrypted image as i needed .I think this is due to JPEG format (I think while injecting bits in image byte array i hv destroyed the property and attributes of an image ).Help me i am sure its something related to metadata but don`t know much about it.
i am adding code what i am doing
File f=new File(file.getParent()+"/encrypt.jpg");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, "file null ho gyi encrypt mein");
FileInputStream imageInFile = new FileInputStream(file);
byte imageData[] = new byte[(int) file.length()];;
// Converting Image byte array into Base64 String
String imageDataString = Base64.encode(imageData);
// Converting a Base64 String into Image byte array
pixels = Base64.decode(imageDataString);
// Write a image byte array into file system
catch(Exception as)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane,"Please first select an Image");
String msg=jTextArea1.getText();
byte[] bmsg=msg.getBytes();
String as=Base64.encode(bmsg);
int len=msg.length();
byte[] blen=inttobyte(len);
String sd=Base64.encode(blen);
// Converting Image byte array into Base64 String
String imageDataString = Base64.encode(pixels);
// Converting a Base64 String into Image byte array
pixels = Base64.decode(imageDataString);
InputStream baisData = new ByteArrayInputStream(pixels,0,pixels.length);
if(image == null)
System.out.println("imag is empty");
ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", f);
catch(Exception s)
and thats what encode fxn looks like
byte[] encode(byte [] old,byte[] add,int offset)
try{ if(add.length+offset>old.length)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, "File too short");
catch(Exception d)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, d.getLocalizedMessage());
byte no;
for(int i=0;i<add.length;i++)
for(int bit=7;bit>=0;bit--,++offset)
int b=(no>>bit)&1;
return old;
You are correct in that you have disturbed the file structure. The JPEG format contains highly compressed data to the point none of its bytes represent any pixel values directly. In fact, JPEG doesn't even store the pixel values, but the DCT coefficients of pixel blocks.
Your method of reading the raw bytes of the file would work only for a format like BMP, where the pixels are directly stored in the file. However, you'd still have to skip the first few bytes (header), which contain information like the width and height of the image, number of colour planes and bits per pixel.
If you want to embed your message by modifying the least significant bits of pixels, you have to load the actual pixels in a byte array. Then you can modify the pixels with your encode() method. To save the data to a file, convert the byte array to a BuffferedImage object and use ImageIO.write(). However, you must use a format that does not involve lossy compression, because that can distort the pixel values, thereby destroying your message. Losslessly compressed (or uncompressed) file formats include BMP and PNG, while JPEG is lossy.
If you still want to do JPEG steganography, the process is a bit more involving, but this answer pretty much covers what you need to do. Briefly, you want to borrow the source code of a jpeg encoder because writing one is very complex and requires intricate understanding of the whole format. The encoder will convert the pixels to a bunch of different numbers (lossy step) and store them compactly to a file. Your steganography algorithm should then be injected between these two steps, where you can modify those numbers before saving them to file.

VC++: how-to convert CString to TCHAR*

VC++: how-to convert CString value to TCHAR*.One method is GetBuffer(..) function. Is there any other way we can convert CString to TCHAR*.
CString::GetBuffer() doesn't make any conversion, it gives direct access to string.
To make a copy of CString:
TCHAR* buf = _tcsdup(str);
TCHAR* buf = new TCHAR[str.GetLength() + 1];
_tcscpy_s(buf, str.GetLength() + 1, str);
However the above code is usually not useful. You might want to modify it like so:
TCHAR buf[300];
_tcscpy_s(buf, TEXT("text"));
Usually you need to this to read data in to buffer, so you want to make the buffer size larger than the current size.
Or you can just use CString::GetBuffer(), again you might want to make the buffer size bigger.
GetWindowText(hwnd, str.GetBuffer(300), 300);
str.ReleaseBuffer(); //release immediately
TRACE(TEXT("%s\n"), str);
In other cases you need only const cast const TCHAR* cstr = str;
Lastly, TCHAR is not very useful. If your code is compatible with both ANSI and unicode then you might as well make it unicode only. But that's just a suggestion.
This depends on why you need a non-const TCHAR*. There are two main scenarios:
Manual update of the contents of a CString object:In that case you will have to call CSimpleStringT::GetBuffer (specifying the minimal length of the final string), update the contents, and call CSimpleStringT::ReleaseBuffer. Calling ReleaseBuffer is mandatory, as it updates internal state. Failure to call ReleaseBuffer can lead to the string exposing unexpected behavior.
Failure to expose const-correctness at an interface:If this is the case you can either update the interface to take a const TCHAR* instead of a TCHAR*, and invoke CSimpleStringT::operator PCXSTR by passing the CString object.If you cannot update the interface, you are best advised to make a copy into a TCHAR array and pass a pointer to this copy.If you can make sure that the implementation will not ever modify the contents referenced through the TCHAR* parameter, you could use a const_cast instead. This is not recommended, as it can introduce bugs in the future, by modifying unrelated code.

Read a text file with Core Foundation in Apple development?

what is the easiest, most straight-forward method to read a text file and copy it into a variable (CFStringRef)?
If you're simply looking to end up with a CFStringRef variable and don't mind using Foundation then the easiest thing to do is use one of NSString's initializers that read from the file system and cast it out of ARC:
NSString * string = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:#"/path/to/file" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
CFStringRef cfstring = CFBridgingRetain(string);
Of course if you want a pure-CF solution then I would suggest something like this:
FILE * file;
size_t filesize;
unsigned char * buffer;
// Open the file
file = fopen("/path/to/file", "r");
// Seek to the end to find the length
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
filesize = ftell(file);
// Allocate sufficient memory to hold the file
buffer = calloc(filesize, sizeof(char));
// Seek back to beggining of the file and read into the buffer
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread(buffer, sizeof(char), filesize, file);
// Close the file
// Initialize your CFString
CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, filesize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, YES);
// Release the buffer memory
In this case you need to use standard C library functions to get a byte buffer of the file contents. If you were dealing with file too large to load into a memory buffer then you could easily use the mmap function to memory-map the file, which is what NSData does in many cases.

junk values in a LPTSTR string

I wrote a function to return the extension from a path, It looks like below:
LPTSTR GetExtension(LPCTSTR path1)
CString str(path1);
int length = str.ReverseFind(L'.');
str = str.Right(str.GetLength()-length);
LPTSTR extension= str.GetBuffer(0);
return extension;
I checked the statement and found that extension have a valid value(.txt) while returning but when i use the following statement in main method like below
LPTSTR extension = GetExtension(L"C:\\Windows\\text.txt");
The variable extension is having the following junk values:
Can anyone tell me what is the reason behind it?
You are returning a pointer to a released buffer. And the buffer is a local variable of the function. Both big no-nos. Change the signature to
size_t GetExtension(LPCTSTR path, LPTSTR buffer, size_t bufferSize)
so that you can copy the result into buffer.
Or return a CString or std::wstring, you're using C++, not C. Using TCHAR is also a heavily outmoded way to handle strings, the last non-Unicode version of Windows died a timely death 12 years ago.
I dont have my compiler with me, but may be you are probably getting the buffer and storing a location of it. Then you release it while LPTSTR is still pointing to one location.
Or may be LPTSTR is on the stack while while you look at it inside the function. On exiting the function you are loosing it.

System::String^ to Hexadecimal representation, help needed

I need to convert String^ type to hexadecimal string representation. I'm coding on MSVC++'05. Need help with the algorithm, have already tried the strtol function and it is not outputting the result i'm expecting.
String^ str = "993";
I wan str to be converted to hexadecimal which is 0x03E1, how do i go about do this? Any help or directions is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Transforming it into a hexadecimal is in the display portion of it.
String^ str = "993";
int value;
Console::WriteLine("Failed, exiting");
return -1;
This indicates the output should be hex -----^^^
