In Linux shell do all commands that work in a shell script also work at the command prompt? - linux

I'm trying to interactively test code before I put it into a script and was wondering if there are any things that behave differently in a script?

When you execute a script it has its own environment variables which are inherited from the parent process (the shell from which you executed the command). Only exported variables will be visible to the child script.
More information:
By the way, if you want your script to run in the same environment as the shell it is executed in, you can do it with the point command:
This will avoid creating a new process for you shell script.

A script runs in exactly the same way as if you typed the content in at a shell prompt. Even loops and if statements can be typed in at the shell prompt. The shell will keep asking for more until it has a complete statement to execute.

As David rightly pointed out, watch out for environment variables.
Depending on how you intend to launch your script, variables set in .profile and .bashrc may not be available. This is subject to whether the script is launched in interactive mode and whether it was a login shell. See Quick Startup File Reference.
A common problem I see is scripts that work when run from the shell but fail when run from another application (cron, nagios, buildbot, etc.) because $PATH was not set.
To test if a command/script would work in a clean session, you can login using:
ssh -t localhost "/bin/bash --noprofile --norc"
This ensures that we don't inherit any exported variables from the parent shell, and nothing from .profile or .rc.
If it works in a clean session and none of you're commands expect to be in interactive mode, then you're good to go!


When can I run a shell script with command ". shellscript" in bash,ubuntu?

If I have a script "shellscript" in /usr/bin directory(It can also be a script of an installed program). When I run command "shellscript" (from anywhere , home or other directory) in terminal, it runs perfectly but when I use ". shellscript" , then also this file executes.
I know we can use ". /path/to/script/shellscript" to run it but if its in /usr/bin , can we use direct command without path?
Is it safe to run?
Can we run programs in such a way?
I need explanation. If yes then why? If Not then why? Should not then why?
The Bash shell searches the directories listed in the PATH variable in both shellscript and . shellscript cases. The main difference is that when using . (or equivalently source) to start a script, a new shell process is not created for interpreting the script. This is sometimes useful because it allows the script to define environment variables and functions that will then be available in the caller. For more details, see the Bash manual page (info bash).

Linux basics - automating a script execution

When beginning to work, I have to run several commands:
source work/tools
cd work/tool
source tool
Off course, doing this a few times a day is really annonying, so I tried to make a bash script tool where I put these commands and put it in /user/bin to run it with command
However, there is a problem. When i run the script and then try to work by typing some of the tool-based commands, it does not work.
I figured out, that it is fine, since if I make a script and then run it, the script seems to run in the same terminal window, but what it really does is, that it behaves as if it created a "hidden window" for its execution and after termination of the script, the "hidden window" terminates too. So I am asking - is there a way to automatize the source command?
I have tried using xterm -hold -e command, but it runs the programmed script in the new window. Obviously, I don't want that. How can I achieve running it in the current window?
Don't put files like that in /usr/bin. As a general rule you don't want to mess with the distribution owned locations like that. You can use /usr/local/bin if you need a system-wide location or you can create a directory in your home directory to hold things like this that are for your own usage (and add that to the $PATH).
What you've noticed is that when run as a script on its own (tool, /path/to/tool, etc.) that the script runs in its own shell session (nothing to do with terminal windows as-such) and you don't want that (as the changes the script makes don't persist to your current shell session).
What you want to do instead is "source"/run the script in your current session. Which you are already doing with that set of commands you listed (source work/tools is doing exactly that).
So instead of running tool or /path/to/tool instead use source /path/to/tool or . /path/to/tool.
As fedorqui correctly points out you don't even need a script for this anywhere as you can just make a shell function for this instead (in your normal shell startup files .bashrc, etc.) and then just run that function when you need to so that setup.
Be careful to use full paths for things when you do this though since you, presumably, want this to work no matter what directory you happen to be in when you run it.
It doesn't create a new hidden window, nor does it create a terminal. What happens is that if you're running a script, normally it runs on a new shell process. The script you're running is supposed to modify the shell environment, but if you're running the script in a new shell process, that shell process's environment is the one that gets modified, instead of your shell environment.
Scripts that needs to modify the current shell environments usually must be run with the source command. What you need to do is to run the script in the current shell. So you should do source /path/to/tool.
If you want to be able to source the script with just tool, put this in your alias file/shell startup (check your distro doc where the file is, but it's usually either .bash_aliases or .bashrc):
alias tool="source /path/to/tool"

Why calling a script by "scriptName" doesn't work?

I have a simple script cmakeclean to clean cmake temp files:
#!/bin/bash -f
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm *.cmake
which I call like
$ cmakeclean
And it does remove CMakeCache.txt, but it doesn't remove cmake_install.cmake:
rm: *.cmake: No such file or directory
When I run it like:
$ . cmakeclean
it does remove both.
What is the difference and can I make this script work like an usual linux command (without . in front)?
I am sure the both times is same script is executed. To check this I added echo meme in the script and rerun it in both ways.
Remove the -f from your #!/bin/bash -f line.
-f prevents pathname expansion, which means that *.cmake will not match anything. When you run your script as a script, it interprets the shebang line, and in effect runs /bin/bash -f scriptname. When you run it as . scriptname, the shebang is just seen as a comment line and ignored, so the fact that you do not have -f set in your current environment allows it to work as expected.
. script is short for source script which means the current shell executes the commands in the script. If there's an exit in there, the current shell will exit (and e. g. the terminal window will close).
This is typically used to modify the environment of the current shell (set variables etc.).
script asks the shell to fork itself, then exec the given script in the child process, and then wait in the father for the termination of the child. If there's an exit in the script, this will be executed by the child shell and thus only terminate this. The father shell stays intact and unaltered by this call.
This is typically used to start other programs from the current shell.
Is this about ClearCase? What did you do in your poor life where you've been assigned to work in the deepest bowels of hell?
For years, I was a senior ClearCase Administer. I haven't touched it in over a decade. My life is way better now. The sky is bluer, bird songs are more melodious, and my dread over coming to work every day is now a bit less.
Getting back to your issue: It's hard to say exactly what's going on. ClearCase does some wacky things. In a dynamic view, the ClearCase repository on Unix systems is hidden in the shell's environment. Now you see it, now you don't.
When you run a shell script, it starts up a new environment. If a particular shell variable is not imported, it is invisible that shell script. When you merely run cmakeclean from the command line, you are spawning a new shell -- one that does not contain your ClearCase environment.
When you run a shell script with a dot prefix like . cmakeclean, you are running that shell script in the current shell which contains your ClearCase environment. Thus, it can see your ClearCase view.
If you're using a snapshot view, it is possible that you have a $HOME/.bashrc that's changing directories on you. When a new shell environment runs in BASH (the default shell in MacOS X and Linux), it first runs $HOME/.bashrc. If this sets a particular directory, then you end up in that directory and not in the directory where you ran your shell script. I use to see this when I too was involved in ClearCase hell. People setup their .kshrc script (it was the days before BASH and most people used Kornshell) to setup their views. Unfortunately, this made running any other shell script almost impossible to do.

Difference between different ways of running shell script

Recently I have been asked a question. What are the different ways of executing shell script and what is the difference between each methods ?
I said we can run shell script in the following methods assuming is the script name,
. ./
I don't know the difference between 1 & 2. But usually in first 2 methods, upon executing, it will spawn new process and run the same. Whereas in the last method, it won't spawn new process. Instead it runs in the same one.
Can someone throw more insight on this and correct me if I am wrong?
Tells the command to use sh to execute
Tells the command to execute the script. The interpreter needs to be defined in the first line with something like #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash. Note (thanks keltar) that in this case the file needs to have execution rights for the user performing this command. Otherwise it will not be executed.
In both cases, all variables used will expire after the script is executed.
. ./
Sources the code. That is, it executes it and whatever executed, variables defined, etc, will persist in the session.
For further information, you can check What is the difference between executing a bash script and sourcing a bash script? very good answer:
The differences are:
When you execute the script you are opening a new shell, type
the commands in the new shell, copy the output back to your current
shell, then close the new shell. Any changes to environment will take
effect only in the new shell and will be lost once the new shell is
When you source the script you are typing the commands in your
current shell. Any changes to the environment will take effect and stay in your current shell.

How to make declare in a Linux shell script?

I want to put below declare in a shell script: proxy_set
declare -x https_proxy=""
And then I execute it like below.
$ ./proxy_set
But "export" shows nothing happened.
And in another way if I execute it like this:
$ source proxy_set
Then "export" shows it works!
My question is how can I make it work without additional "source" cmd?
You can't. Setting variables in the environment only affects the environment of that shell and any future children it spawns; there's no way to affect the parent shell. When you run it without the source (or .), a brand new shell is started up, then the variable is set in that shell's environment, and then that shell exits, taking its environment with it.
The source reads the commands and executes them within the current shell as if you had typed them.
So if you want to set environment variables in a script, you have to source it. Alternatively, you can have a command generate shell commands as output instead of running them, and then the parent can evaluate the output of the command. Things like ssh-agent use this approach.
Try just adding:
export https_proxy=""
Then execute your script normally.
