Why Extensions menu isnt' shown? - web

in a website developed with Joomla CMS (1.5.15 version) in the admin panel the extensions menu (necessary to install extensions, templates and so on) isn't shown.
What could be the problem?

First, you need to update to 1.5.22. It's very easy to do and you are extremely vulnerable considering there have been 7 security updates since your version.
Next, those menu items are not available to all administrators, only super admins. Here's a good summary of back end permissions - http://help.joomla.org/content/view/228/153/1/2/

I solved the problem.
Tmp and logs directories path was wrong so Joomla wasn't able to install the component because it could not extract the archive of the component.


How to find Kentico hotfix when KIM is not installed

On my development machine I can view the hotfix level of the Kentico website using KIM. KIM isn't installed on our production machines.
In Kentico v7.0 the hotfix level was reported in CMS Desk but that isn't the case in Kentico v9.0.
Is there anywhere I can look to find the hotfix level without using KIM?
There are typically a few places you can find this:
File system
Kentico UI
If you get your info from the database, it will only be relevant to the data. If you get your info from the file system, it will tell you the version of the files. If you look in the Kentico UI, it will show you what is in the database.
To get the info out of the database run this query:
FROM CMS_SettingsKey
WHERE KeyName = 'CMSDataVersion' OR
KeyName = 'CMSDBVersion' OR
KeyName = 'CMSHotfixVersion'
The KeyValue fields will have the info you are looking for.
To get the info from the file system, go to the Bin directory and right click on any of the CMS dll's and go to properties>details. The Product Version will provide you with the version information.
In the file system you can also find the hotfix in a txt file under /App_Data/Install/Hotfix.txt
To get the info from the UI, log into Kentico and click the question mark at the top right of the screen, it will show the current version.
In the user interface (admin) in Help toolbar.
You can also find it in database in CMS_SettingsKey table. Look for CMSHotfixVersion KeyName.
Just go to the admin panel and click on the "?" icon on your right side of the screen. This will open a sliding area revealing you the correct hotfix version.
If you want to apply hotfix and we don't have KIM in system then you can download the utility directly and apply it.
Hotfix URL

GitLab: How to display Wiki as start page instead of readme?

I want to have the start page of the wiki of a project in GitLab as general start page for the project. Is this possible?
This isn't currently possible. The only views available which you can find in /profile/preferences are activity and readme.
This is possible because there's a bug in gitlab does exactly what you want, but only
for logged in users accessing
a public wiki-only project
So i guess „It's not a bug, it's a feature" ;)
Having checked the example repository in the above linked issue, what you're asking for seems to be the default behaviour on gitlab.com now for wiki-only projects (which means you have to go into the settings and disable the repository feature).
I just verified that by setting up a fresh wiki-only project and it shows empty wiki page as homepage which was introduced in 12.5.

umbraco project in VS2012 - how?

Now it's my turn to ask this question..
I've been reading about setting up an umbraco project in VS2012 but i really don't know if im doing it worng, or if it's just not possible..
Is it possible to setup an umbraco project in VS2012 with ability to add templates, and documenttypes and create sites and more with VS2012 without using the umbraco admin tool? :-)
Yes, in fact, only 2 minutes ago I finished checking in a brand new project, a VS2012 solution housing an Umbraco v6 website.
My solution/directory setup is particular, and no doubt yours is too, but the bottom line is that the Umbraco is just an ASP.NET website, so you can add it to a solution using thew "Add existing website" option, to the root or subdirectory of your will.
Then you can use the Solution Explorer to edit files such as those in the css, masterPages, and macroScripts folder etc.
One note of caution would be this. When using 'Umbraco scripts' (i.e. Razor scripting files and such) then, when created in the Umbraco UI, a calling Macro is also created (by default, though there is an opt-out) and (historically) some database goings-on, and so in the case of scripts, I think it's always wise to initially create them using the Umbraco UI.
Other than that, are you having a specific problem, as I don't see you point one out?

How to secure content in Orchard CMS

I'd like to use the roles and membership ability of Orchard CMS to limit access to a staff portal in Orchard CMS. At present there doesn't look like there's an out of the box way to do it.
I've found numerous references to modules that should be able to help out but none seem to work.
Very Simple Permissions is a codeplex item suggested by some that has a dead link nowadays and doesn't seem to exist on codeplex.
Science Project: Quanta destroys my site everytime I try to install it with a missing dll issue, and not sure if its what I need anyways.
Does anyone have any guidance as to how to either: show/hide menu items based on roles using the standard menu system or advanced menu plugin
limit content visibility based on roles. If its a module fantastic, otherwise don't mind getting my hands dirty with some coding but a point in the right way to do this mvc style would be great. I'm going to presume I need to edit the controller for the menu module to check for current membership and adjust the view data accordingly. I'm moving away from webforms. slowly. Still getting my head around the framework.
Thanks for checking in.
For those who are still struggling with this, there's a module is called ContentPermissions which is available here:
Once installed, you can then add the ContentPermissionsPart to the Content Type you want to secure.
Quanta really is what you want. You are probably missing one of its dependencies. Pete, the author, is also super-active on the CodePlex forums so if you ask there, you'll get an answer.
UPDATE: Orchard 1.5.1, the current version as I'm writing this update, supports content item permissions and menu trimming out of the box.

SharePoint: Issues with Orphans when Retracting MasterPage Feature Solution

When I deactivate a feature, or even just after removing a Solution package, I can still choose to select the Master Page which belonged to the feature I removed. This is a problem for me.
The only way to get rid of the hanging reference is to open SharePoint Designer and to browse to the sites _catalog directory then remove the .master files from the masterpages directory.
Is there a way to cause different uninstall behavior which would remove the hanging reference? If so how?
Thank you,
Yes deactivating the Master Page feature will not remove the master page from the Site you need to do it manually or using some feature receiver code that hooks the deactivating event.
My MOSS is a bit rusty, but can't you write some code in the
feature_deactivated event?
Do a manual remove of the master page there?
