How to redirect desktop users away from mobile site... to regular site? - search

How can I sniff out desktop users and send them to regular (non-mobile) site when they find the mobile site listed in google?
Thank you for any insight!

You can check the HTTP-headers for the type of browser the user is using and redirect to the correct site. There is also a nifty framework for it;

There's a really interesting article about it on Google Central. You should check it out.
While I'm aware that it doesn't answer your question, it's totally worth reading. As I'm on this very same quest, I'd appreciate if you could share with us whatever way out of this predicament you get to find.
By the way, can you post your website URL here for the rest of us to see? :-)

You could use in reverse to redirect people from your mobile site back to your standard site.


Very simple user validation

I'm making an app and I plan to have some cloud happening with it, but I do not want to create a user data base and have the users need to remember their username and password.
Since it will be distributed through the chrome app store it's basically guaranteed that the user will have a google account. All I want to do is:
Get the user's email through the google account stuff. If I get it through there, well then their email is all the authentication I need to get that user's data.
If I end up putting the application on something other than chrome browser, I'll just have the user use their email to request a validation link, and then I'll send them a validation code for that account, they put the validation code into the application, it takes that as a verified user, so that's secure and easy as well.
EDIT: I'm looking into this. So far I have:
OAuth 2
Google API
But I have a problem that I don't know what to set as my javascript origins in the Google API and there isn't too much info on this abroad. If anyone can tell me what javascript origins I need to set for a chrome extension to access google api it would be a great help.
PS: Thanks for down vote, this is why I love resorting to stack exchange.
Hmmm, I think the only reason this was voted down is the fact that this question may be been asked somewhere on the site already (but I'll help you and give give a 1up).
So what you are wanting to use the Google OpenID. You will have to register your application with Google so they can provide OAuth2 tokens for you application. I have not done this with Google but with other services and it is pretty easy, just search around.
In terms of obtaining OAuth2 for your application in the chrome extension - this can be a pain since the extension is sandboxed and Google's example uses OAuth not OAuth2.
Here is solution I host on GitHub for this - I also use this in my extension GitHub Repositories:
Hope this helps in some way. Don't get discourages with StackOverflow, it is a great resource with many great contributors.
Good luck!
I had to up vote you too as I'm tracking down a related issue so here is what I've found that may help.
According to these directions - - "In the "Authorized JavaScript Origins" box, enter the protocol and domain for your site." This should be the protocol (http:// or https://) followed by any optional subdomain followed by your domain name and no trailing slash. Nothing after the domain name.
This prevents certain kind of security attacks, see:
There are some related questions here that I found that may help:
Problems with Google Picker API and selecting Google Drive items and google apis console 'Javascript origins'.
Now with all of that said, I am still trying to track down what values to put in there for one of my sites hosted as a Google Site, as none of the obvious values are working for me. So there may be some subtlety there that I have missed in this explanation.

Can you configure a Wordpress-based site for private use only?

If I build a site using Wordpress, is there a straightforward way to restrict access to the whole site to only those who I specify?
I've looked a few plugins that attempt to redirect unregistered users to the login page, but most seem old, fragile, or generally just hacks.
I want to know if a standard Wordpress installation lets you do this, or otherwise if there's a decent and secure plugin to do it. I need a solution that doesn't involve changing the default wordpress PHP scripts as I don't have direct access to the server. It's quite important that the solution is secure.
Any help or past experience would be appreciated.
EDIT: Apologies if this is better suited to, wasn't aware this existed. Please move if necessary :-)
The new version of WP, I believe v 3.1.2, has this option for pages and posts under the quick edit.
You can set a password per post / page or mark them as private.

Reviewing a website

I'm looking for a tool (free/paid) like a program that help me in reviewing my website style and interface such as explain the content of the home page (footer, header ..... ) taking snapshots and write comment on them ... I know this can be done using (print screen) and the MS paint but I need a more professional tool to use .
thank you in advance
I'm not sure if I understand well, but conceptshare may be the tool you looking for.
There's a firefox extension called Screengrab that can capture an entire page. You could add annotations to that quite easily in a DTP tool.
I'm not sure about the type of review you're looking for.
If you want to have people using the website and giving you their feedback in terms of navigation, layout, design and content, you can use a services.
They'll enroll users to test out the website and them give you a URl to review a video/audio recording of each user test. It's a great way to validate your website.
Hope this is what you were looking for...

If I keep another webiste's link to my website via comment or foroum based facility then Is it help my site any how?

Say If I keep more number of web links of other sites on my web site then is it going to help my website in any way?
No it will help the other sites as you will be basically providing backlinks to theirs. Unless they have links going back to your site then you won't see any benefit at your end.
Maybe you are not quite clear about in-bound link and out-bound link.
What you are talking about now is out-bound link, which, according Google's PR, is a vote to other site(The linked site), not yours.
What you need, though, is in-bound link. In plain English, links of your sites on other sites.
Be warned, only putting our links on other sites that share the same themes can be counted as valid links. On top of it, do not tempted into Black Hat SEO!

How to get the lists of file and directory names of a site?

How exactly do you do this? The reason is my CMS has been breached, well, mainly because the username and password is fairly common (my bad). But I've always thought that it is save, since the directory name is pretty un-common and hard to guess (not the usual /cms/ or /admin/). Brute-forcing from a script? or maybe some Google tricks?
update : my CMS is in PHP and I developed it myself. I don't remember putting the link to it everywhere, except once in email I sent to my friend via gmail.
update 2 : as this could be used by some people to attack a site, please don't put any script in the answer. My intention is just to know the general ways to do it, so that I could prevent further attacks like this.
Thanks in advance.
Did you ever surf somewhere via a link from your CMS? Your browser would have sent a referer (note the misspelling) header, indicating where you came from.
Maybe you had a link to administrative area somewhere?
Or maybe accessing main directory without filename renders directory index?
I.e. you're using mod_autoindex?
My guess is, that somebody linked to your CMS URL and an automated (evil) script found it using Google search results looking for some common patterns.
Search in Google using this query
to verify if your link/pages are contained in Google.
