Missing FlashVars in Flash Professional CS5 and swfobject? - flash-cs5

I have a Flash Professional CS5 movie which I'm trying to pass a parameter with swfobject. The problem is that movieclip's flashvar variables (under loaderInfo.parameters) is null.
Here is the swfobject code:
function loadSetupBar(connectId)
// add the setup bar to the DOM using swfobject
{{gameWidth}}, $("#top-bar").height(),
"10.0.0", "{{installSwf}}",
{connectionId : connectId },
allowFullScreen : true,
wmode : 'opaque',
allowscriptaccess: "always"
According to the swfobject documentation, everything seems to be ok.
Here's the corresponding code inside the FLA (A MovieClip with its own AS3 class):
var params : Object = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
var connectionId : String = params.connectionId;
if ( !params.hasOwnProperty('connectionId') )
// this line is always printed.
trace("[SetupBar-Error] loaderInfo parameters missing property 'connectionId'")
I'm not sure about what else to do.
EDIT: Here is a list of things I've tried that have failed:
casted root.loaderInfo to class LoaderInfo ( i.e. LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo) )
passing a String literal in swfobject.embedSWF instead of param connectId
(i.e. {connectionID : 'myTestValue'})

There's a problem with the TLF TEXT control, when you add it to the stage the flashvars begins not working . just don't use it and your flashvars will work fine . i've faced the same problem and i got it solved by not using TLF TEXT control.
I hope i helped .
Best Regards

Try this:
var params:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
var connectionID:String = params.connectionId;


How to get the id from the given lines of code?

acknowledged: true,
insertedId: new ObjectId("612d9d08db9c20f031033478")
This was the JSON format I got while I added a file and some other things to MongoDB and I want to get this id separately to save the file to another folder.
Can anyone please explain this?
I believe this question was answered by Vikas in this thread How to get value from specific key in NodeJS JSON [duplicate]
Edited The Answer. Now Its working for above object in question
You can use following function to access the keys of JSON. I have
returned 'mm' key specifically.
function jsonParser(stringValue) {
var string = JSON.stringify(stringValue);
var objectValue = JSON.parse(string);
return objectValue['mm'];
if this is a JSON String, at first of all you have to parse it to object liertal, then you can access the specified property you mentioned, so you can do like the following:
function parseJsonString(jsonString) {
// first parse it to object
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
// now access your object property/key
var id = obj.insertedId;
If your doing it on mongodb shell or Robo3T then, the line of code would be:
This is related to projection. 1 represents you want to display it as your output.
In your case as you want only the value of your object id to get displayed, you have to use .valueOf() ; that is ObjectId().valueOf().
-> insertedId: new ObjectId("612d9d08db9c20f031033478")
-> ObjectId("612d9d08db9c20f031033478").valueOf()
-> 612d9d08db9c20f031033478
Your can refer this : https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/ObjectId.valueOf/ site for your reference.
So you can use this .valueOf() in your code and get the id saved in the document

Remove parent div if duplicate words

I'm using a service called Embedly to style my RSS feeds from Google Feedburner. I have an example code over her: JsFiddle
If you look closely you will see the source (CNN) at the end of every title. This is called .provider I would like to get rid of the whole div (.embed) IF the the word CNN is located elsewere (meaning duplicate) in the div, either .description or a
I tried many things, this is one of them really straight forward code:
$('.embed').each(function() {
if($('.embed a:first **could also be .description**', this).text() == $('.provider', this).text())
I cant figure out why its not working. I also used it with on and live click with no luck.
I just realized the 'embeds' are not there on document tready. I added a button with click event which you can click after the embedly has loaded in: http://jsfiddle.net/2VBSX/37/
You can use success event to filter provider class from the data like this :
key: ':3eccf441bf0f43acbb076da9817af27d',
success: function(oembed, dict) {
output = $(oembed['code']);
description = $(oembed['code']).find(".description").text();
var regex =new RegExp(output.find('.provider').text(),"i");
if(regex.exec(description) == null ) {
output.find("a:eq(0)").text(); // First
output.find("a:eq(1)").text(); // Provider
Checkout this jsfiddle demo
Is it that what you want?
var regex = /CNN/;
$('.embed').each(function(index, element) {
if (regex.exec($('.embed a:first').text()) != null
&& regex.exec($('.provider').text()) != null) {

QML Strings in BlackBerry Cascades

I am trying to build a custom button in newest BlackBerry 10 platform.
The button should change background image when it is clicked and then change it back when it is clicked the second time.
The button logic is fairly simple: once clicked, I check for the type of image currently in the button and change the image source.
I started with a basic QML custom control which looks like this (stripped of labels and other unimportant things):
import bb.cascades 1.0
id: root
layout: DockLayout
function clickMe()
var source = myImage.defaultImageSource.toString();
if (source.endsWith("image.png"))
myImage.defaultImageSource = "asset:///images/image_pushed.png";
myImage.defaultImageSource = "asset:///images/image.png";
id: myImage
defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/image.png"
ImageButton click event is connected to JavaScript function clickMe. The function fires and the URL is logged to console correctly.
The problem is the IF clause, because the image_pushed.png is never set. Why is this the problem and how can I implement this button?
I am looking around for a only QML solution for this problem and I found this information:
the defaultImageSource property is of type QUrl, which does contain
toString() method.
toString() method returns QString, which indeed has function endsWith.
my QML reference: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qstring.html#endsWith
Within QML QString instances appear to be a normal JavaScript strings. This mapping is done automatically. And Javascript strings don't have a endsWith method. You can use the search method with an regular expression to achieve the same.
if (source.search(/image\.png$/ !== -1) { /* ... */ }
I think you can create more simple way by using property
for example:
id : myControl
property bool state
defaultImageSource : state ? "firstImageAsset.png" : "secondImageAsset.png"
onClick :{
myControl.state = !myControl.state

Concatenate string in Asp Mvc

I am using ajax jquery for return a string , i have a entangle , it is Concatenate string
I want concatenate :
string str = "";
str += "<td>"+"<%= Html.ActionLink('Edit', 'ProcessUpdate/' + s.ProductId, 'Stationery')%>"+" </td>";
but when i run application , this is result :
I want to run the program the following results
thank for all !
It looks your issue is the parameters you are passing to Html.ActionLink(). Your question has been answered
here. The "/" character in your second parameter is not valid since this parameter is the action name in MVC2+ or the controller name in MVC1.
Assuming Stationery is the controller and ProcessUpdate is the action on the controller, your code should look like this:
Html.ActionLink("Edit", "ProcessUpdate", "Stationery" new { Id = s.ProductId }, new { } )
And here is the signature for the action
public ActionResult ProcessUpdate(string id)
// Do something
Note the last parameter is for Html Attributes and is required for this overload of Html.ActionLink() to work properly.

jade (for nodejs) substrings in templates

Would anyone please advise how in jade for nodejs I can truncate a string to a number of characters/words, ideally conscious about the HTML markup within the string?
This should be similar to Django's truncatechars/truncatewords and truncatechars_html/truncatewords_html filters.
If this doesn't exist in jade, which way is right to go? I'm starting my first nodejs+express+CouchDB app, and could do it within nodejs code but it seems that filters are much more appropriate.
I would also consider writing a filter like this (and others) if I knew how :))
Just a quick illustration:
// in nodejs:
// body variable comes from CouchDB
res.render('home.jade', { title : "test", featuredNews : eval(body)});
// in home.jade template:
each article in featuredNews.rows
p!= article.value.description:truncatewords_html(30)
So I've made up the truncatewords_html(30) thing to illustrate what I think it should be similar to.
Will appreciate any ideas!
Here is a little "truncate_words" function:
function truncate( value, arg ) {
var value_arr = value.split( ' ' );
if( arg < value_arr.length ) {
value = value_arr.slice( 0, arg ).join( ' ' );
return value;
You can use it before sending the string to the template, or in the template using a helper method.
cheerio is a nice little library that does a subset of jquery and jsdom. Then it's easy:
truncateWords_html : function(html, words){
return cheerio(html).text().split(/\s/).slice(0, words).join(" ")
Then, in a jade template use:
#{truncateWords_html(article.value.description, 30)}
This looks like a generic way to add any filters, hurray! :))
