Generating images using MetaUML - diagram

How do you generate images(*.svg, *.gif, *.png ...) with MetaUML?

MetaUML is built on top of MetaPost, which is a tool used with LaTeX to typeset documents. So the output of the MetaUML is ment as graphics for LaTeX documents, which is a PostScript based vector graphics format similar to EPS. You can find more on the MetaPost wiki page.
However you can convert the resulting file, just google "metapost to svg" for example, first hit is this tutorial:


Converting sequence of SVG images (which contain Emojis) to a MPEG video

I googled and even asked chatGPT but I'm unable to find a solution and hope to get some guidance here.
First I've to mention that I'm not a programmer but rather a beginner.
Following a short description of what I'm trying to achive and what I've done so far.
I gather data and create a circular visualization using Circos which produces SVG
and PNG images.
(unfortunately the PNG doesn't give me the option of searching for
text an make replaecments), nevertheless I can use them to sucessfuly produce a
MPEG movie using FFmpeg. Therefore I need to use the SVG output to apply the
desired changes.
So I tried to use CairoSVG to render the SVG file to a PNG image but it does not
render emojis by default because the are not part of the SVG specification and
CairoSVG only supports features defined in the SVG specification. The Emojis are
stored as Unicode characters and are not natively supported in SVG
Next I tried to use PIL (Python Imaging Library) as it provides support for Unicode
characters, including emojis, when converting images to and from various formats.
Unfortunately PIL does not have native support for converting SVG files to PNG and
it seems that PIL is primarily designed for creating and manipulating images in a
variety of formats, but does not have built-in support for reading or converting
SVG files.
So now my questions are:
Would FFmpeg give me the desired results, if I compile it using the --enable-
librsvg option so it can convert a sequence of SVG images to a video but i'm not
sure if it supports emojis rendered correctly and want to spare me the hassle as
I'm pretty sure to struggle compiling it on my Mac running Ventura?
Are the maybe other ways or posibilities to solve that problem?
Many thanks in advance for your help or any hint :-)
Have all a nice weekend and take care
NB: an example of the circular visualization can be found here animated graph and the static version annotated graph
Problem solved, I used the html2image Python module which converts the SVG (including embedded Emoji's) nicely to a PNG image an then use those images to create a MPG4 video using FFmpeg.

Opening an EPS file in Inkscape causes weird line artifacts

I'm trying to edit a vector graphics file from Freepik. The format is EPS and after installing both Inkscape and Ghostscript on Windows, I'm able to open the file with Inkscape. However, Inkscape introduces some weird artifacts (see lines and wrong colors in the picture below).
Side by side comparison, original vector (left) and SVG saved after opening the EPS file in Inkscape (right)
Is there a way to fix this issue?
It's a little difficult to tell, partly because this is a complex illustration and partly because the rendering is a little small. I'd suggest that the circular artefacts are caused by radial fills not being rendered completely.
This could simply be a rendering problem with Inkscape, or it could be that the radial fill has an Extend parameter which isn't being honoured. It could also be a problem calculating a clip.
It's not entirely obvious what you used to render the left hand image, is that Ghostscript ?
Generally I'd say this looks like an Inkscape bug and you should report it as such.
Reading through the Inkscape FAQ it seems that Inkscape uses SVG as its native format. That's going to mean that an awful lot of PostScript (and PDF) vector objects aren't going to be represented well. Shadings will either have to be rendered to an image or converted into a complex series of SVG primitives.
Following the link on 'How to open EPS files in Windows' from the FAQ suggests to me that EPS files are either rendered to an image or converted to PDF.
You could use Ghostscript to convert the EPS to PDF yourself, and then try loading the PDF into Inkscape to see if you get a better result. You can also open the PDF in, say, Acrobat to see if it looks OK there.
If the PDF looks fine in Acrobat, but not so good in Inkscape, then I'd say that's an Inkscape problem. If the PDF looks poor in Acrobat then that's a Ghostscript problem.
You can then report the problem as a bug to the appropriate site.
It seems that EPS has more capabilities than SVG and that's why some stuff looks weird when converted to PDF/SVG. Specifically, highlights in an EPS file are not properly rendered in an SVG file.
I checked the conversion from EPS to PDF via Ghostscript and the lines are already there, i.e. it's not an Inkscape bug.
Here's the original file to reproduce the problem:
And here's what it looks like after converting it to PDF: The artifacts are not as noticeable on the PDF file, possibly because Ghostscript converts it with a higher DPI by default
My workaround to be able to edit the file (remove the background) was to:
open the EPS with Inkscape, ungroup the items
delete the background
export it as PNG
then use the PNG as a "mask" on GIMP to edit the JPG file that came together with the EPS.

Postscript to PDF scale to fit into A4

I need to create an A4 PDF file by fitting into page this 13.44x16.44 inches Postscript file. I thought ps2pdf could help me but I cannot get the desired effect.
I use this command to create the PDF:
ps2pdf -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPDFFitPage -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ori.postscript salida.pdf
Please note I used -dFIXEDMEDIA and -dPDFFitPage to force fit the Postscript file into the A4 paper size, but those apparently aren't working.
This is the original file:
Edit: Here's the original file
And this is the resulting file. As you can see, the image isn't resized to fit, but just placed as is:
Firstly; the order of operands in Ghostscript is important, they are applied in the command line order. So you would want to apply the -sPAPERSIZE before you apply -dFIXEDMEDIA and both of those before you apply -dPDFFitPage.
I'd also suggest that you use Ghostscript directly rather than using the ps2pdf script.
If that still doesn't work for you, then you will need to provide an example file to show the problem, I can't tell you anything by looking at pictures.
You should also state the operating system and version of Ghostscript being used.
The problem is that your PostScript program doesn't request a media size, it simply draws on whatever media happens to be available at the time. Some programs will rescale their content to fit whatever media is currently available, this isn't one of them. Anything which doesn't lie on the current media is allowed to be clipped off.
The 'FitPage' code relies on the PostScript program requesting a media size, which it then compares to the current (fixed) size. From that it works out how much to scale the content so that it fits into the new media.
If your program doesn't request a media size then there's no way for Ghostscript to know how much to scale it so it fits.
Now your program does have BoundingBox comments, but those are just comments, a PostScript consumer will ignore them. But you can use them.....
You can either modify the header of your PostScript program to pretend its an EPS instead of a PostScirpt program. :
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-3.0
and then use -dEPSFitPage instead of -dPDFFitPage then it will produce something like what (I think) you want. Note that PDFFitPage is for PDF input, so you shouldn't really be using it anyway. For PostScript input you want -dPSFitPage
Alternatively, read the BoundingBox comments and apply a media size request and origin translation yourself.
This command:
gs -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPSFitPage -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=\temp\out.pdf -c "<</PageSize [968 1184]>> setpagedevice -20 -50 translate" -f d:\temp\ori.eps
Produces the same output as treating the file as EPS would.

Save a drawing made by OCaml graphics in a EPS and PDF file

I made an OCaml program that draws L-systems using the turtle interpretation.
What I'm looking for is to save what I draw with graphics to an image of EPS and PDF file.
But I never done this before and I don't know how to do, so I've looked in graphics librairy and all I've found is get_image to get an Image file and dump_image to get an matrix color from an Image file but from here I don't know how to save the data into a EPS or PDF file.
Does anybody have an idea about how to do that?
I never used it, but there is graphicspdf which implements the Graphics interface but outputs to PDF (opam install graphicspdf). Similar for postscript is GraphPS (not packaged in opam).
Alternatively if you program is well designed you should be able to render to multiple backends. In that case Vg allows you to render to PDF, SVG or the html canvas (opam install vg). There is also ocaml-cairo that provides you bindings to the C library libcairo and allows you to render to multiple rendering backends (opam install cairo).

Modifying a SVG path to create word art like effects

I am trying to modify a SVG file which has a path converted from a text. I want to be able to manipulate it to create Word Art like effects (eg: Wedge, Widen, Curved text etc).
I've tried many options like parsing the file and modifying each point, but the results are bizarre and curves go wild. There is no tool/library to do this kinda stuff to an svg file.
In short, I am looking for a tool like ImageMagick but for svg. Please Help!!!
Inkscape can do some of this I think, also see this writeup by Tavmjong Bah. Inkscape uses a library called lib2geom to do these effects, and there seems to be a python wrapper for that library.
