Under what conditions could we justify an attempt to introduce a one size fits all term when it contradicts working experience? - domain-driven-design

I have just been re-reading "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software" by Eric Evans. I could not help but notice a hint towards creating a language where there is a one-to-one mapping between a noun and an entity. For example, we might call a phone, a phone and no other noun is accepted. However, can this always been achieved with every other entity. Let us take for example, language used to denote a bid on a phone. Here, there are several different names that refer to a bid on that phone where all these refering names mean the same thing, e.g., negotiate bid, negotiate offer, phone bid, etc. Also, there are additional terms used by other customers. Using these terms interchangably does not cause confusion. Nevertheless, attempts to introduce a single term to be used across all the source code as well as in conversations with all customers can cause confusion.
There is the obverse problem when we talk about similar phones where similar means something different to each customer. Here, we have the same term, which is sought after. However, it has many different meanings.
So, what justification in this instance could be used to attempt to introduce a one size fits all term when it contradicts working experience?

Your argument "begs the question" (in the logic sense of the term).
You ask: "Under what conditions could we justify an attempt to introduce a one size fits all term when it contradicts working experience?" How about under those conditions where it actually doesn't contradict working experience?
You suggest: "attempts to introduce a single term to be used across all the source code as well as in conversations with all customers can cause confusion." Indeed, it can... and it can also avoid confusion.
Source code is a great example of a limited domain where we can expect a minimum level of familiarity and training for all of the users expected to work in that domain (at least, in most commercial settings).
It is quite reasonable for a style-guide to declare the preferred term, and expect everyone to follow it, as consistency in this situation has a big upside. Using your example, in my particular project, I use the term "offer" over "bid" every time, and the code is better for it. I can point to other terms which have not yet been standardised, and can see the extra effort it takes to code for them.
Similarly, it is a widely accepted design goal in User Interface design and in User Documentation to use consistent terms. Using multiple terms for the same item is more difficult for users to follow - particularly non-native speakers. (I disagree with your claim that it does not (ever) cause confusion.) When introducing a new term, it is a good idea to mention other terms that could be used.
(Funnily enough, I worked at an organisation where the User Documentation referred to phones as "Voice Terminals", as the term 'phone' was ambiguous; this was, I suspect, going too far?)
On the other hand, someone selling a product or training users would generally do well to mimic the language of the users to best engage them.

You said,
There is the obverse problem when we talk about similar phones where similar means something different to each customer. Here, we have the same term, which is sought after. However, it has many different meanings.
What about bounded contexts? Probably, when same term means two different things, they should reside in two different contexts?
I quote from Martin Fowler's page on Bounded Context:
As you try to model a larger domain, it gets progressively harder to build a single unified model. Different groups of people will use subtly different vocabularies in different parts of a large organization. The precision of modeling rapidly runs into this, often leading to a lot of confusion. Typically this confusion focuses on the central concepts of the domain. Early in my career I worked with a electricity utility - here the word "meter" meant subtly different things to different parts of the organization: was it the connection between the grid and a location, the grid and a customer, the physical meter itself (which could be replaced if faulty).
His and yours problem descriptions sound similar.


Bounded Context per jurisdiction with similar business process but slight variances in domain language and Entity attributes

How would you handle a domain that shares much of the same business logic, but has slight variances in both the domain language and attributes of entities. These variances change by "region".
A fictitious example is a Real Estate System for managing residential Real Estate. The language used can vary slightly between State/Province, and attributes about the Real Estate can be more detailed in some States. There would be an Office in each State/Province managing the Real Estate for that "region".
Would you create a separate Bounded Context for each State/Province? So there would potentially be 50+ Bounded Contexts?
Would you create a single Bounded Context, and just handle the variances of language, and data through object inheritance or composition?
Let me start off by saying that I don't think there's a silver bullet here. As always it all depends on different factors. That's way my reaction is not a concrete idea but rather a set of consideration you and your team could take into account on the path to a decision.
If I would be asked to define a bounded context I would say that it is the setting where a word has a certain meaning or connotation. If we can agree one the above statement then one would immediately be tempted to create a bounded context per region or setting.
That is, if the benefit you gain from having all those context contributes to the comprehensibility of the codebase. But if the context you are creating are really thin or you pay a heavy technical maintenance costs of having all those contexts I would strongly advise against going for multiple contexts.
I'm not certain but I feel that in your case one word will have the same meaning in each context only the word used will be different in each context. Whereas normally the same word used in different contexts has a different meaning.
I hope that this all makes sense and it helps you figure out your issue.
I reached out to Vaughn Vernon, one of the leaders in the area of DDD and I thought I would share his response (summarized by me).
Based on the limited information and examples I provided he brought up these points:
Metadata driven design would be more effective and efficient. Meaning, each "region" would have metadata to drive its flows, and data
Look at the State Pattern to drive regional situations
Look at the concept of DCI for ideas, but limit your attempts at actual DCI implementations as it can increase complexity of the code

How to use Cucumber to write an acceptance test at Feature level?

JBehave is Java based & good for Java applications. JBehave also supports good HTML reporting. However, the problem with JBehave is that it only supports Story level and not Feature level.
Can any one here help me with a small explanation or documentation where I can understand how Cucumber supports Feature level?
A feature is an implementation of a capability (a capability might need more than one feature).
Let's look at Mike Cohn's description of a "story", since it's pretty good:
User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the
perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a
user or customer of the system. They typically follow a simple
As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>.
A good user story follows the INVEST principles, and this is where we start getting into scenarios:
Independent, which means it can be delivered on its own
A story may have one or more contexts in which the feature is going to work. The contexts are by their nature independent of other contexts.
Negotiable, so you can rewrite it
As you work through a story, you may find other contexts or outcomes that need to be considered. The capability which is the core of the feature is usually associated with the "when". For instance, if I wanted to be able to generate a report, the "when" would be, "When I generate the report..."
Valuable, so it delivers value to stakeholders
There may be several stakeholders with different outcomes. For instance, sending an email to say that a cab's been booked is important, but so is sending the booking confirmation to the driver! By considering different stakeholders, we come up with the outcomes for the scenarios that need to be considered.
Estimable, so you can estimate the size
If you can't estimate the size, try just getting one scenario working. This is the functional equivalent of Kent Beck's "spike". Incidentally the only reason you need an estimate is usually to work out whether it's worth doing, given other work that could be done, so treat this accordingly.
Small, which (quick edit as I realised I missed this letter) means you should have some level of certainty about it.
I actually prefer people knowing they have some level of uncertainty about it, and look to get feedback ASAP. If you're really certain about it (eg: login) then it's OK for it to be bigger, because you'll need feedback less frequently; you know what "working" looks like.
Testable, which means the related description must include enough to test it
Examples become tests as a nice by-product of this analysis.
Why do we do stories in the first place, though? Why not just deliver whole features?
It turns out that the work needed to get some features shipped ends up being pretty big, especially if you've got a lot of stakeholders involved, and we want to either slice them up so we can get value from them earlier, or we want to slice them so we can get feedback.
So a story might be a slice through a feature that can actually be shipped, or it might be something designed to get feedback.
Scenarios are a fantastic way of doing this! The feature can be narrowed down to the most valuable contexts, or different stakeholders whose outcomes need to be considered. Be careful not to eliminate stakeholders with transactional needs (the user at the ATM gets their money; the bank debits the account) or regulatory needs (the bank makes a major investment; the regulators see the change in capital reserves).
Scenarios aren't the only way of getting feedback on a feature. New UI? Hard-code it without any behaviour and show it to people. New report? Make up a mock copy. New feed that nobody's ever processed? Make a spike, see if you can get the information out of it that you think you can.
Otherwise, consider different contexts and stakeholders whose outcomes need to be considered, and consider different capabilities with their contexts and outcomes. Features implement the different requirements, whose behaviour is illustrated by the scenarios you've derived.
Since a story is a slice through a feature, and a feature implements a capability, this is a typical hierarchy:
If you're trying to work out how to relate scenarios to stories and features, this isn't a bad way to go. You'll find it familiar if you look at Gojko Adzic's "Impact Mapping" or Matt Wynne's "Example Mapping" (I think we all got it from listening to Chris Matts).
Be careful because in reality this is a bit fuzzy; you'll make discoveries as you start to deliver, so don't break everything down ahead of time. I find capabilities make good planning-level artifacts, and are often associated pretty easily with "Epics". They also come with their own high-level tests: "Can our users do what they need to, for the contexts we need to consider, and the stakeholders whose outcomes are also needed?"
The trick with a story is to only consider what's needed to deliver value, until it's actually delivered... and then some of the rest will be the next thing that's needed, etc.
For more ideas, here's my blog on capability-based planning and lightweight analysis, and another one on splitting up stories.
For Cucumber, organize by capability and then (if you need to) by context, and tag your check-ins with the story number (most CI tools, electronic boards and version control systems support this). It's OK for a feature or story to create more scenarios.

UML: Building an SRS Class Diagram: Too complicated?

I'm taking a UML class at my school, and my teacher wants us to do the basic, bare-minimum of the assignment, and will not answer any questions. That being said, the requirements of the system had use-cases of Registration, Student Record, Log-In, Course Record, and Class Record. All it really needs to do is the following:
A student will log into the system and the only thing they can do is
register. In the register page, it would list courses available, a
student would select one or many and then they would list the classes
available for each course. The student's records have to be checked
to verify that they meet the prerequisites.
A registrar can log into the system and they can not only register a student but also view and modify course records, class records, and student records.
Also, the classes can be either online or on-site and I'm wondering if that should be defined...
I can provide more detail if it's needed to understand.
Well, I think I took it too far, and I supposed I wanted opinions on how to go about determining the basic requirements.
I also have a couple questions:
Is a Log-In object required in an SRS? Or should it simply be assumed that the users have logged in?
Regarding cardinality and multiplicity, is it the same concept?
Looking at what I've made my multiplicities, did I make any remarkably obvious errors?
As far as making it less complex, would it make sense to only have: class-type, course, class, registration, student, and registrar?
A systems requirements specification is by far more complex than a simple diagram. There are many ways to accomplish a SRS, so your question is a candidate for being flagged off-topic as being too broad. Anyhow, here is what I did.
In a first step you need to group the requirements themselves. The first broad division is by separating functional and non-functional requirements. Non-functional are those requirements which can not be pinned to a single function. Eg. performance, legal, safety, security, you name it. Those are the categories you build first and eventually you have a set of them in the course of the SRS creation.
Grouping the functional requirements is a bit more tricky. You do that by synthesizing use cases. Each functional requirement needs to be realized by a single use case. You don't need to put in details for the use cases, but only a rough story. But once you have connected all functional requirements to use cases your SRS will be ready.
Note that the non-functional requirements are not yet related. This is because they have impact on a lot of functions and the system design in later phases. It's only necessary to have them clearly structured.
Another thing to note is, that requirements themselves should be traceable to their origin. That means you need a reference to the paper, meeting, phone call, personal talk, etc. from where you got it.
There are many, many details which make creation and maintenance of a SRS a science of it's own, but the above is your staring point.
A class diagram is not necessarily part of a SRS. It's part of a later design specification.
Now for your additional questions.
Log-in is no business object in no case. It is a constraint derived from a requirement "user must be logged in to..."
see cardinality vs multiplicity
I would simply leave away the .. notation. If left away it means just the same (unspecified). I'd remove the 'Log-in' word from credential manager since it will also handle log-out and much more. So the emphasis is not right. Else the class design is, as said, not really part of a SRS.

Size of a bounded context

I've started learning the principles of DDD and I'm currently trying to get a grasp of the concept of a bounded context. In particular, how do you decide just how big (or small) it has to be? Yeah, I know, as small as possible and as big as necessary (according to Vaughn Vernon).
Let's say I were to model a blog. I could then go and say there are 3 bounded contexts involved: 1) Front Page (featuring the most recent articles, no comments shown) 2) Discussion (a single article including comments) 3) Article Composer (where I compose an article).
However, this doesn't feel right (the ubiquitous language is the same for all of them), it seems as if I'm coming from a front end point of view and am still thinking in terms of view models or something.
Could anyone please point me in the right direction?
A blog is not a good example for use of multiple bounded context. It's not really a "big enough" software example to warrant their definitions. DDD & BC's are really aimed at big/complex enterprising software systems.
Like you say, the aggregates always have the same meaning in your 3 examples.
I gave this example of Bounded Context in a previous answer, which I hope explains BC's and when to use them: Bounded Contexts and Aggregate Roots
Try to look at your whole domain from different perspectives, as an editor of article, you probably will use sentences like creating a draft of an article, publishing an article, as an article a reader you will in example read article and comment on it. Alongside building your domain language you will identify entities and their behaviour, some of them will appear only in one perspective, some will appear in both, but you will distinct them by their behaviour. Your domain language shows you the boundries of each perspective, that you implement as a bounded contexts.
The best example I read by subdomains so far is the following.
Just examine the actual company! Each department taking part in the business process can have its own subdomain. In an ideal world each subdomain has its own bounded context in your implementation. You should ask yourself whether the company needs a new department to do this? Is it really that big?
The BC must be big enough to describe a department of a company. A typical example is a webshop, where you have a shopping core domain and invoicing, delivery and storage subdomains. Having multi-tenancy and so multiple aspects - as a previous answer described - is not enough. A blog with an author and a few readers does not require multiple departments, so you can solve this with a single bounded context. You can have multiple modules in your bounded context if you think you have medium size structures in your bounded context.

Approaches to creating your conceptual Domain Model

We are attempting to use DDD techniques on my current project and have started going through the process of domain modeling and are experience a lot of friction around "how to" create the Domain Model. I haven't found a lot of examples our guidance on this topic.
We have started by attempting to define the Ubiquitous Language by talking to the business users and coming up with a list of domain entities and their attributes. That's going pretty well but we are having problems with things like:
Behaviors, actions
Business Logic (if attributeA = true then foo else bar)
I have a lot of ideas on how we could capture all of these various things (sequence diagrams, uses cases, flow charts, ect...) but if there was a formal process or some resources providing example driven guidance it'd definitely speed things up a good bit.
This is a great question.
One of the first steps I always take is to have a meeting with one (yes one) domain expert and have an open discussion about the problem domain from their perspective. I bring plenty of post-it notes and make sure I have plenty of whiteboard space. As the expert speaks I try to draw a flow or BPMN diagram on the wall using the post-its. I find it's very important to give the domain expert something visual to look at - something which he/she can physically point at and say "no, that's wrong!" (which they usually do, many times).
During these conversations I am listening closely to what the expert is saying and asking for clarification where there is ambiguity. I always find that it's better to let the ubiquitous language emerge naturally this way - rather than trying to forcefully establish it (I would never ask a domain expert to give me a list of terms).
I try to express the flow diagram in terms of commands and events - even if I do not end up using CQRS I find this naturally flows into more concrete requirements. When the flow diagram is complete (I can usually tell this because the the expert looks very pleased with it - there's a good chance he/she has never seen the domain mapped out this way and they are often thrilled by the novelty), I start to trace individual routes through the flow diagram. Often these individual routes can be easily expressed as behavioural specifications in terms of Given, When, Then style requirements. (see BDD section 3)
Once you have a collection of Given, When, Thens which cover every route through the flow diagram, you have sufficient specification to start the design phase of a domain model in exactly one Bounded Context.
I repeat the process with other domain experts. With subsequent experts I also listen for correlation between the language and terms they use. Most times different domain experts will share terms in the ubiquitous language, but will mean slightly different things. This is a sign that we are dealing with distinct bounded contexts.
