Convert richtext strings to excel - excel

I have a form that has TinyMCE for richtext formatting. All of our data is available to export as an HTML report, PDF Report, and Excel Spreadsheet (report).
The fields, that we allow richtext in, show up as the formatted values in both the HTML and PDF reports, but in Excel we show them as strings. For instance:
<b>this part is bold</b><br />line 2 here.
I need a way to make that show up as bold/line-break in excel rather then just showing that string, or at least a way to strip the HTML tags out of there and just show plain text (though I would really like to at least keep the line breaks). Is there some type of macro I can include in the excel download or some C++ program that can convert it or something?
Thanks for your time!

I've done something similar with PHPExcel
The trick is to take your formatted data and find a pattern. In your case, it would probably be table rows/table cells. Iterate through that structure setting the excel cell values as you go. For complex formatting you could fairly simply regex replace what is necessary to get formatted as you desire. The theory may sound a little complicated, but once you get down to it, it's only an hour or two's worth of work.
Certainly there are equivalent programs based on other server technologies. But this one has worked brilliantly for me over the years, and I trust it to work on sites for very big clients with crazy inbound traffic numbers...and it's never failed. It's the only reliable way I've found to write perfect, properly formatted Excel without requiring the user to jump through hoops to get a specific browser.


AnyLogic: False number format when exporting data to excel

I collect various data in time plots. If I copy the timeplot data and then paste it into Excel, the number format is often wrong. For example, I often get a date like Aug 94 instead of the actual number from the TimePlot. Unfortunately, I can't easily format this date into a number either, since the formatted number does not match the actual number from the timeplot. If I format the date in the same format as the number above and below, then I get the number 34547. However, this number does not correspond to the actual number of the TimePlot. Anyone know how I can prevent this problem?
You can only solve this on the Excel side, AnyLogic provides the raw data for you. Excel then interprets stuff. You can test it by pasting the chart raw data into a txt or csv file.
So either fix your Excel settings or paste into a csv, then into an xlsx.
Or better still: Do not manually paste at all. Instead, write your model results into the AnyLogic database and export to Excel from there: this takes away a lot of the pain for you. Check the example models to learn how to do that.
This is not AnyLogic question, rather an Excel & computer formatting problem. One way of resolving this is changing computer's date and time settings.
Another way is to save your output at txt file in AnyLogic. Replace all . with ,. Then open empty Excel, select Text format for the columns. Copy-paste from the txt file.
In Excel there are a few options
when you paste use paste as text only option
But this does not always work as Excel will still try to format the stuff for you
Use the Paste Special option and then choose text
Also possible this will not work, based on your Excel settings.
Paste using the text import wizard
(This works for me without fail)
On step 2 choose tab delimited
On step 3 choose Column format as text for every column (you need to select them in the little diagram below)
You will then see the data exactly as it came from AnyLogic. See the example below where I purposefully imported some text which has something that Excel will think is a date. You will now be able to see what in your data made Excel thing your data needed to be formatted the way it is and then you can fix it. (post a new question if you struggle with this conversion)
But as noted by other answers first prize is to write all the important data to external files. But I know that even I sometimes want to export data from a chart and review it in Excel. Option 3 works for me everytime

print to Excel file instead of pdf in SAP

I have a transaction in SAP - ZHR_TM01 (possibly built by our IT department) that prints the timesheets of our employees that are swiping a card.
I need all this data in excel format but the problem is that the only option I know is to type "PDF!" in the command bar when I'm on the print preview menu of the timesheet, so it will convert all selected timesheets to pdf format. In order to have this data in excel format i need to use acrobat converter. This option is somewhat unprofessional and working with the sheet becomes very "convert dependent" because every time I use this method the conversion is slightly different compared to previous conversions: the columns/rows are not consistent etc.
What I ask is is there a way to directly retrieve the data in some readable consistent format since it is obvious that the data exists.
If there is a analogous command like the PDF! to convert to excel format or any other?
It will help me big time.
If the function code PDF! works, the printout is most likely implemented using a Smart Form. In this case, it should be possible to create an alternative download function, e. g. SALV. I'd recommend contacting the person who originally developed the transaction to get an estimate - I'm not qualified to get into the details of HR...
See if you can convert to a .csv or .txt file. Once you have it in either of those formats you should be able to import them into Excel and delimit the columns with greater accuracy.

Is there a way to access and evaluate Excel formatting codes via VBA

I am trying to write a VB script in Excel to parse some data in an Excel cell. To parse the data correctly, I need to utilize the formatting in the cell. For example, the text to be parsed below should be parsed as follows: a. MINESHAFT B. DARNLEY BAY. The only way to tell this is because MINESHAFT is displayed in a smaller font.
Is there anyway I could right a VB script that could parse the cell text based upon the hidden formatting codes in the cell.
Text to be parsed: MINESHAFT DARNLEY BAY
I'm currently trying to accomplish this in Mac 2011 Office Excel, but I could also do in on a PC Excel 2010 if it makes a difference.
Thanks for you help.
I'm sure you probably can find out the font of a section, but I think you should analyse your data to try and find another way of pulling out the information you want.
Why is the first word a different font?
Are there a finite number of MINESHAFT words?
Could you find the MINESHAFT, ETC word at the begining and put that in a, and then put the rest of the string into b?
If you post a greater amount of data you are trying to parse we might be able to help.

Excel - Variable number of leading zeros in variable length numbers?

The format of our member numbers has changed several times over the years, such that 00008, 9538, 746, 0746, 00746, 100125, and various other permutations are valid, unique and need to be retained. Exporting from our database into the custom Excel template needed for a mass update strips the leading zeros, such that 00746 and 0746 are all truncated to 746.
Inserting the apostrophe trick, or formatting as text, does not work in our case, since the data seems to be already altered by the time we open it in Excel. Formatting as zip won't work since we have valid numbers less than five digits in length that cannot have zeros added to them. And I am not having any luck with "custom" formatting as that seems to require either adding the same number of leading zeros to a number, or adding enough zeros to every number to make them all the same length.
Any clues? I wish there was some way to set Excel to just take what it's given and leave it alone, but that does not seem to be the case! I would appreciate any suggestions or advice. Thank you all very much in advance!
UPDATE - thanks everybody for your help! Here are some more specifics. We are using a 3rd party membership management app -- we cannot access the database directly, we need to use their "query builder" tool to get the data we want to mass update. Then we export using their "template" format, which is called XLSX but there must be something going on behind the scenes, because if we try to import a regular old Excel, we get an error. Only their template works.
The data is formatted okay in the database, because all of the numbers show correctly in the web-based management tool. Also, if I export to CSV, save it as a .txt and import it into Excel, the numbers show fine.
What I have done is similar to ooo's explanation below -- I exported the template with the incorrect numbers, then exported as CSV/txt, and copied / pasted THOSE numbers into the template and re-imported. I did not get an error, which is something I guess, but I will not be able to find out if it was successful until after midnight! :-(
Assuming the data is not corrupt in the database, then try and export from the database to a csv or text file.
The following can then be done to ensure the import is formatted correctly
Text file with comma delimiter:
In Excel Data/From text and selected Delimited, then next
In step 3 of the import wizard. For each column/field you want as text, highlight the column and select Text
The data should then be placed as text and retain leading zeros.
Again, all of this assumes the database contains non-corrupt data and you are able to export a simple text or csv file. It also assumes you have Excel 2010 but it can be done with minor variation across all versions.
Hopefully, #ooo's answer works for you. I'm providing another answer mainly for informational purposes, and don't feel like dealing with the constraints on comments.
One thing to understand is that Excel is very aggressive about treating "numeric-looking" data as actual numbers. If you were to open the CSV by double-clicking and letting Excel do its thing (rather than using ooo's careful procedure), those numbers would still have come up as numbers (no leading zeros). As you've found, one way to counteract this is to append clearly nonnumeric characters onto your data (before Excel gets its grubby hands on it), to really convince Excel that what it's dealing with is text.
Now, if the thing that uploads to their software is a file ending in .xlsx, then most likely it is the current Excel format (a compressed XML document, used by Excel 2007 and later). I suppose by "regular old Excel" you mean .xls (which still works with the newer Excels in "compatibility mode").
So in case what you've tried so far doesn't work, there are still avenues to explore before resorting to appending characters to the end of your data. (I'll update this answer as needed.)
You're on the right track with the apostrophe.
You'll need to store your numbers in excel as text at the time they are added to the file.
What are you using to create the original excel file / export from database?
This will likely be where your focus needs to be regarding your export.
For example one approach is that you could potentially modify the database export to include the ' symbol prefix before the numbers so that excel will know to display them as text.
I use the formula =text(cell,"# of zeros of the field") to add preceding zeros.
Example, Cell C2 has 12345 and I need it to be 10 characters long. I would put =text(c2,"0000000000").
The result will be 0000012345.

Working with Office "open" XML - just how hard is it?

I'm considering replacing a (very) large body of Office-automation code with something that works with the Office XML format directly. I'm just starting out, but already I'm worried that it's too big a task.
I'll be dealing with Word, Excel and PowerPoint. So far I've only looked at Word and Excel. It looks like Word documents should be reasonably easy to manipulate, but Excel workbooks look like a nightmare. For example...
In Word, it looks like you could delete a paragraph simply by deleting the corresponding "w:p" tag. However, the supplied code snippet for deleting a row in Excel takes about 150 lines of code(!).
The reason the Excel code is so big is that deleting a row means updating the row indexes of all the subsequent rows, fixing up the "shared strings" table, etc. According to a comment at the top, the code snippet is not even complete, in that it won't deal with a workbook that has tables in it (I can live with that).
What I'm not clear on is whether that's the only restriction that the sample code has. For example, would there also be a problem if the workbook contained a Pivot Table? Or a chart that references data from the same sheet? Or some named ranges? Wouldn't you also have to update the formulae for any cells (etc.) that referenced a row whose row index had changed?
[That's not to mention the "calc chain", which (thankfully) I think you can simply delete since it's only a chache that can be re-built.]
And that's my question, woolly though it is. Just how hard do you have to work do something as simple as deleting a row properly? Is it an insurmountable task?
Also, if there are other, similar issues either with Excel or with Word or PowerPoint, I'd love to hear about them now, before I waste too much time going down a blind alley. Thanks.
Having worked with the Open XML SDK 2.0 for almost two years now I can say that doing seemingly trivial tasks can take many hours and sometimes days to figure out how to do it properly. For example, deleting an Excel row should be fairly straightforward and easy to do right? Nope because not only do you need code to delete your row, but then you have to update all the row indices, update any merged cell references, update hyperlink references, etc. Our internal delete method is close to 500 lines of code to just delete a row and I'm sure we don't have all the cases accounted for either.
The biggest complaint I have is the lack of documentation on how to do the most common tasks. The MSDN section on the Open XML SDK is very limited and whenever you need to do anything complicated you are really on your own. I've had to read the Open XML standard a lot to figure out what certain elements mean and how they should be implemented since I could find very little online.
The other challenging part is if you insert an element in a spot where it doesn't belong or put an invalid attribute on an element you will get a corrupt file when you try and open it. Most of the time you will not get any information on what caused the error and you will have to look at the Open XML standard spec to see what you did wrong.
If you need a fast turnaround time on converting that Office automation code into Open XML and what you are doing is not really basic, then I would say pass. If you have time and the patience to read up on the Word, Excel and PowerPoint XML structures and get familiar with how they relate then I say go for it. In my opinion it is really the only way to have very fine control over these office documents, but there will be a great learning curve when you start.
Oh and just for fun here is how much code is needed to add a comment to an Excel cell.
Just for completeness, here are some libraries I found for working with Excel XML: - a layer on top of the Open XML SDK classes; focusses on injecting data into an existing spreadsheet; handles many of the cross-reference problems I identified in my question. Open source but GPL2 not LGPL. Code looks nice, and documentation is excellent. Does not appear terribly active on codeplex though.
Closed XML - another layer on top of the Open XML SDK - again open source, but with a less restrictive license (MIT). Looks nice, and looks more "active" than the above.
SpreadsheetLight - from what I can tell, a closed-source library sitting atop the Open XML SDK classes. Targeted more at those looking to create a spreadsheet from scratch rather than making changes to existing spreadsheets.
Here is another third party library dedicated to working with OpenXML:
In the example cited by amurra above of deleting Excel spreadsheet rows, this is a single method call with this tool. It updates formulas and all the other references for which it seems that 500 lines of code would be required for otherwise.
The OpenXML SDK itself is a great tool for very simple things, but you still have to concern yourself with a lot of the internals of the file format and packaging structure to get things really right.
Here are some additional libraries that can manipulate with OOXML formats:
- GemBox.Spreadsheet (XLSX)
- GemBox.Document (DOCX)
Also GemBox published some articles that demonstrate how to manipulate with OOXML file format with pure .NET (without a use of any library), I think you'll find this interesting:
(Introduction to SpreadsheetML format and an explanation on how we can read and write worksheet's cell content)
(Introduction to WordprocessingML format and demonstration on how we can read document's text)
