Include additional files in .bashrc - linux

I have some stuff I want to perform in .bashrc which I would prefer to exist in another file on the system. How can I include this file into .bashrc?

Add source /whatever/file (or . /whatever/file) into .bashrc where you want the other file included.

To prevent errors you need to first check to make sure the file exists. Then source the file. Do something like this.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc_aliases ]; then
. $HOME/.bashrc_aliases

Here is a one liner!
[ -f $HOME/.bashrc_aliases ] && . $HOME/.bashrc_aliases
Fun fact: shell (and most other languages) are lazy. If there are a series of conditions joined by a conjunction (aka "and" aka &&) then evaluation will begin from the left to the right. The moment one of the conditions is false, the rest of the expressions won't be evaluated, effectively "short circuiting" other expressions.
Thus, you can put a command you want to execute on the right of a conditional, it won't execute unless every condition on the left is evaluated as "true."

If you have multiple files you want to load that may or may not exist, you can keep it somewhat elegant by using a for loop.
files=(somefile1 somefile2)
for file in ${files[#]}
if [ -f "$file_to_load" ];
. $file_to_load
echo "loaded $file_to_load"
The output would look like:
$ . ~/.bashrc
loaded $HOME/path/to/dir/containing/files/somefile1
loaded $HOME/path/to/dir/containing/files/somefile2

I prefer to check version first and assign variable for path config:
if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" ]; then
if [ -f "$filepath" ]; then
source "$filepath"


how to extend a command without changing the usage

I have a global npm package that provided by a third party to generate a report and send it to server.
in_report generate -date 20221211
And I want to let a group of user to have the ability to check whether the report is generated or not, in order to prevent duplication. Therefore, I want to run a sh script before executing the in_report command.
sh && in_report generate -date 20221211
But the problem is I don't want to change the command how they generate the report. I can do a patch on their PC (able to change the env path or etc).
Is it possible to run sh && in_report generate -date 20221211 by running in_report generate -date 20221211?
If this "in_report" is only used for this exact purpose, you can create an alias by putting the following line at the end of the ".bashrc" or ".bash_aliases" file that is used by the people who will need to run in_report :
alias in_report='sh && in_report'
See for details.
If in_report is to be used in other ways too, this is not the solution. In that case, you may want to call it directly inside if a certain set of conditions on the parameters are matched. To do that :
alias in_report='sh'
The content of :
if [[ $# -eq 3 && "$1" == "generate" && "$2" == "-date" && "$3" == "20"* ]] # Assuming that all you dates must be in the 21st century
if [[ some test to check that the report has not been generated yet ]]
/full/path/to/the/actual/in_report "$#" # WARNING : be sure that nobody will move the actual in_report to another path
echo "This report already exists"
/full/path/to/the/actual/in_report "$#"
This sure is not ideal but it should work. But by far the easiest and most reliable solution if applicable would be to ignore the aliasing thing and tell those who will use in_report to run your instead (with the same parameters as they would put to run in_report), and then you can directly call in_report instead of the /full/path/to/the/actual/in_report.
Sorry if this was not very clear. In that case, feel free to ask.
On most modern Linux distros the easiest would be to place a shell script that defines a function in /etc/profile.d, e.g. /etc/profile.d/my_report with a content of
function in_report() { sh && /path/to/in_report $*; }
That way it gets automatically placed in peoples environment when they log in.
The /path/to is important so the function doesn't call itself recursively.
A cursory glance through doco for the Mac suggests that you may want to edit /etc/bashrc or /etc/zshrc respectively.

"read" command not executing in "while read line" loop [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Read user input inside a loop
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
First post here! I really need help on this one, I looked the issue on google, but can't manage to find an useful answer for me. So here's the problem.
I'm having fun coding some like of a framework in bash. Everyone can create their own module and add it to the framework. BUT. To know what arguments the script require, I created an "args.conf" file that must be in every module, that kinda looks like this:
LHOST;true;The IP the remote payload will connect to.
LPORT;true;The port the remote payload will connect to.
The first column is the argument name, the second defines if it's required or not, the third is the description. Anyway, long story short, the framework is supposed to read the args.conf file line by line to ask the user a value for every argument. Here's the piece of code:
info "Reading module $name argument list..."
while read line; do
echo $line > line.tmp
arg=`cut -d ";" -f 1 line.tmp`
requ=`cut -d ";" -f 2 line.tmp`
if [ $requ = "true" ]; then
echo "[This argument is required]"
echo "[This argument isn't required, leave a blank space if you don't wan't to use it]"
read -p " $arg=" answer
echo $answer >> arglist.tmp
done < modules/$name/args.conf
tr '\n' ' ' < arglist.tmp > argline.tmp
argline=`cat argline.tmp`
info "Launching module $name..."
cd modules/$name
$interpreter $file $argline
cd ../..
rm arglist.tmp
rm argline.tmp
rm line.tmp
succes "Module $name execution completed."
As you can see, it's supposed to ask the user a value for every argument... But:
1) The read command seems to not be executing. It just skips it, and the argument has no value
2) Despite the fact that the args.conf file contains 3 lines, the loops seems to be executing just a single time. All I see on the screen is "[This argument is required]" just one time, and the module justs launch (and crashes because it has not the required arguments...).
Really don't know what to do, here... I hope someone here have an answer ^^'.
Thanks in advance!
(and sorry for eventual mistakes, I'm french)
As #that other guy pointed out in a comment, the problem is that all of the read commands in the loop are reading from the args.conf file, not the user. The way I'd handle this is by redirecting the conf file over a different file descriptor than stdin (fd #0); I like to use fd #3 for this:
while read -u3 line; do
done 3< modules/$name/args.conf
(Note: if your shell's read command doesn't understand the -u option, use read line <&3 instead.)
There are a number of other things in this script I'd recommend against:
Variable references without double-quotes around them, e.g. echo $line instead of echo "$line", and < modules/$name/args.conf instead of < "modules/$name/args.conf". Unquoted variable references get split into words (if they contain whitespace) and any wildcards that happen to match filenames will get replaced by a list of matching files. This can cause really weird and intermittent bugs. Unfortunately, your use of $argline depends on word splitting to separate multiple arguments; if you're using bash (not a generic POSIX shell) you can use arrays instead; I'll get to that.
You're using relative file paths everywhere, and cding in the script. This tends to be fragile and confusing, since file paths are different at different places in the script, and any relative paths passed in by the user will become invalid the first time the script cds somewhere else. Worse, you aren't checking for errors when you cd, so if any cd fails for any reason, then entire rest of the script will run in the wrong place and fail bizarrely. You'd be far better off figuring out where your system's root directory is (as an absolute path), then referencing everything from it (e.g. < "$module_root/modules/$name/args.conf").
Actually, you're not checking for errors anywhere. It's generally a good idea, when writing any sort of program, to try to think of what can go wrong and how your program should respond (and also to expect that things you didn't think of will also go wrong). Some people like to use set -e to make their scripts exit if any simple command fails, but this doesn't always do what you'd expect. I prefer to explicitly test the exit status of the commands in my script, with something like:
command1 || {
echo 'command1 failed!' >&2
exit 1
if command2; then
echo 'command2 succeeded!' >&2
echo 'command2 failed!' >&2
exit 1
You're creating temp files in the current directory, which risks random conflicts (with other runs of the script at the same time, any files that happen to have names you're using, etc). It's better to create a temp directory at the beginning, then store everything in it (again, by absolute path):
module_tmp="$(mktemp -dt module-system)" || {
echo "Error creating temp directory" >&2
exit 1
echo "$answer" >> "$module_tmp/arglist.tmp"
(BTW, note that I'm using $() instead of backticks. They're easier to read, and don't have some subtle syntactic oddities that backticks have. I recommend switching.)
Speaking of which, you're overusing temp files; a lot of what you're doing with can be done just fine with shell variables and built-in shell features. For example, rather than reading line from the config file, then storing them in a temp file and using cut to split them into fields, you can simply echo to cut:
arg="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ";" -f 1)"
...or better yet, use read's built-in ability to split fields based on whatever IFS is set to:
while IFS=";" read -u3 arg requ description; do
(Note that since the assignment to IFS is a prefix to the read command, it only affects that one command; changing IFS globally can have weird effects, and should be avoided whenever possible.)
Similarly, storing the argument list in a file, converting newlines to spaces into another file, then reading that file... you can skip any or all of these steps. If you're using bash, store the arg list in an array:
while ...
arglist+=("$answer") # or ("#arg=$answer")? Not sure of your syntax.
done ...
"$module_root/modules/$name/$interpreter" "$file" "${arglist[#]}"
(That messy syntax, with the double-quotes, curly braces, square brackets, and at-sign, is the generally correct way to expand an array in bash).
If you can't count on bash extensions like arrays, you can at least do it the old messy way with a plain variable:
while ...
arglist="$arglist $answer" # or "$arglist $arg=$answer"? Not sure of your syntax.
done ...
"$module_root/modules/$name/$interpreter" "$file" $arglist
... but this runs the risk of arguments being word-split and/or expanded to lists of files.

One liner to append a file into another file but only if it hasn't already been added

I have an automated process that has a number of lines like the following pattern:
sudo cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file
I'd like to transform that into a one liner that will only append to /some/other/file if /some/path/to/a/file has not already been added.
It's clear I need some examples here.
example 1: Updating a .bashrc script for a specific login
example 2: Creating a .screenrc for different logins
example 3: Appending to the end of a /etc/ config file
Some other caveats. The text is going to be added in a block (>>). Consequently, it should be relatively straight forward to see if the entire code block is added or not near the end of a file. I am trying to come up with a simple method for determining whether or not the file has already been appended to the original.
Example python script...
def check_for_appended(new_file, original_file):
""" Checks original_file to see if it has the contents of new_file """
new_lines = reversed(new_file.split("\n"))
original_lines = reversed(original_file.split("\n"))
appended = None
for new_line, orig_line in zip(new_lines, original_lines):
if new_line != orig_line:
appended = False
appended = True
return appended
Maybe this will get you started - this GNU awk script:
gawk -v RS='^$' 'NR==FNR{f1=$0;next} {print (index($0,f1) ? "present" : "absent")}' file1 file2
will tell you if the contents of "file1" are present in "file2". It cannot tell you why, e.g. because you previously concatenated file1 onto the end of file2.
Is that all you need? If not update your question to clarify/explain.
Here's a technique to see if a file contains another file
contains_file_in_file() {
local small=$1
local big=$2
awk -v RS="" '{small=$0; getline; exit !index($0, small)}' "$small" "$big"
if ! contains_file_in_file /some/path/to/a/file /some/other/file; then
sudo cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file
EDIT: Op just told me in the comments that the files he wants to concatenate are bash scripts -- this brings us back to the good ole C preprocessor include guard tactics:
prepend every file with
if [ -z "$__<filename>__" ]; then __<filename>__=1; else
(of course replacing <filename> with the name of the file) and at the end
this way, you surround the script in each file with a test for something that's only true once.
Does this work for you?
sudo (set -o noclobber; date > /tmp/testfile)
noclobber prevents overwriting an existing file.
I think it doesn't, since you wrote you want to append something but this technique might help.
When the appending all occurs in one script, then use a flag:
if [ -z "${appended_the_file}" ]; then
cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file
appended_the_file="Yes I have done it except for permission/right issues"
I would continue into writing a function appendOnce { .. }, with the content above. If you really want an ugly oneliner (ugly: pain for the eye and colleague):
test -z "${ugly}" && cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file && ugly="dirt"
Combining this with sudo:
test -z "${ugly}" && sudo "cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file" && ugly="dirt"
It appears that what you want is a collection of script segments which can be run as a unit. Your approach -- making them into a single file -- is hard to maintain and subject to a variety of race conditions, making its implementation tricky.
A far simpler approach, similar to that used by most modern Linux distributions, is to create a directory of scripts, say ~/.bashrc.d and keep each chunk as an individual file in that directory.
The driver (which replaces the concatenation of all those files) just runs the scripts in the directory one at a time:
if [[ -d ~/.bashrc.d ]]; then
for f in ~/.bashrc.d/*; do
if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then
source "$f"
To add a file from a skeleton directory, just make a new symlink.
add_fragment() {
if [[ -f "$FRAGMENT_SKELETON/$1" ]]; then
# The following will silently fail if the symlink already
# exists. If you wanted to report that, you could add || echo...
ln -s "$FRAGMENT_SKELETON/$1" "~/.bashrc.d/$1" 2>>/dev/null
echo "Not a valid fragment name: '$1'"
exit 1
Of course, it is possible to effectively index the files by contents rather than by name. But in most cases, indexing by name will work better, because it is robust against editing the script fragment. If you used content checks (md5sum, for example), you would run the risk of having an old and a new version of the same fragment, both active, and without an obvious way to remove the old one.
But it should be straight-forward to adapt the above structure to whatever requirements and constraints you might have.
For example, if symlinks are not possible (because the skeleton and the instance do not share a filesystem, for example), then you can copy the files instead. You might want to avoid the copy if the file is already present and has the same content, but that's just for efficiency and it might not be very important if the script fragments are small. Alternatively, you could use rsync to keep the skeleton and the instance(s) in sync with each other; that would be a very reliable and low-maintenance solution.

How do I check to see if a file exists within a directory

I what to prompt a user to enter name of a file, read that into a variable, and use that variable to check if the valued enter is in fact a legimate file.
How would I do this in a ksh script? Thanks
You know already how to read user input, here's the new part:
It's done with test(1):
test -f $theFile && echo exists
It also has the alternate name [ which is most often used in if or while expressions:
if [ -f $theFile ]
echo exists
Please refer to the above link (or alternatively the manual page).

find based filename autocomplete in Bash script

There is a command line feature I've been wanting for a long time, and I've thought about how to best realize it, but I got nothing...
So what I'd like to have is when I start typing a filename and hit tab,for example:
# git add Foo<tab>
I'd like it to run a find . -name "*$1*" and basically autocomplete the complete path to the matched File to my command line.
What I have so far:
I know I'll have to write a function that will call the app with the parameters I want,
for example git add. After that it needs to catch the tab-keystroke event and do the find mentioned above, and display the results if many, or fill in the result if one.
What I haven't been able to figure out:
How to catch the tab key event within a function within function.
So basically in pseudocode:
gadd() {git add autocomplete_file_search($1)}
autocomplete_file_search(keyword) {
if( tab-key-pressed ){
files = find . -name "*$1*";
if( filecount > 1 ) {
show list;
if( files == 1 ) {
return files
Any ideas?
Matching anywhere in the filename is rather complicated, and I'm not sure it's really all that useful. Matching at the start of filenames makes more sense and is much easier to implement, even recursively.
Now, you mentioned find as a requirement, but bash (since version 4.0) can also find files recursively, and it should be more efficient to let bash do that part. To match recursively in bash, you enable the globstar shell option by running shopt -s globstar, then two consecutive asterisks, **, will match recursively.
Next up, given that you want to match files recursively inside a git repository, we best have a way to detect that we're actually in a git repository, otherwise, if you accidentally trigger it in / for instance, your prompt will hang while waiting for bash to search through your entire filesystem. The following function should be fairly efficient at determining if we're inside a git repository. Given the current working directory, e.g. /foo/bar/baz, it'll look for /foo/bar/baz/.git, /foo/bar/.git, /foo/.git, /.git and return true if it finds one, false otherwise.
isgit() {
local p=$PWD
while [[ $p ]]; do
[[ -d $p/.git ]] && return
return 1
For simplicity, we'll create a gadd command to add the completions for. A completion function can only be applied to the first word of the command. E.g. we can add completion for git, but not git add, thus we'll make a new command that turns git add into one word.
gadd() {
git add "$#"
Now for the actual completion function. When triggered by hitting TAB, the function will be invoked with three arguments. $1 is the command being completed, $2 is the current word of the command line being completed, and $3 is the previous word on the line. So the files we want to search will be matched by the glob **/"$2"*; all files starting with "$2". We iterate these filenames, and append them to the COMPREPLY array. If the COMPREPLY array only contains one value when the function is done, the word will be replaced by that value. If it contains more than one value, hit tab another time to get a list of all the matches.
shopt -s globstar
_git_add_complete() {
local file
isgit || return
for file in **/"$2"*; do
# If the glob doesn't match, we'll get the glob itself, so make sure
# we have an existing file
[[ -e $file ]] || continue
# If it's a directory, add a trailing /
[[ -d $file ]] && file+=/
COMPREPLY+=( "$file" )
complete -F _git_add_complete gadd
Add the above three code blocks to your ~/.bashrc, then open a new terminal, enter a git repository and try gadd something<tab>.
You should take a look at this introduction to bash completion. Briefly, bash has a system for configuring and extending tab completion. Other shells do this, too, and each one has a different way to set it up. Using this system it is not necessary to do everything yourself and adding custom argument completion to a command is relatively easy.
Does this work?
$ cat .bash_completion
local files
local files=$(for x in `find -type f`; do echo ${x}; done)
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur} ) )
return 0
complete -F _foo foo
$ . /etc/bash_completion
$ foo ./[tab]
I wrote git-number so that I never have to hit tab when specifying files to git.
With git-number I can use numbers to represent the filenames that I want git to handle.
