Problem opening xlsm file - excel

I have some files that are saved a main file. When I try to open some brings a pop up about enabling macros but the file never displays. Any ideas?

the first thing you need to do is enable macros. this is a bit different depending on if you are using 2003/2007. you need to go to trust center and adjust your settings.
also depending on whether you are using 2003/2007 you need to get into your VBE visual basic editor and you will see all of your code there


VBA automatically agree to enable macros

I have a VBA code that is opening a lot of different excel files with macros. However, every time VBA opens a file, it says "Microsoft Office has identified a potential security concern", and I have to select "Enable Macros". Is there a way to add a line, that would always choose "Enable Macros", as I cannot change any excel settings (it is a corporate computer, without admin rights)?
Thank you!
Typically when opening a macro-enabled file using code, there's no security prompt. It would help to show the code you're using to open the files.
However if you do see a prompt you can fix that by setting Application.AutomationSecurity to the appropriate value

How Do I Save the Right Version of My Excel File with Save Lockout Active?

I think I have my Excel VBA where I want it (checking for cell completion before allowing saving) but that also means I can't save the blank version of that form for distribution. I'm probably missing something obvious but...I guess, disabling the macros and then reenabling it would work but apparently I can't figure it out. I've tried googling it but I only get system-wide toggling.
So, just to put a bow on things. The correct way to deal with this is to go through the formal file opening process in Excel. Assuming you have the proper macro setting in Excel (disable macros with prompt), if you open Excel, Use File Open (DO NOT SELECT RECENT FILES) and browse to the file, select it and open. Then you should get the standard prompt even if you've enabled it for that file in the past.

Is default open mode for ExCel (Office 365) configurable?

I googled around and found no answer for what I think should be an obvious question/problem, so I'll ask here.
I have an ExCel spreadsheet that I want to share with a couple other guys. Version, as far as I can tell, is "Office 365 ProPlus" (sorry if that's wrong, I'm a linux guy). I do the vast majority of the writing/editing, the other guys mostly just read it. I put it on a shared drive. But when they open it, it opens in edit mode and I'm locked out because one of the other guys (who just wanted to read it) opened it and the default open mode is edit.
I want to change the default open mode to be read_only. If I want to open for edit, I don't mind clicking a few times to get to that point. But what I can't have is being locked out because the read_only guys have it locked. If they have it locked because they're making changes, that's fine. But for the 95% of the time, where I write and they read, I don't want them to unintentionally lock the thing when all they want to do is read.
Is this sort of thing possible ? Can I configure this ?
You may save your document as "Read-only recommended" and get your friends to open it read-only whenever they do not need to edit the document:
For the new versions (2013 & 2016), while Saving or Saving As your file press Browse button, go to Tools | General Options and select the Read-only recommended check box. If you want you may enter a password too. After this, the users will be recommended to open the document as read only; if they want, they may still open the file in edit mode.
In addition you may use the shared workbook feature of Excel which allows multi users to edit the document at the same time. And using this way you may track which changes are made when and by whom too.This feature can be activated using Review / Share Workbook button. If you have a newer version of Excel, this button is hidden, you may unhide it using the instructions here: unhide shared workbook
Old post but I just had the same question and landed here. I was also suspecting the Office version but it turns out that's not it. I figured it out that instead of going to the File-Properties you have to go to the "Save As..." dialog box, and there, next to the Save / Cancel buttons, is the Tools... dialog where you can set a "Read-only recommended" check mark.
I think the implication is that it's not a document property, it's a windows file property - that's why it's not in the File-Options menu.
After I found it, I remembered that this is how I always used to do it in old versions of Excel many years ago, so it's really unchanged.

How to create an add-on and share it with other people?

I have created a few macros with the help of this community the last week, but now I am going to be off work for some time, therefore I need to hand my work over but for that people will need access to my macros. I have created a custom tab for myself that contains all my macros and they only need to follow instructions and click on them in theory.
I however, had issues creating that add-in. I have created the .xlam file but even though people select and load it my macros won't appear, neither at the developer -> Macros tab, nor my tab will appear. The only way for them to run my macros if the add-in is loaded if they go into the visual basic window and run it from there, but I don't want them to do that as I want to protect that with a password eventually.
If somebody has got a solution and willing to help, thanks in advance.
Into the Visual Basic window, you can import your .xlam file with Tools > References > Browse. Now, you should see your file into the Project Explorer of Visual Basic.
Hope this help !
There are couple of different ways you can install an Excel .xlam add-in.
Method One
Save the add-in Excel's start-up folder. Any Excel files saved in this folder are automatically loaded when Excel starts. To view the start-up path:
Open the Visual Basic window.
Open the Immediate Window (Ctrl + G or View >> Immediate Window).
Type ? Application.StartupPath.
You can also change the start-up path:
Click File >> Excel Options >> Advanced.
Under General, in the At Startup, open all files in box, type the full path of the folder that you want to use as the alternate startup folder.
Method Two
You can install the add-in directly:
Click File >> Options >> Add-ins
Pick Excel Add-ins from the manage drop-down (near the bottom of the screen).
Press Go >> Browse...
Navigate to the .xlam add-in you want to use.

How to disable auto backspace in Excel VBA editor

When typing in the editor it puts me back on the end of the last word.
For example, I want Sub Entername()
If I'm not typing quickly enough it goes: SubEnterName().
How do I turn this off.
I've heard of this problem before. Try these steps:
Close down excel.
Open it first it in safe mode (type "excel.exe /s" in the run box).
Open the VBA Editor and attempt to write a macro. The issue should not occur
Close down excel and re open it normally
I've heard these steps have fixed this issue before for others.
Are you using any VBE addins like Smart Indenter or Code Cleaner? Remove Code Cleaner and install it only when you are going to use it, then uninstall it when you are done. I had the same problem and Code Cleaner was the culprit. I believe it might be the two of them together that causes it.
For reference:
VBA Code Cleaner
Smart Indenter
This issue is because of a COM Add-In called 'Load Test Report Addin'. to disable it, do the following:
go to Excel Options -> Add-Ins and choose Excel COM Add-ins from bottom drop down and press Go... button. then uncheck the 'Load Test Report Addin' item to diable it. this will clear the problem!
To prevent auto refreshing and deleting back-spaces in VBA editor, you should make sure that all forms or reports that have On-Timer Event Procedures are in design view or the code should be turned-off (i.e. converted into comments).
However, it is better to make sure that all forms and reports are in design view which means none of the On-Timer codes are executing.
I hope this helps.
Do you have AutoSave turned on? I had a file doing this just now. While typing, as SOON as I stopped, AutoSave was working away - (inadvertently, I'm sure) this was causing VBE to kill spaces.
Did two tests:
-Moved the file off Sharepoint onto my local machine, worked fine
-Turned off AutoSave on the Sharepoint copy, worked fine
