Change link URL for logo in header on a SharePoint 2010 site? - sharepoint

In SharePoint 2007 I can go to site settings -> Look and Feel -> Top Link Bar
to set the url for the image link on all sites/subsites to point to the site collection site (or wherever I want).
How do I do this in SharePoint 2010, I can't find the menu option Top Link Bar?
Thanks in advance.

Site Settings -> Look and Feel -> Title, description, and icon
That should control the top icon in a team site. What site template are you using?
Ah sorry you want the url to be changed. I dont think you can do that in the UI, but try accessing the page directly

Go and edit your master page(in sharepoint designer or if it is place on your vs) which you can find sharepoinnt icon tag like this
<SharePoint:SiteLogoImage id="onetidHeadbnnr0"
LogoImageUrl="/_layouts/images/titlegraphic.gif" runat="server"/>
change the LogoImageUrl to you Url.
hope this helps

I think it's too late, but for all the others. Open the Masterpage with SharePoint Designer and change the NavigateUrl:
<SharePoint:SPLinkButton runat="server" NavigateUrl="~SiteCollection/" id="onetidProjectPropertyTitleGraphic">


Sharepoint 2013 Navigation show pages is greyed out

I have encountered the following problem in Sharepoint 2013: when I go to Site Settings -> Look And Feel -> Navigation the Show pages option below Structural Navigation: Display the navigation items below the current site is greyed out and cannot be selected.
I have enabled the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature and I am working with the top-level site.
I tried to check Sow pages from within a subsite but it's also greyed out.
Can you help me solve the problem?
Thank you in advance.
I've also enabled Sharepoint Server Publishing from Site Settings->Site Actions->Manage site features and now it's working

How to get 'edit mode' page in full browser instead of PopUp in sharepoint 2010

I have created Blog Site as default site in SharePoint 2010. When i go to individual blog post it shows default "edit" link at Right side with which you can edit the posted blog content. I need browser to open in full page instead of pop up after clicking this "edit" button.How do i do it?
This discussion address same question . Check the Ashar2k11 answer. Basically you have to customize XSLT in XSLListViewWebPArt in the Post.aspx page
Open ur Blog site in sharepoint designer on that u can edit.
master page: v4.master
content page: home.aspx/default.aspx pages open this pages.what u want can edit
after editing pages once save the sharepoint designer then goto ur sharepoint site refresh site displaying that site is edited.

Change the sharepoint icon for a site programmatically

I am needing to change the site icon for every site in a site collection in sharepoint 2007. I already know you can change it from Site Settings -> Look and Feel. Is there a way to do this programmatically?
Do you mean the site logo? Check out SPWeb.SiteLogoUrl property. You probably want to set it as:
site.RootWeb.SiteLogoUrl = pictureUrl;

Title Bar with a picture in Sharepoint

We have the standard Sharepoint site for our group at work and was wondering if we could add into the title bar where our group name is (like to the right of it), or above the announcements/calender widgets a
picture that resembles our group
and a mission statement right next to it
Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.
If you have the appropriate permissions, you can edit the page (More likely the master page) for the site using SharePoint Designer which is free from Microsoft. If you upload the image you want to a document library you can use that url for the img src.
SharePoint Designer 2010
SharePoint Designer 2007
But a simpler solution would be to edit the page, add a new web part and choose the Content Editor Web Part where you can put your mission statement and an image (that you previously uploaded to a document library).
You don't specify which version of SharePoint you are using, but changing the logo of a site hasn't changed much since the 2003 version. shows the user perspective of changing a logo. You could change the same setting through the API.

Easiest way to change the URL for the banner logo on many subsites in sharepoint 2010?

A client has created a site collection with many (hundreds) of subsites. The logo in on each subsite takes them to the subsites welcome page but what the client wants is to link to the very top site welcome page in the site collection. How is this done in the easiest way (instead of having to change manually on each site)? Powershell?
Thanks in advance.
You can change the link in the masterpage to accomplish this.
Open the masterpage in e.g. SharePoint Designer in Split mode. Select the logo and adjust the control SPLinkButton. The NavigateUrl value is default "~site". Change this to "~sitecollection". Save, check in and approve the masterpage.
