how to achieve this in xml schema? - xsd

How to achieve the below using schema. The internal structure of b element is changing based upon the context (c element remains constant but the 2nd element keeps changing). I could have used choice if there are only few potential combinations but I have plenty.
sample 1
sample 2

I think you have to use xsd:any or xsd:anyType. I can't quite tell based on your example which is correct.


Getting the value of page type form

I'm trying to add a new field named "AlternateLink" to our news page types.
Currently the "Read More" button goes to the full article page with the following:
Read More
I've updated it to:
Read More
but even with a link in the Alternate Link field (see attached image), it always links to the full article page instead of the alternate link.
I tried the same IfEmpty statement with other existing field names such as "NewsTitle" or "NewsImage" and those seem to work so the issue seems to be "AlternateLink" field name.
I created a field with the ID of "AlternateLink" as a text box. Am I missing another step to make it capture the value?
EDIT: AlternateLink is the only new thing I'm adding. All of the existing values (NewsTeaser, NewsTitle, NewsSummary, etc.) all work. Full code:
<div class="blog-post col-md-12 clearfix">
<cms:Media ID="mTeaser" runat="server" Url='<%# Eval("NewsTeaser") %>' Class="img-responsive" />
<h2 class="blog-title"><%# Eval("NewsTitle",true) %></h2>
<div class="post-info">
<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><%# GetDateTime("NewsReleaseDate", "MMMM dd, yyyy") %>
<p><%# Eval("NewsSummary") %></p>
Read More
<span class="hr col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"></span>
You don't need Eval for Text/XML transformations.
Have you checked columns field of the web part, that shows news on the page? Make sure AlternateLink column is also listed there.
Have you tested using just <%#Eval("AlternateLink",true)%> to see what it returns?
Looks like your code is {%Eval("AlternateLink",true)%} when it should be {%AlternateLink%}. <%#%> is for ASPX Transformations. {%%} is for Text/XML transformations, which it looks like you are using.
Could you please try this.
Read More

Kentico - Bootstrap carousel to hide controller if there's only one item

I'm implementing a bootstrap 3 carousel on kentico 9 and need some help with automatically hiding the carousel control (including the circle indicator and the next/previous arrow) if there's only one item left, if possible.
What I've done for the carousel was setting up a new page type for this in which each banner is a page in the content tree under /hero/ folder. Then used 2 repeaters: the first one displays the circle indicator; the second one displays the banner info. All worked well.
Here's how the indicator repeater is set up:
Content before: <ol class="carousel-indicators">
Content after </ol>
Item transformation: <li data-target="#hero-banner" data-slide-to="<%# DataItemIndex%>" class="<%# (DataItemIndex == 0 ? "active" : "" ) %>"></li>
It means the first circle is always there. How to hide it and get rid of the <ol> tags in content before/after?
The next/previous arrows are again in the webpart zone content after, which has this html:
<a class="left carousel-control" href="#hero-banner" data-slide="prev"><span class="icon-prev"></span></a>
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#hero-banner" data-slide="next"><span class="icon-next"></span></a>
</div> <!--/#hero-banner-->
Using content before/after is like hard-coding it onto the page, but I don't know how to make it displayed dynamically and automatically only when we have more than one item. Could you help?
you can use <%# DataItemCount %> One of the [Transformation methods][1]
[1]: to determine how many items there are. Then just have the html added in if there is more than one. Something like
<%# If(DataItemCount > 1,'html for more than one item','html for only one') %>
Of course, if you are using the envelope before / after to show arrows, you could also use jquery to determine how many items are there & hide the arrows based off that.
if($(".carousel-indicators li").length == 1){

Content rating control is always hidden

I've added the following code to the selected transformation of a News List webpart:
<%# Register Src="~/CMSAdminControls/ContentRating/RatingControl.ascx" TagName="RatingControl" TagPrefix="cms" %>
<cms:RatingControl ID="elemRating" runat="server" Enabled="true" RatingType="Stars" ExternalValue='
<%# Convert.ToString(CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatingValue"), 0)/((CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatings"), 0) == 0?1:CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatings"), 1)))) %>' />
The rest of the selected transformation is the same as the default.
According to the Kentico documentation this should add the webpart to the details page of a news item.
For some reason the input tag is getting rendered as follows:
<input type="hidden" name="p$lt$zoneContent$pageplaceholder$pageplaceholder$lt$News$NewsList$repItems$ctl00$ctl00$elemRating$RatingControl$elemRating_RatingExtender_ClientState" id="p_lt_zoneContent_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_News_NewsList_repItems_ctl00_ctl00_elemRating_RatingControl_elemRating_RatingExtender_ClientState" value="0">
note the type="hidden" attribute. This causes the control not to render and I'm not sure where to fix this.
As mentioned in my comment. The is actually just used to store the value. Below that, it renders some extra content that will not display unless some CSS classes are carried over from the CMSDesk.css.
You can either copy the necessary CSS classes into your own CSS, or just import the CMSDesk.css file where necessary to make sure the rating elements are displaying.

Use embed variables in Expression Engine's channel tag?

I'm building a website that makes heavy use of image carousels. Each section has a different carousel with different slides.
Therefore, I've created an embed called global_embeds/image_carousel.html that contains the logic. It looks like this:
<div class="carousel">
{exp:channel:entries channel="homepage_carousel"}
<div class="slide">
<img src="{image}" alt="{title}" />
As you can see, it's a simple HTML snippet that generates a <div> for each item. The problem, however, is that I want to use an embed parameter in the exp:channel:entries tag.
I tried calling the embed in my parent template like so:
{embed="global_embeds/image_carousel" carousel_channel="homepage_carousel"}
And changing my embed template to this:
{exp:channel:entries channel=embed:carousel_channel}
But it doesn't seem to be passing the variable value through as I'd like, instead just showing all entries in my carousel regardless of channel.
Am I going about this the right way? Or is there a better way to achieve what I'm after in Expression Engine?
D'oh! Practically immediately after posting the question, I realised I can use the curly brace notation wrapped in quote marks:
{exp:channel:entries channel="{embed:carousel_channel}"}
Sorry to waste people's time.

Nesting an ExpressionEngine Channel Entry Tag Pair within another Channel Entry Tag Pair?

I did some searching around but I can't seem to find any information on embedding a channel entry tag pair within another.
When I try the following code in a template, it breaks the page and I see the opening {reverse_related_entries sort="desc"} displayed as plain text:
{exp:channel:entries channel="pages"}
{reverse_related_entries sort="desc"}
{if show_testimonial}
{exp:channel:entries channel="testimonials" orderby="random" limit="1"}
<span class="cite_name">{cite_name}</span><br />
<span class="cite_org">{cite_org}</span><br />
<span class="cite_title">{cite_title}</span>
Is there a way in ExpressionEngine to nest a channel entry tag pair inside itself?
In order to nest a {exp:channel:entries} tag pair inside of itself, you'll need to embed the template within another template using an {embed} variable.
To do so, just modify your main channel entries tag to look like the following:
{exp:channel:entries channel="pages"}
{reverse_related_entries sort="desc"}
{if show_testimonial}
Then, create a new template with the contents of your nested channel entries tag pair:
{exp:channel:entries channel="testimonials" orderby="random" limit="1"}
<span class="cite_name">{cite_name}</span><br />
<span class="cite_org">{cite_org}</span><br />
<span class="cite_title">{cite_title}</span>
Which you can include in any ExpressionEngine template using the following syntax, as shown earlier:
Using embed templates are a standard way around some of ExpressionEngine's quirks and Parse Order (PDF, 32 KB), but they do carry a performance penalty with them so be mindful in deciding between using an {embed} and a {snippet}.
