Encode characters into character entities for XML - rpgle

I have a variable defined as:
D content 1280A CONST
I need to find the ", &, ', <, > characters and replace them with:
", &, &apos;, <, and > respectively.
I've seen some XML functions in the language but these do not seem to be what I need. But I could be wrong so here I am asking.
Using RPGLE, freeform.
Solution: Perhaps not very RPG-ish but it worked
P encode B
D PI 1280A
D content 1280A CONST
D outStr S 1280A
D strDsp S 50A
outStr = %trim(content);
outStr = replaceAll('&' : '&' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('"' : '"' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('''' : '&apos;' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('>' : '>' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('<' : '<' : outStr);
return outStr;
P*** Procedure: replaceAll ************************************
P*** IN: character to replace, replacement text, source
P*** OUT: transformed string
P replaceAll B
D PI 1280A
D character 1A CONST
D rText 10A CONST
D content 1280A CONST
D outStr S 1280A
D dspStr S 50A
D rSize S 3P 0 //replacement text size
D index S 3P 0 //cur str index
D cntSize S 3P 0 //content size
rSize = %len(%trim(rText));
cntSize = %len(%trim(content));
outStr = content;
for i = 1 to cntSize; //scan starts at character 1 not 0
index = %scan(character : outStr : i);
if index = 0;
outStr = %replace(%trim(rText) : outStr : index : 1);
i = index + 1;
return outStr;

Maybe this is simple-minded of me, but would it be enough to just use the built-in %replace function? I mean, you'd have to use it repeatedly, for the different things you're replacing. But are there any special cases that kind of defeat mindless replacement? (I'm thinking of how often people try to just parse CSVs by mindlessly breaking on commas, for example. That doesn't go well for some data sets.)

There is a %scanrpl function that will replace all occurrences of a string with another string. It looks like the hot ticket.


Have to count a character occurrence in Nim string type

How to count a character occurrence in string in Nim, mainly using its native statements prior go to module ? eg.
str = "Hello World"
c : int
c = numChar( "o", str ) # <- illustration only ?
The earlier answer is correct but if you do not want to import any modules you can write your own procedure:
proc count_char(value: string = "Hello World", ch: char = 'o'): int =
var cnt_c: int = 0
for c in value:
if c == ch:
cnt_c += 1
result = cnt_c
val: string = "Mother Goose"
ch: char = 'o'
echo $count_char(val, ch)
PS: Unrelated - Need syntax highlight for nim-lang on SO.
Use the count function from strutils:
import std/strutils
let str = "Hello World"
let count = count(str, 'o')
assert count = 1
There’s also a string overload for counting sub strings as well.

Lua: split string into words unless quoted

So I have the following code to split a string between whitespaces:
text = "I am 'the text'"
for string in text:gmatch("%S+") do
The result:
But I need to do this:
the text --[[yep, without the quotes]]
How can I do this?
Edit: just to complement the question, the idea is to pass parameters from a program to another program. Here is the pull request that I am working, currently in review: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/1619
There may be ways to do this with clever parsing, but an alternative way may be to keep track of a simple state and merge fragments based on detection of quoted fragments. Something like this may work:
local text = [[I "am" 'the text' and "some more text with '" and "escaped \" text"]]
local spat, epat, buf, quoted = [=[^(['"])]=], [=[(['"])$]=]
for str in text:gmatch("%S+") do
local squoted = str:match(spat)
local equoted = str:match(epat)
local escaped = str:match([=[(\*)['"]$]=])
if squoted and not quoted and not equoted then
buf, quoted = str, squoted
elseif buf and equoted == quoted and #escaped % 2 == 0 then
str, buf, quoted = buf .. ' ' .. str, nil, nil
elseif buf then
buf = buf .. ' ' .. str
if not buf then print((str:gsub(spat,""):gsub(epat,""))) end
if buf then print("Missing matching quote for "..buf) end
This will print:
the text
some more text with '
escaped \" text
Updated to handle mixed and escaped quotes. Updated to remove quotes. Updated to handle quoted words.
Try this:
text = [[I am 'the text' and '' here is "another text in quotes" and this is the end]]
local e = 0
while true do
local b = e+1
b = text:find("%S",b)
if b==nil then break end
if text:sub(b,b)=="'" then
e = text:find("'",b+1)
b = b+1
elseif text:sub(b,b)=='"' then
e = text:find('"',b+1)
b = b+1
e = text:find("%s",b+1)
if e==nil then e=#text+1 end
Lua Patterns aren't powerful to handle this task properly. Here is an LPeg solution adapted from the Lua Lexer. It handles both single and double quotes.
local lpeg = require 'lpeg'
local P, S, C, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct
local function token(id, patt) return Ct(Cc(id) * C(patt)) end
local singleq = P "'" * ((1 - S "'\r\n\f\\") + (P '\\' * 1)) ^ 0 * "'"
local doubleq = P '"' * ((1 - S '"\r\n\f\\') + (P '\\' * 1)) ^ 0 * '"'
local white = token('whitespace', S('\r\n\f\t ')^1)
local word = token('word', (1 - S("' \r\n\f\t\""))^1)
local string = token('string', singleq + doubleq)
local tokens = Ct((string + white + word) ^ 0)
input = [["This is a string" 'another string' these are words]]
for _, tok in ipairs(lpeg.match(tokens, input)) do
if tok[1] ~= "whitespace" then
if tok[1] == "string" then
print(tok[2]:sub(2,-2)) -- cut off quotes
This is a string
another string

Lua - convert string to table

I want to convert string text to table and this text must be divided on characters. Every character must be in separate value of table, for example:
--converting string (a) to table (b)
--show table (b)
You could use string.gsub function
str:gsub(".",function(c) table.insert(t,c) end)
Just index each symbol and put it at same position in table.
local str = "text"
local t = {}
for i = 1, #str do
t[i] = str:sub(i, i)
The builtin string library treats Lua strings as byte arrays.
An alternative that works on multibyte (Unicode) characters is the
unicode library that
originated in the Selene project.
Its main selling point is that it can be used as a drop-in replacement
for the string library, making most string operations “magically”
If you prefer not to add third party dependencies your task can easily
be implemented using LPeg.
Here is an example splitter:
local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local C, Ct, R = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.R
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local split_utf8 do
local utf8_x = R"\128\191"
local utf8_1 = R"\000\127"
local utf8_2 = R"\194\223" * utf8_x
local utf8_3 = R"\224\239" * utf8_x * utf8_x
local utf8_4 = R"\240\244" * utf8_x * utf8_x * utf8_x
local utf8 = utf8_1 + utf8_2 + utf8_3 + utf8_4
local split = Ct (C (utf8)^0) * -1
split_utf8 = function (str)
str = str and tostring (str)
if not str then return end
return lpegmatch (split, str)
This snippet defines the function split_utf8() that creates a table
of UTF8 characters (as Lua strings), but returns nil if the string
is not a valid UTF sequence.
You can run this test code:
tests = {
en = [[Lua (/ˈluːə/ LOO-ə, from Portuguese: lua [ˈlu.(w)ɐ] meaning moon; ]]
.. [[explicitly not "LUA"[1]) is a lightweight multi-paradigm programming ]]
.. [[language designed as a scripting language with "extensible ]]
.. [[semantics" as a primary goal.]],
ru = [[Lua ([лу́а], порт. «луна») — интерпретируемый язык программирования, ]]
.. [[разработанный подразделением Tecgraf Католического университета ]]
.. [[Рио-де-Жанейро.]],
gr = [[Η Lua είναι μια ελαφρή προστακτική γλώσσα προγραμματισμού, που ]]
.. [[σχεδιάστηκε σαν γλώσσα σεναρίων με κύριο σκοπό τη δυνατότητα ]]
.. [[επέκτασης της σημασιολογίας της.]],
XX = ">\255< invalid"
local limit = 14
for lang, str in next, tests do
io.write "\n"
io.write (string.format ("<%s %3d> ->", lang, #str))
local chars = split_utf8 (str)
if not chars then
io.write " INVALID!"
io.write (string.format (" <%3d>", #chars))
for i = 1, #chars > limit and limit or #chars do
io.write (string.format (" %q", chars [i]))
io.write "\n"
Btw., building a table with LPeg is significantly faster than calling
table.insert() repeatedly.
Here are stats for splitting the whole of Gogol’s Dead Souls (in
Russian, 1023814 bytes raw, 571395 characters UTF) on my machine:
library method time in ms
string table.insert() 380
string t [#t + 1] = c 310
string gmatch & for loop 280
slnunicode table.insert() 220
slnunicode t [#t + 1] = c 200
slnunicode gmatch & for loop 170
lpeg Ct (C (...)) 70
You can below code to achieve this easily.
t = {}
str = "text"
for i=1, string.len(str) do
t[i]= (string.sub(str,i,i))
for k , v in pairs(t) do
-- 1 t
-- 2 e
-- 3 x
-- 4 t
Using string.sub
string.sub(s, i [, j])
Return a substring of the string passed. The substring starts at i. If the third argument j is not given, the substring will end at the end of the string. If the third argument is given, the substring ends at and includes j.

How to sum up elements of an arraylist having type String?

I have an arraylist consisting of decimal numbers and i m supposed to take the average of last 4 elements of this arraylist.And these rational number are type of String.
private void average(String confidence) {
if(myList.size() >= 4) {
String t = myList.get(myList.size()-1);
String d = myList.get(myList.size()-2);
String f = myList.get(myList.size()-3);
String h = myList.get(myList.size()-4);
String s = (t + d + f+h) ;
long fin = Long.parseLong(s);
long result = fin/4 ;
System.out.println("Average is: "+result);
but this method does not work.Could you please tell me what kind of changes am i supposed to do or any advices of doing this? Thanks a lot in advance!!!
Your issue is the String s = (t + d + f+h) part. You're just appending 4 Strings right now.
You need to convert them first.
And your result will be wrong, you need to divide by 4, not 3.
Colleen's answer is good, so long as you remember to change the type to reflect what Long.parseLong() returns. I'd reply, but I'm too new.
if(myList.size() >= 4) {
Double t = Double.parseLong(myList.get(conf.size()-1));
Double d = Double.pareseLong(myList.get(conf.size()-2));
Double f = Double.parseLong(myList.get(conf.size()-3));
Double h = Double.parseLong(myList.get(conf.size()-4));
Double result = (t + d + f + h) / 3 ;
System.out.println("meanAsrConfidence is: "+result);
You need to convert before you add. + on Strings means concatenate.
if(myList.size() >= 4) {
//I'm guessing all of these conf.size() calls are meant to be myList.size()
double t = Double.parseDouble(myList.get(conf.size()-1));
double d = Double.pareseDouble(myList.get(conf.size()-2));
double f = Double.parseDouble(myList.get(conf.size()-3));
double h = Double.parseDoublemyList.get(conf.size()-4));
double s = (t + d + f+h) ;
double result = s/3 ; //should be 4
System.out.println("meanAsrConfidence is: "+result);
What you are doing now is, for example:
t=1, d=2, f=3, h=4
s = 1234
you need to divide by 4, not 3
what is conf? Why are you not calling myList.size()?
you're passing a String as an argument when you probably want to be passing myList

how can remove decimal place after value in C#?

Let I have decimal value of 14.8447 and I need this value 8447 in string.
Can any one find any way for me using window Forms C#.
You could use something like:
decimal d = 14.8447m;
string s = d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string t = s.Substring( s.IndexOf('.')+1);
(Although I think my code is a bit of a hack)
To make it a little bit more error-proof, you could write:
decimal d = 14.8447m;
string s = d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int index = s.IndexOf('.');
string t = index >= 0 && index + 1 < s.Length
? s.Substring(index + 1)
: string.Empty;
This works well with e.g. the following numbers:
decimal d = 14m; // Returning empty string.
decimal d = .3m; // Returning "3".
Here is a short online version at Ideone.com.
string.Format("{0:0.0000}", 14.8447m).Split(',', '.').Last()
Could be so:
decimal Numero = 8.24M;
string r = (Numero - Math.Floor(Numero)).ToString().Replace("0.", "");
Easy I guess;
