SAP: minimal deployment for interacting with SharePoint through Duet Enterprise - sharepoint

I’m ramping-up on Duet, went through bunch of docs, so I’m ready for some fun. I have my WS 2008 x64 virtual machine ready with SharePoint 2010 on it and ready to install Duet Enterprise.
How should I proceed with the SAP side of the equation? As I’m not familiar with it, is there a download + guide for getting the minimal required SAP installation up & running to try Duet?

I'm not familiar with Duet, but you can get a trial edition of SAP from here. It's called developer edition and it's a stripped down version of SAP system mainly designed for developers to play around. It has the ABAP stack (ABAP is a SAP owned programming language) and a dbms (I cannot remember which one). I don't know what are the minimum requirements to work with Duet, like any extra modules, so you'll have to find this out.
Bear in mind that it's not a simple installation. It's very demanding in hard drive space and it will work better on Windows XP, without anything else installed, as it tends to conflict (especially with other dbms'). Maybe a virtual machine is a solution.


How would I go about decompiling an exe that only will run on windows XP

I started as an intern recently for a science research lab. My boss wants to port a software she uses on a windows XP computer. The only info I have is a basic overview of what it does and some exe files. That’s it. I don’t have the equations it runs either. My boss believes it was written in basic or fortran. The original author lost all the source code and doesn’t want I’m clueless with decompiling and was wondering how I should get started. Thanks!

How to Run Excel on a Mac? (windows edition)

I need to run the Microsoft Windows edition of Excel, but I'm using a Mac. I currently have Excel for my Mac, but it doesn't have all the functionality of Windows version. I need the advanced functionality only available in Windows edition. (Using Google Sheets isn't an option in this scenario). I have a license for Excel (both Windows and Mac editions).
I've heard Parallels ( is one way of doing it, but that would require me to have to purchase additional software.
I've thought about buying another computer, but I don't want to have to carry around 2 computers (one windows and one Mac).
Is there a way I could use Microsoft Azure, or some other cloud service to rent a windows PC, install Excel and access it from my mac?
I found this on pricing for a virtual machine, but it's not clear If it would allow to to accomplish this.
Any suggestions, or experience running the Windows edition of Excel from a Mac?
This might be a bit of a stretch, but have you looked into using Bootcamp? All you have to do is partition a part of your hard drive, then you can boot into Windows and run it natively. Bootcamp is great, as long as you understand the concept and how to use it.

Can sharepoint apps be developed in a Visual Studio 2010 stand alone dev box?

Can Sharepoint apps be developed in a Visual Studio 2010 dev box only or does the dev box need to connect to a Sharepoint server? Can the Sharepoint Server be a stand alone machine (no domain controller between the two machines)?
The best practise for SharePoint development is to use a virtual server that contains the SharePoint install itself (and a copy of the portal you're working with), because assuming you are programming directly against the SP API, you will need to be executing your code on the machine that contains the Sharepoint installation itself.
You can program against SharePoint from a non-SharePoint machine through the use of the standard set of SharePoint web services provided, and you can of course create your own services (again sitting on the SP box/VM) to interrogate too. The catch to this approach is that you'll be dealing with return types that are primitive or XML based and you won't have the luxury of SP objects, for example SPUser, SPSite, etc, but for simple query operations at least this is not a bad approach.
IMHO, however, you've far greater flexbility programming against the API itself (Microsoft.Sharepoint.dll) so I'd advise you to get a VM going with all the necessary installs. Yes, it's a pain and time-consuming to set up, but well worth it.
As for Stand-alone options: SharePoint 2007 is not supported on anything non-server in terms of OS, so you'll need something like Server 2008 in order for it to work. SharePoint 2010, however, whilst claiming to only work on Server 2008, can actually work on Windows 7 (Pro and above) with a few hacks. You also have the benefit of 'sandbox' feature deployment in 2010, where you don't in 2007, meaning dev work is more cleanly isolated and less of a risk to a farm as a whole.
Good luck!
You can develop for SharePoint 2010 using VS 2010 using a stand alone setup - this is supported by Microsoft and very much recomended. Infact most of the tools built into VS2010 that will make your life significantly easier will only work with a local copy of SharePoint 2010.
MSDN - Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7...
Yes, if you have Windows 7 or Vista (you need WAS - Windows Activation Services). We have tried it but found that it was better to develop on a Windows 2008 with your own AD.
It will depend on what you are developing, for webparts you will not notice the difference. You will notice the difference when working on the security part og the app.
Sahil Maliks book has a whole chapter on the different options.
you can do sharepoint development by copying certain dlls to your local enviroment but to my understanding this is unsupported and the recommended practice is to use a virtual machine or development on the machine in which the service resides.

Synchronization between TFS 2008 and TFS 2010

I am in a situation where the corporation has just recently upgraded to TFS 2008. They have no intention of upgrading to TFS 2010 at this time. As a development group, we've moved to Visual Studio 2010 this week. As with any large corporation, we cannot get our own environment created to install TFS 2010. Steps on too many toes, and isn't corporate standard. Etc.
I want to take full advantage of the new testing features in relation to the new UI Testing and other features. This appears to require TFS 2010. So my "dream" is to do my daily work at the office and write tests, but at night, have my code synchronized with my TFS 2010 server at home and run automated builds with the full testing capabilities enabled.
So is there is best practice for this? I've read up on the Workspace theory and the binding issues that are involved and that sounds the biggest hurdle to overcome.
Possible Solution - Create two workspaces $/WorkProject and $/WorkProject-Mirror and use a custom application using FileSystemWatcher to kick off a job that synchronizes code changes and a custom rewrite of the bindings. Use job on work laptop and home machine to allow bi-directional binding.
Research to see if TFS Integration Platform will help with this
You are correct the new testing UI (Test Manager 2010) requires TFS 2010, you are also correct that you can use the TFS Integration Platform between a TFS2008 & TFS2010 server. Then use test manager on the 2010 server.
All the above should be easy, the tough part will be the bindings in the solution file. I would suggest you have a second one created that points to your TFS2010 server so that you can open the correct solution file for the correct environment without stepping on your co-workers toes.
I think the two workspace route is overkill, it's just a solution file you need.
I wonder if you could use a read-only account to perform a get from TFS2008 and then do a check-in to your TFS2010 with a more-privileged account. I'm sure those two things and a little clever PowerShell scripting could get you what you're looking for.
I would encourage you to write a second utility to monitor that this script continues to work and to notify you if it detects a failure or something.

How a Windows Developer can most easily get his software to work well under Wine

Many of my users have been telling me that they'd like to run my software on their Linux machines under Wine.
But I'm a Windows Developer who has practically no experience with Linux.
Now I could spend a month or two installing Linux, learning Linux, installing Wine, learning Wine, and thoroughly ensure my application runs well under Wine. But I am still developing for Windows, so I don't want to take so much time away from development right now.
So what can I do without too much effort to get my program running as well as possible under Wine?
I did find this General help on running applications under Wine.
Download VMWare and an Ubuntu virtual machine (Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution) from the VMWare site. This will provide you with a working Linux O/S inside your Windows environment without needing to install Linux manually.
You can then use the instructions here to install Wine, that Wiki page also provides you with some instructions on how to use it.
If you follow what Adam Rosenfield suggested and just try running your application in Wine unmodified, you will be able to determine quickly whether there are problems. My guess would be that there are some, otherwise your users would not have contacted you about it :)
There are many ways for getting help with debugging applications in Wine, consult the website for options and pick a few ways that suit you. As always, it's best not to rely on a single channel for communication.
Also, if you are more comfortable with developing in Windows, the approach of using a virtual machine will allow you to compile your code as usual in Windows and copy the binary into the virtual machine for testing (Ubuntu supports browsing/mounting Windows shares).
As long as you're not doing anything unusual such as playing around with hardware or poking around in undocumented API calls and data structures, you should be able to run your code under Wine with few or no modifications. Wine has a fairly complete implementation of the public Windows APIs, so if your program plays nice and doesn't mess around, it should just work.
Don't use too much of the windows API! Don't use anything new from Microsoft ;)
Avoid using WPF is the #1 suggestion.
But it really wouldn't kill you to test your app under Wine. It's not that hard to try; it certainly won't take months. For instance:
Use to install
Ubuntu into a file on your Windows machine, then start ubuntu and install the latest Wine from
Then try running your app's installer.
If it doesn't work, check the Wine FAQ, ask for help in one of the wine forums, and/or file bugs in wine's bug tracker.
Should take about three hours from a dead start to trying out your installer.
I was rather surprised when one of my Delphi5 applications just worked out of the zip.
The only real way this is going to work is to do it yourself, i.e. install vmware and a linux distro as Sean suggested. Linux isn't actually that hard, and we're all here to help.
Having done a quick test I can confirm that it largely works. There is an ACCVIO reading 0x34 during start up, the error dialog can be ignored and the application runs, I opened the Steve McCarthy GEDCOM.
This was using Wine 1.1.12 under MEPIS 7.9.94-rc1_32 under VMWare. Highly recommend to use VMWare for this sort of thing.
What language/platform do you develop with? Depending on which it is, it should be no trouble to get it running native. For example, if you use Java or Python, both operate very cleanly on Linux. Likewise, if you're a .NET developer, you should be able, with some pain, to get your app running in Mono.
Find Linux beta testers. It can reports a bug to WINE developers or find a bug in your application.
Wine is more sensitive to errors than Windows. For example, Wine will crash on NULL window handles, and fail to create windows if the class is invalid, whereas Windows is more robust and will just circumvent the error.
It's an opportunity to clean up your code.
I was amazed at how well Wine ran my app the first time I tried. However, I had to get rid of a third-party driver-based component.
