How to programmatically change views in TabBarViewController? - xamarin.ios

I have two instances where I want to re-direct the user to the main view of a TabBarViewController. I've tried BringSubViewToFront(), but that does nothing... I basically want to activate the first tab (home tab?).

Assuming your TabViewController already has all the ViewControllers created for each tab, simply changing the SelectedIndex property in the tabbar does what you're looking for:
myTabBarController.SelectedIndex = 2;
Will send you to the third tab (array is zero-based).


Opening different xpages forms from a view panel

I have an Xpages application that pulls data from another .nsf file. I have a view panel linked to a view in that db. The view has documents with several different forms in it. I want to be able to open each document in it's own form(xpage).
How do I write a computed At Runtime, open selected document using: statement that will select the correct Xpage to present the document.
If you use the Data View component instead of a View Panel, you can compute the pageName attribute, referencing the var attribute to return a different value for each row based on the document that row represents. The flexibility of the Data View component also makes it easier to make your app look more like a modern web application and less like an Excel spreadsheet. As an additional bonus, the mobile theme invokes a renderer that makes each Data View instance look like a native mobile list, so using Data Views instead of View Panels simplifies mobile development.
You have 2 options:
use "use xpage associated with form" and edit the form's property
use a SSJS formula to compute the Form. You provide a variable name in the view control var to access a view row as XSPViewEntry. If the Form is in a view column even one you don't display you use .getColumnValue otherwise getDocument.getItemValueString
Does that work for you?
Maybe this mothed can help you: Unable to get document page name for
Hope this helps
I had a similar problem today. I use only one form but 3 different xpages for associated with this form. I have 3 different document types in the view. I used rowData the get the type of the document.
var v=rowData.getColumnValue("form");
if(v.indexOf("x")> -1){var page ="x.xsp"}
else if(v.indexOf("y") > -1){var page = "y.xsp"}
else{var page = "z.xsp"}
var page = "x.xsp"
So to your view you can create a column with the value of the form and you can use it.
I have used the extension library Dynamic View control which has an event you can code to get a handle to the NotesViewEntry which was selected. See the demo database page Domino_DynamicView.xsp and the Custom Event Handler tab for an example.
Note, in 8.5.3 (I have not upgraded yet) if you add or edit the eventHandler for onColumnClick it will be added to the XPages source as an xe:eventHandler. It needs to be an xp:eventHandler to work. The way to do it is to copy the code in the source from the exiting event and delete it. Recreate the event and update the code. Then go back into the source and change the tags within the eventHandler to xp:.

#SetViewInfo - Issue when clearing filter

I have a problem that have me stumped.
I have been searching for a solution, but haven't found a working one yet. The solutions I seen introduces other issues.
Here is the scenario:
I have a frameset with two frames: 'Navigator' and 'Main'.
In the 'Navigator' frame I display a form called 'Navigator'. It contains an outline, to display a menu.
In the 'Main' frame I display the view selected by the user in the navigator.
So this is a very traditional Notes client application.
I now want to add a checkbox at the top of the view (in the action bar), allowing the user to filter the view by his/her own name. I use #SetViewInfo for this, and it all works perfect.
The issue is when the user switch views. The #SetViewInfo filter stays active when switching to a different view, so after some searching I found some solutions:
In IBM suggests to put the following code in the QuerySave event:
#SetViewInfo([SetViewFilter]; temp ; 0 ;1)
When I am switching view or closing the view, I get the error message "Cannot execute the specified command".
In Andre Guirard suggests to put the following code in the QuerySave event:
#Command([OpenView]; #Subset(#ViewTitle; -1));
#SetViewInfo([SetViewFilter]; ""; "columnName"; 1)
I modify this to match my frame name and the programatic name of the first column in my view:
#Command([OpenView]; #Subset(#ViewTitle; -1));
#SetViewInfo([SetViewFilter]; ""; "Adjuster"; 1)
This works perfectly when switching between view. But when I close the application while I am in this particular filtered view, the application is re-opened automatically. This happens no matter if the filter is enabled or not when closing the view.
However, when the view repopens, the frameset is not reloaded, it is just the view with the built-in view navigator to the left.
I finally got this to work by (in the built-in view navigator) selecting another view that the one where I filter data. This fixed the issue for a while, but then it starts again, and the filtered view is active in the navigator.
Obviously it is the OpenView command that is causing this, but if I remove just that line, I get the "Cannot execute the specified command" error again.
Any suggestions/pointers? I am using Notes 8.5.3 running on Windows 7 Professional.
This question can also be found in the IBM developerWorks forum for Notes 8.5:
First thing, I would suggest to make sure your view frame is always called "NotesView". You will have much less compatibility issues if you do this.
Secondly, I presume when you say you put it in the QuerySave event you really mean the QueryClose event? Views do not have a QuerySave event.
Thirdly, I find the #UpdateFormulaContext line is not needed. This is what I have in my view QueryClose...
#Command([OpenView]; #Subset(#ViewTitle; -1));
#SetViewInfo([SetViewFilter]; ""; "<programmaticColumnName>"; 1)
And I can close the app while in the view without any problems.

Hide CRM form left hand side navigation item

I have my account entity linked to a custom entity called inspections, I only want these inspections to be created for accounts of a certain type. So when it isn't that type I want the left hand navigation to this entity to be hidden away. I've seen some code that says will hide it away, as long as you have the navID of the item.
I've had a crack at hiding it using what i thought could be the ID but it hasn't worked, so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get this ID, or if there is another way to do this?
The code I'm using to hide the navigation is below:
var navitem = Xrm.Page.ui.navigation.items.get("nav_ts_inspection");
if (navitem != null)
Load the form
Press F12 to show IE Developer's Toolbar
From here you can use CTRL+F to search for the display name of the item you'd like to hide. This will give you a link that is generated. The Id of this element is what you need to use to show/hide the link.
As an example, you can see results of searching for 'Sub Accounts' on the Account screen for an installation I am working on at the moment. The Id can be seen and is 'navSubAct'
Changes by traversing DOM and manually hide an area is not officially supported.
Luckily if you are on CRM 2011, you can go to
Settings > Customization Or open the solution.
Select the entity > Forms. Inside the Form editor window, open the Form Properties of the entity.
Go to Display Tab and untick "Show navigation items" checkbox.
Finally do not forget to Publish your changes.
Use the relationshipname to hide folder in navigation like this:
If you have folder with the relationship name: ts_inspection
Use this for ID: navts_inspection
So otherwise the same as above, but lose the extra underscore (_) between nav and ts.
var navitem = Xrm.Page.ui.navigation.items.get("navts_inspection");
If you want to hide particular navigation section from the FORM then remove all the links from that section and publish it. That section will not be visible anymore.
If you want to just remove Navigation Pane from FORM, then go to 'Display' tab of form and mark as 'Do Not Show' and then publish it.

Automatically open document when only one document is listed in repeat control

I have a repeat control for a domino view which displays the results from a search field.
As you type more characters into the search field the number of items in the list is reduced. If/When the the list only contains a single item I would like to open item automatically, without having to click the link.
Any ideas are appreciated.
Edit: after some very interesting responses, here are some screenshots
I have 3 elements on the page, a searchbar, a repeat control and a form:
When I start typing in the search bar, the repeat is refreshed with every keystroke:
the list is reduced, typing the next character ...
again the list is reduced, only 2 left, typing again....
Only one left, now it would be time to open the document in the form ..... without clicking the link.
I've tried several events on the page, but it seems that I could not find the one that will allow me to "select" the document and display the data in the form.
It seems that it's not as simple as I thought
Since you want to open the link automatically I don't know if I would try to base it on the getRowCount() of the repeat itself. You don't want to even get that far right? you just want to go to the single document.
I would put a function in beforePageLoad event maybe. Not totally sure which event but I'd try that first. Use SSJS and do a lookup that would basically return a collection of what the repeat would show. If the collection count = 1 then get your destination from that entry and do your redirection from there.
That what I would try at least. Interesting scenario!
Now that I see the screenshots this might be easier then you think and I have already implemented something similar on an internal application that I have built. It does rely on the fact that each entry in the list is 100% unique.
First of all you will need to bind the search field to a scoped variable and the onchange/onkeypress event will need to perform a partial refresh of a panel that contains both the list and the document portion of the page.
For the list the link on each item should set the value of the same scoped variable used in the search box and clicking the link should be set to run a partial refresh of the document area.
For the document area you will need two panels, the first panel will only display if there is no matching document and the second panel will only display if there is a matching document, you can do this in the rendered section by writing some ssjs that grabs a handle to the db/view and does a dblookup and returns either true or false if the document exists depending on panel your dealing with.
With this setup, when somebody clicks a link or fills out the searchbox the scoped variable will contain a value, the document panels will then check to see if this is a unique value in the view in the db and update themselves to either display the 'no document' panel or the 'document' panel accordingly.
You could add a evaluation script to the entry of your repeat control which checks the size of your repeat control using the method getRowCount() from the component. If this is 1 you could execute a context.redirectToPage("yourpage.xsp?id=yourid",true) this forces the current page to send a redirect request back to the browser and therefore redirects you to the correct page.
All you need to know is which xpage you need to open and which parameters you should use. But these could be retrieved from the content you are iterating over.

Sharepoint links - how to open in new tab/Window

I've noticed with Sharepoint 2010, many of the links do not the support open in new tab/window feature. For example, items on the quick menu do not. Is it possible to enable?
Use the JavaScript function to open a new window in SharePoint 2010.
Create the function to open your target window as sample provide below.
function load_url(externallink)
Place the function load_url in JavaScript file
Click site actions, select manage content and structure.
Suppose you want to change the links in the page
Then select the List named HelpLinks in the sub site Help. Dev will be the top most node(site). Help will be a sub site and inside Help you can find List by name HelpLinks.
All the links in the page and their title will be displayed
Select the title of link which you want to open in new tab and right click.
Select Edit properties. Then in the URL field and call the function as javascript:load_url(''); instead of http://
Or Else
Suppose you want to change the links in the below URL.
URL: http:// someserver/sites/Dev/Help/HelpLinks/AllItems.aspx
Go To
open to the link http:// someserver/sites/Dev/Help/HelpLinks/AllItems.aspx
You will find the columns of the List (Title Column, URL column, Summary etc).
Select the Title and click Edit property which you want to edit
Then in the URL field and call the function as javascript:load_url(''); instead of http://
This answer is a recap of this article and is not an answer I came up with:
Step 1: Add #openinnewwindow to the end of all hyperlinks you want to open in new window.
Step 2: Then you will need to add the follow script to your SharePoint pages.
[script language = "JavaScript"]
//add an entry to the _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames array
//so that our function will run on the pageLoad event
function rewriteLinks() {
//create an array to store all the anchor elements in the page
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
//loop through the array
for (var x = 0; x < anchors.length; x++) {
//does this anchor element contain #openinnewwindow?
if (anchors[x].outerHTML.indexOf('#openinnewwindow') > 0) {
//store the HTML for this anchor element
oldText = anchors[x].outerHTML;
//rewrite the URL to remove our test text and add a target instead
newText = oldText.replace(/#openinnewwindow/, '" target="_blank');
//write the HTML back to the browser
anchors[x].outerHTML = newText;
Whats the 'Quick menu'? Do mean list item context menu or something else? Can you post a screenshot?
There are two types of links used.
Normal HTML anchors - You can hold down the CTRL key when clicking.
JavaScript links (menus and such) the CTRL key doesn't work. If you're working with the Edit/View forms then this may be of interest
SharePoint - Editing The SharePoint List Item Menu
Especially look for Part II where it talks about changing this behaviour in List Settings > Advanced Settings > Dialogs
This is actually an Internet Explorer specific bug. The navigation links in SharePoint 2010 are regular links but have two nested span tags around the text of the link. This confuses IE which doesn't realise that the text you are right-clicking up is a link and so doesn't give the correct context menu. If you right-click just to the left of the text of the link (the cursor should still show as the "hand") the context menu appears as expected.
For Sharepoint 2013, I used Keith's code with a delayed call.
<script type="text/javascript">
// Add an entry to the _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames array
// so that our function will run on the pageLoad event
function rewriteLinks() {
In the SharePoint Wiki Editor, you can click the "From Address" Link you added, and a LINK menu will appear in the ribbon bar. Inside that, you can click "Open in New Tab" It's not exactly New Window, but it's close and easy.
Add this to the end of the link.
