How do I set the cardinality of a entity relationship in XCode4? - core-data

Evenings chaps,
I'm using XCode4 to model my entities, but I cannot figure out how to change the cardinality of the relationships so by default they are all 1 to 1 relationships. Someone give me a hint on how to change it please :)

Are you seeing a straight line with one arrowhead? That's 1:1 already and is the default.
To set 1:many, one way is to select the relationship and in the right view pane (you may need to turn it on by clicking the right hand button in the view section in the toolbar) select the rightmost of the three icons at the top. You should see some options under "Relationship", including "Plural" (Maybe "Cardinality" was too long).


UML-Designer: Hide labels on associations

My first post on stackoverflow, 'hope I do it the right way :-)
I want to create a new entity-relationship-model of our new project.
After a little bit of search I found UMLDesigner. Installation was easy and create this first classes also.
But when I "paint" associations, I got "hundreds" of labels around them.
Have a look into the documentation, I found a way to hide labels, but ...
a) I could not select association lables in bulk. The filter works only of the caption of a object and not of the typ (e.g. association vs. class).
Is there a way to only select "associations"?
b) If I hide "a" label of the association, all labels are hidden. What I wanted was to hide only the "end"/role"-labels, but not the name of the association itself
c) Is there a global way to hide/show labels or have I always select a new created object and then hide things?
Question over question, maybe someone can answer them :-)
Thanks great to see you managed to install it.
Sorry, no it exists no bulk actions on hide you should select one by one the element or decide to hide all.

Complex Shinydashboard structure with menuItems and tabs

First of all, I don't have a reproducible example as I am still thinking about the structure of my future dashboard. Here are the requirements:
using a menu on the left (currently thinking about dashboardSidebar() from shinydashboard) with 4 different items: filters, comparison, prediction, and data. Each item has subitems that applies to the current dataset (set of filters, chosen comparison variables)
tabs for each product category (e.g. one tab for fruits, another for veggies, another for meat, etc...). I've read that it is not recommended to use tabset() from shiny with shinydashboard components.
The idea is that the components on the left menu apply to the current tab, but the menu is the same across all tabs.
Here is a visual example of what is expected:
ideal dashboard structure
I am new to Shiny and would highly appreciate the hints from the experts out there. Thanks!

In Blue prism button is not able to click while executing mode

Hi I am new to blue prism
My question is:
I have button in my application after recording if i try to highlight it is working fine but while executing it is not able to click the button and i am not getting any error.
If you provide a screenshot of the attribute list in your application modeler, it might be easier to provide an accurate answer. However, for now, I can give you some pointers:
For most applications the following can be unticked:
any elements with a blank value
all 'Parent' attributes unless
required to make the element a unique match
the 'Visible' and 'Enabled' attributes usually have no impact if left ticked or unticked, so can often be unticked
With any attributes which may not be persistent and could be prone to changing — i.e. element count, application’s URL, etc.—, it is recommended to untick them or, if required in your process, use the wildcard match type to dynamically build the corresponding values which will allow easy identification.
To speed up finding the elements, it is recommended that the Match Index attribute be used when possible. This works by stopping Blue Prism from trawling through the application model for duplicate elements once one matching element is found.
It is also recommended to add a wait stage at the start of each action. This will handle system latency and provide a correct path for your process:
The above are some pointers that I have consolidated for your ease. However, all the help you need can be found on the Blue Prism portal itself : Blue Prism Documentation
Hope this helps.. Good luck!

How do I show relationships in Enterprise Architect

I have used Enterprise Architect to create a simple class diagram. What I can't figure out how to do is make it show the relationships such as 1 to 1, etc...
Seems like a simple thing to show, but this program is not user friendly at all.
It is fairly simple actually - for both Class and Object diagrams you can use "Associate" from the toolbox. Then if you double click the association, you will be able to enter multiplicity under "Source Role" and "Target Role" tabs.
When you draw two classes and put association connector between them, you should right click the association, you will see multiplicity, but you should do this work in near of any class on the line of association.
In the association properties dialog go to target and source role sections.
There you'll find the multiplicity fields to fill in.
You can also right click near the ends of the association on a diagram and select "multiplicity" from the context menu.

Please suggest a better property name for Items Order Index (in a list)

Hi I have a class of let's say "Channels", like folders - but it could be menu items in a navigation block. So obviously a "Channel" has properties like
.Alias (wordPress slug-like)
.RedirectUrl (may act as a hyperlink)
/// etc..
but in many cases I would want to set the order of my items in a navigation menu block manually - by whatever importance I decide, right.. ? (not by abc or timestamp)
So I've added a property called
StateProperties.OrderIndex just for this... a colleague of mine has called it "z-index" while he was referring to it... I am trying to build a CMS framework for our internal needs and just seeking your opinions as to what name could possibly be used for my "OrderIndex" ?
To me "OrderIndex" just makes sense :)
I believe 'OrderIndex' is exactly what you are looking for, since index stands for position and you are setting an 'Order' position. The 'Z' in 'z-index' stands for depth position, which does not seem to match what you are trying to go for.
I would prefer Order or Sequence. I think z-index carries a different meaning that what you're after (more for ordering on a stack).
