Where are the Subsonic T4 templates when installed through NuGet? - subsonic

This might be a dumb question, but I just integrated Subsonic to an ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms project and while the dll reference was added, I don't see the T4 templates anywhere.
I think that the T4 templates are not required if you're using the SimpleRepository approach, but I don't really see the sense in making Subsonic a NuGet package if you're not getting the T4 templates with it. I'd think it'd be rather more logical if the Subsonic NuGet package installed the T4 templates and the user just removes them if he doesn't need them, rather than having to download the T4 templates separately even though you installed Subsonic through NuGet.
Does anyone know anything about this?

I wanted to add them in but the problem is (according to David Ebbo) that the reference drops right into the /bin folder. The T4s, however, need to go into the root somewhere because you need to add the code to the project.
I know it's an inconvenience - but there was no manifesting system (not sure if there is one now) to use that would say "push this into the root".
If it changes, I'll update the package :).


How do I add non-NuGet packages to ASP.NET MVC application?

This is possibly the dumbest question ever, but I've downloaded the jsPDF library from here: jsPDF. It's not offered through the NuGet packages, so how do I then use it in my .NET MVC project solution? Do I need to move the downloaded folder to the "Packages" folder in my project's directory? Do something else?
Obviously, I'm a total newbie to this, so please keep your answers uncomplicated if possible. Thanks!
A Nuget package is literally just a zip file of a compiled project. If it's C# code, it's a collection of DLLs, but depending on the project, it could have static resources like CSS, JS, etc. It could also have views or other resources. The long and short, is that all of this is just pretty much dumped into your project when you include a Nuget package, much as if you had simply added it yourself.
The slight exception is with DLLs, which are placed in packages simply to keep them organized, and then simply referenced by the project they were added to. Therefore, in order to add something not available as a Nuget, you simply just add all the stuff to your project. If there's JS/CSS and such, then just drop that somewhere in your project. If there's DLLs, create some place to house those on your filesystem, and then add a reference to them in your project. I would not recommend sticking them in the packages directory, because that's managed by Nuget, and it could clobber your DLLs if you put them there.

GitVersion – selective versioning multiple assemblies of the same project

I’m on a .net c# project composed by a solution with several class library projects.
The source control is managed by git using gitflow as branching model.
We have decided that we wanted to implement semantic versioning (http://semver.org/) of the project in order to follow a standard way to communicate our releases.
For that we are using GitVersionTask (via NuGet) which works pretty well with gitflow.
Every time we tag a release and we perform a build from the master branch the version of all assemblies are updated and a new release is out for delivery.
Only one of the assemblies has a public API, all the other are for internal consume. I would like to know if this is the correct way to manage the version of multiple assemblies of the same project I mean, isn’t it wrong to change the version of every assembly when only a couple (or even just one) was changed? To get thinks more complicated there is strong possibility that some of the “internal” assemblies will be used by other projects so I believe it not very wise to increment a major version of an assembly that didn’t suffer a change just because another assembly of the same project is promoting breaking changes. Should each assembly project be managed on its own repository?
Thanks in advance.
I know this is a bit of an old question, still:
I want to share a workaround that seems to be working:
GitVersion uses $(Build.SourcesDirectory) to see where the sources are located - src
We can change this using logging commands*
Workaround is to set the Build.SourcesDirectory before GitVersion task
Then gitVersion uses the GitVersion.yml from the project folder (Build.SourceDirectory) and voila - works
After that you might want to roll back the change or not - depending on your need. For me it seems it is nice to scope down to the only nuget package from the collection of nuget packages in our nugetPackages monorepo.
see GitVersion issue and comment
*Example Powershell command:
standard PowerShell task; set to inline script;
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Build_SourcesDirectory;]$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\$(NugetProjectName)"
There is certainly nothing in GitVersion that would help with having separate projects within the same repository. The guidance that we would offer here is that you should use different repositories for the different parts of your application. That way they can be versioned/updated at their own cadence.

Compile Errors Galore - Cannot build some ServiceStack solutions download from GitHub

This is just odd.
I'm getting a build error in ServiceStack.Text after just bringing down the latest build from GitHub.
if (endpointUrl.IsNullOrEmpty() || !endpointUrl.StartsWith("http"))
return null;
Error 1 No overload for method 'IsNullOrEmpty' takes 0 arguments
ServiceStack\src\ServiceStack.Common\Messaging\ClientFactory.cs 10 18
I'm also getting bunch of other build errors:
Error 35 'int' does not contain a definition for 'Times' and no extension method 'Times' accepting a first argument of type 'int' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) ServiceStack.Redis\src\ServiceStack.Redis\Messaging\RedisMqServer.cs 192 37 ServiceStack.Redis
and after downloading the ServiceStack branch, I even tried opening ServiceStack-master\src\ServiceStack.sln and tried to build and it's totally broken:
I don't know what's going on here, there can't possibly be this many build errors if any right? I pray not but it seems as such.
Purpose of this post, what I'm asking about and need help clarifying and resolving (mythz???)
I need input from ServiceStack here on the following:
1) are the builds really this broken? Am I imagining this?
2) The branch stucture on GitHub is all over the place meaning I'm finding dup project folders all over and I do not know what this ServiceStack branch is as in it's src folder has a ton of projects there, different versions, as well as doesn't have projects like ServiceStack.Text, etc. so I don't know what's going on here. I want to use the basic core of service stack but there's like repeated stuff everywhere overall on GitHub. I need ServiceStack to clear all this up for me.
Here is my code, so you can see for yourself, it doesn't build.
This one won't build in terms of the ServiceStack projects - it's my solution in which I'm simply trying to include the ServiceStack projects I need along with my own projects that are using ServiceSTack. All I did was downoad those individual projects from https://github.com/ServiceStack then added them to my solution and made sure that any references to each other were now Project references, no longer binary..I removed the binary refs and readded them as project refs. So for example ServiceStack.Common depends on ServiceStack.Text but it was referencing it via binary so I removed it and readded the reference to ServiceStack.Text as a project ref now because in the end we plan on being able to look at and work with the base Stack code. The errors I posted above are happening in this Solution for ServiceStack related projects.
This one won't build - it's a download of the ServiceStack branch master (originally folder name is ServiceStack-master, I removed the -master)
UPDATE: yes I confirmed it's a bad build checked in on the GitHub site (refering to the ServiceStack branch master right above here). I had to remove unused using statements that were causing the build to fail and one of these was a dup using statement causing part of the build failure. I am surprised at this...this stuff should build and people should be checking in code that BUILDS successfully! common! Yes mythz, any dev trying to consume your API would be pissed that there are so many build erros all the time, I can't even get our protype going because this is not the only solution that won't build. First we had the Examples solution all breaking and now the core. I'm willing to fix these if I can but I honestly can't believe it's been a mountain to try to even use this API because of these checked in builds that are failing.
This one Will build because it was Nuget down, so ServiceStack is referencing other layers via binary references in the lib folder so this builds...probably builds here because someone has a working set of builds across all core projects but the stuff on the site for download is not the same revision and broken when you try to use them as project references (source code)?? Just my conclusion as it's only building IF you are using binary references to the lib folder. We want the source, not the binaries to work inside our solution so this is a brick wall for me
There are a lot of big changes happening on master right now - it will be unstable for a while.
I suggest you branch from the v3-fixes tag or pull the references from nuget.
Yesterday, the mythz answered about these problems in your previous question
"#CoffeeAddict like I said before, ServiceStack's is undergoing significant re-factoring and master in alpha and not for public use. While everything still builds for me and tests still pass in CI, it will be frequently unstable until its in beta. You're likely mixing v3 with v4 dlls which are technically incompatible. The release on NuGet is off the v3 branches of each project, that's what you should checkout if you want to build from src. Any contribs should be done to v3-fixes only - see Contributing docs for more info. – mythz 9 hours ago"
well looks like when I had downloaded all the stack branches, at the time earlier today contributors had checked in broken builds. Fabulous.
I just got latest early this morning, and appears people must have fixed the build and checked some stuff back in for various core projects. Now it builds.
Suggestion to mythz, get CI in place NOW. Don't wait for v4. This cost me a freakin day of trying various things to get this stuff to build and the problems were across several projects. This shouldn't happen, setup CI please. It's 2am and nobody using this project should have to deal with it.
I will contribute but first I had to get a full build to work! Not too happy as no dev would be wasting an entire day getting ServiceStack to build.
To compile v3:
Would someone with true knowledge post PROPER instructions on compiling v4 or v3? I had no luck with the build.bat files for v3 or v4, and opening solutions will not compile for most.
git clone servicestack, servicestack.text, redis, ormlite
make a new directory and copy from under src so you have these:
open csproj for ServiceStack.Interfaces ... right click properties, go to the signing tab, click the combo, new, type in your own signing pfx, I used servicestackInterfaces.pfx (doesn't matter) and make up a password.
Compiles fine, since it has not much referenced.
saved solution as ServiceStackV3 in folder C:\2015\SSv3compile
add csproj ServiceStack.Text, set signature, compiles ok
add csproj ServiceStack.Common, set signature, remove references, add references using solution for interface, text, compiles ok
add csproj ServiceStack.Client, set signature, remove references, add references using solution for interface, text, compiles ok
add csproj ServiceStack, set signature, remove references, add references using solution for client, common, interface, text, compiles ok
add csproj ServiceStack.OrmLite, set signature, remove references, add references using solution for common, interface, text, compiles ok
add csproj ServiceStack.Redis, set signature, remove references, add references using solution for common, interface, text, compiles ok
add csproj ServiceStack.ServiceStack.Server, set signature, remove references, add references using solution for Servicestack, ServiceStack.Client, ServiceStack.Common, ServiceStack.Interface, ServiceStack.Text, ServiceStack.Ormlite, ServiceStack.Redis
compiles ok
have some more trouble compiling the tests...
and finding so many tweaks and changes which are for me maddening to find
(endless agentransack searching for "namespace ISomethinMissing" in *.cs
... there seems to be namespace ServiceStack with cs code contained in projects other than Servicestack...
isn't that VERY improper? (now you require both DLLs? why not one?)
whatever...its free and works for what I wanted.
looks like there is some code leakage from v4...
after getting my head around v3, not sure I want to buy v4 - I will probably buy it in the future, I expect, and hope someday I can just clone and compile from the solution
ANyway, I love servicestack and have been
replacing old webservices
and the config nightmares of WCF with great happiness...
I say it is well worth the initial hassle.
I put this all in code block because I found the editor wouldn't accept this simple text when it was in a numbered list. whatever.

Is it possible to have Liferay SDK in different location than the source codes?

I'd like to ask you for best practices with developing with Liferay SDK.
I have the SDK downloaded, I have Eclipse ready, it works, I can create new portlets and run local Liferay instance to test it.
Here is my situation - all the source code I have is in the Eclipse workspace, currently it is only portlets what I'm working on.
Liferay SDK I have in completely different location than workspace. Let's say ~/dev/liferay_sdk.
Eclipse workspace is located in ~/workspace.
At the beggining, it was not working like that. Eclipse from some reason can't find or use Liferay SDK. When I changed "Project validation" in Eclipse/Liferay configuration to "Ignore" the "Liferay Plugin SDK is not valid", it started to work without problems.
Next problem happend when it comes to need to build a WAR for example.
In the portlet directory in the workspace is present "build.xml" file. But inside it refers to another xml file, which should be located one directory up, and this one refers to more thing in relatively location and so on.
In short, it assumes that you have the portlets etc, inside the Liferay SDK.
Like "~/dev/liferay_sdk/portlets".
My question is, Am I wrong completely, or could you suggest me the best practices with this?
I don't want to mix SDK and the code, it sounds wrong to me.
Thanks for help!
I think, the best practice is still when your portlet projects are located inside the Liferay Plugins SDK directory. That way you can take all the advantages of the Liferay IDE plugin for Eclipse, for example. Because as far as I understand Liferay IDE will not allowed you to have portlet projects in another location. It's pretty easy to import projects to Eclipse from inside the Liferay SDK directory, and that's not problem.
But I also faced the same sort of problem when tried to save portlet project to the Git repository. Possible solutions with symbolic links didn't work correctly on every system. Thus I slightly modified the build.xml file to be able to run ant tasks from any directory. For portlets it was something like that:
<project name="your-portlet" basedir="." default="deploy">
<property file="build.properties" />
<property name="project.dir" value="${liferay.sdk.home}" />
<import file="${project.dir}/build-common-plugin.xml" />
Notice that you should define property "liferay.sdk.home" in build.properties and it should be path to the Liferay Plugins SDK.
As for other types of Liferay plugins (themes, hooks, etc.) you should import another build file for building that type of plugin. For example, for themes it will be:
<import file="${project.dir}/themes/build-common-theme.xml" />
Hope you'll get the idea. :) But think twice before doing something like that.
Liferay plugins are developed inside the Liferay Plugins SDK, its called SDK for a very good reason.
I don't find anything wrong with the plugins-SDK and the code tied togather, below are few reasons why:
If you see the liferay repository of plugins on github, you would find all the sample portlets and other plugins are stored in their respective folders inside plugins-SDK.
So if you want to develop liferay plugins (with or without IDE), the best practice (the only efficient way I think) is to have the projects created inside the respective folders of plugins SDK like portlet projects inside portlets folder, hook project inside hooks folder etc.
If you have used Liferay IDE when you create a plugin project (Liferay project) in this IDE you specify the SDK and the server runtime and what it does is it creates the project inside your Plugins SDK and copies the .settings, .classpath & .project file inside the project created. It does not create the project inside your workspace as eclipse normally does for other projects.
Hope I have managed explain it clearly and this was what you wanted.
I'm already quite happy with the other answers, this could have been distributed through comments at those, but a separate answer gives some more structuring options:
As Prakash says, it's not really bad to do that. In addition to his answer, you do not need to have your code in the workspace directory. Eclipse is happy to put it anywhere in the filesystem - thus while you work with Eclipse you don't even care where exactly your code is (and as you check it into version control - right? - you actually never need to care.
If you want to use Liferay's OOTB ant scripts: They are geared towards exactly the setup you describe: Work in the SDK directory. It's actually not bad, but if you don't like it, you just have to accept that you can't work with build.xml without changing it (like Artem suggests).
Another option is to use maven - this also bypasses the sdk (and the Liferay IDE integration), so you're again free to put your sourcecode whereever you like and let maven do the rest.
I can imagine some rather esoteric and rare issues with Artem's suggestion (like referring to custom parent themes when you imply some relative position) but I consider that as extremely minor, so if that works for you: Go ahead. Just keep in mind that you don't fulfill the basic assumptions that the SDK makes, so you might have to change things that violate the assumptions. I can't imagine this being too hard if you keep this in mind.
Of course, what you miss with that solution is the neat handling of including build.${username}.properties - you'll have to have your own build.properties that define ${liferay.sdk.home}. If you're not working in a team, that's ok. Otherwise you'll have to invent this yourself (and code it) or rely on global parameters to be configured with every team member.

I need a SubSonic 2.0.3 - SubCommander exe

I am trying to make changes to a site that uses SubSonic 2.0.3. I have all of the code but I need to regenerate some database tables. I do not have the SubCommander exe though. I looked for an archive location but I can not find it.
Is there a way to get the SubCommander of this version. I really don't have the time to change every page to use the latest version.
If you still have a copy of the *.aspx template files, newer builds from SubSonic 2 should do the same work for you since subcommander just takes the templates and generates some classes.
You can grab SubSonic 2.1 from here: http://github.com/subsonic/SubSonic-2.0/downloads
You should give it a try.
If you can't find the templates you could use a resource editor like this http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dotnet/asmex.aspx and extract them since they are part of the subsonic.dll
A bit late - but if you still need it -> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5853240/SubSonic%202.0.3.zip
