blackberry google map java code - blackberry-eclipse-plugin

how i add google map to my application.
when i click a button, then it open the google map.
how it can be done ?
give detailed explanation.
iam a fresher to blackberry programming.

I dont know whats going on your appllication but I hope this will help you.
BlackBerry and map based apps like Yelp and Google Map


Side Bar Menu in Xamarin.iOS

I'm MVC .Net Developer and just a beginner in Xamarin.ios. I want to implement side bar menu slider in my app but I'm not understanding how to design it in storyboard. I've gone through some links as follows.
Please provide me some helpful links and suggestions for it.
Any help is appreciated. Thank You
The best way to do this is to use the split view controller. When you create the new xamarin ios project you should select that as the template. You will need to understand UITableviews to create the navigation pane, but there are plenty of resources on that.
If you want a more customizable option I would recommend looking at syncfusion which is free to use for small organizations and developers. Here is a link to there site on how to create a custom navigation pane:
Hope this helps. If you would like more specific info, comment and let me know. Xamarin can be kind of difficult to get into but it's a great way to build apps once you get used to it.

Take panoramic photos in Android

I want to make an Android application that allows the user to take panoramic pictures... I have been searching for several hours for some library or some sample code or tutorial but I didn't find anything very interesting. Some applications like "Cardboard camera" or the standard Android camera can do this! Is there a way to call these application functions? Or some API? It still would be good if the app I want to make just would use an external app to take the photo. Please help me, thank you :)

How to implement "SplitView" on Android phone (not tabled) like new YouTube app?

I want to implement "SplitView" on Android phone (not tabled) like new YouTube app.
Any ideas how do it?
Not really a specific programming question. More like an open question. Anyways you can start by researching Fragments. Here is a link to a tutorial: Fragments.
Hope that helps.

Animation in Youtube Application for Android Tablets

Here is the screen shot of Youtube Application that we see in tablets.
I like this animation very much and want to try it in my application. So, I want to know about it. Can anyone tell me about it. What this animation is called and where I can find some knowledge and guide/tutorial for this?
Secondly what control is used in here? I have few things in my mind e.g. Gallery, GridView etc. Kindly share your knowledge.
Any help is much appreciated.
YouTube uses a custom component we call the "carousel," written in Renderscript.

Reviewing a website

I'm looking for a tool (free/paid) like a program that help me in reviewing my website style and interface such as explain the content of the home page (footer, header ..... ) taking snapshots and write comment on them ... I know this can be done using (print screen) and the MS paint but I need a more professional tool to use .
thank you in advance
I'm not sure if I understand well, but conceptshare may be the tool you looking for.
There's a firefox extension called Screengrab that can capture an entire page. You could add annotations to that quite easily in a DTP tool.
I'm not sure about the type of review you're looking for.
If you want to have people using the website and giving you their feedback in terms of navigation, layout, design and content, you can use a services.
They'll enroll users to test out the website and them give you a URl to review a video/audio recording of each user test. It's a great way to validate your website.
Hope this is what you were looking for...
