Controlling azure worker roles concurrency in multiple instance - azure

I have a simple work role in azure that does some data processing on an SQL azure database.
The worker basically adds data from a 3rd party datasource to my database every 2 minutes. When I have two instances of the role, this obviously doubles up unnecessarily. I would like to have 2 instances for redundancy and the 99.95 uptime, but do not want them both processing at the same time as they will just duplicate the same job. Is there a standard pattern for this that I am missing?
I know I could set flags in the database, but am hoping there is another easier or better way to manage this.

As Mark suggested, you can use an Azure queue to post a message. You can have the worker role instance post a followup message to the queue as the last thing it does when processing the current message. That should deal with the issue Mark brought up regarding the need for a semaphore. In your queue message, you can embed a timestamp marking when the message can be processed. When creating a new message, just add two minutes to current time.
And... in case it's not obvious: in the event the worker role instance crashes before completing processing and fails to repost a new queue message, that's fine. In this case, the current queue message will simply reappear on the queue and another instance is then free to process it.

There is not a super easy way to do this, I dont think.
You can use a semaphore as Mark has mentioned, to basically record the start and the stop of processing. Then you can have any amount of instances running, each inspecting the semaphore record and only acting out if semaphore allows it.
However, the caveat here is that what happens if one of the instances crashes in the middle of processing and never releases the semaphore? You can implement a "timeout" value after which other instances will attempt to kick-start processing if there hasnt been an unlock for X amount of time.
Alternatively, you can use a third party monitoring service like AzureWatch to watch for unresponsive instances in Azure and start a new instance if the amount of "Ready" instances is under 1. This will save you can save some money by not having to have 2 instances up and running all the time, but there is a slight lag between when an instance fails and when a new one is started.

A Semaphor as suggested would be the way to go, although I'd probably go with a simple timestamp heartbeat in blob store.
The other thought is, how necessary is it? If your loads can sustain being down for a few minutes, maybe just let the role recycle?

Small catch on David's solution. Re-posting the message to the queue would happen as the last thing on the current execution so that if the machine crashes along the way the current message would expire and re-surface on the queue. That assumes that the message was originally peeked and requires a de-queue operation to remove from the queue. The de-queue must happen before inserting the new message to the queue. If the role crashes in between these 2 operations, then there will be no tokens left in the system and will come to a halt.
The ESB dup check sounds like a feasible approach, but it does not sound like it would be deterministic either since the bus can only check for identical messages currently existing in a queue. But if one of the messages comes in right after the previous one was de-queued, there is a chance to end up with 2 processes running in parallel.
An alternative solution, if you can afford it, would be to never de-queue and just lease the message via Peek operations. You would have to ensure that the invisibility timeout never goes beyond the processing time in your worker role. As far as creating the token in the first place, the same worker role startup strategy described before combined with ASB dup check should work (since messages would never move from the queue).


Time triggered Azure Function and queue processing

I have a Function called once a day processing all messages in a queue. But I would like to also have the retries and poison messages logic as with the Queue Trigger. Is this somehow possible?
So at that point you function is purely a timer triggered function and from there you are no different than a console app in terms of how you would have to process messages from a queue with your own client connection, message loop, retrying and dead lettering (poison) logic. It's honestly just not the right tool for that job.
One approach I suppose you could consider if you wanted to be creative so that you could benefit from using an Azure Function's built in queue trigger behavior while still controlling what time the queue is processed is actually starting and stopping the function instance itself via something like Azure Scheduler. Scheduling the starting of the function is pretty straightforward and, once started, it will immediately begin draining the queue. The challenge is knowing how to stop it. The Azure Function runtime with the queue binding won't ever stop on its own as it's reading off the queue using a pull model so it's just gonna sit there waiting for new messages to arrive, right? So stopping it is really a question of understanding the need of the business. Do you stop once there's no more messages left for that day? Do you stop at a specific time of day? Etc. There's no correct answer here, it's totally domain specific, but whatever that answer is will dictate the exact approach taken.
Honestly, as I said earlier on, I'm not sure this is the right tool for the job. Yeah, it's nice that you get the retry and poison handling, but you're really going against the grain of the runtime. I would personally suggest you look into scheduling this simple console executable, executed in a task-like fashion using Azure Container Instances (some docs on that approach here). If you were counting on the auto-scale of Azure Functions, that's totally something you can get from Azure Container Instances as well.

Failure handling for Queue Centric work pattern

I am planning to use a queue centric design as described here for one of my applications. That essentially consists of using a Azure queue where work requests are queued from the UI. A worker reads from the queue, processes and deletes the message from the queue.
The 'work' done by the worker is within a transaction so if the worker fails before completing, upon restart it again picks up the same message (as it has not be deleted from the queue) and tries to perform the operation again (up to a max number of retries)
To scale I could use two methods:
Multiple workers each with a separate queue. So if I have five workers W1 to W5, I have 5 queues Q1 to Q5 and each worker knows which queue to read from and failure handling is similar as the case with one queue and one worker
One queue and multiple workers. Here failure/Retry handling here would be more involved and might end up using the 'Invisibility' time in the message queue to make sure no two workers pick up the same job. The invisibility time would have to be calculated to make sure that its enough for the job to complete and yet not be large enough that retries are performed after a long time.
Would like to know if the 1st approach is the correct way to go? What are robust ways of handling failures in the second approach above?
You would be better off taking approach 2 - a single queue, but with multiple workers.
This is better because:
The process that delivers messages to the queue only needs to know about a single queue endpoint. This reduces complexity at this end;
Scaling the number of workers that are pulling from the queue is now decoupled from any code / configuration changes - you can scale up and down much more easily (and at runtime)
If you are worried about the visibility, you can initially choose a default timespan, and then if the worker looks like it's taking too long, it can periodically call UpdateMessage() to update the visibility of the message.
Finally, if your worker timesout and failed to complete processing of the message, it'll be picked up again by some other worker to try again. You can also use the DequeueCount property of the message to manage number of retries.
Multiple workers each with a separate queue. So if I have five workers
W1 to W5, I have 5 queues Q1 to Q5 and each worker knows which queue
to read from and failure handling is similar as the case with one
queue and one worker
With this approach I see following issues:
This approach makes your architecture tightly coupled (thus beating the whole purpose of using queues). Because each worker role listens to a dedicated queue, the web application responsible for pushing messages in the queue always need to know how many workers are running. Anytime you scale up or down your worker role, some how you need to tell web application so that it can start pushing messages in appropriate queue.
If a worker role instance is taken down for whatever reason there's a possibility that some messages may not be processed ever as other worker role instances are working on their dedicated queues.
There may be a possibility of under utilization/over utilization of worker role instances depending on how web application pushes the messages in the queue. For optimal utilization, web application should know about the worker role utilization so that it can decide which queue to send message to. This is certainly not a desired thing for a web application to do.
I believe #2 is the correct way to go. #Brendan Green has covered your concerns about #2 in his answer excellently.

Temporarily hiding a message in azure service bus queue/topic

I have a scenario where some of the messages depend no the completion of another messages to be completed. So there is a precondition for a set of messages to be processed that another message should be processed first. The precondition message is a long running process which can take up to 30 minutes to process.
What I would like is to hide a message for lets say 5 minutes from all the subscribers when I sense that precondition is not complete and then after 5 minutes it is available again and hidden for next 5 minutes if cant be processed and so on.
I can see that I can use sessions and defer could be solution but I do not want to go that way. Since that will require to maintain a storage to keep the defered messages in a non queue storage.
Another way could be that I do a peak lock on the message and then leave it alone and let the lock expire so that in due time it will reappear in the queue.
Is there a better way of doing this?
There are a couple ways to achieve this. When you get a message to can choose to Defer it. This will remove it from the active queue and you will have to later ask for this message specifically with a MessageId. For your scenario it may be possible to use Scheduled messages (see below) but that will involve receiving the message and then scheduling another one using the following:

Correct code pattern for recurrent events in Azure worker roles with sizable delays between each event

I have an Azure worker role whose job is to periodically run some code against a SQL Azure database. Here's my current code:
const int oneHour = 216000000; // milliseconds
while (true)
var numConversions = SaveSeedsToSQL.ConvertRemainingPotentialQueryURLsToSeeds();
SaveLogEntryToSQL.Save(new LogEntry { Count = numConversions });
Is Thread.Sleep(216000000) the best way of programming such regular but infrequent events or is there some kind of wake-up-and-run-again mechanism for Azure worker roles that I should be utilizing?
This code works of course, but there are some problems:
You can fail somewhere and this schedule gets all thrown off. That
is important if you must actually do it at a specific time.
There is no concurrency control here. If you want something only done once,
you need a mechanism such that a single instance will perform the
work and the other instances won't.
There are a few solutions to this problem:
Run the Windows Scheduler on the role (built in). That solves problem 1, but not 2.
Run Quartz.NET and schedule things. That solves #1 and depending on how you do it, also #2.
Use future scheduled queue messages in either Service Bus or Windows Azure queues. That solves both.
The first two options work with caveats, so I think the last option deserves more attention. You can simply create a message(s) that your role(s) will understand and post it to the queue. Once the time comes, it becomes visible and your normally polling roles will see it and can work on it. The benefit here is that it is both time accurate as well as a single instance operates on it since it is a queue message. When completed with the work, you can have the instance schedule the next one and post it to the queue. We use this technique all the time. You only have to be careful that if for some reason your role fails before scheduling the next one, the whole system kinda fails. You should have some sanity checks and safeguards there.

What assumptions can I make about global time on Azure?

I want my Azure role to reprocess data in case of sudden failures. I consider the following option.
For every block of data to process I have a database table row and I could add a column meaning "time of last ping from a processing node". So when a node grabs a data block for processing it sets "processing" state and that time to "current time" and then it's the node responsibility to update that time say every one minute. Then periodically some node will ask for "all blocks that have processing state and ping time larger than ten minutes" and consider those blocks as abandoned and somehow queue them for reprocessing.
I have one very serious concern. The above approach requires that nodes have more or less the same time. Can I rely on all Azure nodes having the same time with some reasonable precision (say several seconds)?
For processing times under 2 hrs, you can usually rely on queue semantics (visibility timeout). If you have the data stored in blob storage, you can have a worker pop a queue message containing the name of the blob to work on and set a reasonable visibility timeout on the message (up to 2 hrs today). Once it completes the work, it can delete the queue message. If it fails, the delete is never called and after the visibility timeout, it will reappear on the queue for reprocessing. This is why you want your work to be idempotent, btw.
For processing that lasts longer than two hours, I generally recommend a leasing strategy where the worker leases the underlying blob data (if possible or a dummy blob otherwise) using the intrisic lease functionality in Windows Azure blob storage. When a worker goes to retrieve a file, it tries to lease it. A file that is already leased is indicative of a worker role currently processing it. If failure occurs, the lease will be broken and it will become leasable by another instance. Leases must be renewed every min or so, but they can be held indefinitely.
Of course, you are keeping the data to be processed in blob storage, right? :)
As already indicated, you should not rely on synchronized times between VM nodes. If you store datetimes for any reason - use UTC or you will be sorry later.
The answer here isn't to use time based synchronization (if you would however, make sure you use UTCNow), but there is still no guarantee anywhere that the clocks are synced. Nor should there be.
For the problem you are describing a queue based system is the answer. I've been referencing a lot to it, and will do it again, but I've explained some benefits of queue based systems in my blog post.
The idea is the following:
You put a work item to the queue
Your worker role (one or many of them) peeks & locks the message
You try to process the message, if you succeed, you remove the message from the queue,
if not, you let it stay where it is
With your approach I would use AppFabric Queues because you can also have topics & subscriptions, which allows you to monitor the data items. The example in my blog post coveres this exact scenario, with the only difference being that instead of having a worker role I poll the queue from my web application. But the concept is the same.
I would try this a different way using queue storage. If you pop your block of data on a queue with a timeout then have your processing nodes (worker roles?) pull this data off the queue.
After the data is popped off the queue if the processing node does not delete the entry from the queue it will reappear on the queue for processing after the timeout period.
Remote desktop into a role instance and check (a) the time zone (UTC, I think), and (b) that Internet Time is enabled in Date and Time settings. If so then you can rely on them being no more than a few ms apart. (This is not to say that the suggestions to use a message queue instead won't work, but perhaps they do not suit your needs.)
