Windows Platform Installer fails during Orchard installation - orchardcms

I'm attempting to install Orchard 1.0 on a Windows 7 box. It has only just been released. I downloaded and installed the Windows Platform Installer and attempted to install Orchard. The error message is that the application has stopped working and asks if I want to debug or close the application.
The event log contains a single error:
The event logging service encountered an error while processing an incoming event published from Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing.
I tried installing MVC3 and it worked without any issues.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem?

I have exactly the same problem on a Windows 7 and a Windows Vista SP2 system.
MVC3 installs without problems and works just fine. Orchard CMS crashes WPI.

Get the Orchard ZIP file from their site, extract it and open the solution in Visual Studio 2010 or WebMatrix or VS Express and try to run it. You can also run it directly from the folder you extracted it to by using IIS Express.
The installation through Web Platform Installer is broken and it won't work.

I believe I have located the answer on the Orchard CMS Discussion tab on Codeplex.
The installation script was missing a reference to a library. They have now rectified this and have advised that you need to delete the AppData folder.
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer
Once I did this the WPI orchard cms installation worked.


IIS Web Platform Installer Error: 'doctype' is an unexpected token. The expected token is 'DOCTYPE'. Line 1, position 3

I've just created a new IIS website on a Windows Server 2008 in order to use it to deploy a new website.
The website is still empty.
If I try to open IIS Web Platform Installer under Management Tools, I get stuck on the error:
'doctype' is an unexpected token. The expected token is 'DOCTYPE'.
Line 1, position 3.
After closing the error, the Web platform Installer closes.
Do anyone know how to solve it?
Let me know in the comments if you need any other info or technical data, I have really no idea on how can I troubleshoot this
I had the same issue. However, I cannot uninstall IIS completely as I have many sites on my IIS running.
What I did was, I tried to install an IIS module which was not there. for eg, I chose CORS module.
You can get it from here
Once I tried installing, WPI automatically uninstalled and reinstalled during the process and it resolved the issue.
Hope it helps!
As mentioned by #qbik Simply updating the Web platform installer fixed the issue. You can download the latest at this time from here.
Done, here's how I solved.
This issue seems to be strictly related to an old configuration of this server, so I had to manually reset it. If you face this issue, these following steps should work fine:
First of all, I had to remove the IIS role functionality from
Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Window Features on or
off > Roles.
Then, I restarted the server and added again the IIS role
functionality (make sure to check all of the asp net
After that, I restarted the server (again) and I have reinstalled: 1) DotNetCore.2.0.7-WindowsHosting (you've got to find the installer online, make sure to download the last version. 2.0.7 was the last when I made this question so on 25/05/2018) 2) Web platform Installer from here.
Executing web platform installer from all program inside start menu worked fine.
Hope it will be helpful
(See Also:
How to Install Web Platform Installer and Web Deployment)

TFS Build stopped running web deploy after .NET core install

I have had webdeploy running for YEARS on a Windows Server 2012 machine with standard MSBuild arguments (like this).
Yesterday I installed the Windows (Server Hosting) version of the .NET Core Installer from the .NET Core downloads page.
Since then my build tasks are running and successfully building my website, but not actually running any web deploy publishing. It is not failing - it is just not being run.
I want to stress I am talking about a 'legacy' .NET application - not a .NET Core application. I just installed .NET Core for somebody else.
I can verify this with the following observations:
There are no errors in any event viewers (except ones that are months old)
There is no message in the msbuild logfile that says Start Web Deploy Publish, however log files from just a couple days ago do have this message.
I can connect to the local server at port 8172 and it makes a connection.
It is happening with multiple projects that nobody else has access to.
_PublishedWebsites does get created with the latest files - it just never gets deployed anywhere.
What could possibly have broken this? Did the Windows Server Hosting package break it - or was it just some other update that came in? I've run out of ideas how to fix it and don't want to revert to xcopy!
Managed to fix it :-) Not sure exactly which of these steps did it, but I suspect it was Visual studio.
I was using TFS Express 2015 and upgraded to Update 3.
I also installed Visual Studio 2015 on the server itself.
I had previously had .NET Core RC2 (or whatever they called it at the time) installed and I uninstalled that before installing .NET Core RTM. Wondering if that removed some component that was required.
Like I said everything was working fine before I installed the .NET Core RTM - but fortunately installing VS and TFS brought everything back to normal.

Failed to create imageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png

I recently migrated windows 8.1. But unable to open vs2013/vs2012 new Project template.
IT was working fine in windows 8.
ERROR: Failed to create imageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'
Tried all options but did not succeed.
Please HELP
This is because you migrated from windows 8 to windows 8.1
First Go to Control Panel --> Check Updates for Windows 8.1
Install All Important Updates
Restart Your Pc
All things will properly work..
I tried almost every solution I found.
I would like to share, what I have tried and did not work and what did work and solved the problem.
Here are the "solutions" which did not work for me but claimed that they worked for some people.
1) Removing FastPictureViewer Codec Pack (which was already not installed)
2) Having a modify permission to everyone for
3) Using Procmon to see broken registries
4) Uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages
5) Renaming the machine.config.default to machine.config
6) Running Visual Studio as an administrator
And this what it solved it:
Simply installed all the updates for windows 8.1 (not only the important ones, also optional updates as well) and restart. It sounds crazy after spending hours and hours but that solved my problem.
Good luck!
I tried all the steps mentioned above and it did not work. Even I was not able to uninstall VS.
I reapaired .NET framework through Contrl Panel->Programs and Features-> Microsoft .Net Framework-> right click Chane/Uninstall Repair .Net Framework.
This solved the problem.
I got same error after Oracle Data Provider for VS 2013 installation. I installed all Windows 8.1 Important Updates but it didn't work. I read somewhere that it can be happened because of lastly installed VS Add-On etc. then uninstalled Oracle Data Provider for VS 2013 and problem solved.
I am using Visual Studio 2012. This problem occurred to me after I upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, so it is definitely related to the OS upgrade.
As some answers say, installing updates for Windows 8.1 will resolve the issue. But you don't need to install everything. I installed only the .NET related updates. Specifically, I installed "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Windows 8.1" (KB2934520), and a few others "Security and Quality Rollup" updates as well.
After a reboot, the "Loading Components" dialog shows up briefly upon launching Visual Studio, indicating that the cache of some components are invalidated and they are compiled again. After that, the "Add Reference" dialog works again.

IIS Web Deploy's "Import/Export Application" Action Missing?

I had a working IIS 7.5 with Web Deploy 3.5 configuration such that the "Import/Export Application" feature in the right hand action pane showed up and functioned properly. Unfortunately I had to remove and reinstall IIS, and now the Import/Export functionality does not show up in the Actions pane, as if Web Deploy was not installed.
I tried to reinstall using the automated installer at, but when I run it, the installer seems to think that Web Deploy is already installed and does not offer me any reinstall/uninstall option.
How can I force a reinstall of WebDeploy or force IIS to recognize that Web Deploy is still installed?
Go to
Scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Download Web Deploy" header
Click the x86 or x64 link next to your language of choice. Do not click the WebPI link.
Once downloaded, click on the installer to open it.
Click Next
Click the Remove button
Now you can reinstall it using the Web Platform Installer, or just use the standalone.
On a side note...
If you don't see the Deploy options in IIS once you've reinstalled Web Deploy, try running IIS as Administrator. Hope this helps.
I am running IIS on my development machine on Windows 7. Web Deploy 3.6 seem to break something as the Import / Export Application options are not available. Had to uninstall 3.6 via control panel add/remove programs and then install 3.5 via Web PI.
I've installed Web Deployment Tool 2.1 then restart IIS Manager and the Import/Export Application appeared.
I was running a 'gallery template' Windows Server 2012 VM on Azure. Web Platform Installer said Web Deploy 3.5 was already installed. At first I thought this neat feature had been removed/moved.
In Add/Remove Programs, saw that Web Deploy 3.6 Beta was installed. Removed it and reinstalled 3.5 (without SQL stuff) via Web PI.
Ran IIS Manager as admin and all works fine.
Update - A new Azure VM also had this problem, but had 3.6 Beta3 installed. Again, removed and reinstalled 3.5 via WebPI.
None of the other answers here fixed this for me with Visual Studio 17 on Windows 10. The fix was here:
Web Deploy 4 has moved to be distributed with Visual Studio 2017. This is nuts because the Web Deploy service and the Import/Export tools are for server administrators and not devs. The discussion in the link says they are working on adding Web Deploy 4 to the Web Platform Installer, but have encountered a few issues (read: we didn't create a proper deployment for it the first place.)
The fix for me was to uninstall Web Deploy 4 from Control Panel-Apps & features, then reinstall from the MSI provided with Studio. Look in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages for a folder like Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebDeploy.Msi,version=...,chip=x64. The MSI file is within that. More detail in the link I mentioned.
My guess is if the IIS Manager is not turned on at the time Studio (and therefore Web Deploy) is installed, the hook for Import/Export can't be created.
My situation is slightly different as I never had the import/export menus. For what it's worth:
I tried to install the Web Deploy installer. It said that a newer version was installed. I tried repairing Web Platform Installer. Nothing changed. I tried changing but was told there were individual components. I tried uninstall/reinstalling WebPlatformInstaller.
After that, the IIS Manager showed a Web Platform Installer icon under the Management section after restarting, but still no Deploy menu on the right click.
Double-clicking that icon started the installer where I could then search for web deploy. There was a Web Deployment Tool 2.1 that was not installed. Clicking Add then Install and restarting IIS Manager (not run As Administrator) was all that was needed to get the Deploy menu:
According to this Microsoft document, the Web Platform Installer should have started automatically. Never did. But it is in the start menu. The steps are the same weather you start it from IIS Manager or standalone.

I cannot create a Cloud Project after installing Azure SDK 2.0

I installed the new Azure SDK from the Web Platform Installer.
Now when I try File > New Project > Cloud > Windows Azure Cloud Service > OK
Then I get this error message:
Error: this template attempted to load component assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.CloudService.Wizard, Version= ...
I have tried everything I can think of including uninstall of the 1.8 SDK, uninstall of the 2.0 SDK and reninstall. Always I get this message. I cannot see anything about this on the internet. My install gave no error messages.
Also noticed that now in Server Explorer I only have Data Connections, Servers, Windows Azure Service Bus and WIndows Azure Web Sites. There's nothing for storage.
Does anyone have any ideas what may be wrong.
I've had the same problem with skd 2.0
Even trying repairing or installing missing features won't work.
After hours spent on repairing and reinstalling, the only solution I found was to uninstall BOTH Visual Studio and Azure sdk, and installing them again.
After the reinstallation it works fine, but I still have no clue why :P
I keep a development VM for each SDK that comes out. When I upgrade older projects to newer SDKs there are bugs, sometimes bugs without workarounds. I've learned the hard way that installing a new SDK is dangerous.
If you can, develop inside a VM and take occasional snapshots. Otherwise, you do end up reinstalling Visual Studio and installing the original SDK that you first created you project with. -Richard
I've seen this issue on multiple machines after upgrading to 2.7, 2.8, and/or 2.9. Reinstalling VS, VS Updates, and/or SDKs would sometimes help, but sometimes not. The last time no combination of installs worked.
I finally ran Visual Studio with logging enabled via Devenv /log, and according to the %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{version#}\ActivityLog.xml file, there was an error merging the configuration file located at %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{version#}\devenv.exe.config I deleted that config file and restarted Visual Studio and the problem went away.
Uninstall Visual Studio using VisualStudioUninstaller did the trick for me.
Then I did a clean install of Visual Studio and Azure SDK, and everything worked just fine!
