Service httpd error - linux

I have a centOS virtual machine with 3 virtual hosts. It worked fine until this moment when I lost access to the dns server. Now the hosts can't be resolved. Can any1 tell me if I can configure some static routes or something to the virtual hosts?
Print screen with the httpd response:
P.S. I would prefere not to configure a DNS server since the old one will start tomorrow again.

In your /etc/hosts you can map IP addresses to hostnames:
// etc...


Website works remotely but not on the server itself when called by domain

I am using Windows Server 2019 and in IIS 10 I have created a website and I have bound it to both: "localhost" and "" on port 80. works correctly from any client but on the server only when I call "localhost" it works otherwise I get the following error (when called by domain):
Configure your DNS in your local server to resolve the domain name as localhost
On clients, your request is resolved by its configured DNS.
It can be on public DNS (internet) or private ones (company, intranet).
From the server, do you have access to the same DNS than your clients use ?
If not, either configure additional DNS servers :
or you could edit you Host file of (local DNS):
It may look like that : localhost
# and existing settings

cPanel Server Incorrect URL Resolve

My cPanel server is resolving a URL wrong. The website is hosted on my cPanel server at ip In a script I am attempting a cURL command to which is hosted on another server at My server is resolving to the IP of Any help will be greatly appreciated!
It seems like your dns settings for are not visible on the host where you are running your script. You should check the dns settings for You may also want to contact the Cpanel support
When you make a cURL request from a source hosted on your cPanel server the IP for the domain is first resolved locally, if it's not found in your Server's DNS zones it will be resolved from your configuration at /etc/resolv.conf
You can test to see which IP your server is resolving this by logging via SSH and pinging it
Executed from your cPanel Server
I can think of two workarounds for this issue:
If's DNS zone is hosted in your cPanel account
Go to cPanel -> Zone Editor
Open the DNS zone for
Find the A record for
Change it to
If you have root - edit your WHM / cPanel Server's /etc/hosts file
root#server #: vim /etc/hosts

Webmin local development with name based virtualhosts

Hi i am trying to name based virtual hosts for my localhost.I was using wamp with name based virtualhost before but now im working on ubuntu.I thought webmin can be easy but when i create first virtual host all requests redirecting first virtual host even localhost,second virtualhost and phpmyadmin.
So how can i set webmin for reach each of them separately.
hosts config #working fine #working fine
Its because you are using a local server and your all domain will by default search or your IP. So untill you declair them as CNAME in your zone file or do a entry in host file, they all will work as alias of a single domain. Thanks... :)

DNSClient is Not able to ping DNSserver by its hostname BUT able to ping by its IP

I have Two Linux Machine Redhat & Centos Under Window 7(as host) In Vmware Workstation.
I configure DNS server & DHCP Server in Redhat(
Client which is Centos is able to get IP( from DHCP server but it is not picking up name from DNS Server.
Problem is At server i am able to ping itself by hostname like
root#server->ping Ping successfull
But Client is not able to ping Server by Hostname like
root#localhost->ping Ping Not Successfull
Client is able to ping Server by its ip like
root#localhost->ping Ping Successfull
Now My questn is that Why Client is not able to ping server by its hostname & why client is not picking up name from DNS server,
Just had similar issue on my Debian VM running on a Win7 host.
Setting up DNS server isn't enough to resolve server name, especially when proxy is used in your network environment.
To solve it, you've to export http_proxy environment variable on command line before calling other executables. For example:
export http_proxy="http://{your proxy ip address here}:{your proxy port here}"
As usual, remember to add it to your profile script so you don't redo it after each boot.

host doing unnecessary dns lookup for localhost

I have a centOS system(embedded and has very binaries) with the following /etc/hosts.
$cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost
Also the host is assigned a DNS server which returns some invalid IP for the domain name lookup of localhost. But I cannot avoid a connection to this DNS due to some network restrictions.
My question is, when I already have a valid /etc/hosts file why is the system querying the DNS for localhost? And how can I stop that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check that you have files listed before dns for the hosts entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
[me#home]$ grep "^hosts" /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts: files dns
If dns comes first, then your system will always query DNS to resolve hostnames before falling back to /etc/hosts.
