Anti-Alias versus Hi-Density Screen? [closed] - graphics

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Conceptual question, just out of curiosity:
What is less taxing on the graphics processor: Anti-aliasing (2x? 4x? Higher?) on a typical desktop machine (around 120-150dpi) or to drive a hi-density (>300dpi) screen without anti-aliasing? This question could pertain to both desktop systems and embedded (smartphones). I'm interested to see the responses!

Neither usually, since font rendering and AA is done by the CPU (though you can use GPU features to blur). And then it depends on the font rasterizer and how good or bad it was implemented. It also depends on how AA was done, whether a matrix blur was applied, an FFT, or a simple render-bigger-and-bicubic-downsampling was used. Only runtime tests can show.


How do I measure CPU usage and memory percentage versus time on linux? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like to plot the CPU and memory usage of an application on linux vs time. What is the best way to do this?
Would greping these values out from top every 0.1s and writing them into some file work - or is there a better and easier way?
There is an easier way. All of the information displayed in top can be found in /proc/<pid>/, most of it in /proc/<pid>/stat. man proc describes the content of these files.

Does Linux implement page coloring? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does the current Linux kernels implements some form of page coloring when assigning virtual to physical address mapping?
Linus said:
there have been at least four different major cache coloring trials
for the kernel over the years. This discussion has been going on since the
early nineties. And none of them have worked well in practice.
Reasons are that it adds too much cost to the page free/page alloc paths, and it's pointless
because caches have become associative so that there is no need.

Is there any Linux distro which works in real mode? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for GNU/Linux distribution which works in real mode. I want to install it in virtual machine so I can study assembly. Is there any one who can help me with it ?
There's ELKS, a subset of Linux suitable for the 8086 processor (ie, no memory manager unit needed, real mode only, etc). But I don't think that such a beast will be your best vehicle to study assembly...

Is it possible to generate glyphs for the Linux terminal on the fly? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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For example, Impulse Tracker for DOS was a nice music production app that was among the first to create a smooth mouse using glyphs generated on the fly in the characters located near the current position of the mouse. (Read here for a better description of what I mean).
So, I'm just wondering if that can be done in Linux terminals (e.g. the tty1-6 terminals or Gnome Terminal). Is it possible?
(EDIT: Should I post this on instead?)
Seeing as the terminal itself (and not the application) usually sets the font being used, I don't think this is possible. For the tty1-6 terminals, you could use a framebuffer to accomplish this, if you were that dedicated to the idea. With a terminal emulator on a desktop environment, I do not believe this is possible.
Would GPM accomplish what you're looking for, with a lot less hassle?
GPM Link 1
GPM Link 2

Lock screen on Linux-based screens [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Is there a lock screen on Linux-based systems?
When the screen is locked, the user should enter a PIN code to enter back. Like the PIN screen lock on an iPhone.
Gnome Desktop:
gnome-screensaver-command -l
What this actually does (source code) is call a DBUS Api that aims to be desktop-neutral. Read more about that on this page
I don't know if you are looking for a tool or library to do this. There are quite a few DE independent options:
They are opensource so you can take a look at code if you are looking for a programatic way to do this.
For library you can look at xlib for all interaction with X. XLockDisplay is the function that you might want to use.
Often you have that choice in the screen saver. Then the computer will be locked after a specific time that you decide. You have it in Ubuntus screen saver.
