Is there any Linux distro which works in real mode? [closed] - linux

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for GNU/Linux distribution which works in real mode. I want to install it in virtual machine so I can study assembly. Is there any one who can help me with it ?

There's ELKS, a subset of Linux suitable for the 8086 processor (ie, no memory manager unit needed, real mode only, etc). But I don't think that such a beast will be your best vehicle to study assembly...


Make a Linux OS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am making a smart home device and I need to make my own linux os from the ground up including the GUI and some assembly code I know will be necessary. What programming languages will I need to learn? What software will I need? Where do I start? Will I have to make my own kernel?
If you are not programmer and have not any such skills so run and dont look behind and save yourself but if not look at this:

in linux kernel 3.x module how can i count system calls with Kprobe? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i need help to write a kernel module to count the linux system calls at kernel 3.x
i want to implement this with kprobe but earlier ways do this with *sys_call*.
please help me.
In this site you may find useful details for Kprobe!

how to make a multi boot dvd for linux [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Is it possible to make a single bootable dvd with multiple linux distros in it? we should be able to select which os to boot by a menu.
There are several tutorials for this:

Linux Small Text only version [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I need a small linux Text only version bootable installed on a partition of my hardrive, How can I customize a Linux version like redhat, debian, puppy etc. Please suggest some suitable distribution?
Depends on what you call small and what the purpuse of the installation is. I'd recommend [Debian stable][1] (Lenny) or [Ubuntu-server][2] for server-purposes. A really small distro is [Damn Small Linux][3]. If you just want to play around with a small-as-possible distro, you can try the time-consuming [Linux-from-Scratch][4].
Archlinux, definitely. But it's not programming related.

Definitive website or pdf that explains about linux? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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like what is X windows,Cygwin,file system
Well, first you have to choose which Linux distribution you wish to use/learn, then you just use that distro's documentation, which normally has allot info.
You can find here some linux beginner lessons:
Finally the best way to learn, besides reading is "getting your hands dirty". Install a distro of your choice and mess with it :)
I think this is a great way to start
